Tag Archive | energy

There Is No Name For It

Conscious Nebulous Forces

All that is and that ever was has not a name.
Many have been used, but we’ve become rather bored
With defining and naming something so nameless.
All is all but one substance, and in the process
It evolves all quite seemingly of its accord.
We know too little about where everything came.

It’s an off and on universe. Now you see it.
Now you don’t. It’s the forces of the yang and yin
That define our perceptions of all taking place.
From complete utter nothingness to time and space
That which is ever nameless is where we begin
To get some understanding as it will permit.

“But what if the bad forces win out over good?”
This question comes from ignorance of energy
And its back and forth nature. We tremble in fear.
The potential of living a future austere
Amplifies the illusion of needing to be
In control of the nameless as it’s understood.

Wouldn’t it have been easier had their been not
The first cause of creation and all come to be?
Nothingness is unthinkable. Can it exist
Without something to contrast? That which does persist
Is consciousness eternal and evidently
Some people take delight in giving it much thought.

Existence Is A Relationship

The Joy of Spiritual Alignment

That humans are irrelevant is a notion
That is not of good fashion and unfamiliar.
Man believes he has dominion over nature
But the acts of some humans are vile and impure.
In due time we may leave an indelible scar
On the face of the planet. We may be undone.

It’s a simple idea, but understanding
Is one bit of a challenge. Yet actually,
Every creature is head of its own universe
And all make up this world in the way we disburse
Our life owning perceptions. A certain degree
Of acceptance of this is a wonderful thing.

This world is made up of all its many creatures
And their conscious awareness of all they perceive.
It’s an act of creation just being alive
So that our interacting is enough to drive
The process of existence. A grand interweave
Is the heart of creation with many features.

Each creature creates the world in its own image.
Existence is relationship with the cosmos
Through the vast neurological complex each has.
Evolution occurs for us just as long as
Our behavior on earth becomes less bellicose.
Each of us comes to be by the will to engage.

You Already Have It

The Journey IS The Destinatin

Everything about reality as perceived
By the living being is realization
Of vibrational origin. Yes, every bit
Of what’s known through the senses, indeed all of it,
Exists because of conscious interpretation.
Readiness is the state in which all is received.

The path of least resistance or most abundance…
Of fulfillment, enlightenment, and clarity
Is always made available by the ones who
In spirit have become all that living folk do.
Am I in the receiving mode? Some part of me
Keeps the good things from happening as if by chance.

My mood is my receptive mode indicator
So when I feel discouraged, bummed out, or depressed,
Or somewhat like a victim of circumstances,
Then narrow to near nothing will be my chances
Of my being receptive of guidance expressed,
And The Yellow Brick Road is a tough metaphor.

If I can just refrain from my beating the drum
Of the things I don’t have, then I’m not held apart
From all that is here waiting and already done.
I encounter resistance, but I am the one
Who must conjure a conscious, fulfilling fresh start
On my way to a most beneficial outcome.

Blessed By Water

Conducive Energy Flow

Manifest anything with a simple technique
That is proven by science and practiced worldwide.
It may seem like it’s magic or hocus-pocus,
But arguments against it are superfluous.
It should not be discounted before it is tried,
And it’s not something shrouded in utter mystique.

Write your wish down on paper and in present tense
For example, “I am attracting my dream mate.”
…Or whatever it may be. What you are doing
Is directing mind energy so it will bring
A specific blueprint, but you must concentrate.
To the subconscious mind it is worth the expense.

Place a glass of water on your piece of paper
Rub your hands together until they’re burning hot.
Place your palms near the sides of the glass of water.
Activated, the energy you will transfer
To the water imprints it. It matters a lot
That you focus intently for things to occur.

This involves the repeating of what you desire
Loud enough that you feel it throughout your body.
Take a deep breath while stating it over again.
You will then drink the water. Do this technique when
You get up in the morning most regularly,
And the thing that you’re wanting you soon will acquire.

Allow The Nonphysical

Let Spirit Assist

Not alone are you in this and never have been.
There are those who, in spirit, are working with you.
Grandparents and their parents, teachers, and healers,
And all whom we call God among many masters
Are conscious and supportive of all that you do.
Their guidance is beneficial time and again.

You are not being tested here but supported
And you’re not being challenged but inspired to
Be the fullness of who you are which includes those
Who you love and who love you. Let spirit expose
Secrets to your fulfillment in all that you do.
Take delight in your knowing, then forging ahead.

