Tag Archive | wanting

God Will Show You The Way

Divine Providence

Many names there are for God. What is the divine?
By nature alien to us and most supreme,
The Being is imagined in myriad ways.
What is common is the fact that humans give praise
To the one consciousness who will have their esteem.
The distance between we and it is our design.

It would have us know that we are worthy beyond
Our ability to know in our condition.
Life causes us to ask, and God always answers
Not always in the way that the asker prefers.
We want to be in the sweet spot of creation
Where between each of us and God is a strong bond.

Our work is to get into the receiving mode.
What we receive is the feeling of alignment
With the God who lives in us and through us always.
Praying this way it’s guaranteed one’s spirit stays
Open to the receiving of divine intent.
God does not communicate in a special code.

I accept the perfection within the contrast
That keeps producing more asking for improvement.
The collective consciousness of all who exist
Now in spirit along with God want to assist
With the human condition and being content.
Faith that I have in my worthiness is steadfast.

Reset Your Energy

Get Life Moving Again

I want to feel wellbeing, and I want to thrive,
But I feel weak and vulnerable to disease.
When my body and things around me are unwell
All my passion about life is gone straight to hell.
If someone has an answer give it to me please.
There must be more to living than staying alive.

By my deciding how I want to feel and by
Rendering how I feel now as unimportant
I can help myself greatly. The way I feel
Is the most important thing. In order to heal
I must release resistance. If I feel I can’t
Then it can’t be a problem for me if I try.

I can make an emotional jump. I can feel
Just a little less worried. Relief I can find
By finding thoughts that give me a reason to be
Optimistic. I recover naturally
By asking questions specifically designed
To get me to the place where my body can heal.

It’s an issue of energy and how it flows,
Or does not, through the body. My emotions are
Indicators. I don’t have to figure out how
To feel just a bit better. I need but allow
Wellbeing to take over. I’m not all that far
From an energy reset that I won’t oppose.

Speechless Timing

Accelerated Synchronicity

Divine timing is timing. There’s only one kind
That this time space reality cares to reveal.
Synchronicity rules this immense universe.
All that happens does so but for better or worse.
Consciousness finds that timing has constant appeal
Even though it may sometimes befuddle the mind.

My career as an actress is progressing well
But I’d like things to happen a little faster.
How can I be a vibrational match to that?
I feel that on some level it’s mortal combat.
I’m thankful that my life is not a disaster
At least not so that too many others can tell.

I know quite well enough now that I cannot say
To the universe, “Figure it all out and then
Give it to me all at once.”
This never happens.

I’d miss out on experience and making friends.
My desires are delicious, and I know that when
I enjoy them profusely, things do go my way.

I’m an evolving being. I’m making the best
Of where I am now and clearly understanding
That where I am now is a temporary place.
Here I am, and it’s good. Timing is at a pace
That, as I feel my best, is ever increasing.
Everything falls into place as I manifest.

The Big Piece

The Last Needed Thing

All of life is but a series of connections
That are made much at random. I can’t on my own
Find the one that will take me to the very end
Of my life’s journey. This moment doesn’t depend
On my making things happen. I’m never alone.
I consider myself of the fortunate ones.

I want to keep my receptors as receptive
As is possible. In this way I co-create
With others instead of any confrontation.
I don’t need to do anything because It’s Done.
All I need be is thankful for what’s on my plate.
There is no doubt about the way that I must live.

It can be that vibrational experience
That I’m having with others in this here and now.
Sometimes I’ll have an exchange with someone who will
In a way unbeknownst to them greatly fulfill
The thing I had been seeking. I need but allow
Each new moment to be filled with thrilling suspense.

I don’t need to identify all the pieces
Where each came from and how each fits into the whole.
All that is done already. My work is for now
To enhance receptivity. I am taught how
By my innermost being – the heart of my soul.
In each moment is where momentum increases.

You Are Special

No One Else Should Compare

I so want to be special. It’s my biggest dream…
To have everyone point to me and know that I
Am unique and outstanding. It’s an addiction
That I have. But is it something that I should shun?
Such a mindset disturbs me, and I wonder why.
Does it have something to do with my self-esteem?

