Archive | February 2023

This Moment In Time

Capturing Eternity

In this moment, the power to change anything
You possess without question. Now is the juncture
Where the focus of you and who you’re becoming
Are converging. So, you are now manifesting
This moment in totality. Do know that you’re
The creator of now and all that’s happening.

You may think that big money, a house, or a car
Are manifestations. This is certainly true,
But in the truest sense, it’s the full infusion
Of the Source within you that deserves inclusion
As a manifestation. The best part of you
In this moment can never be considered far.

To a lesser or greater degree, you occlude
The blessings that are flowing directly to you.
Yet you can change the moment with just a feeling
Or a thought of something that is most appealing.
What you choose in this moment is always brand new.
You can manifest a most loving attitude.

You cannot separate the manifestation
From your depth of emotion. Find the feeling place.
Your can feel as if you’re sneaking in the back door
To a good time. The universe will offer more
To prove the reality of infinite grace.
What shows up in your life is all your creation.

Try Less And Trust

Human Connection

How can I enhance my ability to find
And maintain my alignment? I have momentum
From the past that disturbs me. My thankfulness for
A good upbringing generates guilt from the core
Of my being because of the mess I’ve become.
It is natural that to myself I’m unkind.

So, I speak of alignment and those kinds of things
That I got from some teachings. A stab in the dark
It is for me to take upon this endeavor.
I would keep doing this if I lived forever.
Though I don’t have my heart set on making a mark
On this world. I’m detached from its vast happenings.

By trusting in the process and trying much less,
I can then feel relief and the sense that things are
Working out. I need to stop regurgitating
How things are. Effort won’t accomplish anything
But delay and obstruction. I’m not very far
From achieving a long-awaited happiness.

I get far out ahead of myself, believing
That I have to get out there and make things happen.
In this attraction based universe there is not
Assertion. My thoughts and feelings matter a lot.
I can make good things happen all over again
By getting myself in the mood of receiving.

Talk About Your Desire


Do you think it’s a good year to start something new
By not dragging so much of the old on the way?
When you ask, it is given, every single time,
So don’t ask as if you are committing a crime.
Talk about what you want and believe what you say.
Letting in what is given is easy to do.

Negative human drama is in the forecast.
It cannot be a reason to pay attention
Lest the mind become poisoned. Your peace you deny.
You become somewhat brittle without knowing why.
Instead of believing that everything is done,
You may find yourself a prisoner of your past.

Turn the news off. Forget about humanity
For a moment and focus on what’s going well
In your circle immediate. Life will improve
With a shift in your consciousness. Then you can move
Into some satisfaction. Don’t sanctify hell.
What you ask for is supposed to come easily.

Universal energies want to flow through you
Toward what you desire, so do not block the flow
With beliefs and opinions. Let goodness happen
In your life. You can become like a child again…
In the best way, which is the only way to go.
Tell others who will listen of your point of view.

I Should Not Have Been Born


Can I blame mental illness for how I’ve behaved?
I would like to, but that would mean that I’m now sane.
In my old age, alone now, consumed in remorse,
I’m possessed by a grossly malevolent force.
My whole life was a mission to cause others pain
From this brutal life review I cannot be saved.

It’s injustice to worthiness. I don’t deserve
Satisfaction in living. In purgatory,
I remember my madness and all I have done
To create such calamity for everyone
I can think of. The reason that people hate me
Is because I’m an asshole with colossal nerve.

That’s why I flush the toilet every now and then
By moving to another place, leaving behind
A train wreck of existence to fuck up anew
Somewhere else. I’m amazed by the things that I do
That are downright disgusting. I had been unkind
For no apparent reason again and again.

Can I feel the embarrassment? Have I a soul?
As my lead solar plexus drains my energy,
I don’t want to remember the people I’ve known.
Knowing they have forgotten me, I can disown
That it ever had happened. In hell I should be.
Perhaps unconsciously that’s my ultimate goal.

But I’m here now and have been assigned to this role
For some God unknown reason. I am humbled by
My existence. I’m sorry for all that I’ve done
To hurt others. To hope that healing has begun
Is, I hope, not too arrogant. The day I die
Will be one of rejoicing for this troubled soul.

The Emotional Choice


You could think about many different subjects,
But let it be emotional. Thinking too much
Complicates your achieving what you most desire.
The more significant thing that you will acquire
Is complete understanding that you’ve become such
An astute manifester in many aspects.

The Emotional Choice is an energy one.
You can be as miserable or as happy
As you choose in the moment. Your choices are two:
To feel better or worse. So, the thing you can do,
If momentum has gathered, to get yourself free
Is to forget about it and go have some fun.

The imperfect manifestation is the one
Which can lead to perfection or more improvement.
The contrast that life offers is the beginning
Of insight and direction toward a winning
Solution. You do not have to get all hellbent
On perfection. Your fine work would then be undone.

The pipeline of creation is fueled by what you
Are about here and now. It’s about attraction –
Not assertion, compulsion, or struggling your way
Toward something. There’s no price that you have to pay
But your joy and the feeling of satisfaction.
Speak your thoughts of alignment and watch them come true.

Be More Playful

Happy Hands

Be More Playful about your approach to living,
And accept that the laws of the universe are
Powerful, consistent, and unyieldingly fair.
You could not be more worthy. You could be aware
That you are without question a bright shining star.
You can let go of any practiced misgiving.

Focusing upon things that hold very little
Resistance is an easy and worthwhile way to
Change your vibration quickly, then other things will
Coalesce that are like them. Prepare for the thrill
Of it happening. Your life is a rendezvous
With adventure. You can’t remain noncommittal.

Things that you really care about can begin to
Surprise and delight you. You hold yourself apart
From those things by resistance to feeling better.
Limiting beliefs practiced will only fetter
Your spirit. Is it time that you take this to heart?
Your ability to see depends upon you.

Precision and uniqueness is that which is you.
As you play in life’s contrast, you are creating
Your experience. Start with things that are easy.
From the contrast, you define how things ought to be.
Willingness to take part is appreciating
Life as one sacred process exciting and new.

Things Are Working Out

Realization Of Contentment

We all here are extensions of Source Energy.
There is not one of us who does not have access
To infinite intelligence. All we need do
Is be well in alignment and receptive to
Information that could lead to our happiness.
We were meant to live our days in relative glee.

We can translate nonphysical information
Into what we call intuition and insight.
We have a solar plexus. It is the center
Of emotional responses. What may occur
Can be analyzed for if it feels wrong or right.
This guidance is available to everyone.

In your joyful state of being, you may receive
An Impulse to change lanes while you’re driving so that
You avoid something hazardous and unforeseen.
Universal forces are giving you the green
Light to safety, no matter where your mind is at.
We all have the fine ability to perceive.

The entire universe is always conspiring
To work things out for you. You are more than worthy
Of your dreams coming true in a fantastic way.
Our asking and receiving can be as child’s play.
Self-imposed limitations do not have to be
Part of your life. Your attitude is everything.