Tag Archive | vibration

You Create With Your Focus

In A Moment Of Wonder

Life has caused you to focus. That’s why you are here.
You came for the experience of sifting through
All the contrast life offers. You came to express
What could be done to lead to your own happiness
Then to have fun through the process as dreams come true.
You knew that you would find many things to hold dear.

What you give your attention to is what you get.
Life shows you how you’re feeling no matter if you
Are exuberant or in a deep depression.
While you’re here on earth you have taken possession
Of emotional guidance which can lead you to
Anything you choose. It’s a tremendous asset.

The Source within you is giving its attention
To whatever you’re giving your attention to,
But it may be of a much higher frequency.
Its opinion may differ from yours completely.
In that case there is only one thing you can do,
And it’s not beyond anyone’s comprehension.

You always know more clearly what you want when you
Are right smack dab in the middle of the contrast.
Negative emotion lets you know right away
That things aren’t to your liking. It’s easy to stay
Clear of all that upsets you. You must be steadfast
In your acceptance of your Source’s point of view.

Align With The Numbers

Lucky Numbers

If you don’t play, you can’t win. If you feel the urge
To go purchase that ticket, what you can expect
Is some lingering feelings of doubt that you’ll win.
Any thought of not winning is a mortal sin
With respect to your lining up with the object
Of your wishes. These different roads must diverge.

How do you take the urgency out of it all?
You want money – and lots of it – to come to you
In a hurry. You’ve asked for it, and it is done.
First, believe that, and then transition has begun
To more clarity. You’ll have a new point of view
That still has some resistance, but it’s very small.

Get your kicks from the pleasure of the unfolding
Of your journey. You don’t want to get to the end
In one fell swoop. You want to have fun on the way.
When you don’t need the ticket you cannot fall prey
To the urgency aspect. The money you spend
When you’re doubtful is another kind offering.

Everything you do to justify the doneness
Of something that’s already done pulls you in the
Opposite direction. You know that it’s coming
Don’t get hung up on how the universe will bring
It to you. You can trust the process completely.
In your happiness you’re always making progress.

Make It Come

Inspirational Wear

Of this whole darned deliberate creation thing
I don’t have an understanding. I’m on the brink
Of a wonderful thing coming my way, but I
Can’t not notice its absence. The harder I try
To ignore it, the more negative thoughts I think.
What I’m going through is rather interesting.

What I want and its absence are joined at the hip.
So, how am I going to stop noticing that
What I want isn’t here yet? Think about something
Other than what I want? What on earth can that bring
But frustration? Engaging in mortal combat
With oneself is in no way a positive trip.

Give more airtime to other things that uplift you –
Not to things that upset you. You can’t keep doing
What you’re doing and get something different than
What you’re getting. You can manifest a new plan.
Anything that’s delightful is worth pursuing.
Don’t be tempted to feel bad whatever you do.

Make an end run around your negative feeling.
Understand the emotional scale and that you
Are the creator of your own reality.
Keep your focus upon that which is already
Going well. Then the chance of your dream coming true
Is made much better. Now isn’t this appealing?

Get Out Of The Way

Locomotive Progression

Like a dog on a bone, I’m trying to fix some
Problem that I’ve created. I’m focused upon
What is wrong, so I’m introducing more contrast
To the simple equation. Time doesn’t move fast
As I struggle. My confidence is all but gone.
It’s as if I don’t remember where I came from.

Yet, I know that the lager part of me does not
Share the same view as I do. It sees everything
As a great opportunity. That difference
In vibration is responsible for the sense
Of distress and confusion that I’m now feeling.
But does it know at all when I’m in a tough spot?

Yes! It does know. It always shows me the best way
Through an issue, but sometimes I’m not in a place
To receive inspiration. It keeps emitting
The exact signal that will ultimately bring
What I need. I’m receptive to infinite grace.
Happiness is the only price there is to pay.

I feel worthy enough to let myself feel good.
I trust that things are working out for me always
And that wellbeing is the natural order
Of the universe. Only good things can occur.
Getting out of my own way definitely pays.
The momentum I’ve created is understood.

Dissolve All Your Worries

Expression Of Worry

A concern is your in-the-moment focused thought
That there’s something the matter. Your inner being
Does not have the same thought that you do here and now.
The feeling it gives you, you don’t like anyhow.
Because your inner being is not agreeing
With your thought, in a world of confusion you’re caught.

No concern is legitimate. You’re focusing
Upon something and using it as your reason
To not line up with how your inner being sees
What you see as a problem. It never agrees
That there is one. It doesn’t have an off-season.
It cares not to play along with your suffering.

Most concern is habitual. People focus
On things that they don’t want happening to them, so
That becomes their attraction point. The universe
Will deliver more of the same or even worse.
People get so used to experiencing woe
That it’s the topic that they most often discuss.

There’s no reality anyone has to face.
You create it with your thoughts and feelings and by
Following the guidance that’s always within you.
Changing your focus will lead to a big breakthrough.
There’s nothing in the world you need to justify.
Do believe in your access to provident grace.

Control What Comes To You

Easily Manifesting

The universe is responding to you. What are
You responding to? The things you’ve been practicing
That feel good to you are not very far away
As the universe acts on them without delay.
It responds to the vibration you’re offering.
Neither is this unheard of nor is it bizarre.

If you’re responding to shopping for furniture
And you’re feeling good, then the universe gives you
More of that nice experience. But the reverse
Is true also. If you feel bad, it’s like a curse
Cast upon you. No matter what you try to do
Things screw up and you end up feeling insecure.

How are you feeling? What’s your point of attraction?
If you’re worried or impatient, the universe
Will respond with more stuckness and catastrophe.
Your feelings can guide you to where you want to be.
If you don’t listen to them, things get a lot worse.
In fact, you will have started a chain reaction.

You Control What Comes To You by being aware
Of how you feel in each moment. Find simple things
To feel good about, and without difficulty
You will be in a place that is resistance free.
The world is your oyster when your happy heart sings.
Manifesting is a vibrational affair.