When I socialize, instead of my enjoying
The experience, I want popularity.
I must be the most likeable one in the crowd.
I like hearing people saying my name out loud.
I’m ecstatic when people find favor with me.
I feel more alive when embraced by that feeling.

How do I let go of the temptation to be
Better than everyone else wherever I am?
What is at the heart of all this? Relationship
With my innermost being. I keep a firm grip
On my soul. It’s not for others to give a damn
How much of my most inner self agrees with me.

I’ll let myself feel what is best. I can adjust
And fine tune this a little. I’m not wrongheaded.
It’s not something that I must ‘get over,’ indeed
When I am feeling special my spirit is freed.
I am ever delighted in what’s just ahead.
There’s no one more than myself who I need to trust.

Access The Power

Command The Energy

Writing down things is powerful. I’d like to share
Yet another technique that was offered to me.
It’s about manifesting. I know; “Not again!”
But my job is informative. I like it when
There’s a topic worth tackling. Not all may agree,
And obliged I am truly to say I don’t care.

List three things that you want on three sheets of paper.
Each sheet lists only one thing. So write at the top
“These are reasons I want this.” On the other side
List all of the reasons that you won’t be denied.
At some point in your listing you will have to stop
And behold what you’ve written and quite on the spur.

It is necessary only that you want it
With a positive passion. Writing enhances
The belief in your wanting. It forms a strong link
With the thing that you’re focused upon. Now, just think
Of the power of this improving your chances
Of obtaining things. This is of huge benefit.

Spend some time in your day… twenty minutes or so
To enter deep reflection. Examine your dream.
Let your dominant intention be to look for
Things that you find delightful and then look for more.
May your big boat of freedom be headed downstream.
Benefits of your focus will begin to flow.


The Cycle Game

Everything is on track. I am doing quite well.
My career as an actress is moving along.
I’m excited. I’m having fun. My life is bliss.
But the negative feeling that I can’t dismiss
Has to do with my timing. Something may be wrong
With something that I’m doing as my senses tell.

I want it to happen just a little faster.
How can I be a better vibrational match
To some acceleration with my profession?
Can I ask of the universe that it be done
In a tenth of an instant? With loving dispatch
Do attend to my wishes as I would prefer.

I’m not being forsaken. The timing is fine.
Bring me the best of what I’m able to receive
At this moment, and I’ll just keep looking for more.
Here I am, and from here there is much to explore
On my path of fulfillment. What I must achieve
Is acceptance of here and now by the divine.

I am making the best of where I am right now
Understanding that where I am now will not last.
There is much to appreciate here at this place.
Mostly I’m satisfied. I will always embrace
Feeling just a bit better. What can happen fast
Is a change in my attitude if I allow.

Talk To Your Cells

Bodily Wisdom

Most of us assign all thinking ability
To the big blob of gray matter between the ears.
This indeed is an inaccurate assumption.
Transmission and reception of pure thought is done
By each cell of the body. To us it appears
That we do all the thinking most exclusively.

Each cell has consciousness, and each wants to feel well
But the conscious decision is not all that strong.
So the body responds to the collective thought
Of the whole human race and to thoughts that are not
Beneficial to wellbeing. Living cells long
To be given direction that they may excel.

Doctors think that some ills are hereditary
But the fact is that cells of the fetus receive
Worrisome thought transmissions from the sick parents.
The fetus thinks not consciously so it makes sense
That the force that is stronger is what cells perceive
As the way that is normal and the way to be.

You may talk to your cells in a personal way
Telling them that you love them each and every one.
You can speak to them as if they are your old friends.
Tell them what you want from them. This one act transcends
The beliefs of society. All that is done
To communicate wellbeing strengthens your day.

Source Will Show You The Way

Relax Into Your Desire

You are powerful beings and worthy beyond
What can be described easily. In the sweet spot
Of creation, you came here to ask and receive.
Life can suck but your Source knows just how to relieve
Your most negative feelings. You’ve asked for a lot.
It Is Given. Your Source can do not but respond.