Reveling in your moment are all who you know
And the infinite unknown whom you’ll never meet.
In this moment are you letting clarity come?
Or are you sabotaging it because of some
Little thing that upset you? It’s best that you treat
Yourself as loved and cherished. Let good tidings flow.

Listen to what is offered from beings who were
Where you are now in this time space reality.
Beloved, worthy, and blessed we are to them all.
Interest they have in what you do large or small.
Eagerness, grace, and power come ultimately.
Isn’t this the kind of life that you would prefer?

Creative Power And The Mind

I love being in physical form on this earth.
It presents opportunities for me to grow.
I love knowing the laws of the universe well.
I can see where my path leads as clear as a bell.
The best thing that I’ve learned is to go with the flow.
There is noting to living a life filled with mirth.

I know how this stuff works. I’m responsible for
Only my own alignment. I love to create
With others who are willing and able in ways
That forever delight me. I live for the days
I can interact sociably without the weight
Of my life-hardened ego. Who could ask for more?

Wellbeing is the strongest vibration throughout
The whole physical universe. Sometimes I can
Go against what is ordered and get out of whack.
It’s so good to know how I can get back on track.
I appreciate that I can stick with a plan
That is most beneficial beyond any doubt.

Life on this earth is getting better. This is true
Despite local perceptions that challenge the mind.
I’m a master, though, at molding life energy.
No matter how things may appear, I only see
Possibilities for people to be more kind.
It all begins with myself. I know what to do.

Good Intake

Eating Properly

It’s a biotic engine. This body on loan
To the heart of my spirit for one humbled while
Is a biomechanical marvel to praise.
It sustains my existence in wonderful ways.
But if I treat it wrongly it will turn hostile.
Fascinating is this structure I seem own.

The word ‘health’ comes from the word ‘whole.’ What does it mean?
Harmony among body, mind, and the spirit
Is the true indicator of health excellent.
Constantly running engines must be kept content,
And the fuel that it’s given will help keep it fit.
It is all kept in check through digestive hygiene.

Someone is not in good health if there’s no ailment
Yet the energy level is grossly wanting.
Food that’s cooked loses enzymes that can’t be replaced
By the strongest of gut systems and it is faced
With an uncalled for struggle – a truly daunting
Thing to put a machine through. The soul must lament.

Eating foods that are living, like herbs, nuts, and fruits,
Is the best for the body that’s also alive.
They contain the ingredients for digestion.
Try it out for a few days. What will have begun
Is the process of living not just to survive.
Energy is the life force for worthwhile pursuits.

Be Done With Doubt

Release Concern

Let’s not talk about doubt. Let’s just wave it goodbye.
But before that we need to know what it’s about.
Sometimes I feel that my life is out of control…
Like today. What society pays for my soul
Is a sad, paltry penance. Immense is my doubt
That I’ll ever be satisfied until I die.

Yet, the true source within me cannot see things wrong.
It sees only my worthiness beyond all doubt.
There’s a huge difference of opinion between
My ego and my true self. What does this all mean?
Have I time left to myself to figure things out?
My whole life in review is a very sad song.

It’s perhaps that I’m simply too tired and depressed
At this creative moment while focusing on
Thoughts that bum me out quickly. I find some relief
In my knowing that I can just change my belief.
Could it be that my issue could up and be gone
By my thinking of pleasant things and feeling blessed?

How can I feel my worthiness? I can let go
Of the work that I’m doing as a prostitute
By not focusing on all the ego concerns.
Karmic cycles are teachers. The wiser one learns
On the way to fulfillment. I am resolute
In my patience with myself and all that I know.

The Help Of Spiritual Forces

Guidance Ever Present

Never am I alone even though it seems so.
I came screaming and kicking into what is now.
Some adjustment was needed with this attitude
For more positive insight on how life is viewed.
The clear message from spirit says I must allow
My wellbeing to happen by just letting go.

I am not being tested here but supported.
I am not being challenged. I’m being inspired
By the help of the unseen. This shift, I am told,
In my thinking will let better living unfold.
Finding something to fuss about is not required.
I can focus on being more joyful instead.

On the surface of life, the emotional grid
Is a calm, peaceful matrix, eternally wide.
But below there is turbulence. I can let go
Of what’s holding me down there. I’m grateful to know
That spiritual forces are all on my side
Only by my own choices is goodness forbid.

