Tag Archive | path

Life Becomes Magic

Mystical Creation

When you are in the middle of conversations
And events and activities, you’re already
Pretty far down the path. At an earlier stage
The path of least resistance you want to engage.
Long before you get going, aligned you will be
With your wishes in uncertain situations.

There’s a vibration that’s either in alignment
With who you really are, or it isn’t at all.
This vibration is at the root of everything
That you are. It is constantly encouraging
You to greatness if only you can hear the call.
You can do so only by your conscious intent.

Whatever the vibration you’ve got going on
Will evolve into something. It will escalate
And become more. The first thing that you recognize
Is a thought, an impulse, or a pleasant surprise
In your package. It feels good to anticipate
Only good and that it’s a conclusion foregone.

At an unconscious level, vibrations received
Are translated into something you can relate
To the moment. It’s how vibration becomes thought
And how thought turns to thing. Your attention is brought
Into focus as you kick back and contemplate
The abundance of goodness in all that’s perceived.



“You are powerful beings.” This much has been said
By those who had been human but now are spirit.
We are worthy beyond their ability to
Describe to us. The thing they would like us to do
Is to be open to their help and not fear it.
Never feel that your life is hanging by a thread.

The sweet spot of creation is where you’re content
With your here and now, yet you are ready for more.
Life has caused you to ask. Your source has answered you.
Get into the receptive mode. You can work through
Your resistance by thinking of things you adore.
Satisfaction will guide you to your fulfillment.

You accept the perfection in all the contrast
That life offers. It keeps producing more desire
From within you. On your path of least resistance,
You are conscious of anything that will enhance
Your vibration. Your feeling good doesn’t require
Anything but your decision to have a blast.

“Get rid of all of that resistance, or we will
Tell you nothing else anymore!”
Is this what they,

Who are now out of body, would offer to us?
No, they wouldn’t. If it feels like you’ve missed the bus,
There’s another and another right on the way.
Living is learning how to kick back and to chill.

Happiness Helps

Life Is Fun

What you want can be found wherever you are, and
When you look where you are for it until it shows
Itself to you, your potential for finding it
In other places will be increased quite a bit.
Happiness brings one money. This everyone knows,
And there is really nothing else to understand.

Unhappy in the bondage of work people are.
Freeing themselves, they only will find it elsewhere.
One must shift one’s vibration before moving on.
When resentments and feelings such as that are gone,
One can act with the feeling of floating on air
While fulfillment of one’s dream is not very far.

When you act before you’ve lined up the energy,
There’s some downtime and struggle. To get up to speed
Take the emotional journey first. Be aware
Of the positive aspects. Above all else care
About how you feel. Consciousness is all you need
Of the goodness of your life and all it could be.

The stakes keep getting higher as you persevere
In a tough situation, but your desire grows
Directly in proportion to your discontent.
Happiness is the way to complete fulfillment.
On the way, you need not remain in the shadows.
Your passion for life is your concurrent career.

You Are Given What You Allow


The only approval you need is from within
To receive your heart’s wishes without resistance.
Energy is being traded on waves of thought,
Yet sometimes, in your struggle, you tend to get caught
In a trap of beliefs. It gives you not the chance
To accept that you’re absolutely free of sin.

For example, how does a person go about
Body shaping? It seems like a difficult task
That requires lots of focus. How hard can it be
To do something that most everyone would agree
To be helpful? This is a good question to ask,
But the answer may be digested with some doubt.

Each cell of your body is conscious and aware
Of itself, others like itself, and you also.
By your thinking, you have convinced them of some things.
But as you change your thinking, this act alone brings
About changes specific to how your cells grow.
The path of least resistance is taken with care.

The universe will give you what you will allow
Right up to the degree of resistance that you
Have in place. Get rid of it by your choosing ease
Over struggle. See what your inner being sees
From its broader perspective. Go with what is true
To your heart, and be always at peace with your now.

