Tag Archive | excitement

Your Relationship With Time

 The Personal Experience Of Eternity

It is so often heard, “Work smarter, not harder.”
It means work more holistically. Time you save
In the heat of excitement, but when you feel low
There is never enough time. It all seems to go
To the ethers, yet to it you feel like a slave.
Getting things done efficiently you would prefer.

My survival depends on positive thinking.
By a thread I am hanging, so time is for me
A big oncoming tornado in slow motion.
For my writing I have tremendous devotion.
It keeps me from disintegrating completely.
On a rather thin sheet of ice I am skating.

There’s a ‘kit’ of excitement inside everyone.
It is one that contains a plethora of tools.
One of them is ‘synchronicity.’ Excitement
Causes you to work gracefully, and the time spent
Doing what’s needed quickens all your molecules
So that less time is needed for getting things done.

The tool of synchronicity is of value
In your life that seems busy and out of control.
It’s an organizing principle you can use
To mend your relationship with time if you choose.
Getting what you need done makes you feel well and whole.
Time is something that is created within you.

How To Unblock

Make It Come

There’s this thing that I really want that has not come,
And I want to know why it is taking so long
To receive what I’ve asked for so vehemently.
Yet, forgetting about it, I’m told, is the key,
Which makes ass backwards sense. If I’m doing things wrong
Just by wanting too much, I must be awfully dumb.

Of course, this way of thinking and acting defeats
What I want to accomplish. I must understand
What seems like such a puzzle. How Do I Unblock?
I defeat the solution by taking full stock
In the fact of the lack of the thing I demand.
Energy meant for living my dying depletes.

Getting out ahead of it is what I can do.
Doing what I’ve kept doing will get me no more
Than I always have gotten. Another approach
Can be found. I can trust in my spirit as coach.
The process I am making too much of a chore.
I can tell by how I feel. It is a strong clue.

The emotional scale is as real as any
That traverses a spectrum of polar extremes.
Most deliberately the ascension is made.
I should then be excited and not so afraid
That somehow I’ll not honor all my hopes and dreams.
What I want is as important as the journey.


Recognize The Obstruction

Here I am with the absence of what I desire.
All I have is the tonnage I’ve placed in the way
Of my truest heart’s yearning. Knowing it can’t come
While I’m in this depressed state separates me from
Everything that I’m after. Internal decay
Leaves me stuck in a hard place bewildered entire.

What is said in reply can’t be heard by my ears
When I’m dead in the substance of what I have not.
I’ve built up some momentum that is negative.
I must channel it somewhere in order to live
In a way that I rarely am caught on the spot
With the world knowing all of the worst of my fears.

I can’t keep doing what I’m doing and expect
To get something that’s different. I need to find
And approach that’s less stressful and much more at ease.
Feeling true excitement and encouragement frees
Up the spirit so that it can be just as kind
To the world as is possible and with respect.

The emotional scale is real and powerful.
Being consciously aware of it is to be
In the proper position for making choices
To enhance how I feel. And my heart rejoices
In the newfound control that I have over me.
I’m delighted to know that this stuff isn’t bull.


Relieving The Built Up Pressure

There’s this thing that I want so much, and it’s not here!
I would like to know why and what I’m doing wrong.
Am I not sitting straight enough? Is there some block
That I am not aware of? I don’t mean to mock
All this talk of alignment. I have played along
With the Law of Attraction. My stuff should appear.

When I want something too much, don’t think about it
Because that only clogs things and makes me feel stuck?
Well then how on God’s green earth can I be assured
That the thing that I want is most surely secured?
It’s too much of a task. I’m feces out of luck.
The ironic enigma makes me want to quit.

But there is no alternative. It is the key
To success in the process of my creation.
I must feel the excitement – non discouragement…
And the ease to live life with no need to resent.
Getting to what I’m after is all about fun.
It has taken a lifetime to finally see.

Yet in seeing, I’m being all who I’ve become.
It’s not hard to be easy when given the choice.
Doing things the old way only brings back old things.
When I stop the struggle, then the universe brings
Much more than I’d expected wherein I rejoice
To releasing the blockage to where it came from.