Tag Archive | momentum

Speed Things Up

Overcoming Resistance To Acceleration

Have I not heard enough about how to move on
Happily ever after above the thick clouds
From the tons of self-help books and through my asking?
The resistance I feel prevents me from basking
In all that I am living. My yearning enshrouds
All the grace I am given which is never gone.

“How do I speed things up then?” this novice may ask
While not feeling momentum in life day to day.
“…By not slowing them down.” Is the answer I hear.
Though it does twist my noodle, it’s perfectly clear.
Clear the twigs from the wheel’s spokes, then I surely may
Move more swiftly than ever. I’m up to the task.

There’s a natural momentum to everything
That is dreamt of or wished for. It starts by asking.
Then cooperative components fall into place.
The adventure is nice, but let’s quicken the pace.
I have gotten nowhere with my multitasking.
Can I know what the laws of the universe bring?

I speed things up with satisfaction. That’s for sure,
And I slow them down greatly with doubt, pain, and fear.
This law works in the opposite way just as well.
I have taken that route. It’s a roadway to hell.
I can remove the struggle from my atmosphere
And proceed with a spirit empowered and pure.

In Just One Day

Passion Equals Momentum

One can manifest anything In Just One Day
With deliberate focus and not much effort.
Most do that most unconsciously most of the time
About things insignificant. Focus is prime
In the art of creating our worlds of comfort
Constantly we’re receptive of what comes our way.

If I think it, then feel it, then it has to be.
Basic knowledge this is now. The receptive mode
Is the same as my mood. All the time I receive
In the way that I feel and by what I believe.
Feeling lousy reflects what I need to unload
That is not to my liking and not part of me.

What I’ve put in the vortex of all my desire
Is available to me but also the fear
I associate with it. I must sort that out.
Feeling is the right way to eliminate doubt
Such that what I want and don’t are made crystal clear
Then there’s no limit to the things I may acquire.

Momentum is Digestion. What I want, I eat
In the form of vibration of energized thought.
With the first swallow, momentum starts taking place.
The absorption of nourishment is but the grace
Of the heart’s true fulfillment, more often than not.
I must feel what it’s like to be full and complete.

I can do that in one day or in a decade
Or a lifetime of misery, struggle, and pain.
That it happens at this late date is no disgrace.
The good life of my dreams I do not have to chase
To the point of my madness. All that I attain
That is good and abundant cannot be delayed.

All Else Falls Into Place

The Need To Adjust Things

Oddly shaped are the raindrops as freely they fall.
Must I do something with each before it can rest
On the surface now built up? Where is my control?
This life game is a journey, but what is the goal?
If I play with the right folk, I won’t fail the test,
Yet that doesn’t prevent me from dropping the ball.

My mind is a container. Its volume of thought
Can’t exist without big holes of dead empty space.
If by staying high minded I’m able to change
How each thought takes the surface – if I can arrange
Them before they cannot be – I’m running whose race?
This game is at its most basic fatally fraught.

I create my reality, damn it to hell!
It should not be a death sentence but awesome news.
My desires and beliefs must be in alignment.
If they’re not then this lifetime is one I’ll resent.
Whatever it may come to, I do get to choose
Every thought that I think and where each one should dwell.

How things might come together is not my business
Nor should it be of any concern. Only why
Should fill up the container. Good things will in turn
Fall in place rather nicely. God’s grace I discern
Showering down upon me like rain from the sky.
All I need do is trust in the simple process.

The Game Of Satisfaction

The Game Of Happy Living

As I’m having a good time and things go my way,
I delight in the process and manifest more
In the way of fulfillment. I may go along
Until some ‘what if’ happens and something goes wrong
When I’m faced with an issue that I can’t ignore
Then I must find the best way to feel more ok.

History and old habits have nothing to do
With the new ever presence that this moment holds.
My thoughts are where I left them last, and there they stay
And become a trip hazard some God awful day.
Do I have any say in how my life unfolds?
Getting rid of the old stuff makes room for what’s new.

I can stop the self-sabotage. I’ll think about
The issue in a way that feels better by far
Than the dwelling upon it. ‘What if’s’ can be good.
A game can be made of life that is understood
To leave me in contentment. The way that things are
Shall evolve as they should. I have nary a doubt.

