Tag Archive | indulgence

What Is It To See?


Some use the symbolism of relationship
Wherein God is expressing through a brilliant light.
Underneath all the forms we perceive, the divine
Is kept from direct vision unless we align
With its presence. The notion implies inner sight.
Going into the bright light is a sacred trip.

You are looking right at it, and in doing so,
You are it. The experience is exactly
The same as pure divinity. We’re pretending
Not to know this for the fear of our offending
The Almighty. We want to see desperately
Evidence of the presence that seems hard to know.

The vision of the paper cup is just the same
As the brilliant light of the cosmos. It’s unseen
Because all the points of divine light are tiny.
We’re amazed by the many things there are to see.
We can know that within God there’s no in-between.
A rose is still a rose by any other name.

The source of all light is in the eyes. If there were
No eyes in the world, then there would be no sunlight.
We evoke light from being. Our consciousness state
In this moment is one we can appreciate.
It is something like heaven to be given sight.
The spirit that you are is obliged to concur.

This Is What You Shall Do

A Virtuous Life

Love the earth and the sun and all the animals.
Despise riches. Give alms to everyone that asks.
Stand up for the stupid and crazy among us.
Keep a positive slant on the things you discuss.
This may be one of the most difficult of tasks
But it may be one of the sanest rationales.

Devote your income and labor to other folk.
Do hate tyrants, and argue not concerning God.
Have patience and indulgence toward the people.
Take your hat off to no known construction of bull
Or to any man. Do not the ego applaud
Or else antagonism it may well provoke.

Go freely with the powerful persons – those who
Are without education… also with the young
And with the mothers of families be at ease.
Through the eyes of the other the wiser one sees
All there is that is missing. Keep quiet your tongue
Lest the thing that you offer be arrogant spew.

Re-examine all that you have been told in school
Or in church or in any book. Gladly dismiss
Whatever insults your own soul. Be the poem
That is of richest fluency as your words stem
From the depths of your soul. Do encounter the bliss
Of a wholesome authentic life and one that’s cool.

What Shall I Do?

Suspenseful Purpose

The Suspension of Matter in relative space
Is the quaint cosmic setting in which all exists.
Microphysics and those of unspeakable size
Bend the best minds of science. Must I realize
That all that I’m a part of not only consists
Of all that I can sense in my humblest embrace?

I know not what to do and need guidance always.
Thankfully it’s available to everyone.
Love the earth, sun, and animals. Despise riches.
Give alms to everyone who asks. Treat that which is
With respect and tread gently. Do have lots of fun.
To the dense and the loony, give them their just praise.

All your income and labor, devote to others.
Do hate tyrants and argue not concerning God.
Have patience and indulgence with other people.
Take your hat off to nothing, and don’t take the bull.
Go freely with the powerful, stupid, and odd…
And the mothers of families as life occurs.

Re-Examine all you’ve been taught at any school…
Or the church or from any book. That which insults
Your own soul, do dismiss it. Your flesh can’t but be
Poetry in its full richness of fluency.
Silent lines of the lips and face, living exalts.
The whole body becomes then a most gracious tool.