That Was Then

Sad Story Retired

All my manifestations keep going somewhere
Other than where I want them to, which is with me.
I’ve had this conversation with myself before,
And my thinking about it does not give me more
Of an edge on fulfillment. I need to break free
Of the prison created by my lack of care.

That Was Then. This Is Now. I know how to relieve
Myself of the resistance. By my maintaining
My vibration, I can manifest easily.
I am fully in touch with who I’m meant to be.
I know now that there is no use in complaining.
I am responsible for all that I receive.

The path of least resistance is being carefree.
Practicing feeling good until I have allowed
Something to manifest is in itself worthwhile,
But my appreciation goes the extra mile.
To the mission of happiness I am avowed.
I know now what the past has provided for me.

Then, I didn’t know what I know now, and what I
Know now is different from the grief I once knew.
I can better feel the path of least resistance.
Within each moment there exists the perfect chance
To be blissful. To my own self I must be true.
All the laws of the universe here do apply.

Maintain Your Vibration

Stay Aligned

I like rain. It’s refreshing. It keeps folks indoors
Far apart from my business. The whether forecast
Is a joke to be pitied. They promise rainfall,
Yet I wait all day long, and there’s nothing at all.
I’ll be glad when this disgust that I feel has passed.
It’s a fact that this sorry assed town rain ignores.

It becomes, then, a challenge. I come from a place
Of compacted resistance about everything.
I cannot let conditions control how I feel.
Whatever may be happening, I can appeal
To my conscious awareness. What I’m offering
By my mood can be powered by infinite grace.

To find the path of least resistance is to let
Life show me its wonderfulness and to practice
Feeling good, which is always a cool exercise.
Things do manifest often, and it’s no surprise
That I can help myself much by thinking like this.
Certainly it’s a most valuable asset.

Complaining will cause my vibration to erode
In an instant. I knew this a long time ago
Before I was talked out of it by others who
Had forgotten, but now I know just what to do
To maintain my vibration. Tonight it may snow.
If it doesn’t, I’m still in the receptive mode.

Perpetual Mantra

The Eternal Ringing

I know that things are always working out for me.
It’s a bold affirmation considering that
My past has caught up with me. I now realize
That I’ve screwed up completely. Does this make me wise?
I cannot listen to my mind’s idle chitchat.
Can I still live my life as I want it to be?

Things often work out for me. Sometimes I’m aware
That they are, and it feels good whenever they do.
I don’t need to focus upon the condition.
All I need is to give myself full permission
To be more worthy of the mantra being true.
It’s a statement that any person can declare.

Things are always working out for me. It is fact.
I’m beginning to trust in my own wellbeing.
I’m not worthy of feeling unworthy of it.
All that is created is for my benefit,
And my inner being is never agreeing
With my self-loathing. That’s not part of my contract.

I can help things to work out by my consciously
Accepting and repeating what has been made clear.
I can smooth out the flow of what’s coming by my
Remembering that I can completely rely
On the mantra perpetual. A new frontier
Of enlightenment is available to me.

The Creative Process

Subtle Forces Of Being

Creation happens always. There is not a rest
To be taken. It maintains its cyclic process
Constantly. The first thing that is meant to occur
Is your thinking and asking for what you prefer
Of the universe. It will provide nothing less
Than complete satisfaction that’s fully expressed.

What happens then is that the universe collects
Cooperative components to yield to you
Through the path of least resistance what you desire.
Entities unknown to us convene and conspire
To support your intentions. All you need to do
Is feel good in its happening in all respects.

Through appreciation and through meditation
You can reach that state where you’re able to receive
Inspiration that guides you. In your bag of tricks
Are the tools that are needed in order to fix
Resistant momentum. It is when you achieve
Contentment with you’re here and now you become one.

Trying to make things happen will happen much less
When you’re in alignment with who you really are.
If you are entertained by the things that you do
Then the blessings of the universe come to you.
Be content in the knowing that you can’t stray far
From the path that will lead to pleasure in success.

