Tag Archive | judgment

Happiness Is Success

Wonderful Moment

There’s a simple way. Feel Good! Is this too concise?
Care enough about how you feel that you’re willing
To find thoughts that feel good to you. This is the way
That connected with your higher self you will stay.
Keep your focus on what you find most fulfilling.
For anybody this is excellent advice.

You’re not looking for an answer. You’re looking for
A most pleasant path. Let that be your only goal.
Never ending solutions to never ending
Situations will satisfy you. Attending
To how you feel is how you take care of your soul.
You know how to keep your mind on what you adore.

There’s not some outside judgment wanting you to be
Somewhere that you’re not. Where you are is where you are.
How you feel about where you are is what matters.
You know how to keep quiet the mind that chatters.
The solution to a problem is never far
From your having all because you live happily.

Do whatever it takes to get yourself happy
And then stay there by constant appreciation
For all that’s going well for you and don’t compare
Yourself with anyone else. Your success is where
You find happiness. In any situation
You can be in alignment and resistance free.

Once You Get This…


Is there a simple way? Many know the answer
And it’s Yes! You’ve got to care about how you feel
Enough that you’re willing to find thoughts that feel good.
Once You Get This your life will turn out as it should.
Everything that you do will then have much appeal.
Simply living life becomes a mood enhancer.

You’re not looking for the answer. You’re looking for
The most pleasant path. Having a goal may be the
Reason you focus on your path. Never ending
Answers and moving forward begin happening
In your experience. It’s the way it should be.
You’ve the freedom to do the things you most adore.

There’s not such a big gap between where you are and
The solution that seems so very far away
And there’s appreciation that that solution
Will emerge and turn out to be the perfect one.
Happiness is the only price there is to pay.
Let It Grow! It has infinite room to expand.

Find a way to get happy and keep yourself there.
Life becomes so delicious. Enjoy the freedom
You were born with. A shift in vibration is due
For conditions to conform to your point of view.
Get prepared for all the wonderful times to come.
To how you feel you must give tender loving care.

The Art Of Manifestation

Making Fun

Mastering The Art Of Manifestation can
Be as easy as being aware of how you
Feel in each moment. Like The Law of Allowing
You use it to draw unto yourself anything
You could want just as long as you’re not feeling blue.
You begin to receive within a short time span.

We all have within us this truly amazing
Capability to manifest. We do so
By our focused attention on what we want to
Become real. Every dream that we have can come true.
There’s not one thing the heart knows that you do not know.
The simplicity of this truth is worth praising.

You’ll attract into your life what you are – not what
You’ve been wanting. So be the thing that you desire.
It’s your goal to reflect the character of God
This notion isn’t blasphemous nor is it odd.
You have access and full support of the entire
Universe. You must feel that down deep in your gut.

And when you get to that place where you no longer
Have any criticism or condemnation
Of any of God’s children you will realize
The perfection of all things. You will become wise
In the fine art of deliberate creation.
Your attraction force will become a lot stronger.

Your Highest Priority

Serene Solitude

In order to live a life of awareness and
Freedom, in other words, to create Authentic
you need commitment, courage, compassion,

And appropriate action. Communication
With others is more conscious. You feel terrific.
You’ve found what allows your consciousness to expand.

All are of equal importance but commitment
Helps to get the ball rolling. Commitment to what?
To yourself and to your becoming more aware
Of your purpose. It’s important for you to care
About how you are feeling deep down in your gut
About living your life to the fullest extent.

To create more consciously and constructively
Is all part of your purpose. Being able to
Connect with people better than you’re doing it
Presently can be of tremendous benefit
To your growth as a spirit. You’re able to do
What it takes to develop spiritually.

Commitment is the deep fuel. It’s the thing that makes
It all happen. Rather than withdrawing into
Judgment or needing to please others you can be
Much more aware of Your Highest Priority.
May you have freedom that before you never knew.
The decision on your part is all that it takes.

