Tag Archive | momentum

Don’t Go After What’s Coming

Conceptual Target

As I go through my days, wonderful little things
Happen all the time, as long as I want them to.
Rendezvousing with people while walking my dog
Leads to some picture taking and fun dialog.
It confirms that there’s nothing that I need to do
To be fully involved in wholesome happenings.

The thoughts turning to things is the path unfolding
Beneath my feet. The universal evidence
Of where I am is what is always taking place.
There’s nothing whatsoever that I need to chase
And wrestle to the ground. It no longer makes sense
To engage the negative beliefs I’m holding.

Compatible cooperative components
Are aligned, and I’m not doing anything that
Would disrupt the momentum. Things come unto me.
I am one with their vibrational frequency.
I can tell by how I feel just where I am at
On the spectrum. Awareness of self I know thence.

In every moment there are so very many
Viable next steps on my path. No quantum leap
Will occur the next moment. What’s happening now
Is about what is coming. I’ve learned to allow
Things to happen. I no longer lose any sleep
Over things that will work out eventually.

Manifestation Is Near

Prepared To Receive

Nature never rushes, yet it accomplishes
Everything. What it means is that I am complete.
My desires are inspired. What I want to attract
Into my life is certain and soon to be fact.
Every step toward its realization is sweet
As if the universe responds to my wishes.

The journey should be effortless. When I’m really
In the flow, then the going is easy and fun.
I’ve sifted through the contrast and have decided
What I want. By my inner being I’m guided
In the receiving of what is already done.
I got rid of the effort factor completely.

If I am struggling, then I am slowing things down
Quite a bit. It’s important that I be aware
Of my trying much too hard to make it happen.
It is done! I do not have to go there again.
Of my vibration I must take the utmost care.
I will not receive squat if I’m wearing a frown.

The path of least resistance is something that I
Am encouraged to take. Some say that it’s lazy
To expect something without the hard work involved.
I know that It’s done, so every problem is solved.
I look only for better things coming to me.
With my wishes the kind universe does comply.

Off You Will Go!

Into Uncharted Space

Start out with something that you’re not faking about –
Something where you’re not trying. It simply feels good
Engaging in it. Focus on it for a while.
Let it resonate until a powerful smile
Overwhelms you. Your happiness is understood
To be your launching off place from worry and doubt.

Concentrate on the few things that are going well
With your life and ignore the more difficult things.
The attention you give to the good things may then
Rectify all the bad things. You are once again
On the leading edge of exciting happenings.
You cannot gain momentum when in fear you dwell.

You have been trained to believe that hard work it takes
To get anywhere in life. This defies the laws
Of the universe. Just pick one thing that delights
And excites you but doesn’t give you restless nights.
The Law of Attraction hasn’t a secret clause
Nor is it some kind of spiritual sweepstakes.

Attention to what feels good will cause momentum
In the direction of all things of importance.
Give your undivided attention for a while
To the things that will put upon your face a smile.
Let go of the resistance and you will advance
To great heights. Be thankful for the good things to come.

Life Is Easy

Happy With The Routine

The immensity of it is overwhelming.
It’s my life that I’m talking about. It beats me
To a pulp why things don’t want to turn out my way.
Why do I end up working my ass off all day
Without much satisfaction? I just want to be
Free to live a life that is truly amazing.

I’ll attend my own seminar. I’ve learned enough
To fill lifetimes of wisdom. If I could access
All of it in this moment, I would realize
The illusion. My truest self wears a disguise
Called the ego, and it specializes in stress.
It can keep me from getting to all the good stuff.

I could go for a different experience
Than the one that I’m having. The one most ideal
Is of passion and wonder. I’ve been there before.
It’s my strongest intention to be there some more.
There is nothing more important than how I feel.
I can deal with a life of delightful suspense.

Do I know what I’m doing? I know better now
That my doing means nothing unless I’m aligned
With my truest self, then I can do anything.
What is the vibration that I am offering
To my universe? In the answer I will find
Everything that will enable me to allow.

Catch It!

Bad Mood

I’ll erupt into anger at the slightest thing,
And it gets me in trouble. When I lose control,
Things that are already hopeless only get worse.
I cannot keep on going with such an adverse
Disposition. Don’t touch me with a ten-foot pole
While onto the most negative feelings I cling.

Do I like feeling this way? It seems that I do.
It’s a much better feeling than utter despair.
No where near satisfaction am I with where I
Am in my life. I keep on asking myself why
Things are not getting better. Does anyone care
About the pain and suffering I’m going through?

The degree of my satisfaction has to do
With the power and momentum of my desire.
The degree of my dissatisfaction, therefore,
Is my moving away from or closing the door
To my wishes. Some relief is what I require
And perhaps a more open-hearted point of view.

I don’t have to wait until it really gets bad
To where I become someone I’m not meant to be.
I can catch it before things get way out of hand.
Of my thoughts and feelings I must take full command.
If I tune myself each morning, the best of me
Is available. Peace is what I will have had.

Are You Ready?

Prepared For Business

You are not manifesting. You are creating
The environment that allows things to take place.
The distinction is subtle. You are more aware
Of the absence of something when it isn’t there.
So your going to get it puts you in a space
Of knowing you don’t have it. There’s no debating.

The contrast that life offers causes you to desire
Something better. This is a manifestation.
It’s also a vibrational reality.
You can’t see it yet, but it will soon come to be.
With this attitude you can get a lot more done
In preparing for things that you seem to acquire.

If it hasn’t manifested yet, all it means
Is that you’re not yet ready. Don’t be frustrated.
Concentrate on creating the best atmosphere
For allowing what you have wanted to appear
In the physical. The climate you’ve created
Can become one of your most productive routines.

Your emotions are created by you also
The ideas and impulses that come to you
Can be called manifestations if you insist.
Keep your focus on knowing that it does exist.
There is no reason that your dream cannot come true.
The momentum you create will get things to flow.

It Will Come

It's Okay To Peek

Making peace with it is the best way for you to
Release the resistance. You don’t need to know how
It will come, who will bring it, nor when it will come.
These questions you can’t answer. Does this mean you’re dumb?
It means only that you must relax and allow
The thing that you are wanting to happen for you.