Your Path Finds You

The Journey Prescribed

You do not find the path. Instead, the path finds you.
It is one that is inspired – not motivated.
In a general place is where you want to be.
You’ll find things happening automatically.
What has been planned for you is your journey ahead.
You do not need to figure out what you must do.

Sniffing out the trail you like, and following it
Is a pleasure. You like the freedom to have fun,
Great ideas, and being of value to those
In your life. You are one of the wise ones who knows
The feeling of getting divine inspiration.
To the path that has chosen you, you must submit.

You can highlight within you what matters to you.
Follow that path wherever it leads you, and be
At one with it. Find within it satisfaction.
Know the vibrational work that has to be done
So that your path remains steady naturally.
Get rid of your old thoughts to make room for the new.

All the things that we do and the people we meet
Are put on our paths. Each of us is a teacher
To all others. When willing to pay attention
To the lessons provided us, we have begun
To accept being chosen. It is a feature
Of this earth school that never becomes obsolete.

One Minute Away

Fast Manifestation

It takes less than a minute to be filled with rage
Or wonder. Our emotions quickly come on strong.
Should we try to control them or leave them alone?
When they are overwhelming some people are prone
To let loose with their feelings. It is only wrong
When the ignorant ego escapes from its cage.

Our work is to remain on the high flying disk.
It’s the path of least resistance to everything
That we want. We can’t just pull things out of thin air
Unless we’re in alignment and fully aware
Of the energy with which we are aligning.
The process is a simple one devoid of risk.

Things that make us feel better increase momentum
Toward things that we want and decrease resistance
That keeps us from receiving them. Things like music
Elevate the mood greatly and pretty damned quick.
Novel things that distract us indeed will enhance
Our ability to get the good stuff to come.

The first thing in the morning is the best time to
Get into alignment before old thoughts invade
Our clean slated consciousness. If we meditate
Upon waking, the chances of our feeling great
Through the day are improved. No blessing is delayed.
Stop and think for a minute is all we need do.

God Will Show You The Way

Divine Providence

Many names there are for God. What is the divine?
By nature alien to us and most supreme,
The Being is imagined in myriad ways.
What is common is the fact that humans give praise
To the one consciousness who will have their esteem.
The distance between we and it is our design.

It would have us know that we are worthy beyond
Our ability to know in our condition.
Life causes us to ask, and God always answers
Not always in the way that the asker prefers.
We want to be in the sweet spot of creation
Where between each of us and God is a strong bond.

Our work is to get into the receiving mode.
What we receive is the feeling of alignment
With the God who lives in us and through us always.
Praying this way it’s guaranteed one’s spirit stays
Open to the receiving of divine intent.
God does not communicate in a special code.

I accept the perfection within the contrast
That keeps producing more asking for improvement.
The collective consciousness of all who exist
Now in spirit along with God want to assist
With the human condition and being content.
Faith that I have in my worthiness is steadfast.

Life Is A Vacation

Relax Into Life

No manifestation can take place in spirit
Because physical substance does not exist there.
That’s why those who are in spirit are focused here
On this leading edge. In this perfect atmosphere
They observe and have guidance they most gladly share
With those who are willing and able to hear it.

Manifestation is the most spiritual
And authentic part of the creative process.
This path of culmination is co-creation
Between ourselves and spirit because anyone
Who is open to spirit will have more success.
It’s sublime if it can become habitual.

That Life Is A Vacation is becoming clear
To me as someone now physically focused.
Blissfulness begets boredom in reality.
That’s why spirit allows for resistance to be
One of our standard choices. We must learn to trust
In our gut feelings always to mitigate fear.

To the things we want the path of least resistance
Is revealed. If you’ve got resistance going on
Then you can’t see the path and put too much effort
On achieving things. Your sweat and tears only thwart
What is coming right to you. Conclusions foregone
Favor this fine vacation within the expanse.