Trust The Process

Mundane Movement

There’s nothing that exists that you cannot fully
Manifest. If this time space reality can
Cause you to want for something, then it can provide
It to you. To you nothing is ever denied.
You prefer to see things this way much rather than
Living life by default – not deliberately.

Everything is vibration. All that you perceive
Is merely a translation through your five senses.
But the physical world is slowed down energy.
Things that exist vibrate at their own frequency.
Be cognizant of when awareness commences
Of the state of alignment you want to achieve.

What you think is more tangible than vibration
Really isn’t. Once you begin to understand
The full nature of vibration, you will be clear
About what you want and you will have conquered fear
Of the process. You will have taken full command
Of your newfound ability for creation.

Care enough about how you feel to stay focused
On your wishes no matter what is going on
Anywhere around you. Learn to live on purpose.
Is there anything further we need to discuss?
You’ll rejoice knowing that some resistance is gone.
In this elegant process you can come to trust.

Allow What You Want

Sparkling Darkness

The contrast causes you to ask for improvement.
It becomes a vibrational reality
Instantly. Every particle of existence
Is made conscious of what you want. The more intense
Your emotion, the greater the chance you will see
What you want manifested one hundred percent.

Your vibrational reality is such that
It collects all your wishes form since you were born
And before that. It stores everything you ask for
In an energy vortex. All that you adore
Is contained there. The larger part of you is sworn
To maintain that vibration. It never falls flat.

But you want that vibrational reality
To become physical – not just a vibration.
Tune yourself to the frequency of your vortex.
You can do this. It’s not something very complex.
Your emotional guidance is the foundation
And the driving force of who you have come to be.

Recognize that when you are not doing that thing
That keeps you from allowing what you have asked for,
You release your resistance. The first evidence
Is a wonderful feeling. It makes perfect sense
To acknowledge it so that it will yield you more
Feelings like it. The things that you want it will bring.

Act As If You Have It

Lavish Living

Everything that’s perceived is a realization
Of vibrations. Your senses translate them into
Your reality, so your interpretation
Is something that’s experienced by everyone,
And to see what’s always being revealed to you
Requires readiness to receive information.

Your path of least resistance is now and always
Projected with such clarity, but sometimes you
Are not in the receptive mode. If you’re bummed out
Or you feel somehow unworthy, then there’s no doubt
That you won’t see what’s coming from out of the blue
To assist you in ways that delight and amaze.

Your receptive mode does vary from day to day
And from moment to moment within each, and you
Can notice when you have moments of clarity.
Your emotions will indicate accurately
How receptive you are. It has nothing to do
With the people and things you think get in your way.

Find the feeling place of what you want and believe
That you already have it. You can conjure it
By pretending and acting as if it’s all done
And by ignoring the advice of anyone
Who does not share your vision. You will benefit
From the altered vibration that you will achieve.

Effortless Healing

Meditative State

“Let the weak man say, ‘I’m strong.’” Though I’m not at war
With a tribe or a nation, I can understand
That the words must be backed with passion and intent.
If they’re not, I will not find any fulfillment
Of my wish to be healthy. I do have command
Of the state of wellbeing that I’m reaching for.

It makes sense, but there’s effort – a slight backfiring
Factor present. Every subject is two subjects:
What I want and the lack of it. If I’m feeling
Weak but I say that I’m strong, I’m not appealing
To the truth of the matter. It’s not that complex
Of a puzzle, yet it can be awe-inspiring.

Trying to overcome what I’ve got going on
Vibrationally with words just doesn’t get it.
It only increases the effort expended
In the process, so it is not recommended
That I fake my way into believing I’m fit.
That I’m not truthful is a conclusion foregone.

Vibrant health is my birthright. It’s within my reach.
I need only step out of the way and let my
Body heal as it knows how to naturally
Without outside influences. I want to be
In a state where my body is my best ally.
Passion must be the driving force behind the speech.

Shift Your Vibration

Vortex Focus

Where you are is where you are, and what you do now,
Whether you worry, are hopeful, or you complain,
Determines the direction of you in the stream.
If you’re fighting against it, everything may seem
To get screwy too often. It helps to abstain
From your battles so that happiness you allow.

You can view where you are optimistically.
Talk yourself back into remembering who you
Really are, which is pure positive energy.
You don’t have to justify your reason to be.
Let your heart be the only voice you listen to.
You know that you’ll find your place eventually.

While you can’t change your circumstance right now, you can
Change what’s happening three days or three weeks from now.
If you don’t change it for then, then right now will be
Carried forward into the same reality.
Just get happy because you already know how
To do that. It’s always a magnificent plan.

To where you are now you pay too much attention
So that you keep projecting ‘what is’ everywhere.
You have to change your most dominant vibration
To the one that will lead you to the creation
Of a wonderful life that is beyond compare.
Keep your focus upon the higher dimension.

You Are Given All The Clues

Questions For Magnification

You have put with precision details into your
Vortex of Creation. But what the heck is that?
It’s the state of being where all that you desire
Coalesces. All that you’ve wanted your entire
Existence is contained there. So right off the bat
It’s something to consider had you not before.

You can call it your Inner Being if that makes
It a bit easier for you to understand.
It remembers all that you have ever wished for
Even though you can’t. It contains a whole lot more
Than you could comprehend. What you’ve put there is grand.
Get to know more about it whatever it takes.

You never give up a dream, but sometimes you give
Up resistance and then the dream happens for you.
How much of what you’ve asked for are you letting in?
If you can make yourself happy you can begin
To partake of your Vortex. It has every clue
That you need to live the way that you want to live.

You’re guided along your path of least resistance
In each moment by your Inner Being who knows
Your vibrational escrow and is most aware
Of the thing that you have to do to get you there
To that place where the provident universe shows
How much it can delight you. Do give it the chance.

A Vibrational Match

Wave Convergence

“When I ask, it is given? How can this be true?
There are things that I’ve asked for emphatically
That have not manifested.”
If you’re asking for

Something that isn’t coming, it is because your
Vibration is of a different frequency
Than the thing that will bring much fulfillment to you.

You have vibrationally matched yourself with the
Absence of what you want rather than its presence.
It’s so easy to do that. If you’re feeling pain
And discomfort such that it’s driving you insane,
Then it’s hard not to notice this major offense
To your body. It isn’t the way life should be.