Never mind the specifics. They fall into place
As the Law of Attraction gathers components
Together and arranges them as you’d prefer.
Only things that you want to happen can occur
Having made peace with where you are. Does it make sense
That you are taken care of by infinite grace?

Stop with all the contradictory energy.
This alone allows goodness to work its way through
Into your life experience. Your efforting
While not feeling it doesn’t accomplish a thing
But discouragement. Do nothing when you are blue.
Manifest the emotion of being happy.

It is the emotional manifestation
That is the most important. It is the first one
Of a series along your fulfilling journey.
You must know deep inside that you are most worthy
Of all that you want. Your work is already done.
Time is now to relax into what has begun.

Crank Up The Momentum

Go For The Thrill

I imagined a day filled with fun and laughter,
And it was so. I set myself up for feeling
Absolutely fantastic, and it came to be.
I experienced moments of sheer ecstasy.
I look forward only to what is appealing.
In this way, I’m an efficient feeling crafter.

There had been no subterfuge to the momentum
Created by my wanting my day to go well.
“I like this, and I like this also.” This is how
I was able to bring power into my now.
Being happy is like casting a magic spell
On myself. Much resistance I have overcome.

In the past, I had lived life quite differently.
“I like this, but not that so much,” I would express
To the listening universe. I would receive
So much of ‘not that so much’ that I would believe
Not that much is worth liking. I would acquiesce
To the false notion that something is wrong with me.

It’s like priming a pump. I create a vacuum
To draw forth the good feelings and keep them coming.
Once the water gets moving, it will continue.
There is little more efforting I need to do.
I believe that I do have adequate plumbing
For the well. It’s a factor that I must assume.


Good Speed

How do I speed things up? By not slowing them down.
It means that I must take the stick out of the wheel.
There’s a natural momentum created by
My asking, and my inner being does comply
With my wishes. It’s all in the way that I feel.
Things cannot move faster if I’m wearing a frown.

I can go with what is already underway.
The cooperative components are being
Assembled. It is by the Law of Attraction
That I’m able to manifest. What has begun
Will continue until it is what I’m seeing
Come together before me each and every day.

That thing that I keep doing that doesn’t let me
Move as quickly as I want toward my desire,
I must be aware of, and just stop doing it.
Easier said than done it seems, I may admit,
But I must remember that I have the entire
Universe to support me. What fun this can be!

I speed up things I want by being satisfied.
I speed up what I don’t want with discontentment
And frustration. If I suspend my resistance
For a moment, then things work out as if by chance.
Momentum increases through my conscious intent
To be happy. There’s nothing that can be denied.

Have Fun With It, Or Let It Go

Love It Or Leave It

Good advice comes in handy when I’m not at ease.
If for whatever reason I choose to believe
That I must make things happen, it happens to be
Just the one little thing that is preventing me
From a fruitful encounter. If I can’t achieve
Whatever, then it’s best that it’s cast to the breeze.

As long as I am having fun with it, then the
Momentum is most positive, and it will grow
Into something substantial, which is a good thing.
Something is wrong when I feel myself efforting
Through the process. My conscience is letting me know
That I can be as happy as I want to be.

Energy flows toward anything. When it does
Through me personally, it begins to expand
Into something more interesting. It gathers
Cooperative Components as it slathers
Me with ever more confidence. What I command
Is a power that venerates me just because.

Have Fun With It, Or Let It Go. This fine advice
Applies to people, places, ideas, and things.
My focus is of value. It is not to waste.
My attention to something cannot be misplaced
On potentially unfulfilling happenings.
I’ll avoid conditions that are meant to entice.

Is This Thought Satisfying?

Happily, Wildly Guessing

Allow your dream to gestate. Train yourself into
Excitement and the vibration of receiving.
Practice thoughts that allow yourself to be aligned
With your dream. You can let it become more defined
To the point where you are totally believing
That your dream will eventually become true.

From the same place the idea of the dream came,
More ideas about how to proceed come too.
Every thought builds momentum if focused upon.
Your outgoing, positive energy is drawn
From the much larger, spiritual part of you.
All the blessings of life you have the right to claim.

Someone cut you off in traffic. That was unkind.
But is that a satisfying thought? It is not.
Then just leave it. If someone shows kindness to you,
You will have positive thoughts. Indeed you will do
Your best to share the blessing. It matters a lot
That you leave any negative thinking behind.

Is This Thought Satisfying? Then keep thinking it
Until momentum gathers. Thoughts that are the same
In vibration will culminate into desire.
Don’t be shocked by the peace of mind you will acquire.
You can make it a powerful feeling good game.
This question asked a lot is to your benefit.

Ask Questions That You Can Answer

So Many Answers

When will I win the jackpot? How long must I wait?
Where is all that I’ve asked for? Who all can I blame?
These questions have no answers. It is of no use
To evoke them. So doing will sadly produce
Confusion, and my circumstance will stay the same.
I must be aware always of what I create.

To accomplish a budget, I have to earn more
Or spend less. This translates to beliefs and desires.
If I want something and I believe it can be,
I’ll feel good, and it’s likely to happen to me.
Being in the receptive mode only requires
That I focus on something that I’m grateful for.

Wanting something, but doubting that it can become
A reality is a despicable place
To be in. When beliefs and desires are aligned,
Powerful insights begin to enter the mind.
Pulling back is impossible. I can’t erase
Having wanted. I continue beating that drum.

I can ask why I want something. I can answer
That question easily and without any doubt.
I can imagine being there and doing it.
The feeling of expectation I can transmit
To the universe. It figures everything out.
I’ll not be surprised by the blessings that occur.

All That I Want

Touching Tranquility

I’ve decided to be happy just for a while.
It’s much easier if, at the start of the day,
I spend time meditating to clear my mind of
Anything that is not a reflection of love.
It’s more difficult when there’s clutter in the way
Of my reason for finding a reason to smile.

Can I just pull it out of thin air – the feeling
Of excitement for living? Is it that easy?
That’s not likely to happen if I speak this way.
The universe listens to all that I say.
All That I Want in my life is to simply be
In a state, with each moment, that is appealing.

What gets me there is anything pleasing to do.
Focus wheels, meditation, and music distract
My attention from ‘what is’ the matter with me,
But my own expression of creativity,
To my vibration, has a tremendous impact.
Doing pleasurable things can get me there too.