Remove Force From Your Life

Hot Race

To resist all evil means to give up the fight.
Your problems are not solvable by using force.
When you become a fighter against anything
Onto the forces that created it you cling.
It takes conscious awareness to get to the source
Of your struggle. You know that things are not all right.

In this material world, things move at a pace
That causes much anxiety, illness, and pain.
It’s slow-moving energy ironically.
It’s the kind that always asks, “What’s in it for me?”
Scurrying to meet deadlines can drive you insane.

Life does not have to be a chaotic rat race.

Hold no one or no thing in judgment. You cannot
Bring spiritual harmony to an issue
As long as you accept the idea that one
Side is right. You will never reach a solution.
Judging others means only that something in you
Needs expressing, and it doesn’t mean a whole lot.

When you slow yourself down, you will actually
Always speed up your spiritual vibration.
Peaceful, tranquil thoughts clear the chatter in the mind.
While you’re stopped at a traffic light, be more inclined
To connect with your inner peace. Meditation
Is the wonderful practice of letting things be.

Reason And Passion

Table Games

My soul is oftentimes a grotesque battlefield
Upon which judgment and reason wage bitter war
Against passion and appetite. Is there someone
Who could be the peacemaker to get the work done
That my discord and rivalry I’ll exchange for
Melody amid oneness wherein I am healed?

But how shall you address my most troublesome need
Unless I myself make peace with all elements
That my being consists of? Passion and Reason
Are the sails and the rudder. The voyage begun
Without one or the other must lead to events
Unbecoming a vessel. Who could intercede?

Reason ruling alone is a force confining,
And passion unattended is an open flame
That burns to its own destruction. For this reason
Let my soul exalt reason in praise of passion
For without proper guidance it will cause me shame.
As two guests in my home much do both of them bring.

I then treat them as equal. To elevate one
Is to lose the faith and love from both of the two.
Among hills as I sit in the cool shade of trees
I’ll know God rests in reason. From that place of ease
God also moves in passion. I am the one who,
As a leaf in the forest, has only begun.

Karmic Lessons

Rabbit Hole Through Eternity

Rabbit holes condescend upon consciousness here
In the land of the living. Do I feel at home,
Unprepared and afflicted in survival ways?
Life so far has been difficult… nothing to praise
In terms of its significance. Dark caves I roam
For the lessons within me I may learn in fear.

The particular judgment to which I’m assigned
Has to do with the personal self and its deeds,
Whether done while enlightened or in deep despair.
In relations with others have I shown much care?
I have been quite the dipshit. My life now proceeds
Into its final chapter again undefined.

What on earth has it been like among human kind?
I’m a little preemptive by using past tense,
But real time is not linear as is on earth.
I’m already conceived and awaiting rebirth
In another contraption both heavy and dense.
If I took it or left it would anyone mind?

What I’m here to learn mostly is how to behave
With myself and all others in this rigid school.
So acceptance and gratitude are big for me.
It’s been tough all along, but at last I can see
How to transform defectiveness into a tool
To unlock my true value. And I must be brave.

Fear Of Judgment

Ominous Unknown Nature of Fear

If someone says I’m wonderful, I’m on a cloud,
At least for that fresh moment. Then when I’m around
Folks who know and dislike me, they’ll tell me I’m crap.
When I step back and look at this, what a damned trap!
When the heart is a harlot on life’s battleground,
Then it can’t love in freedom, nor can it be proud.

The collapsing of heaven and hell in the minds
Of a population no longer in need of
Information established leaves us to conclude
We are free to create each. With much gratitude
I may bless the judgmental as creatures of love
Even though they are fettered by faults of all kinds.

When I catch myself judging, as I have just now,
I can know that, contingent to who we all are,
Judgment can be a sickness as well as a tool.
One who responds to judgment will end up the fool.
In my own heart I must believe I’m up to par.
To have others control that, I cannot allow.