You are giving your attention to something that
You don’t want, so you’re activating within you
A vibration that only enhances illness.
You have to find a way to think of it much less,
And your way of thinking has everything to do
With the health of your body. There’s no caveat.

Do the best that you can do in this moment to
Feel as good as you can feel. The slightest movement
In the direction of happiness is for you
Easily accomplished. Anything you can do
To enhance your vibration is effort well spent.
Each and every moment in your life is brand new.

Uncluttered Desire

Open To The World

The idea of cleaning up your vibration
Has some resistance in it because there’s something
To clean up. You can do too many focus wheels
On the same subject, yet you can stop when it feels
That you’re not making progress. You don’t want to cling
To what’s not working. That will lead to frustration.

You can make something dominant that you prefer
Not to have happen for you by your focusing
Too much on it, then you become weary of the
Feeling of yearning. You’re not vibrationally
Up to speed with your wanting. So you’re offering
Something with which the universe cannot concur.

At that point of surrender, you’ve reached the place where
You begin asking questions. “What can I do now
Since I am starting over? What thoughts can I choose
That will bring me relief, because I’m the one whose
Vibration needs adjusting? What can I allow
That will help me to live a life beyond compare?”

In a dream state you will be when you realize
Your potential for happiness. It’s your desire
That ignites your becoming who you really are.
In this provident universe, nothing can bar
You from your full potential. You may then acquire
Information and insight that will make you wise.

What Feeling Am I Reaching For?

Blissful Pondering

Things come easily to me because I don’t care
About things coming to me. They drop from the sky.
I expect things to happen exactly my way.
If they don’t I am not overcome with dismay.
I can still keep my happiness kite flying high.
Nothing is more important than my staying there.

I don’t offer effort because I understand
That the laws of the universe bring unto me
Anything that I want. I do not justify
My wellbeing through hard work. I no longer try
To make things happen for me. I finally see
That the universe has everything well in hand.

Expectation means that there’s a desire in me
And that my belief is in the same exact place
So that there’s no resistance. I don’t think about
Whether it comes or not. I don’t introduce doubt
Into anything wanted. The infinite grace
Of the universe is something that I can see.

I pay much less attention to things as they are
And much more to things as I would want them to be.
Staying focused on what is will keep me right here.
Looking forward will keep my mind perfectly clear.
What Feeling Am I Reaching For? This is for me
The question for each moment. It will take me far.

No Matter How It Looks

Man In Tears

When I look at my troubled past, all I can see
Is someone who has taken too many wrong turns.
I’d call myself a loser, were it not a sin
To agree with most others. How can I begin
To make peace? This is the biggest of my concerns.
Does the universe find disappointment in me?

I’m not well and have never been. I can accept
That I may be dangerous to society,
But my inner being doesn’t see me that way.
It helps me to put up with myself through the day.
How I’ve been in the past matters so much to me
That at functioning here and now I am inept.

Things are always working out for me No Matter
How It Looks
at any point in time, and if I

Can accept this as truth and feel myself worthy
Of releasing my past, much better off I’ll be.
It makes no sense for me to keep wondering why
I evolved as I did. Screw the mental chatter.

I can think and feel, therefore, I can be aware
Of what happens because of it. I have control
Of my own thoughts and feelings. Things will be alright.
I am worthy of the good things in life despite
The perceived severe toxicity of my soul.
The relief is like taking a breath of fresh air.

You Need Not Wait So Long


Why does it take so long? Am I doing something
That I shouldn’t? What is it that I need to do
To get things to move faster? The longer I wait
The more anxious I get until I can’t see straight.
I can have my cake, but can I still eat it too?
The time lag for me is extremely frustrating.

The time lag is most helpful in closing the gap
So that more contrast causes you to fill in more
Of the details. You clarify your creation.
It exists, but it is totally vibration.
Let the universe bring you what you’re asking for.
Then go meditate, or perhaps, go take a nap.

You improve your ability to recognize
Your creation. It is all about perception.
You want to be under the influence of your
Higher purpose. The faith in your heart must be pure.
To get in the receiving mode, go have some fun.
This is what any wise one on earth would advise.

You reduce impatience by anticipation
Of what’s coming, by dreaming of where it’s going,
And by tasting the sweetness of the expansion.
You cannot get it wrong because it’s never done.
Be aware of what the universe is showing
That fits in with your magnificent creation.

If I Want It, I Can Have It

Ready For Fun

If I really want something, I cannot believe
That it might be impossible. If I can feel
In my gut that it will happen, then it will come.
My inner being is where all my faith comes from.
I am focused on what to me has much appeal.
I can stay in the right attitude to receive.

I cannot make a contradictory statement
To the universe. It will respond in a way
That may not be delightful. I want my wanting
To feel good even though I do not have the thing
That I want. In a positive mood I can stay.
Finding ways to be excited is time well spent.

I like knowing that I want something to become
Manifested. It means that it must come to be.
Whether I’m on the trail of it or it’s here now,
I can keep myself in the right mode to allow
The blessings of the universe to come to me.
I get much satisfaction from beating that drum.

I can ask and get on with it. I don’t have to
Bound myself up in yearning and long suffering.
It’s a no brainer that things will always work out.
Life is good to me as long as I have no doubt
That the universe can bring to me anything
That I want. Every moment of life is brand new.

Let The Universe Bring It To You

Summoning The Power

You don’t have to make it happen physically.
You can just Let The Universe Bring It To You.
It’s not lazy to line up with the energy
That creates worlds throughout all of eternity.
When you line up with this energy you can do
Very little and make anything come to be.

It feels good to feel good, and when you let that be
Your main mantra, you’re in a state of receiving
What you want. But if you have some lingering doubt,
Then what you want isn’t likely to come about.
It will come to you only when you’re believing
Strongly that it has manifested already.

Line up with it and it’s yours. Like tuning your dial
To the station that you want, you don’t want to hear
Anything incongruent with what you prefer.
Only what you let into your ears will occur.
You have the benefit of a mind that is clear
Regarding your intention. It is all worthwhile.