Life causes you to ask, and Source shows you the way
Around any resistance that you’ve created
Then provides what is asked for vibrationally.
It is up to you only to let yourself be
In the mode to receive all that is awaited.
You have only the Source within you to obey.

Anything that is practiced becomes powerful.
Good or bad are the choices. You know which one feels
More attuned to your liking. You know what to do
When a negative feeling becomes part of you.
A rampage of appreciation often heals
Negative psychoses even with their strong pull.

The guidance of your Source is always at your call.
It is ready, willing, and able to give you
Every clue that you need to get you through your day.
Infinite intelligent forces are at play
To help you to discover the one person who
Is yourself at your truest – the best one of all.

Self-Love And Appreciation

Personal Ecstasy

Know that your inner being loves and adores you.
You need not feel conceited or shy in the least.
You come into connection with all that it knows
By thinking thoughts that feel good – not those that oppose
The ones that your true self thinks. Much can be released
That is causing resistance in lieu of a clue.

As you think thoughts that beat up on yourself, others,
Or the circumstances in your life, you vibrate
To those energies and attract more of the same
Situations. Then you have no one else to blame,
But you have full control over what you create.
Your true self is at peace with whatever occurs.

You can keep a journal of positive aspects
Which is nothing more than a notebook called the same.
Write down in it all good things you happen to be.
If you’re not finding many, eventually
They will come. It takes practice. So make it a game
And delight in the feelings your true self reflects.

Absolutely imperative it is that you
Come into alignment with who you really are
Which means you must adore yourself. Do find a way
To uncover your worthiness without delay.
Being in love with yourself is not that bizarre
Compared to all the negative things people do.

Miracles And Healing

Spiritual Rejuvination

Some psychics of the distant past gave remedies
To address any illness within the body.
Some people could cure others of things on the spot.
Nowadays there’d be trouble were they to be caught
Practicing medicine with no kind of degree
That allows what they’re doing with true expertise.

These things we would call miracles, for like magic,
They bypass all the physical and get right to
What the cause of the problem is very quickly
And there’s no explanation for how this could be.
Those of science and medicine don’t have a clue
As to how there can be such a cure for the sick.

But then there are some teachers who don’t heal at all
In a way that is instant, direct, and profound.
They are teachers of wellbeing through alignment.
This method preferred by some can often prevent
Illness from manifesting. It’s the all-around
Way to keep in the best shape. The effort is small.

Advances in technology mostly come through
Insights from the nonphysical. As we evolve
There’s much to our advantage. The variety
Of choices made available is totally
In accordance with our growth. The problems we solve
Are through infinite blessings. So much we can do.

The Vortex Is An Emotional State

Finding The Better Feeling

Don’t lament the fact that you don’t own your own place.
No one else is trying to put food on your shelf
Or to cook in your kitchen or sleep in your bed.
Your rent only. It’s okay. So you can instead
Be thankful that God made a safe place for yourself.
As you do you acknowledge divine loving grace.

Some have called it a Vortex – a state of being
Where you’re most in alignment. You feel whole and clear…
Full of passion and insight. Powerful is your
Confidence of attraction. All that you live for
Comes to focus all at once. It is from that sphere
That you find that everything is most agreeing.

It’s your response to living – the merging of you
With your truest self. It’s not a place or a thing.
It’s a wonderful feeling. It is emotion
At the notion of living and having more fun.
There is cause for excitement, for what it can bring
Is a profound fulfillment in all that you do.

Don’t get into the Vortex then try to keep score
With the way you are feeling. It will take you out.
What you want in the end is to feel satisfied.
When you get in the Vortex things can’t be denied.
Your power of attraction you know beyond doubt.
Focusing on the feeling does open the door.

Do One Simple Thing

Changing Life's Story

In the moment one recognizes a desire
There are two simultaneous acknowledgements.
One is having that something. The other is not.
People put their focus on the latter a lot.
When this happens it brings on the worst of events.
This duplicity about things does life require.

