Tag Archive | establishment

An Amazing Life

Wholesome Being

Why does ‘what is’ often dominate my life game?
It need not be that way, but the reason is clear.
I put way too much credence in my five senses
Which is fine for the ego and its defenses
But to pay more attention to what we hold dear
Is to live life in absence of sorrow and shame.

Among known ways of knowing, emotions are those
Which are subtle yet potent in how I behave.
We pay little attention to how they evolve
Until suddenly there’s a big problem to solve.
How we feel is important. Much grief one does save
In the process of living as consciousness grows.

I can hear you and touch you and that is okay.
Satisfaction and wonder my senses give me.
But to say that ‘I’m sensing you’ is but to say
I can feel your awareness of me through the day.
There’s a sense of fulfillment knowing I can be
In the state of connection the natural way.

My emotional center I can establish
Then more dominant than the senses it can grow.
My awareness of living is bound to improve.
Personal encounters evidently will move
With the flow of magnificence, and I will know
What it’s like to live life on the cusp of a wish.