You’re not depriving anyone of abundance
By your having abundance. Those who don’t know that
Are addicted to struggle, shortage consciousness,
And society’s mindset. It all leads to stress
To the soul and the psyche. To know where you’re at
Is to manifest under any circumstance.

Appreciate Who You Are

Emotional Flowers

This nation is conceived in original sin.
Slavery through gestation created a beast
Rather than a republic of civilized folk.
White supremacists war against those who are woke.
Civil War didn’t end. It has only increased
In severity. Our consciousness is of skin.

And since mine isn’t lily white, which side I’m on
Is made obvious for me. Should I be afraid
For my life or my freedom? This is a nation
That adores assault weapons and the creation
Of a living hell impossible to evade.
Will there be satisfaction when all hope is gone?

Enough of this sick story! If I’m to remain
In alignment with my source, I have to replace
This one with one of my own that doesn’t include
Anything that would adversely affect my mood.
Only those thoughts that uplift me I shall embrace.
By creating my own story I’ve much to gain.

I must be selfish enough to want to feel good.
If my focus is yanked away, I’ll readjust
Easily back to my story of how things are
And of who I am. This attitude is by far
One in which I can absolutely put my trust.
I appreciate expressing my humanhood.

The Game Of Manifestation

Game Of Life Tokens

Playing the game of virtual reality
Can be fun and exciting. Its purpose is to
Set your vibrational tone apart from something
In the moment that may be rather upsetting
You can shift things completely to what pleases you.
Playing this game is one of your reasons to be.

Sometimes people are offering a vibration
Based on something that happened a long time ago.
They may not even remember what happened then,
But it still shows up in their lives time and again.
Only what’s in the past is what these people know.
In a game like this, their interest would be none.

The vibration that you’re offering is because
Of whatever you’re focused upon constantly,
And the universe responds to your vibration
By what shows up in your life. When you have begun
To accept your vibration as reality,
You’ll be in alignment with spiritual laws.

Conjuring in your mind how you want things to be
Takes intention and focus. It shifts you away
From the unsettled present. The subconscious mind
Accepts dreams or reality. It is designed
To treat both the same, and it’s a wonderful day
When the power that you have you finally see.

All Is As It Should Be

Harsh Reality

Things are as they are, and I am where I am now.
Finding peace with the circumstance is challenging
When I feel just as sick as the world I live in.
If I had to I wouldn’t know where to begin
Comprehending behavior. If it were my thing,
How much hatred and suffering would I allow?

What would be a good mantra or affirmation
I could use to anchor my vibration to be
Uplifted? “All is well and is getting better?”
If I’m not right, it’s not one that I would prefer,
But I can find the words that are just right for me.
“It was bad, but it got better.” That’s a good one!

I can soothe myself in the same way that I’d try
To soothe anyone under any condition.
From my perspective, things are nowhere near alright,
But it’s possible for me to gain some insight
That will put me in a much better position
To make peace with the here and now. My health is why.

Whatever I’m living isn’t more important
Than that fact that it’s only an indication
Like the gas gauge that tells me I’m almost empty.
I don’t cry and ask, “What the hell’s happened to me?”
Indicators tell me that things ought to be done.
In each moment I can learn to find the right chant.

If You’re Ready, It’s Already Happened

Prepared To Celebrate

Things that you’ve been wanting will be realities
When a major shift in your vibration takes place.
Your Vortex of Creation is something quite real.
It’s made up of happy emotions that you feel
Throughout life. It’s your true Source of infinite grace.
It’s a state you can enter with relative ease.

Where you stand is what you think and how you’re feeling
In the moment. It transmits an energy field
That is either aligned with the Source that is you
Or is not. In that case then the best thing to do
Is to chill until your inner Source has revealed
Itself to you. A time out can be most healing.

The contents of your Vortex include everything
That you have ever dreamed of. How do you prepare
For receiving what’s in there if you’re not ready?
You must let go of your negative tendency
To get up on your soap box and falsely declare
That the thing you want greatly is not happening.

Just accept that what you want vibrationally
Is already available. You can see how
Your deliberate focus on feeling your best
Is a key factor in all that you manifest.
If it’s happened already, you’ve learned to allow
The contents of your Vortex to flow easily.

Who Are You?

Big Look

When you get who you are, and when you get how who
The real you really feels, you’re beginning to be
A vibrational match to who you truly are.
Only those who are ignorant find it bizarre
That each person creates their own reality,
So, be glad that this knowledge is made clear for you.

Your power of influence is so huge that those
Who are watching are dazzled by your confidence.
Things work out for you. Life is ever evolving.
You do not have to waste time and effort solving
Life’s unsolvable issues. What makes better sense
Is to stay in alignment amid the shadows.

You came forth to identify what you want and
To enjoy life in its constant and eternal
Stream of exquisite beauty. You’re one with the flow
Of abundance and wellbeing because you know
That all of existence remains spiritual.
Your purpose on this earth is to further expand.

Now and then, you may find yourself paddling upstream
Against all that you want, and this contradiction
In your energy manifests as misery
In some aspect of your life. You’d much rather be
In a place where you experience no friction.
When you know who you are, your life can be a dream.

Care About How You Feel

Happily Going

All that you want, you will get. Let’s start right from there.
Both the Law of Attraction and Source Energy
Are at work all the time lining up things for you.
Don’t take anyone’s word for it. You know it’s true.
You were meant to be as happy as you can be.
You can take your happiness with you anywhere.

Let the manifestation not be your main goal
For a little while. Be satisfied with the dream
And the wonderful feeling that clarity brings.
You cannot right now purchase magnificent things,
But you can chill and go have some cake and ice cream.
The point is, you have the magic of self-control.

If you care more about the manifestation
Than the feeling it brings you, then you interfere
With the natural process by being aware
Of the absence of what you want. You want to care
More about the excitement. You want to adhere
To the absolute knowing that everything’s done.

You are an emotional evaluator.
Make the way that you feel matter most so that you
Tune yourself into alignment with your desire.
More important than all the things you may acquire
Are the best feelings ever that all lead up to
The moment of your getting what you have asked for.

