Tag Archive | stocked kitchen

The World Is Your Kitchen

The Hearth

What is the purpose of your life experience?
Surely you know the answer if you have any
Sense of how this world operates. You’re here to be,
Do, or have anything you want. Naturally
You create every bit of your reality.
There is a special reason for your existence.

Into this physical dimension you have come
Because you’re a creator who wants to express
That while being here. Your work here is to define,
Discern, and decide, then to properly align
With your wishes and your ultimate happiness
In this world. There is nothing to get away from.

This world is a well-stocked kitchen with every kind
Of ingredient one could imagine and it
Has an infinite supply of each and you are
An astute master chef. Do you feel up to par?
Yes You Do! Everything is for your benefit.
Don’t let thoughts of negativity cross your mind.

Your work is to put some of those ingredients
Into different combinations to create
Whatever you want to. You’ve the freedom to be
As creative as you want and most happily.
On the meal that you’re making you must concentrate.
Let your role in your kitchen here and now commence.

Everything Is Ripe And Ready

Beholding The Harvest

The world seems to be broken to little old me.
It would take no convincing that I could be wrong.
Some would say that it’s ‘varied’ instead of deranged.
I would like to see that way. Can my view be changed
In an instant after having lived for so long
Witnessing human nature as gross as can be?

Yes, the glass is half empty and also half full.
But of what? It’s a question that begs to be asked.
Wine of wisdom or wickedness… or something worse?
All that happens is because the world is diverse
Too much so for too many. The proudly unmasked
Are the perpetrators of some share of the bull.

Yet amid the mass psychosis I understand
That the kitchen is well stocked with ingredients
Of all kinds. If I don’t want tabasco sauce in
The pie that I am making, I would not begin
Protesting its existence. That wouldn’t make sense.
Where is there room for our consciousness to expand?

Well, that isn’t my problem. I’ll not make it so.
I could join groups against tabasco sauce, but why?
Focusing my attention on what pleases me
Still remains a most significant remedy.
Empathy for the tormented I can’t deny.
There’s a lot about this world that I need not know.

Secret Teachings

Esoteric Scriptures

Humankind has been struggling since our time began.
This we know. It has never been hidden away.
So if some folks have answers to kindly address
How we make of our lives such a God awful mess
 And how to rectify things, then why do they prey
On the weak human psyche? What is their sick plan?

It turns out that the secret has always been out
So there has never been one. The truth we all know
By the way we engage the law of allowing.
Through our misguided upbringing we miss the thing
That is of most importance to help us to grow
Into proper alignment with no sense of doubt.

This is an evolving, expanding universe.
It’s not something that someone has all figured out…
Where the angels in heaven kick back and tell us
Little ones to be like them. This superfluous
Notion is less than truthful and fettered in doubt
As the expectation is for better or worse.

There must be expansion in order for there to
Continue to be existence. With expansion
Comes contrast and discernment – the ability
To anticipate, speculate, and mold freely.
We are born with this knowledge. There is not a one
Who does not know the secret or at least a clue.