My predominant work for this day is to stay
Satisfied and delighted, moment by moment.
I can gather momentum toward feeling good
Any time. My intention is well understood
By the universe. My job is being content.
It’s unlikely that my joy will lead me astray.

Things Are Speeding Up

The Time Is Short

Consciousness is expanding. The earth, as it spins,
Is the same as it has been for billions of years.
Its cycles remain constant, yet relatively.
That which is on its surface evolves rapidly.
We know that things are speeding up, and time appears
To be too short perhaps because of all our sins.

If you think of something for just a few seconds
Then another thought like it, and then another
Will gather until they gain enough momentum
That things manifest. To you what you think must come.
Of what happens in your life, you are the mother.
What you have created is what to you beckons.

Think of yourself as a singular focuser,
Contemplating something and enjoying the flow
Of your thoughts as they happen with no resistance.
Without your contradicting them, they have a chance
To become your reality, which, you should know,
You create with your focus on things you prefer.

There’s a joining up of others into the stream
As it gets moving swiftly. Cooperative
Components then assemble. There’s an attraction
Of forces lining up for your satisfaction.
It happens when you are most appreciative
Of your ability to contemplate your dream.


Manifest Happiness

What is in your Vortex that you’d like to define?
Find some simple thing that you know is over there
Such as a state of clarity and fulfillment.
What is there that you want? Are you in alignment
With its coming? All you need to do is to care
How you feel in each moment. Each one you design.

What is there that is missing? What is there that you
Cannot find yet in your daily experience?
Your Vortex of Creation contains everything
That you have ever wanted. It’s ready to bring
Them all to you. The volume of it is immense.
The more that you are wanting, the more you accrue.

What do you want that you don’t have? Pick something close
To your heart, but do not concern yourself with how
It will happen. The best question to ask is, “Why?”
This speeds up your momentum. The more that you try
To make things happen, the less blessing you allow.
In the reason ‘why’ you want it, you may engross.

The ’how’ will almost every time cause you to lose
Your connection to who you are, and you may stray
From the path, but the ‘why’ gives you more energy
To explore possibilities. Thus, you are free
Of the struggle of making things turn out your way.
Why you want to have something is always good news.

Speed Things Up

Make Things Happen Faster

Everyone wants the same thing… to be happily
Ever after in living. Everything we do
Is for that simple reason. When sorting things out,
We know happiness when we feel it without doubt.
I would venture to guess that I’m the same as you
With regard to the dreams that are coming to be.

How do I Speed Things Up? Impatience, I do know,
Is a problem. It seems that time wants to stand still.
There’s a natural momentum already set.
My concern that what I want has not happened yet
Makes time seem like forever. My attitude will
Affect how I perceive it. That’s why it seems slow.

I have asked for it, therefore the wheel is turning.
I Speed Things Up by taking the stick out of it
So that it can spin freely. Cooperative
are assembled and ready to give

Everything that I ask for. I just have to quit
Focusing on the scope and depth of my yearning.

Genuine satisfaction will get things moving
Rather quickly. I can cease my arguing for
Limitations. I speed things by not slowing them
With self-doubt and my propensity to condemn
The process that’s unfolding. It’s best to ignore
The temptation to think things are not improving.


Happy About Life

When a car has its brake off, and it’s out of gear
On a steep hill, it will move and gain momentum
Very quickly downward. In the same way, I can
Go from satisfaction to a place better than
Mere contentment. There’s nothing I need overcome
But my own resistance and corruptible fear.

Satisfaction into ecstasy or into
Love or exhilaration, or into passion
Happens as I have practiced. It gets easier
To live life in a way that I most would prefer.
Finding ways to feel good is always in fashion.
The emotional scale is not something that’s new.

I can feel much relief if I go from despair
To revenge, for example. I have some control
With the latter. I don’t want to stay there too long.
In that state, I will end up doing something wrong.
Feeling better is always the ultimate goal.
Of my emotions I am constantly aware.

There is a fine tuning adjustment to be made.
The relief that I feel is more resistive than
Satisfaction, although relief is a good thing.
When I’m satisfied, doors then begin opening.
There’s no other way but to do all that I can
To stay happy. Before, I had been too afraid.

The Pipeline Of Creation

The Way Into Your Vortex

Often manifestations that are not perfect
Will keep people from manifesting those that are.
The contrast in the not perfect one is the start
Of improvement. My insanity breaks my heart.
I can’t doubt my own writing. What I’ve done thus far
Seems not worth all the effort. What should I expect?

I expect folks to look at my work and comment.
Is that too much to ask of someone unworthy
Of attention? For me this is good exercise
Although it will probably lead to my demise
If I keep fucking with what people think of me.
Cluelessness about life at my age I lament.

What I want is specific. I want to belong.
Satisfaction with pissing alone in the breeze
I can’t muster for much longer. Something must change
For the better. My writing is not all that strange
To real people. I suffer from mental disease.
Many choices that I’ve made in life have been wrong.

Can I write myself out of this deadly routine
And decide to be happy in my world alone?
To the very few people who do visit here
I am thankful and hopeful the message is clear.
The biggest fear that I have is being unknown
And unnoticed. I must practice mental hygiene.

Have no fear of upsetting me if you believe
In your heart that what I do is mediocre.
Can you do it much better? I must ask in pride.
Some folks will think I’m lousy. I’ll take that in stride.
Life can be as simple as a game of poker.
There’s no limit to what anyone can achieve.

Does This Thought Satisfy Me?

The Most Important Question

You want to allow your dream to gestate within
Your vortex of creation. The way that you feel
Is your guidance toward everything you desire.
As you practice believing you have the entire
Universe working for you, conditions ideal
Coalesce. Allow the momentum to begin.

When you feel, you vibrate. You know this for a fact.
Your thoughts generate feelings. There are different
Frequencies of vibration from despair to bliss.
Thoughts that don’t satisfy you, you cease and dismiss
Before they gain momentum. Your conscious intent
Is to keep your high vibration fully intact.

Is this thought satisfying? If not, Let It Go!
If it is, though, continue to milk the feeling
For its full worth. Let other thoughts like it begin
To amass in the consciousness. What mood you’re in
Can’t be faked, so it is not worth your concealing.
Don’t ‘fake it ‘til you make it.’ This will bring you woe.