Let The Universe Help

Future Bright

You can’t be disappointed and get anything
That you want. Your disappointment is the one clue
That you’re not vibrationally in sync with what
You are wanting. It feels like the door has been shut
To the blessings of living. What you want to do
Is take care of your vibrational offering.

Do not beg God, the universe, or your best friend
To deliver to you what you want from a place
Of utter desperation. Stop talking about
Things in your life that don’t seem to be working out
To your liking. You’ll find people who may embrace
Your dilemma, but it never works in the end.

Your are asking, and it is delivered, but it’s
In vibrational form, so what you have to do
Is tune into the frequency of your desire
As it manifests for you. It doesn’t require
Tons of effort. Knowing the wise one within you
Comes with all kinds of spiritual benefits.

You’re the creator of you and all that you’ve placed
In vibrational escrow. Practice this knowing
Until you begin developing the habit
Of creating things that are to your benefit.
All you need is acceptance to get them flowing
Into your life, which now can be happily faced.

Make The Universe Listen

Infinite Horizons

Feel the power of telling your own new story.
It’s not easy to do it in the beginning.
It’s something to warm up to. Determination
To begin telling yours your way can be much fun.
You can tell one in which you are always winning.
It can be one where you are in all your glory.

As you do, be aware not of things as they are,
But instead, keep your focus on what can become.
Pay attention to the evidence happening
In the way that you feel. The universe will bring
You impulses and insights. You benefit from
Believing that what you want is not very far.

You’ll begin to let go of bygones, injustice,
Bad behavior, ill wishes, grudges, and mistakes
Of others and your darned self, and you will replace
Them with thoughts of the things that you truly embrace.
Purify your vibration. Avoid the headaches
Brought on by negative emotion such as this.

Use the power of your focus and the guidance
That comes forth from within you. Make The Universe
to you by letting it know your intent.

In each moment toward your goal find fulfillment.
When you’re in alignment it will freely disburse
All that you’ve ever wanted, so give it the chance.

Everything Will Change

Feeling Good Break

What could I do right now? What could I focus on
That will make me feel better? The question is key
If I ask it correctly. Things are going well.
By the way that I’m feeling inside I can tell
That my life is almost where I want it to be.
Most of my negative feelings have up and gone.

To move myself as quickly as possible to
A place of complete happiness happens to be
The reason I’m alive. What can I do to sync
Up more fully with my spirit? Is there a link
Where I can communicate with it directly?
I suspect that there’s nothing that I need to do.

I find myself in that state every single day,
But it only last moments. If I can stay there
Long enough, then what happens is that there’s a change
In the way the world treats me. I don’t find it strange
That, at will, I can do this. I simply must care
More about feeling better the natural way.

I do it by my recognizing when I feel
Pretty good. Then I’ll milk it for all that it’s worth.
“Why does this moment feel good?” I get to explore
Everything about this moment that I adore.
With some practice I become accustomed to mirth.
Everything Will Change to what I think is ideal.

A Winner

Lottery Luck

“Can I meditate and manifest the winning
Lottery numbers?”
You cannot get there from there.

It is possible to do this, but here’s the thing.
If your mood isn’t right, then your spending will bring
Nothing to you. Most people aren’t even aware
Of their feeling when buying. It’s interesting.

Are you feeling euphoria while you’re putting
Down your money? If so, then keep on doing it.
People buy out of boredom while hoping they will
Win the jackpot someday. If you go for the thrill
Of just playing, it is of immense benefit
To your vibration and your chances of winning.

There’s a mix of emotions you’re accustomed to.
Your mind tells you it’s possible, but not your gut.
You want money to flow to you in abundance
That you can enjoy comfortably. You enhance
Your vibration by keeping your focus on what,
In each moment, is going on inside of you.

So, don’t buy until you’ve lined up your energy,
Then you won’t need the ticket because you are now
A cooperative component to money
Coming to you in ways that you didn’t foresee.
You’re a big winner when you decide to allow
The abundance to happen spontaneously.

Thought Is Yours

Joyful Imagining

Everything that is in the universe vibrates.
The magic of your cell phone will demonstrate this.
Electrons move at light speed. With the naked eye,
You perceive things as solid and may not care why
Everything is in motion. You cannot dismiss
The reality of how the world operates.

At the atomic level, things are quite alive.
There’s a dance going on with everything you see.
There are things that exist that you cannot perceive,
But in high-definition signals you believe.
This is how you experience reality.
It is like data stored on you solid state drive.

Think of all your relationships. What constitutes
Your connection with all of them? It’s only thought.
Everything that has happened to you until now
Is through your mind. Does this knowledge raise an eyebrow?
It’s an amazing thing what your thinking has brought
To your present reality its attributes.

Thought Is Yours to do anything with that you please,
And when you use your thought in cooperation
With the laws of the universe, you will vibrate
To the tune of your calling, and you will create
A better world around you. Start having more fun.
Get accustomed to how your inner being sees.

On What Will You Focus?


Give more attention to your desire than you do
To your current reality which is causing
You to doubt that it will manifest. Be aware
Of your thoughts and feelings. You don’t have to compare
Yours with others’. Before choosing, it’s worth pausing
For a moment to access the best part of you.

You’re the creator of your own reality.
You do it through your focus. You are much more than
Your physical body. You’re pure Source Energy,
And the more you believe it, the more you will see
Evidence that proves that you definitely can
Have anything you want come to you easily.

Your path of least resistance is not clear for you
If you face your reality as it is now.
You create a much better one by letting go
Of the past and by letting the universe show
You what it can do when you’re prepared to allow.
Be aware of the frequency you are tuned to.

Some would have you tune to theirs, but that’s not the way
It should happen. You have your own guidance system.
You’re building your vibrational reality
Moment by moment. Before you know it, you’ll be
Treating your clear focus like a most precious gem.
Keep your mind on whatever will brighten your day.

When You Really Want Something

The Superlative Strength Of Desire

Let’s say you’re without something that you really want.
Your thoughts are dominated. You’re almost obsessed
With this something. It keeps you up all through the night.
That it’s not coming to you just doesn’t seem right.
You believe you are giving it only your best.
There is nothing about life that you care to vaunt.