The balance of the universe lies though therein.
All creation is twofold. Each has within it
The potential of the thing not manifesting
And, of course, the good feeling that having does bring.
Knowing which is the better requires not much wit
And to choose to feel bad is a terrible sin.

I add to one side or the other through the day
As my thoughts become random and infiltrating
Which do I want to focus on? That is easy,
But I act to my detriment unconsciously.
I can pay attention to what makes my heart sing,
Then to negative emotion I won’t fall prey.

I’ll acknowledge the positive aspects always
As my life keeps unfolding. It opens the door
To every opportunity. Doors remain closed
If I keep on thinking the thoughts that are opposed
To the thing that I want more than ever before.
I can change my life story to one of some praise.

You Already Have It

The Journey IS The Destinatin

Everything about reality as perceived
By the living being is realization
Of vibrational origin. Yes, every bit
Of what’s known through the senses, indeed all of it,
Exists because of conscious interpretation.
Readiness is the state in which all is received.

The path of least resistance or most abundance…
Of fulfillment, enlightenment, and clarity
Is always made available by the ones who
In spirit have become all that living folk do.
Am I in the receiving mode? Some part of me
Keeps the good things from happening as if by chance.

My mood is my receptive mode indicator
So when I feel discouraged, bummed out, or depressed,
Or somewhat like a victim of circumstances,
Then narrow to near nothing will be my chances
Of my being receptive of guidance expressed,
And The Yellow Brick Road is a tough metaphor.

If I can just refrain from my beating the drum
Of the things I don’t have, then I’m not held apart
From all that is here waiting and already done.
I encounter resistance, but I am the one
Who must conjure a conscious, fulfilling fresh start
On my way to a most beneficial outcome.

Your Work

Enhance Your Receptivity of Universal Wellbeing

Sometimes you’ll have an exchange with someone you meet
Who will be a component that will activate
Something in you that wouldn’t have if you had not
Met the person. Co-creation matters a lot.
Contributions from others can accelerate
Circumstances for living a life that is sweet.

A series of connections is your life always.
You do not need to make them. They’re already done
By the infinite forces that are very real.
Your connection in this moment is how you feel.
You can make it happen because you are the one
Who’s emotional level you only can raise.

Keep your receptors as receptive as can be.
This is what’s called creating at its novel best.
You do not need to try to figure it all out.
All that does is to slow things and introduce doubt.
Everything depends on how your mood is expressed.
You can learn to enhance your receptivity.

So, one hundred percent of your work is to feel
As good as you can feel and as long as you can.
Be happy and well rested and have lots of fun.
Once you’ve made this decision new life has begun.
There are those who support you in working your plan.
This work that you’re cut out for is also ideal.

Is There One Inner Being?

The Unity Of All Consciousness

Consciousness is eternal. With no beginning,
It continues forever. What else can it do
But create an immensity to comprehend
Yet cannot until all know enough to transcend
Origins of pure purpose. We are the ones who,
With these physical bodies, deserve honoring.

One may muse, “Is there only one spirit assigned
To a physical body, or are there a few
Who take turns and account for our various moods?”

Consciousness is an essence that rightly includes
Particles of existence creating what’s new.
Overwhelming this all is for the human mind.

Much confusion arises from our point of view
In that we think our beings are dead or alive.
But we are always spirit. Sometimes we take form
And are then part of both worlds. This is quite the norm.
From the standpoint of consciousness one can derive
And inclusive philosophy helpful and new.

We see ourselves as separate clumps of being.
We must pigeonhole and catalog what we see
And express using words or some kind of action.
It is through our senses we get anything done.
We are one single consciousness trying To Be.
If one looks at things this way it’s awfully freeing.

All Of Your Work

Tunining Into Being

A series of connections throughout life is made.
How you feel in each moment is what you reach for.
Tuning in hits and misses, but always you are
In control of the process. If you are too far
Off the dial of vibration, you cannot ignore
The ill feeling it causes. Yourself is betrayed.

