Archive | December 2023

Start Asking Spirit For Help


What you don’t want you know now. It’s evidenced by
The distress you experience from day to day.
Whether it be the state of the world as you know
Or your personal story of pain and sorrow
Be assured that through spirit you can find your way
Back to knowing how yourself you can satisfy.

When you know what you don’t want you know what you do.
When someone is rude to you you want them to be
More respectful. If you feel pain you want to feel
Relief from it. You favor what is most ideal.
All this is to say that you want to be happy.
Spirit knows everything that’s going on with you.

You were spirit before you were born and you’re still
Spirit now with a body. You’re an extension
Of spiritual energy. You can access
Your own spirit by altering your consciousness
Or you can simply by paying more attention
To how you feel. You can find contentment at will.

Your emotional guidance system connects you
With your spirit. Whenever you feel negative
Emotion it means that you’re not in agreement
With your spirit. Only by your conscious intent
Do you ask in a way that your spirit will give
You the answer. You have much to look forward to.

Trust The Process

Quality Quest

There’s nothing that exists in your wanting that you
Cannot fully manifest. Law of Attraction
Says that if you can dream it it can become true.
Lining up with it is all that you need to do
And you do it by reaching for satisfaction
And by maintaining a positive point of view.

Everything in this universe is vibration.
Once you begin to understand this you begin
To think and feel deliberately. You believe
That all that your senses are able to perceive
Is more tangible therefore you have less faith in
The vibrational form of manifestation.

You’re a vibrational being and you attract
By your focus so you must be fully aware
Of what you’re doing. Most folks create by default.
Usually it results in psychic assault.
About how you feel you must give your utmost care.
Don’t allow things to happen just so you’ll react.

You have an inner being – your spirit… your soul.
The expanded part of you is Source energy.
It’s your true essence. Trust that it knows everything
About you and believe that to you it can bring
Anything you can dream of immediately.
Hooking up with it is the way to become whole.

Life Is Like A Vacation Every Day

Serene Summer

There’s a path from where you are to where you want to
Be on every subject because the Source within
You knows what you want, where you are, and how to lead
You to your destination. You really don’t need
To offer so much struggle. It’s time to begin
To relax and let life work itself out for you.

It’s called the path of least resistance. If you’ve got
Some resistance you can’t see the path as clearly
As you would if you didn’t have the resistance.
When you try hard it complicates your circumstance.
Zoom out far enough from it and then you will see
That your work doesn’t yield a whole hell of a lot.

The effort that you’re offering indicates that
You’re tuned to the wrong frequency. If you need to
Explain things until you think your head will explode
It’s a sign that you’ve gotten yourself off the road
To fulfillment and all the defending you do
Of your position is keeping you where you’re at.

Life is meant to feel like a vacation to you
Everyday. Remember that lighthearted feeling
You once had as a child. You can have that again.
What you think needs to be done do it only when
You’ve had time to administer some self-healing
And you’ll find it’s the most enlightened thing to do.

Try Less


Like a soft whisper your conscience will let you know
When it’s time to relax. You may choose to ignore
What it’s telling you due to your obligations.
You attract uncomfortable situations
In so doing until you can’t do any more
But surrender and go with your natural flow.

Your work is not to try to think about it. Your
Work is to get into a state of allowing
Which means you can’t keep regurgitating how things
Are at present. Your vibrational offerings
To the magnificent and ever endowing
Universe you want to be absolutely pure.

All the cooperative components have been
Gathered already an the Law of Attraction
Orchestrates them and makes them available to
You always. Your belief in this stuff must be true.
What your spirit needs is a lethal distraction
From reality. Fulfillment will happen then.

Everything is completed vibrationally.
Take a break from goal setting and trust the process.
Do your efforting only when you’re at your best.
When you’re not then it’s best to just give it a rest.
You are much less productive when you’re under stress.
Things will manifest for you eventually.