You need not write it down again or set a goal.
The larger part of you has already received
Your request and is on it. Bring yourself into
Alignment with its coming. The more you can do
To release some resistance, the more is achieved
For receiving what is at the heart of your soul.

Go more general at first. Your situation
Truly sucks, so diffuse the specifics of it.
From a broader perspective, this too shall pass on.
You will feel better when some resistance is gone
From your overall makeup. You’ve the benefit
Of the freedom of choosing your best vibration.

Through your suffering, you have already begun
The process of receiving. You were in a place
Of not being receptive to helpful insight
That will lead you to what you want. It’s a delight
When, while wanting, you can keep a smile on your face.
In this way, you can better your situation.

Prepare For Receiving

Happy Bracelet

What’s the question? How can I find more clarity?
How can I get my body to be at its best?
How can I find a lover who’s just right for me?
I would like for things to come to me easily.
The answer is, Get Happy, succinctly expressed.
I know deep in my heart it’s my reason to be.

How do I endure the injustice of this one
Person or thing that I have no control over?
This world can’t be an awful place, although there are
Pockets of negativity, but it is far
From upsetting the balance. It is, as it were,
A problem that will work out its own solution.

I just can’t look at things that make me unhappy.
I can’t do the impossible. I must decide
To be happy above all else. No condition
Is required. I can keep my main focus on fun.
How I feel on my journey is my only guide.
I can’t focus on all of the world’s cruelty.

The more I can get happy, then the easier
It becomes, and the easier it gets, the more
Joy I’ll find. I am offering a vibration
To where only the things that I want have begun
To become my reality. What I ask for
I receive. It is the life that I most prefer.

Instant Treasure

Quick Jackpot Jubilation

Knowing has less resistance than belief, and doubt
Has a lot of resistance. You’re on a journey
Endless in its duration. You’re somewhere between
Your belief and your knowing what has not been seen
As of yet. You remain as happy as can be.
There’s no need for you to figure anything out.

Knowing has no resistance. Belief has a bit
In that in your believing, you are noticing
The absence of what you want. This must be okay
Since there’s no way around it. You cannot betray
Laws of physics or spirit. When you are knowing,
Then belief is of no functional benefit.

What will it really feel like when your dream comes true?
Grab a hold of that feeling, in fact, fantasize
And milk it for all its worth. Get into a state
Of excitement. In essence, you don’t have to wait
For the thing that you want to materialize
To feel good in this moment. What else can you do?

Talk about the prosperity in your life now.
Things you have already you can appreciate.
Feel as happy on your way as you will be when
You get there. You can feel good again and again.
It’s the wonderful journey you want to create
In each moment. In this way, you learn to allow.

It Will Flow

Table Cash

If I think by default in a less conscious way,
Then the things I’ll attract into my life will be
Mediocre at best. Things will stay much the same.
It’s a pity when I have but myself to blame
For my psychic stagnation. The world that I see
Then is not very friendly. My heart I betray.

If, however, I think on purpose, as it were,
My attention is deliberately focused,
And it’s joyful. With the power of my own mind
I can think of a better thought. I’m not confined
In my thinking. There’s no law that says that I must
Think along certain lines that I wouldn’t prefer.

I list positive aspects. I do focus wheels,
But mostly I just find reasons to be happy.
Then I watch for the universe’s evidence
Of wellbeing. I know that it must be immense.
A cooperative component I must be
To my wishes. I must know how happiness feels.

It’s so exhilarating to be creating,
Not by default but by my conscious intention.
Avalanches of good things that match how I feel
I expect to be flowing. I know that it’s real.
I enjoy my job of finding ways to have fun.
It Will Flow! This is truly worth overstating.

Let Go Of Effort

Dream Life

Effort is compensating with action what you
Didn’t do with your vibration. Action can be
Blissful if it’s inspired, but if you’re stressing out,
It may be worth your while to start thinking about
A complete change of focus. Vibrationally,
You can accomplish everything you need to do.

The bigger your life gets, the less you’re able to
Tend to it through effort. It is more important
To use the leverage of your calibration.
It’s a most efficient way of getting things done.
Don’t spend time worrying about things that you can’t
Get a handle on. Do but the best you can do.

Start enjoying the journey and stop trying to
Get to where you think you want to be. Take delight
In the things that are going well right here and now.
This way, you allow the universe to allow
Changes to begin happening. You gain insight
Into what will bring the most fulfillment to you.

You never intended to do it all alone.
We are each a cooperative component
To all others. No one is meant to sacrifice
To another. Attract only those who are nice.
Change your life through the power of conscious intent.
To you, the blessings of the universe are shown.

Because You Believe

Love In Hands

You were born with a strong sense of your wellbeing
But not with practiced control of your vibration.
So, you practice. As you explore enough contrast,
You launch brand new desires. Your horizons are vast.
You want to become a master of creation,
So you think only those thoughts that are heart freeing.

When you want something and it does not come to be,
You may think that some outside force is preventing
It from coming. Believing yields more evidence
That it just may not happen. It doesn’t make sense.
To believe what you want won’t come is tormenting.
It remains a big part of your reality.

A belief is just a thought that you continue
To keep thinking. Your observation of something
Holds it in your vibration, then you attract more
Of the same. If it is something that you adore,
Then your focus upon it can be fulfilling.
But if it’s not, is there something that you can do?

You can stop thinking it. You can cease offering
The vibration of your current situation.
Don’t deny what you’re feeling. Just feel something new.
By focusing in another direction, you
Can change your belief into a much better one.
By your believing, you can create anything.

Your Emotions

Flavors Of Feeling

Emotions are a big deal. They mean everything.
Through you feelings you generate a vibration
Which is responded to by all that receive it.
Yet, you can control the signal that you transmit.
It’s not complicated. It can even be fun
To feel better. All it takes is some fine tuning.

You’re Source Energy in a physical body.
The variety that surrounds you inspires new
And constant awareness of what you would prefer.
Manifold are the preferences that occur.
The thoughts that you’re thinking have everything to do
With the way you feel, so select them carefully.

