Tag Archive | power

Create Miracles

Easy Magic

When you are connected to who you really are
You are powerful. What you give attention to
Is what you attract into your experience.
Between you and your true self the big difference
Is that your inner being has a forward view.
It looks not to the past. You may find that bizarre.

Looking forward, your true self is naturally
The eternal custodian of all your dreams.
Exposed to the contrast of your life, you create
A vibrational version. When you reach a state
Of delighted contentment then everything seems
Magical. Is this not the way life ought to be?

You accept the vibrational version as real
As its manifestation. Your inner being
Knows all that you have wished for. It communicates
An idea or impulse. Your passion creates
Positive momentum. It is helpful seeing
The reality of everything that you feel.

Feel the power that you own to make miracles
Happen for you and others. Get into that state
Of pure positive energy, and let it flow
Through your life. There is little else you need to know.
Be aware of the thoughts that uplift and elate.
Know that you and your inner being are great pals.

Speak Your Desires Into Existence

Tell Your Dreams To The Universe

The enormous power of non-resisted thought
Everyone has. It takes the form of momentum.
You can say you would like to have this thing or that
But the ‘but’ that follows quickly makes it fall flat.
“I want it, but it’s difficult…” Don’t beat that drum.
Nothing changes. You will not receive what is sought.

The more you let a thought flow without resistance
Then the more speed it picks up; the more energy
It attracts. This momentum is what manifests
Things into your experience, and this suggests
That your power is awesome. Yet how can this be?
By no means are you ever the victim of chance.

If you think about something that you don’t care that
Much about, then you offer not much resistance
So it’s gaining momentum however slowly.
The notion of non-resisted thought ain’t crazy.
You may be interested in how to enhance
The momentum by engaging in lots of chat.

Speak more often about what you want with others
Who you know are supportive, and stay positive.
Don’t let ‘buts’ and ‘objectivity’ kill your dream.
Believe that you have access to a steady stream
Of wellbeing, abundance, and desire to live
No matter whatever situation occurs.

Ask, Believe… Receive


Like the three-cycle rhythm of your beating heart,
The process of receiving all that you desire
Is a powerful one. The reason you came here
Is so that you can cherish the things that are dear.
When you are well adjusted you have the entire
Universe to support you. It wants to take part.

Desire is all you need to make wishes come true.
As it burns deep within you, you are energized
And aligned with creation. If you have some doubt
About receiving what you want you will miss out
On its manifestation. So it is advised
That you keep negative thoughts far away from you.

All that you’ve ever wanted is known by the part
Of you who is your truest self, and it knows how
To give you perfect guidance along your journey.
A magnificent relationship there can be
Between you and your spirit. You need but allow
Your desire to consume every beat of your heart.

There is no assertion in this world as we know.
It is a misperception due to the contrast
We experience daily. There can only be
Attraction. Everything comes vibrationally.
Spiritual is the fortune you have amassed.
It becomes manifest when you go with the flow.

Make The Universe Listen

Command The Cosmos

You create the vast universe as it creates
You and all others in it. Telling your story
As you want has the power to change anything
In your life that’s not working. Alone you can bring
About what is needed in terms of your glory.
You must know that a wonderful treasure awaits.

Your story as you tell it can eliminate
All the bygones, mistakes, grudges, and injustice
Of all manner. You will begin to let it go
And replace it with that which you have come to know
As benevolent, hopeful, and things such as this.
No one can mess with the story that you create.

Purify your vibration. Practice the power
Of your own mind. Step back into remembering
Who you are, why you came here, and what you shall do.
All that is benefits from all that which is you.
With every thought that you think you have everything
At you beck and call naturally as it were.

Do whatever you must to feel good. If it takes
Dissolving stagnant relationships, so be it.
Put your undivided attention on the things
That bring you the most pleasure despite happenings.
Your life was meant to be a comfortable fit.
The game of your alignment is truly high stakes.

Ask This Question

The Most Important Thing To Ask

Much obscene information erupts into play
With my daily reality. There is no need
For me to ask a single thing. Too much goes on
For the mind to keep track of. Consensus is drawn
From the common collective. In this way I’m freed
From the wild chase that would make a waste of my day.

Negative emotion always means that I’m not
In agreement with how my inner being feels
About what I am dealing with. It cannot see
Any evil in anyone including me.
It’s the epitome of positive ideals.
What it thinks about all things should matter a lot.

I could choose to be angry about many things
That involve people having to be different
Than they are in order for me to be happy.
They won’t change who they are just to satisfy me.
There is one other option. I can be content
In the clarity that my inner being brings.

How does my inner being feel about this thing
That I’m focused upon?
Is my gut in a knot?

