Tag Archive | cooperative components

Speed Things Up

Make Things Happen Faster

Everyone wants the same thing… to be happily
Ever after in living. Everything we do
Is for that simple reason. When sorting things out,
We know happiness when we feel it without doubt.
I would venture to guess that I’m the same as you
With regard to the dreams that are coming to be.

How do I Speed Things Up? Impatience, I do know,
Is a problem. It seems that time wants to stand still.
There’s a natural momentum already set.
My concern that what I want has not happened yet
Makes time seem like forever. My attitude will
Affect how I perceive it. That’s why it seems slow.

I have asked for it, therefore the wheel is turning.
I Speed Things Up by taking the stick out of it
So that it can spin freely. Cooperative
are assembled and ready to give

Everything that I ask for. I just have to quit
Focusing on the scope and depth of my yearning.

Genuine satisfaction will get things moving
Rather quickly. I can cease my arguing for
Limitations. I speed things by not slowing them
With self-doubt and my propensity to condemn
The process that’s unfolding. It’s best to ignore
The temptation to think things are not improving.

The Key

The Vibration Of Master Access

The key to manifesting is expectation.
You get what you expect all the time, every day.
A belief is just a thought that you keep thinking.
Believe not that the whole universe is shrinking.
It’s expanding in consciousness, and in this way,
You evolve toward spiritual perfection.

When you hold a thought active in your vibration,
Then cooperative components assemble
To give you proof by evidence. It becomes real.
You create your reality by how you feel.
Think of thoughts that bring feelings that make you tremble.
From this place, a wonderful journey has begun.

You can hold a belief that holds things right in place
Where there is no momentum toward happiness.
Changing your expectation changes everything
About your situation. Indeed it will bring
Wellness and satisfaction. You have full access
To the ‘good life.’ You’re worthy of infinite grace.

Don’t let ‘true’ things train your expectation away
From your focus on happiness. You will attract
What you think about whether you want it or not.
How you feel in each moment does matter a lot.
Don’t let others’ false opinions of you distract
You from your dreams. In alignment you want to stay.

Connect To Fast Energy

Hook Up To Lightning Fast Power

It is normal to evaluate our progress
Through the physics of this world. We want to compare
What we have with others’. We try to overcome
Gravity, inertia, speed, and our momentum.
Practicing meditation or consummate prayer
Guarantees us some indication of success.

Meditation means focusing on stopping thought.
When we do so, resistance must also subside.
This allows our vibration to rise to a state
Where we are more able to connect and create
With the fast energy that is freely supplied
And that will help us to attain that which is sought.

There’s much power in this. Most folks are competing
With others, trying to edge one another out.
This madness is mundaneness and disrespectful
To ourselves as a species. To resist the pull
Of the negative aspects of our fear and doubt
Is the challenge that only keeps on repeating.

Our impatience is justified, yet we rarely
Are connected so that time works in our favor.
We may slog around trying to move things along
Until we are exhausted knowing it was wrong.
Rendezvous with the moment and learn to savor
What’s available to you. It’s fast energy.

Ask This Question

The Most Important Thing To Ask

Much obscene information erupts into play
With my daily reality. There is no need
For me to ask a single thing. Too much goes on
For the mind to keep track of. Consensus is drawn
From the common collective. In this way I’m freed
From the wild chase that would make a waste of my day.

Negative emotion always means that I’m not
In agreement with how my inner being feels
About what I am dealing with. It cannot see
Any evil in anyone including me.
It’s the epitome of positive ideals.
What it thinks about all things should matter a lot.

I could choose to be angry about many things
That involve people having to be different
Than they are in order for me to be happy.
They won’t change who they are just to satisfy me.
There is one other option. I can be content
In the clarity that my inner being brings.

How does my inner being feel about this thing
That I’m focused upon?
Is my gut in a knot?

If so, it means I’m not in agreement with it.
My internal guidance is of huge benefit.
It tells me when I’m warm or cold and when I’m hot.
It’s the only question I will keep on asking.

