Tag Archive | sad

Keep Your Heart Open In Hell

Face In Hades

How can one fall in love with the wholeness of all
That exists when there’s much suffering happening
On the earth? I know that love has no boundaries
But I can’t see the way the enlightened one sees.
Human nature I cannot find interesting
And my faith in our evolution is quite small.

So the frog swimming happily in the clear pond
I can deal with but with the grass snake I cannot
And it goes a bit further. I can’t find beauty
In something that contains ugliness. I can’t be
In that high state of consciousness. All that I’ve got
Is my mind and five senses with which to respond.

All forms are related to all other forms in
Ways that are lawful. If I can appreciate
This, I’ve entered a threshold of understanding
That can result in my consciousness expanding.
While in hell one can stay in a positive state.
Meditation perhaps is the place to begin.

If I stand only in my humanity I
Cannot bear it, but If from perfection I stand
It’s impersonal. I can find true compassion
Between them. I can become an enlightened one
If I wish. I’m empowered by my own command.
Suffering does exist. I cannot ponder why.

Stop Worrying

All Is Not Hell

Somewhere on this big rock is where I must belong
Since this planet conceived me and helps me to grow.
Now, from this simple standpoint, I’m God awful small.
Zooming out a few lightyears, I’m nowhere at all.
There’s not much more to say about all I may know
Because too much of it may turn out to be wrong.

I cannot comprehend infinite tininess
But reality and consciousness tell me that,
Magnetized to this mother, I certainly am,
If only but a short while. I’ll give a good damn
About my interactions, lest social combat
Be the mode of behavior I’m doomed to express.

Life is short; then, I’ll die. This is true of us all.
Every scene that is played out will be forgotten
In the vast void of time. And life will carry on.
Though it seems rather hopeless, wisdom can be drawn
From the wonder of being. My whole life is then
Given mountains of meaning wherein I stand tall.

I will not be remembered, and that is okay.
Nothing I’ve done will matter to me when I’m gone…
As it doesn’t now even while I am still here.
Worrying is a struggle based mostly in fear.
The playground of my consciousness I rely on.
It gets me through the difficult parts of the day.