If someone cuts you off in traffic, you may think
It to be an unkind and unnecessary
Thing to do. Does this thought put you in a good place?
When someone yields to you, you will think thoughts of grace
Then pass on the blessing to others happily.
Keep aware of your thinking. It keeps you in sync.

Trust What Is Coming

Allow Truth To Enlighten

On some things I’ve been focused that matter a lot.
In the process I’ve managed to launch more rockets
Of desire into orbit than I can believe.
There is some work to do so that I can achieve
Things that will put more money into my pockets.
I can be grateful for all the cash that I’ve got.

Can I say that my point of attraction is strong?
I’m accustomed to trusting in what I can see,
But with things that are unseen it’s more difficult
So a mix in my vibration is the result.
What can I do to get rid of doubt completely?
In a world of abundance is where I belong.

The word ‘trust’ is appealing. The feeling I get
When I hear it is one of relief from the strain
That I feel when I’m doubtful. I can know that I
Am part of a big picture, so I can rely
On the forces in motion because they contain
The answers to all things that have not happened yet.

Looking at other things around me that agree
With what I want to see already is the way
To slow down the ill thinking. Remembering how
It was before I had them indeed will allow
My belief in the eternal forces at play
In creating a world that is just right for me.

Make It Happen In A Day

Twenty-Four Hours To Pleasure

If I can feel it then in time I will see it.
I’ve just got to find some way of soothing the beast
That keeps me from receiving. My feelings of doubt
Bring me no satisfaction. I can do without
The emotional drama. May it be the least
Of my issues. To trust in myself I commit.

I can feel it, therefore, it must certainly be,
And it is. Everyone is receiving something
From the higher self or from the news of the day.
What we have in our lives must reflect in this way.
Always in the receptive mode, there is nothing
That I can’t choose for myself. I’m in this way free.

Momentum is another special puzzle piece.
Ever moving cooperative components
Are aligning themselves according to how I
Let it all happen… or not. The question is why
Do I want what I’m wanting. It has to make sense
To my truest self. My ego I must release.

Give your attention to something, and something will
Manifest in a short while – perhaps in a day.
Don’t be oblivious to the way that you feel.
Unseen forces that make worlds to you will reveal
Things that are most appealing. There is no delay
In its coming. Your wishes they want to fulfill.

One Minute Away

Fast Manifestation

It takes less than a minute to be filled with rage
Or wonder. Our emotions quickly come on strong.
Should we try to control them or leave them alone?
When they are overwhelming some people are prone
To let loose with their feelings. It is only wrong
When the ignorant ego escapes from its cage.

Our work is to remain on the high flying disk.
It’s the path of least resistance to everything
That we want. We can’t just pull things out of thin air
Unless we’re in alignment and fully aware
Of the energy with which we are aligning.
The process is a simple one devoid of risk.

Things that make us feel better increase momentum
Toward things that we want and decrease resistance
That keeps us from receiving them. Things like music
Elevate the mood greatly and pretty damned quick.
Novel things that distract us indeed will enhance
Our ability to get the good stuff to come.

The first thing in the morning is the best time to
Get into alignment before old thoughts invade
Our clean slated consciousness. If we meditate
Upon waking, the chances of our feeling great
Through the day are improved. No blessing is delayed.
Stop and think for a minute is all we need do.

How To Leave It Alone

Resisting Temptation

Where is it? Why does it not come quickly to me?
I’ve been wanting my butt off with no damned result
To my efforts and wishing and hoping things will
Finally work to my good. How do I fulfill
My magnificent dream outside of the occult?
It is by my relaxing and feeling worthy.

To keep asking the questions is no solution
To my feeling uncomfortable in the wait.
I’m standing in the place of the utter absence
Of the things that I want. It makes much better sense
To dispense with my asking and then concentrate
On some other things that will raise my vibration.

Meditation is helpful. It quiets the mind
Of resistance and chatter. Any distraction
That can occupy the mind and is fulfilling
And making lists of all the things that are working
In my life is of great benefit lest I run
The risk of becoming negatively inclined.

Going general is another handy tool.
I can talk myself into a positive state
By letting myself know that things always work out.
It is only my focus on worry and doubt
That keeps me from the things that I appreciate.
It’s by my choice that I keep on acting the fool.

I Don’t Have To Chase After It

No Struggle Is Necessary

I don’t have to go after anything at all.
This I’m told by my spirit who knows a few things
More than I do. It’s hard for me to understand
What is meant by the statement peculiar and grand
But some measure of psychic relief spirit brings
To my weaker self who has trouble standing tall.

Here I’m not sucking pity as I’ve done before
During moments of misalignment and disease.
I provide information and entertainment
Through my life. There’s not much in this world to prevent
Me from expressing myself the way that I please.
To the spirit who guides me, I am not a bore.

My clear path is unfolding right beneath my feet.
The universal evidence of where I am
Is for me to acknowledge. My own worthiness
Is not something to question though I’ve made a mess
Of my life. But I can say that I give a damn
About cleaning things up before my life’s complete.

The intent is established. I need not follow
Improper directions, nor should I ever face
Retribution in public. The hell that I live
Is the way that my sick self I learn to forgive.
Finally there is comfort in knowing my place
In this world, and it is a tough pill to swallow.

Something Mysterious Coming Your Way

Ready For A Wonderful Supply

Generally, the magic is more dominant
Than the manifestations of bitter contrast.
Your life is going quite well, and you are content
With your place in the world and your huge achievement
Of alignment with who you are. You have amassed
A small fortune. Your life is seen as elegant.

You know that if you’re general with your desire
Specifics will materialize into place.
You’ve been offered a contract from the universe.
For all that you do it is willing to disburse
Benefits packages. You accept them with grace.
There is no limit to all that you can acquire.

You enjoy the good things in life. Finding your way
To events and places of interest to you
While not needing to know the specifics of where
The money will come from, you’re never in despair.
Is it rare to find people with your point of view?
Those who think so, their own consciousness they betray.

With time, it just gets better. The benevolence
Of the universe you feel almost constantly.
Life has been working out for you and always will.
The thriving nature of people gives you a thrill,
And the excitement in you that others can see
Is a measure of your innate magnificence.