So, I do keep a journal; this one and one more
With a line down the center and separate sides.
On the satisfied half go all happy events.
On the other, the troubled heart and its contents.
Putting them in a new place, I’m making great strides
In my human development – none like before.

The Cycle

The Infinity Of Providence

There are cycles unending wherein I am one
With all others on this earth and all that exists.
How do I lead my consciousness of time and space
To evoke the momentum of God’s loving grace?
Within all life’s occurrences motion persists
Only in one direction and never is done.

Contemplating on cycles, I feel out the parts
That each one is made up of. Must there be contrast
So that goodness can be seen amid the chaos?
Can I manage somehow to stop thinking of loss
Long enough to allow good momentum to last?
Since each has no beginning, can there be false starts?

There are steps to creation. The yearning I feel
Causes asking, which causes motion, then forces
Of the universe amplify what has been made.
Only through my impatience is goodness delayed.
Maintaining the alignment with who my source is
Is the grease for the axle that quiets the wheel.

Maintenance of continuance rightly includes
Times of darkness. To get through them, and then to grow…
It’s a life I’m well suited for. Which path I choose
At any given moment is either the blues
Or the way of fulfillment. What more need I know?
I’m aware of the wonder each cycle exudes.

Empathy And Compassion

The Subtle Difference

True compassion is looking clearly at someone
Through the eyes of their better self while maintaining
One’s own sense of wellbeing. It’s good that we care
For how others are doing. Most folks are aware
Of the unending plight of human suffering
And would offer their help if something could be done.

Empathy is the understanding and sharing
Of the feelings of others. It falls somewhat short
Of the call to right action. One senses the pain
In the other, but pity is offered in vain.
This is certainly not conducive to support.
Negative connotations can empathy bring.

There are kindhearted people who can become prey
To those who’ve become needy professionally.
They’ve perfected the fine art of drawing folks in
To their confounding drama that makes the head spin.
One must exercise caution in giving freely
Of oneself in this real world in which we all play.

I can’t ignore the needy because I am one
Not through my better judgment does my growth occur.
Nonetheless, I am wealthy for all that I learn.
Need I feel like the object of someone’s concern
When I can live the life that I truly prefer?
I now know of compassion. New life is begun.

Seventeen Seconds

A Miracle's Creating In Moments

Seventeen is the number of seconds it takes
To create some momentum from one focused thought.
In that bit of time, can I think just of one thing
Without measuring pros and cons and what might bring
On a rabid complexity where mind is caught
In a game of survival that’s played at high stakes?

After holding a single thought consistently,
It gains attraction power. Thoughts most similar
Coalesce and get stronger within the spirit.
Energized, the emotions will play and not quit.
And there is not a danger of going too far
As the source of all being is much part of me.

Another seventeen seconds… then, another…
After sixty eight seconds, emotion runs high
And impulses come flooding in from everywhere.
Manifesting the good feeling puts me right there
Where the universe notices. No longer shy,
All the life I’m entitled to has to occur.

I can’t deal with conditions, but feelings I will
Change exclusive to anything that’s going on
Which is outside my sacred self who is at peace.
Every bit of the struggle I need to release
To the cosmos for processing. Much fear is gone
By performing this exercise just for the thrill.

Delight In Things Popping

Sensual Pleasures

Existence becomes fetish as small dreams unfold
Into ever expanding ones. Fake bubble wrap,
Protecting the fragility of the ego,
Is precise in its popping so that it may show
That I’m not just a magnet for negative crap.
There are things about life that are by me controlled.

Do not act until inspiration has ensued.
The momentum now flowing may be not the one
That is most beneficial. I must let it die
From my lack of attention. When my mood is high,
The new current created anoints me in fun.
I’ll behave with a clear positive attitude.

Feeling good can be chronic and quite natural
If it’s practiced intently. My conscious focus
On one thing that’s compelling will make way for more
Things to pop up and pleasure me. Need I keep score?
If I act under duress as if it’s a fuss,
Then I am rendered paddleless up shit canal.

I control what I focus on and for how long
Until practiced vibration becomes part of me.
I can choose the momentum that feels more sublime
Meaning that I have mastered the meaning of time.
All the good that I gather and offer for free
Gives me joy and fulfillment. It cannot be wrong.