Pay attention to the emotions that you feel
All day, every day. They are your indicator
Of the vibrational mix between you and Source.
Within you is contained a most provident force.
You will learn to feel better sooner or later.
No matter what the circumstance, it is ideal.

It does not take much tuning to come back into
Alignment with who you really are at your core.
It’s the consistency of holding yourself there
That brings things that you’re wanting from out of nowhere.
Shift your thinking. You can enjoy life a lot more.
There is not anything else that you need to do.

Let It Come

Prime Delivery

What is it that you want? Do you like the feeling
Of knowing that it’s coming? Does it move about
And expand as you think of it? Does your desire
Fill you with excitement? Does it set you on fire?
It feels wonderful if you don’t crush it with doubt.
Keep your thoughts focused on what is most appealing.

Noticing the absence of what you want will keep
It from coming. Believe in your heart that it will
Manifest. If you feel that it’s taking too long,
Or that something unknown could cause things to go wrong,
Things remain set in motion, but you’re standing still.
It’s as if there’s a party, but you’ve gone to sleep.

Packages at the front door should be no surprise.
You knew that they were coming. Much in the same way,
You can know that what you want is coming for sure.
It happens only if your vibration is pure.
If you don’t feel yourself worthy, then you betray
What it is that you want. It causes its demise.

Use the power of your mind and the precision
Of your own guidance system. Complete alignment
With what you want you can focus yourself into.
Get acquainted with the much larger part of you.
Don’t create by default but remain confident
In the process and in the power of vision.

The People Who Bug You

Difficult People

There’s someone who you think about much too often.
A tumultuous experience manifests
When you deal with this person. A thorn in your side
This one is, so your worst feelings you cannot hide.
When you’re with this person, the tension never rests.
If this asshole would vanish, you would shout, Amen!

While you’re feeling unsatisfied, you’re requesting
And improvement, in fact, without even knowing,
A better version of this person you create,
Albeit it is in a vibrational state.
It becomes your reality when you’re flowing
With who you really are. It’s so interesting.

You create a version of everything that you
Are living. It is totally vibrational…
As real as its physical manifestation.
When you are in a difficult situation
Where you can’t understand this bastard’s rationale,
There is always something positive you can do.

If it weren’t for the contrast, you would not have grown
To the new place of wanting. If you do not go
To that new place, don’t curse them. Instead, take control
Of how you feel. It should be your primary goal.
Thank them for their damned lesson, then you may both grow
In acceptance if some reaching outward is shown.

Own Your Feelings

Emotional Collage

You can’t cover up feelings with words or actions.
You must own them. Admit how you’re feeling – not for
Any other, but yourself. To thine self be true.
Your emotions are the only guidance for you.
Calibrate to good feelings, and you’ll receive more.
You will need patience with the more difficult ones.

You’ve got to own how you feel, otherwise feedback
You can’t get. It makes you fell that ‘they’ are at fault,
But there is no assertion. You feel as you do
By your own choice. Your feelings are all about you.
Never should they be taken with a grain of salt.
In your knowing this, you will cut others some slack.

You may want someone to behave a certain way
That seems ‘right’ to you. You must clearly understand
That all people have free will. You can’t interfere
With their path. The message is meant to be austere.
Of your own feelings you have been given command.
Don’t expect someone else to make happy your day.

Your emotion is also known as vibration.
The realness of its energy can’t be denied.
Use it for your own guidance. That’s what it is for.
It will lead you to all the things that you adore.
The best part of it is that you get to decide
How to feel. This is relevant to everyone.

Stop Blaming Others

Finger Pointing

Are you practicing the negative vibration
Of pointing out the faults and misdeeds of others
Instead of your core vibration of harmony?
Do you find it difficult to let others be
Who they are? Are you frustrated when it occurs?
Is it true that your patience is little to none?

When someone makes you happy because they’re aligned
With who they truly are, you become addicted
To their positive energy, yet when it’s gone
You may think that there’s no one else to depend on.
But in reality you are not restricted
In your happiness. Get a grip on your behind!

Don’t ask someone else to be responsible for
The way you feel. The obnoxious one can show you
What it feels like to be on the path of something
Much better. Concentrate only on the feeling
Of alignment. This is the best thing you can do
For yourself and the other. Do not declare war.

In the moment you pronounce all others to be
Undependable to the way you feel, you’ll feel
So much better. Maintain the power of control
Of your own feelings. This indeed will make you whole.
Nothing then happens to you but the most ideal
Of encounters with others. You have become free.

Understand Your Emotions

Emotional Neutrality

Sometimes you can feel frisky. Lots of energy
Is flowing. No resistance nor blockage have you.
When you feel lethargy, you have not much focus
Or resistance. You have not the energy, thus
You have little to do the things you want to do.
Thankfully, you are guided emotionally.

The emotion that you feel is all about the
Energy between you and your inner being.
It has nothing to do with anyone else, but
It feels like other people’s behaviors are what
Cause your main maladjustment. You end up seeing
The whole world as a threat and a gross place to be.

When you feel negative emotion, what it means
Is that your strong opinion about whatever
Differs greatly from that of your inner being.
It is only when both of you are agreeing
That you feel positive. You can never sever
The connection you have through spiritual genes.

You don’t have to explain a thing to anyone.
Everyone has their own inner being who knows
Everyone else’s. Let that give you peace of mind.
Consciously you decide that you can be more kind
To yourself and to others. You want to expose
Your true self to the world. This is how life is done.

You Are Being Led

Spiritual Connection

Provident is the guidance you get from your Source
Who is the larger part of you. You’re connected
To this being who’s non-physically focused,
But the person that you are must learn how to trust
That this being is real. If it is rejected,
You will be experiencing utter remorse.

A belief is just a thought that you continue
To think because you’ve given it your attention.
You’re taught to be objective and realistic.
Encouraged you were to reject the fantastic.
It may not have been done through conscious intention
But the knowledge you have now can benefit you.

Your Source has the perspective of the big picture.
It can see the path of least resistance for you.
The Law of Attraction is responding to your
Inner Being and you. Everything you adore
It keeps track of. You can open the floodgate to
Your vibrational escrow and perhaps much more.