  Your creating with others requires nothing more
Than your being connected to all that you are.
Don’t look for one encounter to be the end all.
They are each linked together in what we could call
Universal acquaintance. It may sound bizarre
But the fact is that you have nothing to want for.

You’re receiving a signal. The path at your feet
Is always there beneath you. All you have to do
Is to keep the receptive mode first and foremost.
Once you notice improvement, be willing to boast
To yourself and the universe. This moment new
Is the one most important in that it’s complete.

One hundred percent of your work is to enhance
Receptivity to the treasure you’ve accrued.
That means feeling as good as you possibly can.
Luckily, it takes not much to follow that plan.
Life can be just as simple as tweaking your mood.
You have nothing to lose in taking such a chance.

The Power Of The Universe

...At Your Command Always

The power that creates worlds at my fingertips
Is the dream of a lifetime or single moment.
Exercise is for bodies to keep them in shape.
If they get not enough then there is no escape
From ailments and ill feelings. We move to prevent
Laziness of the muscles and woe on the lips.

Another exercise for getting to that place
Of untold of contentment involves time each day
For collection of data that match well my dream.
I need not go to such an outrageous extreme
To create what I want that I give much away
That my spirit can’t live without at my slow pace.

Thoughts we think are powerful. The signals they make
Are magnetic. They do attract thoughts much the same
As their own. Then momentum takes over from there.
Universal forces need be fully aware
Through my passion about it. Thoughts can become lame
With no strength of emotion or wanting is fake.

I decide what is wanted in vivid detail
Then give thought only to that and none to others
Contradicting the chosen ones. My emotion
In effect is powerful communication
With the ultimate power that ever occurs.
Powered so by the universe, I shall prevail.

Tipping The Vibrational Scale

To One's Own Advantage

When consumed in vibration, like feeling my best
At whatever I’m doing, I need to take care
That I won’t then feel guilty. What if the next shoe
That will drop is calamity. What will I do
If my mood begins plummeting out of nowhere?
Can I know that forever and always I’m blessed?

“I have found my beloved. She is my soul mate.
Whenever we’re together our hearts beat as one.
I have wished for so many things that have come true.
Feeling so much on top of the world as I do,
I can know that my asking will never be done
And there is not an ending to what I create.”

I cannot know the bigness of provident grace.
I provide the ingredients through my desire.
Then forces universal take over from there.
All I need do is let go and be more aware
Of assurances given me as they conspire
To surprise and delight me all over the place.

Seeking thought non-resistant, the pleasure therein
Is the mind made more quiet. Can I tip the scale
From my guilt for enjoyment of life here and now?
I must feel myself worthy, then I can allow
What is good to come to me in every detail.
Can I rid myself of my existential sin?

Wonderful things may happen. Amazed I’ll not be
Though it goes against habit. Some work it does take
To where I am expectant of things working out
To my general favor. The presence of doubt
Is a cumbersome killjoy that leads to heartache.
All that I have been asking for will come to be.

Be Prepared For The Blessing

Always Ready For Goodness

When in need of a blessing it is absolute.
While in tough situations where I see no way
To resolve them my desperation hinders me.
The divine never intended myself to be
So confused and unable to dash the dismay
That the soul in its darkness just cannot transmute.

To prepare for what’s coming, empty I must be
Of myself so that divinity can then fill
Me with itself completely. I’ll get in the way
Of the things that I want. If I could only stay
In a state of receiving not by force of will
Then all things that I’ve wanted are waiting for me.

I must bow in obedience to the divine
Who knows much more than I do with a larger view
Of the image I can’t see quite clearly enough.
What is gigantic for me is pretty small stuff
To one who caused the big bang and nothingness too.
Faith is the firm believing that everything’s fine.

I must learn to be patient while doing my part
Which is maintaining focus and staying aligned
To the guidance I’m given intuitively.
Loaves of bread and fish can multiply easily
With a faith more fantastic and blessing inclined.
Faith is not such a mystery. It’s of the heart.