Speak Your Desires Into Existence

Tell Your Dreams To The Universe

The enormous power of non-resisted thought
Everyone has. It takes the form of momentum.
You can say you would like to have this thing or that
But the ‘but’ that follows quickly makes it fall flat.
“I want it, but it’s difficult…” Don’t beat that drum.
Nothing changes. You will not receive what is sought.

The more you let a thought flow without resistance
Then the more speed it picks up; the more energy
It attracts. This momentum is what manifests
Things into your experience, and this suggests
That your power is awesome. Yet how can this be?
By no means are you ever the victim of chance.

If you think about something that you don’t care that
Much about, then you offer not much resistance
So it’s gaining momentum however slowly.
The notion of non-resisted thought ain’t crazy.
You may be interested in how to enhance
The momentum by engaging in lots of chat.

Speak more often about what you want with others
Who you know are supportive, and stay positive.
Don’t let ‘buts’ and ‘objectivity’ kill your dream.
Believe that you have access to a steady stream
Of wellbeing, abundance, and desire to live
No matter whatever situation occurs.

What Is Karma?

The Meaning Of Purpose

What Is Karma? It’s something that is self-imposed.
It’s not punishment. It’s an issue of balance.
Recognizing that I’ve made some awful choices,
I cannot stop my own inner demons’ voices.
That I have run from life is my greatest offense.
It is fitting that all my bad deeds be exposed.

So therefore, in the recognition that I might
Be out of alignment with myself I can choose
To do something about it… To enter a state
Of being that restores me, I carry much weight
So I must go there often. I cannot excuse
What I have done in my past that just wasn’t right.

It’s choosing to be who I am deep down inside
Without all the pretense of the selfish ego.
By comparing my true self with who I am not
I am willing to recognize that what I’ve got
Is a knot in the third chakra. It’s good to know
The nature of my nature with eyes opened wide.

Karma is just a balancing of energy.
It’s momentum is timeless as is a teaching
Of the lessons most basic to being alive.
It is an opportunity for me to strive
To be better. To my old self I am preaching
And indeed I am humbled simply just to be.

Let The Universe Work Things Out

Contentment Through The Cosmos

When desire is strong then solutions are ready.
There’s no possible way things are not working out
For me always. How much momentum is moving
Toward things that I want, and how much do I bring
To the things that I don’t want? It is all about
The choice made by me to be enlightened and free.

When things work out for me others don’t understand
And then call me selfish, greedy, or unworthy.
I expect things to go well, and they will comply.
If others are offended then they ought to try
Focusing on their own stuff and let others be.
Expectation is how wonderful things are planned.

Sometimes I’ll slip right out of the receiving mode
And find myself assuming something has gone wrong
Because I’ve made things harder than they need to be.
I can trust that when I’m thinking positively
Then the universe will want to follow along
And provide an appropriate cool episode.

Who can block my path? It turns out only I can
By the way that I’m thinking. I need not focus
On the thing that I’m wanting in order to be
In the receiving mode. I get there easily
Through my conscious intent which is always a plus.
Letting the blessings flow is my only game plan.

Things Will Fall Into Place

Let Divine Forces Do Their Work

You alone get to create your reality.
If it has the wherewithal to stir within you
A desire then it does have the ability
To deliver it so that your own eyes can see
That the Law of Attraction is probably true.
In a state of alignment may you always be.

Be more high minded in your thoughts. Don’t gravitate
To the lower vibrations that come with your day.
Feeling good can compare to keeping a budget.
If desires and beliefs balance there is no debt
To your overall feeling, and if you can stay
Well ahead of your wanting you’ll be doing great.

You cannot stop your wanting. Once life has caused you
To find passion for something you cannot go back.
So don’t try not to want it if it causes stress
Thinking more about why you want it and much less
About how it will happen puts you right on track.
Keeping up your vibration is all you need do.

There is no regression. There’s only expansion.
You can only move forward. Go with what you know
Increases the momentum of who you become.
Things Will Fall Into Place from where all things come from.
Take advantage of your full access to the flow
Of blessings from the universe, and have more fun.


Biography of Being

Ever since my childhood I’ve been too much unlike
Other people. I’ve never perceived things the way
They are seen by most others. I do not complain.
For the first time in my life I know I’m insane
But there still is an enormous price I must pay
For the harm that I cause while my mind is on strike.

I cannot get excited about the same things
That would turn on most anyone else without fail.
I’m not sad for the same reasons that others are.
I’ve not felt the same happiness. It’s very far
From that felt by most others in oddest detail.
A victim I have been through my false beginnings.

Everything that I loved I loved all quite alone.
Back when I was a little one loved and cared for
I uncovered for better or worse mysteries
Of existence that nary another one sees.
I know that I am here to experience more
Than the average seeker. My strange life has shown.

From the natural places this earth shows to me
Come the questions and answers that are of essence
To the best of my knowing that all is okay.
This world I am a part of. The part that I play
May seem small but in essence it’s rather immense.
All that I must do now is be happy to be.

Leave It Alone And It Will Come

Never Force Anything

How can I want something and then leave it alone
So that it can occur without driving me mad
In the eternal meantime? By Feeling Worthy?
That seems somehow so terribly simple to me.
If I want something ‘badly’ I offer a sad
Vibration to the universe of all that’s known.

When I want it and expect it, then it must be,
But wanting something badly can only lead to
Constant torment. So how can I leave that alone?
I can’t take my mind off of this thing I must own.
Frequencies sorely differ. That must be a clue
That my worthiness must be felt deep inside me.

But my leaving it alone is really the key.
I have already asked for it. I can move on
To other things of interest. If I allow
Things to happen while staying focused in the now
Then happy is the nature of conclusions drawn
About how things are going with the best of me.

Distraction is a good thing. My getting busy
On something that occupies my mind is sublime.
Yet keeping the mind quiet can work just as well.
Consciousness either way is as clear as a bell.
I alone am the one who controls how much time
It will take for the thing I want to come to me.

It’s About To Happen

Don't Give Up Hope

Your awareness of where you are can hold you back.
Strongly believable is your reality
Because it’s translated by physical senses.
You see things then believe them. The consequences
Are your strong dispositions. Yet if you could be
A being of perfection you’d still get some flack.