It Will Manifest Fast


The much larger part of you is now already
Living the life that you want. What are you doing
In relationship to the expanded being
You’ve become? If you see the way it is seeing
Then you’ll find ease in whatever you’re pursuing.
On the road to fulfillment you remain steady.

The better you feel the more up to speed with your
Larger self you are. The reverse is also true.
If you feel less than happy then you’re nowhere near
Where your expanded being is. It has a clear
View of everything. This enlightened part of you
Has an understanding of what you’re looking for.

You may look into a segment of your life and
You’ll see something that hits you the wrong way. Maybe
It’s a car that won’t run or the state of affairs
Of your world or a possibility that scares
The daylights out of you. What happens instantly
Is the solution to solve the problem at hand.

But you must be receptive. The lag time between
What you want and your having it is created
By your feelings of lack. It Will Manifest Fast
As you let go of resistance and have a blast
With your life. It’s something to be celebrated
By you and by benevolent forces unseen.

When You’re Not Happy


Whatever is keeping you in utter sadness
Has momentum. You’ve felt this way for quite a while.
When you operate at your lower frequency
You move forward but with extreme difficulty.
It’s not too hard for you to relearn how to smile.
You have the power to save yourself from distress.

Frequency and momentum – there’s a difference
Between them. Frequency means point of attraction
And momentum is how strongly your frequency
Has brought things into your current reality.
You can get things to be to your satisfaction.
Your commitment to joy is your only expense.

You want to have enough exposure to enough
Experiences that you can work the bugs out
Of you vibration so that in time you’ll fly high
But for now the sad feeling you cannot deny
And how you got here isn’t worth talking about.
You or no one deserves to hear that sorry stuff.

Tune yourself to the frequency that is you and
Everything that is the frequency that you are
Will begin showing itself to you and meanwhile
Don’t let your getting there put a cramp in your style.
Remember always that you are never too far
From a thought that you loving heart can understand.

Giving In To Your Power


Sometimes words can put you back into alignment
When you’re not. You can give up the struggle and say
Things like, “It is what it is. I give up control
Of this tough situation. It’s only my goal
To be happy.”
When you talk to yourself this way

You can alleviate much of your discontent.

Many momentum building statements you can use
To uplift yourself. “Things are always working out
For me”
isn’t the best one you could use right now

But from where you are find something that will allow
Your own power to find you. There are without doubt
Many good affirmations from which you can choose.

“I give into my goodness. I give up the pain
And the struggle. I give into my worthiness.
I give into not caring what others may say
About me. In my state of alignment I’ll stay.
Into the probability of happiness
I surrender. I know I’ll have so much to gain.”

Talk yourself into your power. Feel easier
About life. Happiness is your primary goal.
Let the earth spin in its orbit. Let your heart beat
Through the night on its own and be willing to treat
Yourself and others kinder. It will make you whole.
Nothing keeps you from living the life you prefer.

Why You’re Not Happy

Strong Consideration

You’re about to leave college. The future although
Is uncertain for so many reasons. Your friends
Feel the same way. You don’t know what you want to do
With your life. You don’t know what the world’s coming to.
You’re not one to be naïve or one who pretends
That the world is without injustice and sorrow.

What makes you itch? What sort of a situation
Is ideal to you? What would you most like to do?
Ask this but leave money out of the equation.
Having done this you may have come up with just one
Thing that really excites the daylights out of you.
It’s most important that what you’re doing is fun.

Many people spend their lives in sheer misery
Doing what they don’t want in order to survive.
They’re not happy. Their dreams are not being fulfilled.
They no longer have the memory of what thrilled
Them from jump. They’re concerned about staying alive.
They’re not actualizing their reason to be.

It’s up to you to change the world that exists now.
We old ones have done quite enough damage and you
Are the hope of the future. Choose to be happy
In whatever you’re doing then the world will see
Better times. ‘Out with the old and in with the new’
Is your motto. The freedom of growth you’ll allow.