Your Source never looks back at where you were before
Nor where you are right now. It looks forward only.
Its focus is on where you are going – not where
You have been. It leads you by its infinite care
For your happiness and wellbeing constantly.
You are led by your Higher Self; you can be sure.

Speak Up For Yourself

A Meeting

This world gives you two choices. You either can be
A bully or a doormat. This kind of thinking
Can get you into troublesome situations
With others, but the wisest people are the ones
Who know there are more choices. They are unshrinking
In the ways of relating most positively.

How do you Speak Up For Yourself without being
Angry and aggressive? You are always speaking
Up for yourself vibrationally. This is true.
The entire universe is responding to you.
It will bring to you whatever you are seeking.
With the process you must be fully agreeing.

Getting in someone’s face is clearly not the way
To resolve any issue. It makes things much worse.
Come into alignment with what you want and then
Speak from pure inspiration. It is only when
You rely on the power of the universe
Are you given the appropriate words to say.

When you have a strong negative reaction to
Some injustice, the question becomes apparent.
Do you brood in it and talk to others about
Your mistreatment? Do you get a bullhorn and shout
To the world all about it? Don’t be declarant
Of perceived lack of power. It is within you.

Don’t Try To Fix What Happened

Process Puzzlement

You’ve created for yourself a vibrational
Reality, and nothing less than that will do.
It is more than what you have already allowed
To become your experience. You are endowed
With a fine guidance system and clear point of view.
Everything about your life is sensational.

You can get out ahead of ‘what is’ for right now.
Do not try to clean up what you have been living.
Don’t try to go into the past analyzing.
You’ll continue creating the very same thing,
For the Law of Attraction is unforgiving.
Besides, it’s such a mess that you wouldn’t know how.

Getting out ahead of something means intending
How the next segment of your day is to unfold.
Talk yourself into it in explicit detail.
Infinite intelligence is at your avail.
This is how segments throughout your day are controlled,
And in fact there is no energy expending.

Don’t remember what happened to you yesterday.
You’ll reactivate that energy, and it will
Keep you locked in a pattern most unbecoming
Of a selective sifter. Keep on daydreaming
Like there is no one looking. You’re meant for the thrill
Of your asking and then having things go your way.

Go Straight For The Feeling

Moment Of Appreciation

This whole manifestation thing gets me thinking
That if I’m on the verge of a dream coming true,
Then my strength of emotion allows it to be.
I am never ‘on the verge’ of being happy.
I am there, or I’m not. What I have coming due
Is by manifold components interlinking.

Everything that I want is about the feeling
I will have upon getting it. Why not go straight
To the wonderful feeling? I can easily
Notwithstanding the fact that results I don’t see
At the moment. I can be happy as I wait
For a manifestation that’s most appealing.

I believe that the universe caters to me
In the best way. My positive expectation
I practice, so it trains me to be more aware
Of the good in each circumstance. Mostly I care
About how I feel for myself and everyone.
I anticipate living life passionately.

My world is such that anything I want will come.
The only thing that I do is be receptive
And open to my consciously moving along
The emotional spectrum. How can I go wrong?
I have found for myself the perfect way to live.
I’m the one who needs to know where I’m coming from.

Daydreams Coming True

My Music And I

Is daydreaming a good way of calibrating
To my true self? I dreamt of association
With a music star, so I entered a contest
For musicians, thinking that I might be the best.
I felt that I was in the right situation
Where I very well could end up celebrating.

I did not make the cut. I was devastated
And heartbroken. I wanted this thing so badly
That I cried for a brief while. I was that upset.
Having entered that contest, I felt deep regret.
It appears I was not on the right track, sadly.
My daydreaming was then hopelessly frustrated.

Then a good friend invited me to a party.
Gladly I went, and I took my guitar along
Because he usually will ask me to play.
The change in my vibration made for a good day.
I was positive that nothing there could go wrong.
I made it my intent to be resistance free.

When I got to the party, a rock star was there
Who was famous. I played and then afterwards he
Complimented me. We developed a rapport
That was warm, productive, entertaining, and more.
My daydreaming this time has worked out well for me.
I look forward to many fine stories to share.

The Physics Of Creation

Social Interaction

The art of allowing is the art of being
In the receptive mode of all that you’ve become.
How do vibrations turn into thoughts, and how do
Thoughts turn into things? What you give attention to
Manifests. In fact, it’s where everything comes from.
It could also be called the art of farseeing.

What is the actual physics of vibration
Becoming a reality? The expanded
Version of you is all knowing. When you’re thinking
Of something exciting, components are linking
Together in vibration as if commanded
By your wishes. The ‘hard’ work is already done.

Emotions of elation bring more clarity.
You become more specific and then you allow
Universal forces to do what they do best.
Notice how much of your biggest dream is addressed,
And feel appreciation that now you know how
Easily manifesting happiness can be.

Focus on something and watch it show up over
And over again. Don’t give your attention to
Ill conceived limitations. Your satisfaction
Is the point from where a new journey is begun.
Give yourself and the whole world the best part of you.
Being that person, your life only gets better.

Focus On Your Emotions

Effective Conversation

On this leading edge of creation, we are here
To support one another. We are the springboards
Of expansion. We’re not here to mimic others
Nor to be accepting of whatever occurs.
Positive emotions do have their just rewards.
One of them is a mind that is perfectly clear.

No one is here to ‘get’ you because we are all
Part of one diverse species. We each are a piece
Of an infinite puzzle. We each are a gift
To all others. We’re here to comfort and uplift
One another. For the soul, it is a release
Of the love that we’re made of which cannot be small.

Don’t defy your own guidance system. Do rely
On your keen intuition. Accept how you feel
To be accurate. Don’t allow yourself to be
Disillusioned by others. The world that they see
Is their world. If to you they have not much appeal,
Then it’s time to respectfully tell them goodbye.

If you feel satisfaction, then you’re in a place
Where you have much control. You could go either way,
So it pays to be conscious and fully aware
Of how you feel in each moment, and you must care
More than anything that you will have a fine day.
Feeling satisfied means that your life you embrace.