You are here to create your own reality –
Not to face someone else’s. Some folks recreate
What they’re facing already, again and again.
Powerful belief systems are reinforced, then
There are conflicting mindsets to coordinate
Along with others telling you how you should be.

Stop looking so much at what is, first and foremost.
How far you are away from the unfulfilled dream
Has not to do with distance nor time it may take.
It’s about vibration. Consciously while awake
You decide to get happy then on comes a stream
Of sustaining fulfillment of which you may boast.

When you sleep, all momentum stops. When you awake,
Your vibration is neutral. This time is the best
To find reasons to feel good – the more the better.
Then your day will unfold the way you would prefer.
Don’t worry or think things that will make you depressed.
Your doubting and complaining would be a mistake.


Personal Strength

Believing is the momentum of practiced thought.
I would love to feel fresher in things that I think.
Is it better that fewer beliefs enter in
This now moment’s equation? And is it a sin
That I’m so overwhelmed that I’m close to the brink
Of eternal confusion where I’m all I’ve got?

It feels that I should do something – what I don’t know.
Cleaning up my vibration may be what is best.
How I do that is through my appreciation.
As I become addicted new life has begun.
No longer do I feel so alone and depressed.
Of the thoughts of my evil past I must let go.

The fresh feeling of satisfaction I pursue
In each God given moment for all that I am.
I’m aware that I created it consciously –
A state of deep contentment so that I may be
Receptive to life’s blessings and not to the sham.
There is so little real work that I’m left to do.

If I’ve practiced feeling satisfied I will be
More likely to be at peace when things are adverse.
Feeling for the sake of feeling gives me freedom
From the weight of conditions. I can overcome
Feeling that I’m the victim of some evil curse.
I may then declare my invincibility.

Just Relax

Nothing Is The Matter

In the making of peace with the way things are now
You prepare for excitement and blessings to come.
Now is where your control is. Choosing how you feel
In the moment, you ensure each one is ideal.
You need not know the details of where all comes from.
All you need do is relax and learn to allow.

Releasing of resistance relieves the tension
That prevents you from feeling well inside your skin.
Just Relax and be happy. Give up your struggling.
All that does is create roadblocks. It doesn’t bring
What it is that you’re after. Now you can begin
Feeling better. Get ready for your ascension.

The first manifestation you experience
As you relax some is an emotional one.
You feel better, and this is most significant.
The least bit of relief that is felt will enchant
Your most creative spirit. You can get more done
Doing nothing but being fulfilled by suspense.

Who the heck cares where you are if you are on track?
No one does, and you shouldn’t. All that you need do
Is love this present moment and watch for the signs
Of all good taking place in your life. This aligns
You to your inner being – the true part of you.
You will realize freedom and never look back.

A Message For These Times

Guidance Through Turbulent Momentum

Many roads lead to nowhere as the momentum
Of the fluid uncertainty bathes the weakness
In the soul of humanity. How could one not
Notice and respond to it. Somehow we are caught
In a sea of confusion, hatred, and distress.
Do we need to be fearful of what is to come?

…Not if it’s just a snapshot of how things appear
At this moment in history. The injustice
Cannot go away prior to feeling relief
From all thoughts that have grown to a rigid belief.
Those that do not feel helpful I need to dismiss.
I create my own existential atmosphere.

This journey is more fun than it is not, so I
Can keep reaching for better. To get out ahead
Of whatever is happening is to pre-pave
How my next moments unfold and how I’ll behave
No matter what the circumstance. Life I can tread
From a place of alignment where I need not try.

Constant knee jerk responding to talk in the news
Is the way to keep focused on how things are now.
At a turning point we are, and whichever way
It can turn is my pleasure, which means I will stay
In the state of receiving. The love I allow
Keeps me free of the turmoil. Thus I cannot lose.

Are You Ready?

All Else Is In Place

Your are not manifesting. You are creating
The environment that allows for things to come.
Going out to get something makes you more aware
Of the absence of it and the cross you must bare
To attain it. There’s no use in beating that drum.
Nothing but more of nothing your effort will bring.

All your manifestations are ready for you
The moment you conceive them. They are vibration
To begin with, and as they gather momentum
They become your reality. All things come from
What is called the nonphysical. You are the one
Who must be ready for them. Nothing is more true.

Accept that emotions are manifestations
And ideas that come when you are at your best.
Impulses start occurring and ideas flow
Easily, so don’t block them with all that you know
That tells you to keep looking. It’s not a contest
Where you have to work hard to find the solutions.

From belief into hope and then hope into doubt
Is the reverse direction of how life should be.
Your belief becomes knowing before you behold
Everything that is wanted. As your dreams unfold
Do not screw it up by facing reality
And you need not be Einstein to figure that out.

Things Will Flow

Believe In What You Know Is To Come

The emotional scale is a continuum
Of all possible feelings. One end is despair
And the other is ecstasy, and in between
A progression to wellbeing clearly is seen.
If I want to feel happy then I must take care
That I know precisely where bad feelings come from.

From despair to revenge is a positive leap.
I have much more control, and I find some relief
From a cold crippling numbness that eats at the soul.
It’s not healthy to stay there, but I feel more whole
If at least I feel anger. It is my belief
That I can avoid things that my spirit can’t keep.

Between having no resistance and letting go
Of resistance, there is a subtle difference.
Like a car with its brake off and it’s out of gear
Momentum gathers quickly. It’s best I adhere
To the basic psychology. It does make sense
To create my momentum and go with the flow.

From complete satisfaction into ecstasy
Can happen rather swiftly. I’m not complacent
With the way that things are. I’m exhilarated
With the wonderful world that I have created
Wherein I have the freedom to dwell in content.
I have no doubt that good things will flow unto me.

Get The Momentum Going

Keeping The Pump Primed

It feels good to have fun. This is easy to say.
The sheer simplicity of this declaration
Is that it’s not disputed by those who are sane.
Everyone understands. There’s no tax on the brain.
The pursuit of a good thing is always begun
With a happy mindset at the start of the day.

It feels good to pre-pave an exciting time out
With some friends. I imagine a fairly nice day
With lots of fun and laughter, and it shall be so.
The best way I know to get momentum to flow
Is to find something easy and then try to stay
Positive in my thinking. Can there be some doubt?