Try Less

All Is Done

All I need to know is that it’s already done.
I’ve identified something that I want and I
Can maintain my alignment. I’ll build momentum
So that all the sooner that which I want will come.
But a wise inner voice says that I ought to try
A lot less and to trust in the process begun.

Constant trusting that the process works without fail
Is all that it requires. I have put it all there –
Everything that I want. I can’t keep focusing
On the absence. I will not accomplish a thing
But a blocking of that which is going nowhere.
They exist in my mind’s eye in vivid detail.

It is not about thinking about it a lot.
Too much of that will lead me into depression.
To accept that the process is worthy and real
There must be some passion in the way that I feel
For the thing that is wanted, and I am someone
Who can maintain a blissful state absent of thought.

I Must Chill. That’s the bottom line. Just let things be.
Everything is accomplished. I need to relax
And allow things to happen. It is not okay
If I’m feeling discomfort. I must steer away
From diversions and self-sabotaging attacks.
I let myself move toward what I want to see.

The Last Holdout

The Resistance Of Thinking

What is the difference between wishful thinking
And true knowing? What if it’s appreciation
For the life that I’m living for every reason
That is positive? Now is the perfect season
To find bliss in pure nothingness and the warm sun.
There’s no reason to think that my world is shrinking.

The bounce I do appreciate from a bad place
To a better one, or I could choose not to see
That there is some relief and continue to whine
When I know deep down inside that everything’s fine.
I’ve played that game for so long. I’d rather be free
To be in the mode of receiving divine grace.

Unseen forces that make worlds also orchestrate
The movement of all matter, and every event
Is already assembled. I just have to be
A cooperative component willingly.
If I do so, I’ll save myself useless torment.
All I have to do more of is appreciate.

I know what feeling good is and how to get there.
Staying there is an issue I still must work on.
But I can’t figure life out. That’s already done.
So instead of thinking I should be having fun.
To the geekiness in this verse do give a yawn.
Being not The Last Holdout, my heart I must share.

It’s Coming

Be Patient

In the art of creating you know your desire
Long before hand. Specific is your strong intent.
After that, universal forces take over.
What is done is completely done. What will occur
In due time is a feeling of true fulfillment.
You anticipate wonderfulness to transpire.

You know the essence of what you want the same way
No matter what it is. Do not be specific
Once the asking is done. You can be general
As all the cooperative components shall
Come together magnificently. So the trick
Is to not keep on wanting. It causes dismay.

Once you have asked the question, the answer quickly
Comes to you through impulses and inspiration
To take a course of action that is different
From behavior most usual. Through your intent
To remain confident that your asking is done,
On the way to fulfillment you are filled with glee.

But your keeping on poking around in the past,
Being way too specific than you need to be
About what has already been answered, will cause
Certain violation of spiritual laws.
You must know that It’s Coming! It’s done already.
Now kick back and receive all the good you’ve amassed.

Tell The Story You Want To Tell

Let Go Of What Is

There’s a big background story to all that goes on.
We all know all about it. Life causes you to
Want for things to be different than what they are.
You sort out things in life that are not up to par
And you have thoughts about them. Also what you do
Is emit a vibration that Good acts upon.

That’s the most basic story behind everything.
Each of us has our own version based on the one.
Integrated you become with your strong desire.
Graces come when the heart of the soul is on fire.
You are the author of every story begun.
You know that your own life is most captivating.

The new and improved version of what is wanted
Exists as a vibration that can manifest
But you must be ready to believe what you want.
If you can’t believe your dream, it will only haunt
Every moment and probably make you depressed.
Necessary it is not to feel so daunted.

Observation of what is is what’s at the core
Of all psychic stagnation and your resistance.
Things can’t change much while seeing them the same old way.
See them as you would like them to be everyday.
Peace on earth and good tidings don’t happen by chance.
There’s so much about right now you’re best to ignore.

