Tag Archive | simply

The Science Of Gratitude

Giving Love

By adopting an attitude of gratitude
You improve your wellbeing, increase happiness,
And promote healthy interactions with others.
Anyone who’s had sisters, brothers, or mothers
Knows one thing about gratitude – it relieves stress
And it does wonders for elevating one’s mood.

People who purposefully appreciate more
Have reported that they have higher self-esteem
Than those who don’t so much. The science doesn’t lie.
For this reason you should give gratitude a try.
You’ll have blessings coming to you in the extreme.
Think of all the many things that you’re grateful for.

People who capture grateful thoughts before they sleep
Will sleep better than those who don’t. Why is this so?
Gratitude actually does rewire the brain.
Chemical interactions therein help you gain
Some momentum so that you’re allowing the flow
Of feelings and memories that you get to keep.

The good feeling neurotransmitters activate
The bliss center of the brain. Regular practice
Of being happy trains your prefrontal cortex
In a manner that often seems very complex.
Say to yourself, “It doesn’t get better than this!”
Gratitude is a wonderful way to feel great.

Be Who You Were Made To Be

Happy To Be

What does it take to make life work? I remember
Sitting on the couch crying out into the night
“What do you want from me? What’s the reason I’m here?”
I received an answer that was perfectly clear.
My life is not about me. How can that be right?
Right off hand it’s not something with which I concur.

My life is about everyone whose life I touch.
It’s about universal me in the sense that
We’re all one. It’s not about individual
Localized me. I’m open to the rationale
That my life is for others. I need to look at
Things in life that to others matter very much.

I’ve been given everything I need; compassion,
Awareness, wisdom, intelligence, clarity,
Understanding, and generosity, but I
Haven’t used them enough which is the reason why
That I feel that I’m not who I was meant to be
Which is to be of kind service to everyone.

There are things that I must do to earn money and
Make relationships work, but all I need to do
Is just be who I am, the divine being who
Uses life’s events as opportunities to
Uplift others. I am on my way to a new
Way of living, and of life I make no demand.

Running On Empty


It all starts with a thought that you didn’t ask for
And that you never wanted, but now that it’s here,
The game has changed because the thought isn’t your friend.
It’s not telling you what your heart would recommend
To uplift you. Instead an unspeakable fear
Overcomes you. It’s something that’s hard to ignore.

The thought grows as it festers. It takes on a voice
That tells you that you’re finished because you’re too weak
To go on. It reminds you of what you have been
In the past. You don’t need to go back there again.
From an empty well does the voice within you speak.
You can listen to it or not. It is your choice.

Softly at first, then a little louder it gets
Gradually increasing in volume until
It’s become a strong point of attraction for you.
You know in your gut that what it says isn’t true.
What you want to do is to remember the thrill
That you had once. It’s one of your greatest assets.

When you meet some resistance, your limits have not
Even been tested. Obstacles don’t make the goal
Any more or less real. They’re an indication
That simply some adjustment will need to be done,
So just do it and know that it will make you whole.
You’re not running on empty – just in the same spot.

Believe In Yourself


From a textbook you can’t learn everything that you
Need to know to be healthy and happy. Some say
That when you’re in the trenches of life, you will know
That this world is a tough place. Is this really so?
It may be true for those programmed in such a way
That they can’t escape from what they believe is true.

Getting what you want and making the most of the
Time you have here requires that you put yourself in
The position to succeed. It means you see a
Finish line before one exists. If you can stay
Focused on your fulfillment, then you will begin
To see proof that what you want is coming to be.

You either accomplish something or you do not
In a binary system. Results people see –
Not the hard work and long hours you’ve dedicated.
If you’re satisfied with what you have created,
Then you are living your life most successfully.
Your belief in yourself really matters a lot.

True ambition means that you’re cloaked in confidence.
When you look in the mirror, you believe in who
Stares back at you. You see the unseen. You’re willing
To choose for yourself a life that is fulfilling.
Life has failures and setbacks, but you make it through
By the power that guides your very existence.