If so, it means I’m not in agreement with it.
My internal guidance is of huge benefit.
It tells me when I’m warm or cold and when I’m hot.
It’s the only question I will keep on asking.

Ask, Believe, Receive

The Process

Your desire is the only thing you’ll ever need
But you hardly ever let yourself entertain
A desire without shooting it down with your doubt.
Things that keep showing up are clearly all about
Your own lack of commitment. There’s nothing to gain
In hoping that your struggle will help you succeed.

You have given your inner being subtle clues.
You’re contributing always. Your relationship
With yourself you have nurtured over many years.
Your reluctance to movement results from your fears
Of failure, but this agony you can well skip.
You always have the freedom to feel as you choose.

There is only attraction. There’s no assertion.
When you try to force something it rarely works out.
When desires and beliefs match are when things occur
That will be most delightful. The life you prefer
Is available to you. You do have much clout
In commanding the universe, and it is fun.

You have unwillingly calibrated to things
And beliefs about things you do not even want
Through unconscious behaviors that you can release.
The power of your presence is eternal peace
And the life you enjoy here can be but a jaunt.
You’ll get used to a new heart that constantly sings.

Access The Power

Command The Energy

Writing down things is powerful. I’d like to share
Yet another technique that was offered to me.
It’s about manifesting. I know; “Not again!”
But my job is informative. I like it when
There’s a topic worth tackling. Not all may agree,
And obliged I am truly to say I don’t care.

List three things that you want on three sheets of paper.
Each sheet lists only one thing. So write at the top
“These are reasons I want this.” On the other side
List all of the reasons that you won’t be denied.
At some point in your listing you will have to stop
And behold what you’ve written and quite on the spur.

It is necessary only that you want it
With a positive passion. Writing enhances
The belief in your wanting. It forms a strong link
With the thing that you’re focused upon. Now, just think
Of the power of this improving your chances
Of obtaining things. This is of huge benefit.

Spend some time in your day… twenty minutes or so
To enter deep reflection. Examine your dream.
Let your dominant intention be to look for
Things that you find delightful and then look for more.
May your big boat of freedom be headed downstream.
Benefits of your focus will begin to flow.

Avalanche Of Abundance

Onslaught Of Blessings

We’re a nation of freedom I’d like to believe.
If the word has some meaning then manifold are
The kinds people conceive of. The freedom To Be
Is what they all boil down to. When I think of free
It means infinite resources. This may be far
From what many may think of. I am that naïve.

If my funds became infinite I could fulfill
Many dreams of a lifetime, but more important,
Fear and inconvenience would no longer exist.
I would shine like the sun and would rarely be pissed.
I would no longer be using the words, “I can’t.”
Every moment of each day would be such a thrill.

These are positive aspects of simply living.
Focusing on the things I like best is the way
To deliberately think a better feeling
Though until I’ve trained myself to instantly bring
About total alignment. This way I can stay
In a mood that is wonderful and life-giving.

Everything is vibration. There’s no exception
To this law of the universe. It’s absolute
In that everything vibrates at a frequency.
 I can tune myself to getting lots of money
But the more proper and more significant fruit
Is the satisfaction for the inner work done.

The Choice Is Yours

Total Self-Responsibility

Motivated by money, power, and control,
The ego of humanity triggers decay
Of its terminal body. Madness and disease
Are the rhythmic death rattle. The putrid feces
That escape as it dies is enough to convey
That the human condition is less than heart whole.

The system is bankrupt so those now in power
Want to hold on to all that they can and to kill
Off a lot of people so that they can retain
Their control over everything. All is in vain
Because there are those who recognize their free will
To remain oblivious to things that occur.

People fell into too low a conscious level.
The human spirit once enslaved by the ego
Has long left. Narcissistic we’ve grown in mindset.
Savage capitalism is then a big threat.
The body is decaying. The process is slow.
Where in this is there space where the heart can revel?

We are all instruments of a higher power.
Mass psychoses and Kool Aid cults all must take place.
The cycle of existence – creation and fall
And eternal redemption – we go through it all.
We’ve the choice to be zombies or creatures of grace.
Is it so hard to figure out which you prefer?

A Truly Magnificent Life

Good Living

I pledge allegiance to the divided countries
Of this unholy union of haves and have nots.
What I’d dreamed of is gone now, but that is okay.
This unspeakable contrast must be here to stay.
I am born of a small world of sinister plots
And of billowing hatred of democracies.

It does freak the hell out of me to some degree.
People whom I’ve ever known I now cannot trust
And it does seem to matter that I am concerned
That there are some tough lessons that have to be learned.
All the ‘brotherly love’ bullshit crumbles to dust
In the climate of strong racial hatred of me.