No Worries

The Freedom of Consciousness

My responses to living at times I perceive
As much too automatic. The things that I want
Positively I respond to, and the reverse
Is the case with things I don’t want. What could be worse
Than being such a slave to the dreams that may haunt?
In the end, it’s the feeling I want to achieve.

Under these circumstances I have no control
Over my own experience, and it’s not right.
I’m supposed to have complete control over that.
So my responsibility cannot fall flat.
Consciously I must move by the way of delight.
No other way of behaving renders me whole.

Inside me there’s a being who’s thinking about
My now moment in time – each and every moment.
And it has a perspective and an opinion…
And awareness… a stake in the game to be won.
There is nothing that it wants more than my accent
Up the ladder emotional without a doubt.

Positive nonresistance while focused upon
Only things that delight me – may this recipe
Be the one that fulfills me. I need worry not.
My vibrational set point does matter a lot.
What I want out of life is to be more happy
Rather than too reactive and somewhat withdrawn.

It’s About The Emotion

Happy As Children

When we speak of manifestation we may mean
A relationship, money, or some other thing
That we can sink ourselves into. Certainly these
Count as manifestations. Each moment we seize
Is the one most important because it will bring
Everything into focus when senses are keen.

This moment is the juncture where you come to meet
Who you are at your truest. So in this moment
Is where manifestation is being allowed.
The infusion of consciousness keeps you endowed
With the wonderful feeling of being present.
You emote yourself into your staying upbeat.

Because everything is a manifestation
Your feelings are special in that you have control
Over how you are feeling. What is uplifting
To your spirit and all that does make your heart sing
Do with unfettered passion that you may be whole.
Co-create with your spirit a space to have fun.

Your emotion is wrapped around what you receive.
Anything that you want is for but one reason:
To feel better in having it. To separate
The emotion from creation is to berate
What is manifested. It is the emotion
Above everything else that you want to achieve.

One Last Thing

Get Happy!

The vortex of creation is a search engine
For the infinite universe. Many search terms
Represent our emotions. Each generous smile
Generates a vibration that is most worthwhile
For attracting the good life. Your feeling confirms
All the grace you’re allowing to find its way in.

So find something to bask about. Appreciate
Something you love already, then do it some more.
Meditation is also a tried and true way
To get into that vortex and hopefully stay.
Many good things about life there are to explore.
There are many avenues to your feeling great.

You have done all the legwork and all the sifting
And through data collection you’ve put it all there –
A lifetime of hopes, wishes, and dreams to come true.
There is One Last Thing that you are required to do.
Just let go and Get Happy. Take in the fresh air
 And let the universe do the heavy lifting.

Life is for your expansion. All that may occur
And how you feel about it, even the contrast,
Causes you to expand into a newer place.
The discord and injustice one cannot erase
But your inner alignment can keep you steadfast.
You can always decide to feel as you prefer.

Avalanche Of Abundance

Onslaught Of Blessings

We’re a nation of freedom I’d like to believe.
If the word has some meaning then manifold are
The kinds people conceive of. The freedom To Be
Is what they all boil down to. When I think of free
It means infinite resources. This may be far
From what many may think of. I am that naïve.

If my funds became infinite I could fulfill
Many dreams of a lifetime, but more important,
Fear and inconvenience would no longer exist.
I would shine like the sun and would rarely be pissed.
I would no longer be using the words, “I can’t.”
Every moment of each day would be such a thrill.

These are positive aspects of simply living.
Focusing on the things I like best is the way
To deliberately think a better feeling
Though until I’ve trained myself to instantly bring
About total alignment. This way I can stay
In a mood that is wonderful and life-giving.

Everything is vibration. There’s no exception
To this law of the universe. It’s absolute
In that everything vibrates at a frequency.
 I can tune myself to getting lots of money
But the more proper and more significant fruit
Is the satisfaction for the inner work done.

