Tag Archive | inspiring

Happiness Is Success

Wonderful Moment

There’s a simple way. Feel Good! Is this too concise?
Care enough about how you feel that you’re willing
To find thoughts that feel good to you. This is the way
That connected with your higher self you will stay.
Keep your focus on what you find most fulfilling.
For anybody this is excellent advice.

You’re not looking for an answer. You’re looking for
A most pleasant path. Let that be your only goal.
Never ending solutions to never ending
Situations will satisfy you. Attending
To how you feel is how you take care of your soul.
You know how to keep your mind on what you adore.

There’s not some outside judgment wanting you to be
Somewhere that you’re not. Where you are is where you are.
How you feel about where you are is what matters.
You know how to keep quiet the mind that chatters.
The solution to a problem is never far
From your having all because you live happily.

Do whatever it takes to get yourself happy
And then stay there by constant appreciation
For all that’s going well for you and don’t compare
Yourself with anyone else. Your success is where
You find happiness. In any situation
You can be in alignment and resistance free.

Once You Get This…


Is there a simple way? Many know the answer
And it’s Yes! You’ve got to care about how you feel
Enough that you’re willing to find thoughts that feel good.
Once You Get This your life will turn out as it should.
Everything that you do will then have much appeal.
Simply living life becomes a mood enhancer.

You’re not looking for the answer. You’re looking for
The most pleasant path. Having a goal may be the
Reason you focus on your path. Never ending
Answers and moving forward begin happening
In your experience. It’s the way it should be.
You’ve the freedom to do the things you most adore.

There’s not such a big gap between where you are and
The solution that seems so very far away
And there’s appreciation that that solution
Will emerge and turn out to be the perfect one.
Happiness is the only price there is to pay.
Let It Grow! It has infinite room to expand.

Find a way to get happy and keep yourself there.
Life becomes so delicious. Enjoy the freedom
You were born with. A shift in vibration is due
For conditions to conform to your point of view.
Get prepared for all the wonderful times to come.
To how you feel you must give tender loving care.

Where I Am Is Just Fine

At Peace With NOW

Is there a simple way…? Care about how I feel
Enough that I’m willing to find thoughts that feel good.
That’s the simplest way through any situation.
Lighten up in my efforting and have more fun.
Life is much more appealing when it’s understood
That the path can be pleasant as well as for real.

Goals, solutions, and answers I need not look for.
My path is one of pleasure if I so decide.
Never ending it is with questions and answers.
Consciousness is one of the best mood enhancers.
It is my happiness that I’ll use as my guide.
On my way through life much of it I can explore.

Heartfelt appreciation I feel for the chance
To choose the right direction according to how
I am feeling about each moment of my day.
I’m doing what I need to do in the right way.
Where I am can get much better as I allow
Gratefulness to enter into my circumstance.

As I start feeling good about where I am now
Life responds by revealing to me its bounty.
A vibrational adjustment is what it takes.
Conditions will conform and look like lucky breaks.
All depends on my vibrational frequency
And how much of the blessings I choose to allow.