As the day unfolds, what I like I’ll acknowledge…
And the next, and the next thing that’s going my way.
In no time the momentum has gotten to be
To the point where I experience ecstasy.
If it’s practiced enough it becomes like child’s play.
In this reality I’m on the leading edge.

I cannot be ambiguous nor objective.
I can’t say, “I like this, but I don’t care for that.”
It will kill the momentum. Like priming a pump

I draw grace from my inner well. It’s no big jump
To the state of enjoyment from where I am at.
This for me is a most logical way to live.

All You Have To Do

Here It Is

There’s no need to be fake about feeling your best.
If you feel yourself trying then something is wrong
With your way of allowing the good times to roll.
When you learn how the laws work you will have control
Of your daily momentum. It doesn’t take long
To attain what you’re after because you are blessed.

Find something that you just feel good about and then
Focus only upon that. Let it resonate
Within you until you feel momentum increase.
It becomes easier then for you to release
All the negative drama you so well create.
You have been in that awful way time and again.

You may have five things going that are important.
Four of them may go terribly and only one
Is doing quite the opposite. Focus on it
And the others will improve by not just a bit
But a whole lot. A whole lot of work can get done
When you know things you can do from things that you can’t.

What’s so hard about thinking about things that feel
Good instead of the things that will make you feel bad?
You’ve been trained to believe in struggle and effort.
But you know now to disregard thoughts of that sort.
Focusing on bad stuff drives you stark raving mad.
You are the one who knows which is of more appeal.


The Angst Or the Joy

Specificity simply means more momentum.
The more detail you add to the story begun
The more it picks up energy all on its own.
Whether in joy or pain that is suffered alone
Momentum brings sharp focus to all that is done.
What is needed to have a fulfilling outcome?

If it feels good then be specific as you go.
Adding to your excitement with information
Will increase that momentum as good times occur.
But if it feels in such a way you’d not prefer
Then go general, and don’t speak to anyone.
Feel your way to alignment, and go with the flow.

Specifics are the product of your momentum.
Going general makes alignment easier.
When your not in a good place don’t add to it more
Little things that will make you feel worse than before.
Feel your way to the way that you know you’d prefer.
Only you know the truth of where you’re coming from.

If you got up and tripped on some negative thing
And then thought about it until you’re really mad
Then you called you friends to get them all worked up too
You’ve created momentum that will bury you.
Your awareness of how you feel is your comrade.
Either agony or ecstasy can life bring.


The Dream Refracted

There’s something I hallucinated as a child.
It could not have been real. It’s effect upon me
Was to change my perception of life at that time.
That I told no one of it perhaps is a crime.
Was it imagination or reality?
I would like for the issue to be reconciled.

It’s a manifestation. This much I am told
By the guidance within me who knows more than I.
Everything that is physical is much the same
As the dream. It’s a more exaggerated game
In the wake state, and this is the main reason why
That there is so much ‘realness’ to all we behold.

More of my physical senses come into play
While I am wide awake and aware of so much.
The hallucination is a most vivid dream
Labored in its lucidity so that things seem
Absolutely coherent. This realm is of such
Contingent ambiguity throughout each day.

There’s no reality outside what I perceive.
It is all about perspective and nothing more.
I can manifest in the dream state just as I
Can do so while awake. So there’s no reason why
I can’t create a dream that I come to adore.
Consciousness of the two worlds remains a tight weave.

Everything Else Will Fall Into Place

Work Behind The Scenes

If this reality has the wherewithal to
Inspire something within you then you can be sure
That it can well deliver it, and it is you
Who creates your reality in all you do.
It behooves you to make sure that your thoughts are pure
And that you maintain mostly a positive view.

Your desires and beliefs translate into real things.
When they match up completely you feel at your best.
But if you think you can’t have something that you want
Then this lack of belief is the thing that will haunt
All your hopes of its coming. Life isn’t a test.
It’s a service to you that the universe brings.

You cannot just forget the thing that you desire.
It may seem logical to stop the momentum,
But you cannot pull back from the new expansion
That is caused by your wanting. In fact, it is done
In the eyes of the universe. Just relax some.
Be surprised and delighted by what you acquire.

You can only move forward. Forget about where
Or how things come together. Just focus on why
That you want what you’re wanting. Imagine being
And feeling how it will be. The art of seeing
Everything in its best light is well worth a try.
All else will fall into place when given such care.

Awareness And Self-Empowerment

Life Energy Focus

To be as little children, alive and carefree…
To believe that all good things forever come true
Is to be in a state older folks won’t admit
Feels a lot better than the false need to commit
To a rigid philosophy. All that we do
Can come through openheartedness, and easily.

I offer my vibration to the universe.
In that way I create a point of attraction.
What then come into my life by sheer momentum
Are the manifestations. All of them come from
What I focus on mostly. I can be someone
Who is kind and fun loving and not the reverse.

Seventeen seconds is all it takes to jump start
The cold momentum engine. Full throttle it runs
After more than a minute of intense focus
On the thing that is wanted – or not. It is thus
Infinitely better and it will help me tons
If I tend to the things that are close to my heart.

I can get out ahead of it long before it
Creeps upon me unnoticed. I have more control
Of my day at the start of it. I can align
My vibration so that everything is just fine.
And as children I have but one intimate goal
Which is to have as much fun as life will permit.

Go With It

With Lightning Speed

Allow your dream to gestate while in the vortex
Of creative, intelligent, loving life force.
Your vibrational equivalence is a match
To the vortical frequency. Your dream must hatch
Into time space reality. This is of course
Part of a simple program. It isn’t complex.

Ask this question about each of your random thoughts:
“Is this thought satisfying?” That’s simple enough.
If someone cuts me off, I may think he’s a jerk.
But that thought doesn’t cut it. It just doesn’t work.
So I’ll leave it right there rather than huff and puff.
It is not worth my getting all tied up in knots.

If someone lets me through, that’s a different thing.
I can think, “That was nice, and there are many who
Are respectful in this way.”
These thoughts are sublime.

Keeping up the momentum will in a short time
Put me right in that vortex. I’ve not to pursue
Some confounding procedure. Much joy this does bring.

I can carry that feeling as far as I can.
I’m the one in complete control of my asking.
And it’s not all that difficult to Go With It
Like a bat out of hell with a will that won’t quit.
Benefits I’ve not dreamt of this habit will bring.
Satisfaction is always a part of the plan.