Talk To The Future Self

Inspiration From Within

Time is such that it falls within eternity.
Thus we’re able to visit, whenever we choose,
Other versions of ourselves. The information
We get from such visits may be the solution
To the issues we have now. Is this not good news?
Connection with the unknown does set the soul free.

Someone wants to get pregnant. In fact, it’s her goal.
Her desire to bring forth a child is very strong.
But for now she’s unable. The contract she made
With the spirit forthcoming cannot be betrayed
But by worry and doubt. She did get before long
Information from herself about this new soul.

Passion is what is needed to gain the insight
To proceed with the present. Also you must trust
That it’s not about time. It is about timing.
You can contact your future self just by being
Open to information. All that is discussed
Between you and your future you is only right.

We are all in the trusting mode every moment
Of our existence or else we could not exist.
You don’t have to ‘learn how’ to trust. Simply decide
On exactly what you will trust. You can confide
In the guidance of your future self. Do resist
The temptation to doubt what comes to the present.

I Don’t Have To Chase After It

No Struggle Is Necessary

I don’t have to go after anything at all.
This I’m told by my spirit who knows a few things
More than I do. It’s hard for me to understand
What is meant by the statement peculiar and grand
But some measure of psychic relief spirit brings
To my weaker self who has trouble standing tall.

Here I’m not sucking pity as I’ve done before
During moments of misalignment and disease.
I provide information and entertainment
Through my life. There’s not much in this world to prevent
Me from expressing myself the way that I please.
To the spirit who guides me, I am not a bore.

My clear path is unfolding right beneath my feet.
The universal evidence of where I am
Is for me to acknowledge. My own worthiness
Is not something to question though I’ve made a mess
Of my life. But I can say that I give a damn
About cleaning things up before my life’s complete.

The intent is established. I need not follow
Improper directions, nor should I ever face
Retribution in public. The hell that I live
Is the way that my sick self I learn to forgive.
Finally there is comfort in knowing my place
In this world, and it is a tough pill to swallow.

The Big Piece

The Last Needed Thing

All of life is but a series of connections
That are made much at random. I can’t on my own
Find the one that will take me to the very end
Of my life’s journey. This moment doesn’t depend
On my making things happen. I’m never alone.
I consider myself of the fortunate ones.

I want to keep my receptors as receptive
As is possible. In this way I co-create
With others instead of any confrontation.
I don’t need to do anything because It’s Done.
All I need be is thankful for what’s on my plate.
There is no doubt about the way that I must live.

It can be that vibrational experience
That I’m having with others in this here and now.
Sometimes I’ll have an exchange with someone who will
In a way unbeknownst to them greatly fulfill
The thing I had been seeking. I need but allow
Each new moment to be filled with thrilling suspense.

I don’t need to identify all the pieces
Where each came from and how each fits into the whole.
All that is done already. My work is for now
To enhance receptivity. I am taught how
By my innermost being – the heart of my soul.
In each moment is where momentum increases.

Work With Raven

A Connection To Spirit

The collective unconscious – the mind’s reservoir
Of creative impulses – connects one with all
That is possible for us to experience.
Consciousness as interpreted has to make sense
To the psyche. The images that we recall
Tell an intimate story of why we explore.

Spirit guides, we all have them to help us along
The path we have made ready through our intention.
From the animal kingdom some spirit guides are
And in terms of mythology it’s not bizarre
That belief in the story strengthens retention.
Within context there is nothing that can go wrong.

If the Raven is your animal spirit guide
You’ve the bearer of magic and the messenger
From the great void from where all things originate
By your side. You’ve the ability to create
Positive opportunities as if you were
With the forces of nature totally allied.

For some, reading this is quite the pain in the ass
But bear with me a while more and hear the heartbeat
Of the rhythm intended. Let it all sink in.
I do not seem to care if patience is worn thin.
I care much about making this last verse complete
Now that I have gone way past the critical mass.