Timing Is None Of Your Business

Let Momentum Unfold

Many things are in the process of becoming.
So is it possible for timing to be off
On something that is so right? Of course that can be.
To call it wrong timing is unnecessary.
At this notion your truer self would surely scoff
One can take care of business by doing nothing.

Timing is none of your business, and this is why.
Throughout your life you have gathered much momentum.
All cooperative components are in place
To bestow upon you an intelligent grace.
You can trust that what you have will always come from
How you take to the process you cannot deny.

What it would be like you can only imagine…
Alone trying to move all the pieces around.
There are too many of them. Leaving them alone
Relieves you of the task of grasping the unknown.
By trusting in the process content can be found.
Then you will witness timing like it’s never been.

Find one reason after another to partake
Of the feeling of satisfaction through your day.
Know that all that you’ve asked for is manifested
In vibrational escrow. You are not tested
In the least by the process. Take time out to play.
You’re no master of timing so give it a break.

Keys To The Pick-Up

Tools of Manifestation

All of life is a pick-up. You can’t put it down.
If you do, then your driving is not up to par.
No matter which road you choose it’s still rather rough.
You will seek something better when you’ve had enough
Of not being the worthy one you know you are.
Don’t be driving when your face is wearing a frown.

A belief is just a thought that you keep thinking
Until it becomes manifested in your life.
When it comes into being it reinforces
The belief with more realness. Your life endorses
Your mindset whether it is of joy or of strife.
You’re a magnet to what in your life your thoughts bring.

Once you hold something active in your vibration
Then the Law of Attraction starts its assembling
Of cooperative components. To be sure,
What shows up in your life is a thing you endure
Or enjoy. Your thinking will attract anything
That you hold strong belief in. What you think is done.

You get what you expect. Expectation is key.
Once belief is established, anticipation
Of its manifestation will come easily.
You’ve the Keys To The Pick-Up, therefore you are free
To rejoice in your deliberate creation.
Things in your life can be as you want them to be.

The Creative Process

The Most Natural Force

Many colors and textures the canvas does hold.
The artist creates magic for the world to see.
From the contrast there is more asking and thinking
One evaluates how the mix of everything
Is conveyed to the seer who is more than free
To interpret its meaning which is manifold.

When you ask for something then the source with you
Through the Law of Attraction puts things into place
That will lead you right to it if you will allow
Your resistance and worry to lessen somehow.
You can know the existence of God’s loving grace
By your conscious awareness in all that you do.

But whatever way you can find to tune into
The frequency of who you are is justified
There are methods available to do just that.
The most useful ones offer a simple format.
Meditate and appreciate and do abide
By the guidance within you. That’s all you must do.

Be ready to be ready to be ready for
All the good that awaits you. You were born to be
Asking and receiving in real time every day
And like learning to dance, you will practice your way
Until you find your rhythm most naturally.
The fine art of creation you’ll come to adore.

Give It No Thought And It Will Come

Making Sense of the Obvious

It can be a head scratcher. This life of contrast
Is a bear to be dealt with continually.
But as necessity comes before invention,
One must go through the process of comprehension
Of life’s black and white nature before there can be
Natural transformation into the fantast.

Contrast is meant to cause us to want for better,
And as soon as the wanting is felt in the soul,
It is felt by the universe and becomes real.
Even though you can’t see it right now, you can feel
Every bit of the goodness. That must be the goal –
Not the how, who, or what. Don’t be a go getter.

It is hard to accept a thing’s reality
If it is a vibration that you cannot touch.
But you must do exactly this in order to
Set yourself up to get the thing that is due you.
You can learn not to beat yourself up so damned much
Over things not controllable. Just let them be.

You could say you want something. Then think not of it.
It would still come to manifest into being.
Only one thing keeps you from achieving your goals.
Your opposing thoughts will shoot you dreams full of holes.
You must evolve the feeling before the seeing
Becomes real in your life. To yourself do commit.