Act As If You Already Have It

Sassy Rich

Your reality is a realization
Of vibration so everything is all about
Your own interpretation of the energy
Of vibration from which everything comes to be.
There’s no need for you to figure anything out.
You’ve become now a master of co-creation.

The path of least resistance or most abundance…
Most fulfillment… most freedom to be who you are
Is revealed to you constantly but sometimes you
Can’t perceive it so clearly so what can you do
To release the resistance that’s keeping you far
From your dreams? What can you do in such circumstance?

Be receptive to impulse and inspiration.
Now, you can’t do this when you’re upset or bummed out
Or feeling like a victim. The receptive mode
Is attained when you choose to get on the high road
Of existence. That there is one you mustn’t doubt.
You’re there when you decide to kick back and have fun.

If you want it but don’t have it, that part of you
Who’s aware of not having it is preventing
It from coming. You must act as if you have it
Already. You will gain maximum benefit
From the strength of intention you’re implementing.
In a short while you will see you dream coming true.

Making Peace With Where I Am

Making Peace

Where I am is where I am but where am I now?
Have I time left to get to where I need to go?
Where I am now is troublesome. I’m in a place
Unbecoming of a person. Utter disgrace
Rains upon me. My memories are of sorrow.
Could I feel more remorse if I only knew how?

“All is well and it’s getting more well all the time.”
Not an appropriate mantra is this for me
At the moment but as I get things turned around
In my mind the more humanity can be found
In my nature. I know not how I came to be
Such a person susceptible to certain crime.

Have I the luxury to claim insanity
For all my past behavior? The things that I’ve done
Are atrocious and part of my reality.
Making Peace With Where I Am is how I break free
From my own psychic prison where I had begun
A sentence of self-undoing repentantly.

Where I am is an indicator of where I
Want to be and the gap between them I control.
Everything I’m living is an indication
Of downstream or upstream motion and I’m the one
To decide which direction will make me more whole.
That I feel somewhat hopeful I cannot deny.

Ignoring What Is


In the morning when you first wake up is when you
Set the tone for how the coming day will evolve.
If you take in the morning news and check email
Before getting yourself aligned what may prevail
Is a series of problems that you cannot solve.
Your day then becomes something other than brand new.

So ‘alignment’ means getting yourself out ahead
Of your day by not reactivating issues
Unresolved in the present. You quiet the mind
For a while. You can leave all your troubles behind
Long enough to remember that you get to choose
How you feel. Not by circumstances are you led.

A belief is just a thought you keep thinking and
The reason that you believe it is because you
Keep on thinking it. When things are manifested
To confirm your thought then you’re fully invested
In believing the thought. For you, it becomes true.
It’s not terribly difficult to understand.

Never mind your reality even though it’s
Hard to do because it’s so damned much in your face.
Shine light on something that causes a willingness
To focus slightly differently. Your success
At alignment depends on what thoughts you embrace.
Ignoring What Is yields manifold benefits.

Profound Satisfaction

Much Joy

When you tell your new story your world comes alive
Though it may not be the easiest thing to do
First crack out of the box. You can get yourself there
Because about how you feel you give utmost care.
At this moment you can have a fresh point of view
About your life. For happiness you want to strive.

Tell your new story the way you want it to be
Rather than the way it is and you will begin
To notice benevolent cooperative
Components assemble. You only have to give
Your attention to the guiding spirit within.
The universe wants to help you tell your story.

Be willing to let ex-partners be ex-partners…
To let bygones be bygones. The grudges you hold
Must be let go of. This alone will purify
Your vibration. There’s no reason you shouldn’t try
To author your new story. It wants to be told
As it lives and as in your life it well occurs.

Practice the power of your own mind and step back
Into a remembering of who you truly
Are in essence. You are part of Source Energy.
While living on this earth your purpose is to be
Doing whatever it may take to get happy.
You have reached the point now where there’s no looking back.