Your Only Work

Be Happy!

What you want can be found wherever you may be.
As you look where you are for it you will begin
To find it in other places. Your potential
For finding it is increased. It’s most essential
While at work not to let your vibration wear thin.
Any downtime use to line up your energy.

What you do for a living is dull and mundane
To your physical senses that are part of you.
Unhappy with the bondage you must find a way
To work on your vibration all throughout the day.
You can find happiness in the work that you do
Through your innermost being. There is much to gain.

The vibrational journey is emotional.
Take that one first before acting on anything.
The path will keep unfolding while you attend to
Your acquired income maker. You can remain true
To your positive dream. Your alignment will bring
You results that you will see as sensational.

Visualizations and dreaming that you do
Are your primary focus. Your leverage lies
In the positive aspects found while on the way
To the dream of a lifetime. You just have to stay
At the top of your main game. You will realize
That the universe totally agrees with you.

That Was Then…

The Past Is Of No Use

Once my manifestations always seemed to go
Somewhere else and my life was an absolute mess
Of revenge and frustration. I know well by now
How to shift my mood consciously and to allow
Natural goodness to which I have full access.
Did I need pain and sorrow in order to grow?

Maintaining my vibration is certainly key
To my forward momentum. I cannot afford
The wasting of my life force on feeling depressed.
It’s my decision only if I am obsessed
With the negative aspects which should be ignored.
I must entertain only thoughts that will please me.

The work is finding the path of least resistance.
Practicing feeling good until I have allowed
Wonderful things to happen, it’s easy for me
To feel appreciation. I am completely
In relationship with life, and I am endowed
With a spirit that masters any circumstance.

I need not defend or justify to others
Who’ve decided that I don’t deserve happiness.
It erodes my vibration. That was in the past.
Day by day I am learning to live the contrast
Provided for my growing. I suffer much less
And I’m more willing to do what my heart prefers.

Where I Am Is Just Fine

At Peace With NOW

Is there a simple way…? Care about how I feel
Enough that I’m willing to find thoughts that feel good.
That’s the simplest way through any situation.
Lighten up in my efforting and have more fun.
Life is much more appealing when it’s understood
That the path can be pleasant as well as for real.

Goals, solutions, and answers I need not look for.
My path is one of pleasure if I so decide.
Never ending it is with questions and answers.
Consciousness is one of the best mood enhancers.
It is my happiness that I’ll use as my guide.
On my way through life much of it I can explore.

Heartfelt appreciation I feel for the chance
To choose the right direction according to how
I am feeling about each moment of my day.
I’m doing what I need to do in the right way.
Where I am can get much better as I allow
Gratefulness to enter into my circumstance.

As I start feeling good about where I am now
Life responds by revealing to me its bounty.
A vibrational adjustment is what it takes.
Conditions will conform and look like lucky breaks.
All depends on my vibrational frequency
And how much of the blessings I choose to allow.

No Worries

The Freedom of Consciousness

My responses to living at times I perceive
As much too automatic. The things that I want
Positively I respond to, and the reverse
Is the case with things I don’t want. What could be worse
Than being such a slave to the dreams that may haunt?
In the end, it’s the feeling I want to achieve.

Under these circumstances I have no control
Over my own experience, and it’s not right.
I’m supposed to have complete control over that.
So my responsibility cannot fall flat.
Consciously I must move by the way of delight.
No other way of behaving renders me whole.

Inside me there’s a being who’s thinking about
My now moment in time – each and every moment.
And it has a perspective and an opinion…
And awareness… a stake in the game to be won.
There is nothing that it wants more than my accent
Up the ladder emotional without a doubt.

Positive nonresistance while focused upon
Only things that delight me – may this recipe
Be the one that fulfills me. I need worry not.
My vibrational set point does matter a lot.
What I want out of life is to be more happy
Rather than too reactive and somewhat withdrawn.