One Minute Away

An Instant To Eternity

All my work is to get on that high flying disk.
It’s the path that I know has the least resistance.
It is easier done earlier in the day
Before old thoughts and patterns do my peace betray.
In the morning while still fresh I have the best chance.
I can get there by feeling contented yet brisk.

The first thing in the morning I’ll take one minute
To remember who I am and where I belong.
Then I’ll think pleasant things about places to go
And about things to do that will help me to grow
In the ways of the spirit. I can remain strong
For that short length of time. There is not a dispute.

Anything that I can do that’s pleasurable
Is a thing that’s worth doing. In fact, it’s a must
For spiritual health and that of the body.
Thinking thoughts that are positive helps me to be
In a state of contentment and ultimate trust
That I will in this day be profoundly stable.

I’ve much determination in finding that place
Of the highest vibration that I can achieve.
It lets me know the good things in life that I’ve done.
Then a chain reaction of blessings has begun.
I can’t help sounding foolish and sorely naïve.
That’s okay as long as I am receiving grace.

Advertise To The Universe

Show The Universe Your Best

Everyone has a product and service to sell
And the universe generates all customers
By vibration emitted. The vendor must be
In a state pretty close to that of ecstasy
To attract tons of buyers and many offers
In support of good business. One does rather well.

If one’s attitude sucks, the reverse isn’t true.
If I’m stressed or disgruntled and full of concern,
Then people without money or those with no taste
Who are bored and have plenty of free time to waste
Are the ones who will haunt me. I need not relearn
That despicable lesson. I’ll take one that’s new.

Nobody is out shopping for disappointment
Or concern that the business owner is uptight.
My vibration is everything. I must align
With the knowledge that things I do will turn out fine.
Comforted in the present, my future is bright.
I must be in the spirit of hopeful ascent.

Where there’s no resistance momentum increases.
Things happen rather quickly when I’m in control
Of how I feel this moment – less or more worthy.
The excitement and value others see in me
Is reflective of what is the heart of my soul.
I can get to that point where my worry ceases.

Catch It!

Volitile Grasp

The degree of the agony or ecstasy
That is felt has to do with my own momentum
Or the power of my true heart’s burning desire.
If I really want something, then not to acquire
It would really feel awful. I fear the outcome
If I have lost control of it but completely.

But because the momentum is strong just right now
I do not have that nuanced control that I need.
I have no way of guiding it. It then guides me.
There must be some procedure to help me break free.
May the forces angelic come and intercede.
I am open to all that my God may allow.

Yet, if I’m in the habit of daily tuning
With morning meditation and finding that place
Where everything feels right, then off thoughts I can catch
Way before they can take root and dare to outmatch
What is strong of the body kept in avid grace.
What I care about mostly is one simple thing.

And the more that I Catch It the less I will move
Into those kinds of thoughts. I will find true relief
From the confounding struggles that haunt through the day.
I so much want a life filled with laughter and play
Rather than one of fearfulness, heartbreak, and grief.
On this day I am destined to quickly improve.

Hand It Over

Give It All To God

The Receptive Mode is all that I have to give
To myself and to others. The information
Made available to me includes everything
That my heart ever dreamt. The universe will bring
What I’ve asked for intently. It’s much more than done.
Being open to goodness is the way to live.

When I feel that momentum is working against
What I’m doing, it’s high time that I step away
And let infinite forces take over what I
Am making way too difficult. In err I try
To control life’s conditions to my own dismay.
I control but how my vibration is dispensed.

If my vibration is out of whack, I’ll attract
Twilight Zone kinds of episodes. My confusion
Tells the universe that I like being unclear.
It’s not quite that intelligent. It will adhere
To whatever I’m feeling. I’m the only one
Who can tune my vibration and be more exact.

The Receptive Mode is all about self-soothing.
If I’m angry, or worried, or fearful, I can
Find a feeling or thought that is better than now
And the thing that is troublesome, I can allow
The power that creates worlds to follow its plan.
Handing over what’s difficult makes the heart sing.

Leave It Alone

The Awareness Of Danger Is Sufficient

How do I want what I want, then Leave It Alone?
It’s by my feeling worthy. That’s all that matters.
If I keep asking the question, I cannot hear
The answer that I should when it’s perfectly clear.
While I stand in the absence, my big dream shatters
Into fragments of sharpness. Why am I so prone?

The reason that the life that I want doesn’t come
Is because I’m too stuck in the struggle and pain
Which I think will work miracles if I work hard.
Yet, in fact, all my efforting means that I’m barred
From the thing that I’m trying so hard to attain.
I know this, yet I falter. Why am I so dumb?

How do I set my thinking about it aside?
Well, there are a few things that I’m willing to try.
Distraction is a good thing. By keeping busy,
So the mind has no time to be in a tizzy
Over conjured catastrophes, I can rely
On the business of keeping myself occupied.

Going general is another way to leave
What I’ve asked for alone so that my vibration
Is a match to the frequency of the answer.
Life does often work out. I’m a better dancer
Through created momentum and my elation
For the process I’ve set forth that I may receive.

Speed Things Up

Overcoming Resistance To Acceleration

Have I not heard enough about how to move on
Happily ever after above the thick clouds
From the tons of self-help books and through my asking?
The resistance I feel prevents me from basking
In all that I am living. My yearning enshrouds
All the grace I am given which is never gone.

“How do I speed things up then?” this novice may ask
While not feeling momentum in life day to day.
“…By not slowing them down.” Is the answer I hear.
Though it does twist my noodle, it’s perfectly clear.
Clear the twigs from the wheel’s spokes, then I surely may
Move more swiftly than ever. I’m up to the task.

There’s a natural momentum to everything
That is dreamt of or wished for. It starts by asking.
Then cooperative components fall into place.
The adventure is nice, but let’s quicken the pace.
I have gotten nowhere with my multitasking.
Can I know what the laws of the universe bring?

I speed things up with satisfaction. That’s for sure,
And I slow them down greatly with doubt, pain, and fear.
This law works in the opposite way just as well.
I have taken that route. It’s a roadway to hell.
I can remove the struggle from my atmosphere
And proceed with a spirit empowered and pure.