All That You Want

Whatever Is Desired

What you expect you will get no matter if you
Really want it or not. Your point of attraction
Determines if what you get is goodness or not.
So what you pay attention to matters a lot.
Do rely on the universe to get things done.
That you are in control of it is always true.

If you hold something active in your vibration
Then the Law of Attraction will come into play
As it gathers cooperative components
And the circumstances that will cause such events
That enthrall and delight you in every which way.
Living can be enlightening but also fun.

A belief is a truth that was made to be true
By someone’s focus on it. But you need not own
That which is from another. You have what it takes
To avoid living pitfalls. You do deserve breaks
That are to your advantage. You are not alone
In you lifelong adventure with all that you do.

Our beliefs form within us strong expectations
And we hold tightly to them. But change them we must
If they don’t serve the purpose of our wellbeing.
Embrace only those which are the most agreeing.
We can get good to happen, but we must have trust.
You alone control completely how your life runs.

What The Universe Asks

...Before All Is Given

I would like a nice boat… maybe even a yacht.
I enjoy being free and having lots of fun.
But is it satisfaction I mostly desire?
If it is, then the boat and all things will transpire.
Everything is available under the sun
But the feeling of needing defeats me a lot.

I can find other pathways to satisfaction
Before things become manifest. Then they enhance
The contentment I find in the things I control,
Like my mood and my attitude. My only goal
Is to feel satisfaction. My now circumstance
Is the bouncing off place where creation is done.

I’m under the influence of something always…
Either my inner being who knows everything
Or some confounding problem I’m worried about.
If I act out of need I will introduce doubt.
If desire is the driving force then it will bring
On a freshness of feeling that will my mood raise.

All the universe asks is that my desire be
Nonresistant – unfettered by feelings of need.
If I try to consider all of the details
Only miscalculation and error prevails.
In releasing the neediness spirit is freed
To attract and create most magnificently.

There Is Only Attraction

Opposites Ignored

When someone does something I believe isn’t right
It may feel like assertion. They did this to me.
Their action is deliberate. There is intent.
Would it be worth my while if I chose to resent
This person and respond in the highest degree
With some form of aggression? I’m not one to fight.

No such thing as assertion in this universe
Does exist because there is only attraction.
If something happens to me, I invited it
Through vibrational patterns I often transmit.
It is hard not to feel that some wrong has been done
But to cling tightly to it is truly a curse.

What this person is at best is a component
Who is fully cooperative with regard
To my subconscious conditioning through the years.
If I feel like a victim and have many fears
Then my vulnerability will make life hard.
Circumstances recurring will cause much lament.

My two points of attraction – the bad and the good –
Represent my emotional guidance system.
How I feel is an indicator of the way
I attract what I’m getting. So, I can obey
What the system is telling me. I can’t condemn
And rejoice at the same time. Indeed no one could.

Speed Things Up

Overcoming Resistance To Acceleration

Have I not heard enough about how to move on
Happily ever after above the thick clouds
From the tons of self-help books and through my asking?
The resistance I feel prevents me from basking
In all that I am living. My yearning enshrouds
All the grace I am given which is never gone.

“How do I speed things up then?” this novice may ask
While not feeling momentum in life day to day.
“…By not slowing them down.” Is the answer I hear.
Though it does twist my noodle, it’s perfectly clear.
Clear the twigs from the wheel’s spokes, then I surely may
Move more swiftly than ever. I’m up to the task.

There’s a natural momentum to everything
That is dreamt of or wished for. It starts by asking.
Then cooperative components fall into place.
The adventure is nice, but let’s quicken the pace.
I have gotten nowhere with my multitasking.
Can I know what the laws of the universe bring?

I speed things up with satisfaction. That’s for sure,
And I slow them down greatly with doubt, pain, and fear.
This law works in the opposite way just as well.
I have taken that route. It’s a roadway to hell.
I can remove the struggle from my atmosphere
And proceed with a spirit empowered and pure.