Source Will Show You The Way

Relax Into Your Desire

You are powerful beings and worthy beyond
What can be described easily. In the sweet spot
Of creation, you came here to ask and receive.
Life can suck but your Source knows just how to relieve
Your most negative feelings. You’ve asked for a lot.
It Is Given. Your Source can do not but respond.

Life causes you to ask, and Source shows you the way
Around any resistance that you’ve created
Then provides what is asked for vibrationally.
It is up to you only to let yourself be
In the mode to receive all that is awaited.
You have only the Source within you to obey.

Anything that is practiced becomes powerful.
Good or bad are the choices. You know which one feels
More attuned to your liking. You know what to do
When a negative feeling becomes part of you.
A rampage of appreciation often heals
Negative psychoses even with their strong pull.

The guidance of your Source is always at your call.
It is ready, willing, and able to give you
Every clue that you need to get you through your day.
Infinite intelligent forces are at play
To help you to discover the one person who
Is yourself at your truest – the best one of all.

The Creative Process

The Most Natural Force

Many colors and textures the canvas does hold.
The artist creates magic for the world to see.
From the contrast there is more asking and thinking
One evaluates how the mix of everything
Is conveyed to the seer who is more than free
To interpret its meaning which is manifold.

When you ask for something then the source with you
Through the Law of Attraction puts things into place
That will lead you right to it if you will allow
Your resistance and worry to lessen somehow.
You can know the existence of God’s loving grace
By your conscious awareness in all that you do.

But whatever way you can find to tune into
The frequency of who you are is justified
There are methods available to do just that.
The most useful ones offer a simple format.
Meditate and appreciate and do abide
By the guidance within you. That’s all you must do.

Be ready to be ready to be ready for
All the good that awaits you. You were born to be
Asking and receiving in real time every day
And like learning to dance, you will practice your way
Until you find your rhythm most naturally.
The fine art of creation you’ll come to adore.

You Already Have It

The Journey IS The Destinatin

Everything about reality as perceived
By the living being is realization
Of vibrational origin. Yes, every bit
Of what’s known through the senses, indeed all of it,
Exists because of conscious interpretation.
Readiness is the state in which all is received.

The path of least resistance or most abundance…
Of fulfillment, enlightenment, and clarity
Is always made available by the ones who
In spirit have become all that living folk do.
Am I in the receiving mode? Some part of me
Keeps the good things from happening as if by chance.

My mood is my receptive mode indicator
So when I feel discouraged, bummed out, or depressed,
Or somewhat like a victim of circumstances,
Then narrow to near nothing will be my chances
Of my being receptive of guidance expressed,
And The Yellow Brick Road is a tough metaphor.

If I can just refrain from my beating the drum
Of the things I don’t have, then I’m not held apart
From all that is here waiting and already done.
I encounter resistance, but I am the one
Who must conjure a conscious, fulfilling fresh start
On my way to a most beneficial outcome.

Your Work

Enhance Your Receptivity of Universal Wellbeing

Sometimes you’ll have an exchange with someone you meet
Who will be a component that will activate
Something in you that wouldn’t have if you had not
Met the person. Co-creation matters a lot.
Contributions from others can accelerate
Circumstances for living a life that is sweet.

A series of connections is your life always.
You do not need to make them. They’re already done
By the infinite forces that are very real.
Your connection in this moment is how you feel.
You can make it happen because you are the one
Who’s emotional level you only can raise.

Keep your receptors as receptive as can be.
This is what’s called creating at its novel best.
You do not need to try to figure it all out.
All that does is to slow things and introduce doubt.
Everything depends on how your mood is expressed.
You can learn to enhance your receptivity.

So, one hundred percent of your work is to feel
As good as you can feel and as long as you can.
Be happy and well rested and have lots of fun.
Once you’ve made this decision new life has begun.
There are those who support you in working your plan.
This work that you’re cut out for is also ideal.

