Tag Archive | empty

Student Of Life

Life School

I struggled not with English or math as a child
Nor with getting along with others but I did
Have a problem with holding still. I always would
Tap my fingers and fidget. As hard as I could
I would try not to do it. I couldn’t get rid
Of my habit which many a teacher reviled.

I would do it unconsciously. Teachers would say,
“Stop your tapping, Clint. You’re disrupting the whole class.”
I got sent to the principal many times and
Because he wasn’t me he could not understand
My aberrant behavior. In those days my glass
Was near empty. To myself I wanted to stay.

I believe that a single moment in time can
Change a person’s life in a most positive way.
One day my teacher told me to stay after class
And I thought, “This is it for my fidgety ass.”
But it turned out that he had something kind to say
In our time spent together. He was a good man.

“Clint, have you ever thought about playing the drums?”
He asked me. I had never been asked this before.

Reaching into his desk he pulled out my first set
Of drumsticks. It’s a moment I shall not regret
For today I’m doing what I simply adore.
From the kind heart the blessing of upliftment comes.

Thy Will Be done

Eternal Flame

In my doing I want to be fully aligned
With the One who created me. I don’t want to
Be a slave to my ego. I want to transcend
Far beyond it. My spirit would most recommend
That I give up the struggle and alter the view
That I have of my life. Peace of mind I will find.

I can say that I’m almost there. I’m not waiting
To collect a huge fortune or net some outcome
In the world that shows favor to me in some way.
Things are going well. I’m close. I cannot betray
My wellbeing. I don’t want to drift away from
My alignment. I treasure what I’m creating.

I surrender my ego to that which made me.
The relief I find in this is truly profound.
It’s the safest prayer and it’s the only one
To be prayed. I pray that the will of God be done
Here on earth. May the peace of the Maker abound.
From the will of humanity let me be free.

When I pray, “Thy Will Be Done,” I alleviate
The angst in my intention. I leave it up to
God to handle. I’m headed in the direction
Of salvation and wholesome interconnection
With the world as my spirit guides all that I do.
May I be a tool that God uses to create.

Making Peace With Where I Am

Making Peace

Where I am is where I am but where am I now?
Have I time left to get to where I need to go?
Where I am now is troublesome. I’m in a place
Unbecoming of a person. Utter disgrace
Rains upon me. My memories are of sorrow.
Could I feel more remorse if I only knew how?

“All is well and it’s getting more well all the time.”
Not an appropriate mantra is this for me
At the moment but as I get things turned around
In my mind the more humanity can be found
In my nature. I know not how I came to be
Such a person susceptible to certain crime.

Have I the luxury to claim insanity
For all my past behavior? The things that I’ve done
Are atrocious and part of my reality.
Making Peace With Where I Am is how I break free
From my own psychic prison where I had begun
A sentence of self-undoing repentantly.

Where I am is an indicator of where I
Want to be and the gap between them I control.
Everything I’m living is an indication
Of downstream or upstream motion and I’m the one
To decide which direction will make me more whole.
That I feel somewhat hopeful I cannot deny.

Anchoring Your Vibration

Celestial Heading

Is there some affirmation that I can use in
Anchoring my vibration to be uplifted
At any given moment? I know, “All is well”
Is a good one. But what if I’m feeling like hell?
How do I get my fettered vibration shifted
In the proper direction? Where do I begin?

All is well and is getting more well. It is true
But if you can’t believe that right now, what you can
Do is reach for the best feeling words you can find
That will soothe you and get you properly aligned
With your true self. You just want to feel better than
You do presently. It’s the only thing to do.

It’s going to be alright. You know this is so
Because things have been not right and then they got right
So they’ll be right again. Soothe yourself the same way
That you would a dear friend who’s caught up in dismay.
It’s true that one can’t jump from despair to delight
In an instant. You can feel a bit better though.

Make peace with where you are. It’s always a downstream
Kind of feeling. Where you are is where you are and
You’ve no choice but to be there, but where you are now
Is just an indicator if you can allow
It to be that. You will have taken full command
Of your vibration and you can go for your dream.


Running On Empty


It all starts with a thought that you didn’t ask for
And that you never wanted, but now that it’s here,
The game has changed because the thought isn’t your friend.
It’s not telling you what your heart would recommend
To uplift you. Instead an unspeakable fear
Overcomes you. It’s something that’s hard to ignore.

The thought grows as it festers. It takes on a voice
That tells you that you’re finished because you’re too weak
To go on. It reminds you of what you have been
In the past. You don’t need to go back there again.
From an empty well does the voice within you speak.
You can listen to it or not. It is your choice.

Softly at first, then a little louder it gets
Gradually increasing in volume until
It’s become a strong point of attraction for you.
You know in your gut that what it says isn’t true.
What you want to do is to remember the thrill
That you had once. It’s one of your greatest assets.

When you meet some resistance, your limits have not
Even been tested. Obstacles don’t make the goal
Any more or less real. They’re an indication
That simply some adjustment will need to be done,
So just do it and know that it will make you whole.
You’re not running on empty – just in the same spot.

All Is As It Should Be

Harsh Reality

Things are as they are, and I am where I am now.
Finding peace with the circumstance is challenging
When I feel just as sick as the world I live in.
If I had to I wouldn’t know where to begin
Comprehending behavior. If it were my thing,
How much hatred and suffering would I allow?

What would be a good mantra or affirmation
I could use to anchor my vibration to be
Uplifted? “All is well and is getting better?”
If I’m not right, it’s not one that I would prefer,
But I can find the words that are just right for me.
“It was bad, but it got better.” That’s a good one!

I can soothe myself in the same way that I’d try
To soothe anyone under any condition.
From my perspective, things are nowhere near alright,
But it’s possible for me to gain some insight
That will put me in a much better position
To make peace with the here and now. My health is why.

Whatever I’m living isn’t more important
Than that fact that it’s only an indication
Like the gas gauge that tells me I’m almost empty.
I don’t cry and ask, “What the hell’s happened to me?”
Indicators tell me that things ought to be done.
In each moment I can learn to find the right chant.