Everyone who has lived and died are present here.
What we try to call God are the spirits of those
Who have lived among us. Now in their own fullness,
They’re at pleasure to lovingly honor and bless
All that’s come into being. This consciousness knows
All that is wonderful and what all need to hear.

Wanting Money To Come

Financial Struggle

Out of myself, and dangerously, so to speak,
Purgatory is manifest, and that is all
That consumes too much energy. It shouldn’t be
Wasted on idle worrying incessantly.
How could I ever get used to feeling so small?
I do not want to see the contents of my creek.

Constant is the dilemma. To get things to flow,
Like the blood through its vessels, or current through wires…
Takes what I’m sorely lacking. All that I can do
Is exist in psychosis, always feeling blue.
Rather than pumping increase into my desires
Can I lessen resistance and mitigate woe?

Paralyzed by depression, the motion I need
To take place in an instant takes forever long.
In the meantime, as creditors’ calls gain in strength,
Fear that I will end up going to any length
To escape the torment including doing wrong
Eats away at my essence. For freedom I plead.

There is balance between my belief and desire.
How I can best achieve it is not to feel bad.
It’s one hell of a challenge given how things are.
I must know that relief from my pain isn’t far.
Can I honor this journey and learn to be glad
Even though my circumstances seem so damned dire?

In the realm of the spirit, I promised that I
Would have many desires – some of them very strong,
And that I’d know the difference, by how I feel,
Whether or not I’m close to my chosen ideal.
I can do nothing else but stay where I belong –
In that state of allowing, not needing to try.

Enigma Be

Existence Indecipherable

Things get more out of order as time marches on.
Randomness unpredictable is quite the way
That the universe functions. With dark energy
Keeping things from collapsing most violently,
Gravity on the earth plane has but to obey
Forces that are entropic and ever foregone.

How many different ways something can occur
Is its measure of entropy. It is also…
Of all possible combinations energy
Can have both magnitude and direction. To be
In a world such as this one, much one need not know
Lest the mind be molested by its constant whirr.

Verily I say nothing if I mention not
That collisions in deep space make crap loads of light
That is bright and kinetic. It goes everywhere.
Gravity, for that purpose, is something to bear
And transform into purpose for making things right
By the stardust I’m made of. I am nature’s plot.

Every thing has its place, and it’s Out Of Order,
And with randomness left to imagination.
As part of the whole process, I need be aware
That I am such. I’ll do much to take special care
Of my share of enigma, for in the long run,
Everything that happens is as I would prefer.

Instant Gratification

Accelerated Manifestation

I would start with “I Am!” This true statement affirms
That I am fully conscious and worldly aware.
Things happen instantaneously nowadays.
This trend accelerates as we find faster ways
To live out our mortality. It’s become rare
That the growth of a process is seen on its terms.

We are thoroughly programmed to want things done fast.
There’s no two ways about it. If we have to wait,
We’re uptight and insulted. We may go berserk.
Keeping customers satisfied takes lots of work
So they continue improving how they create
And deliver in timeliness that’s unsurpassed.

To oneself this phenomenon can be applied.
I can want something right now then give it some force
Of my conscious attention, and feel the feeling…
Knowing and believing that it is a sure thing –
Like tomorrow’s sunrise, and the infinite source
Of all life on the planet with which I’m allied.

I Am Certain that, in time, things I want fulfilled
Will occur as I will them if I write them down
In clear and concise statements most regularly,
Then, focus on the feeling rather intently,
What is already manifest will be unbound
To the patient, unfettered self who must be thrilled.

Optimism And Buoyancy

Light On One’s Feet

Nothing can put me down. I be flying so high
Anyone who would catch me would be up here too
So they’d soon lose the interest and fly along.
At this wonderful altitude nothing is wrong.
I see overall patterns at this upper view.
This I would recommend. Why not give it a try?

I get special attention as I play the part
As my own one and only abundant with pride.
Luck is always a friend who I’m willing to trust.
Sometimes blues can defeat me. To go on I must!
On the whole, there’s a bundle of joy deep inside
Where the innermost selfhood connects to the heart.

Optimism And Buoyancy are but a clue
And a crisp observation of high energy.
How does one get excited simply for its sake?
Any way that one has to, just so it ain’t fake.
We’re not just human doings; we came here To Be.
Always feel the excitement and look for what’s new.

Inner growth and expansiveness are my defense
Against would be attackers. I know not of harm.
I am safe in this village where all must belong.
When divided, we’re weak; when united, we’re strong.
All it takes is a miracle of an alarm
To awaken the artist to high moral sense.