Tag Archive | stage

From Ambition To Meaning


What happens when we move from the ambition stage
Of our lives into wisdom? The aging process
Isn’t well accepted by our society.
It has not a grasp on spirituality.
This materialistic world wants to suppress
Any sign of decline having to do with age.

Thoroughly unprepared we take this step into
The afternoon of our lives. Worse still, we take this
With the presupposition that our ideas
And our truths will serve us hitherto but because
This is false the most evident truth we dismiss.
We’re attached to whatever’s exciting and new.

But we can’t live the afternoon of our life by
The same program we used for the morning. What was
Plentiful in the morning by evening will be
Very little. We enter that stage hopefully
Knowing that it is governed by different laws
Than the one before it. There’s a good reason why.

What was true in the morning is in the evening
A falsehood. What was marked by ambition is now
Redirected to service. Life has more meaning.
It’s a time of reflection and one of weaning
Oneself from the ego. It’s the time to allow
What’s to come with no worries about anything.

Everything Happens For A Reason

Small Disaster

Every little or big thing that happens to you
Happens for some good reason. Every condition
Of your life is exactly the way it should be.
There are no accidents. You are absolutely
In the right place. You’re not in a bad position,
Even though it feels like there’s nothing you can do.

In each moment there are two things you can choose from.
You may take advantage of it or you may not.
It is a perfect universe. Nothing is wrong.
Accept the fact that you are right where you belong
Even though it may seem like you’re in a tough spot.
It may be hard to see a fortunate outcome.

Think of yourself as connected to everything
Rather than someone who is being victimized.
It’s all part of the perfection of existence.
You can make yours a wonderful experience
When in each moment some lesson is recognized.
You’ll be surprised by what your acceptance can bring.

Look for what’s in it for you and things will work out
For the better. You can get out in front of it
And learn from it. The way to your enlightenment
Is to know your connection in any event.
Circumstances get better if you will permit
Them to do so, which means getting rid of your doubt.