One Minute Away

An Instant To Eternity

All my work is to get on that high flying disk.
It’s the path that I know has the least resistance.
It is easier done earlier in the day
Before old thoughts and patterns do my peace betray.
In the morning while still fresh I have the best chance.
I can get there by feeling contented yet brisk.

The first thing in the morning I’ll take one minute
To remember who I am and where I belong.
Then I’ll think pleasant things about places to go
And about things to do that will help me to grow
In the ways of the spirit. I can remain strong
For that short length of time. There is not a dispute.

Anything that I can do that’s pleasurable
Is a thing that’s worth doing. In fact, it’s a must
For spiritual health and that of the body.
Thinking thoughts that are positive helps me to be
In a state of contentment and ultimate trust
That I will in this day be profoundly stable.

I’ve much determination in finding that place
Of the highest vibration that I can achieve.
It lets me know the good things in life that I’ve done.
Then a chain reaction of blessings has begun.
I can’t help sounding foolish and sorely naïve.
That’s okay as long as I am receiving grace.

Unconditional Alignment

The Most Fundamental Relationship

Conditions monolithic meticulously
Placed to honor eternity’s fine measurement
Of the moment worth noting in any event
Are the stones that outweigh us because they prevent
The free flowing of pure love that is heaven sent.
No demand made on others do I need To Be.

My alignment with myself is most important.
Before I give to others, I must firmly own
Who I am at my purest or else I can’t be
But a nuisance to those who may then chastise me
I can make no one happy nor can I condone
Taking on the assignment. Most surely I can’t.

The path of least resistance is one that is true
To the nature of who I am when connected
To the source that keeps galaxies spinning in place.
When I say that I love you, it is with the grace
Of freedom from conditions. I have perfected
The most basic commitment I need to tend to.

There is no interfering with another’s way
When oneself is receptive, together, and whole.
Alignment can be brute forced and henged into place,
 But the turbulence is something no one should face.
Being someone’s performer is not quite the goal
Unless one is well up for the hell one must pay.

All Of Your Work

Tunining Into Being

A series of connections throughout life is made.
How you feel in each moment is what you reach for.
Tuning in hits and misses, but always you are
In control of the process. If you are too far
Off the dial of vibration, you cannot ignore
The ill feeling it causes. Yourself is betrayed.

  Your creating with others requires nothing more
Than your being connected to all that you are.
Don’t look for one encounter to be the end all.
They are each linked together in what we could call
Universal acquaintance. It may sound bizarre
But the fact is that you have nothing to want for.

You’re receiving a signal. The path at your feet
Is always there beneath you. All you have to do
Is to keep the receptive mode first and foremost.
Once you notice improvement, be willing to boast
To yourself and the universe. This moment new
Is the one most important in that it’s complete.

One hundred percent of your work is to enhance
Receptivity to the treasure you’ve accrued.
That means feeling as good as you possibly can.
Luckily, it takes not much to follow that plan.
Life can be just as simple as tweaking your mood.
You have nothing to lose in taking such a chance.

Listen Carefully

...And Doors Will Open

Who you really are is other than the person
Who has ears yet hears not the subtle inner voice.
It is calling you forward, but if you won’t go
Every step on your path will be fettered with woe.
At the drop of a negative thought, you’ve the choice
To reach for what feels better. Life can be made fun.

The only bondage there is is your holding back
From that which gently calls you. From there, excuses
Range widely for not going the way of your heart.
But don’t act in distress just to get a kickstart
To more fuss and confusion. One who refuses
The divine invitation is one sorry sack.

Get your ass in alignment with our earth mother
And be freed from the buildup of much resistance.
Then work on the part of you who has not a name
Yet who knows what you want most and how you may claim
All that you’ve wanted of material substance.
Making changes while happy is what you’d prefer.

Building up the momentum of your getting there…
To that place that you’re reaching, become more aware
Of the good things about your life. And in this way
Your journey will be joyful each and every day.
No reason on God’s green earth is there to despair.
All you need do is listen and take proper care.