Is there room to be hopeful? I know that I am
On the verge of discovering what I can do
To maintain my alignment and blend with the flow
Of what my inner being would want me to know
About my own magnificence. I’m able to
Carry on with my living and not give a damn.

My own past is an utter disaster, so I
Am a match to experiences of chaos.
I need close only the gap between me and me.
All else that may be happening I need not see.
There are may bridges. I choose which ones to cross.
Some may lead to fulfillment, and those I will try.

Belief And The Placebo

The Awesome Power of Cognition

Powerful is the message the complex psyche
Wants to translate completely into perfect sense.
Long before the placebo effect became known
Gifted people caught on to it much on their own.
The same goes for the certain Schumann Resonance.
The heartbeat of the earth some could feel easily.

People cringe at the prospect of going five-g
Knowing bees by the billions shall meet their demise
At the base of antennas all over the globe.
But what minds are there to be arrested and probed?
That we can defile nature have we become wise?
Grossly off on a tangent we happen to be.

The amount of power it takes to override
The effects that are not wanted is directly
In proportion to our beliefs. So what is true
Can be changed by believing in something brand new.
Change does not often come to us so easily.
It may be necessary to look for a guide.

The path of least resistance is what all must find.
What you believe can be used to your advantage
By simply treating it as an alternative
Of equal or more value. The focus you give
Is enough that you’re able to fully engage
With your physical world which you have redefined.

A Message Just For You

Your Personal Calling

We who watch you as you live have this much to say.
You must soothe your resistance to find true relief
From your troubles and sorrows, and when you do so
Then your point of attraction is likely to grow
Ever stronger. Your times of discord will be brief.
We take notice of how you live throughout your day.

We see when you have shifted and take full delight
Because we see your future begin to take place
In the eternal now that you sometimes can’t see,
And we celebrate greatly what has come to be.
There is so much potential in the human race.
We would love you to focus on what has gone right.

You cannot get it wrong because It’s never done.
All eternity you have for reaching your peace.
All your power is now. What takes place around you
You attract by attention. The thing you can do
Is to concentrate only on things that increase
Your magnetic awareness and wellness begun.

You create your tomorrows by how you feel now.
Tomorrow never comes. When it does, it’s today.
Feeling bad only makes tomorrow even worse.
There’s no need to delve into that which is perverse.
Practice feeling good now so that you don’t fall prey
To your negative thinking. Rejoice and allow.

Inspirational Solitaire

Solo Artistic Mastery

It’s my job – no one else’s – to be who I am.
It is wrong to get others to do that for me.
Understanding of who and where I am is mine
To explore with abandon. Why would I assign
This most intimate duty so egregiously
To others who cannot nor should not give a damn?

I am here to live happily ever after
As is everyone here in this school of nature.
It is up to me only to play out my role.
To experience joy here is my only goal.
My freedom to choose is something that will endure
Until matriculation from earthly matter.

So, I might as well decide to get happily
Since I am ever after already by now.
Choices made from beyond are what I live each day.
I came here because I like my hands in the clay.
By deliberate intent I best can allow
Creation to flow with ease and naturally.

I relent to alignment and my connection
To the spirit within. I give up resistance
And the incessant battles and struggles I make.
Peace of mind and fulfillment are what are at stake.
Now is no time to continue living by chance
By insisting on others to get my work done.

The Women

Those Without Voice

No one else is there visible. Only mad men
Can be seen on the media and network news
Spouting off at the mouth or the weapon in hand.
Is it best that an ignorant world understand
What The Women must go through? It is they who lose
Having been nonexistent since heaven knows when.

Men who pass gas in public where there’s no escape
From their foul perverse intent are of the mindset
That their grossness is power that gives them control
Of most people’s attention. Their psychotic goal
Is to prove to all others that they are a threat.
Sense of smell is the wholesomeness they care to rape.

It’s a crusty old bastard nation in the eyes
Of the world cast upon them. Their arrogant ways,
Centuries in the making, have stale stunk the air.
Women had been breathing some real oxygen there,
And it’s not tolerated. Abusive mores
Among state and religion have integral ties.

It will take generations. New waves of women
With support of those worldwide pries open the door.
Once fresh air has been breathed, there is no turning back
To the ways of abuse and of constant attack.
Once one has tasted freedom, there’s wanting for more.
Women don’t want to breathe fecal air once again.

Empowering News

The Only News Of Value

I consist of two life forms inside of one skin.
One of them is my true self – my inner being.
It is made of no substance – just pure consciousness.

Divine Light is its essence. It wants to express
Everything that is wholesome and spirit freeing.
It will never go back to where once it has been.

The other being is a most personal one
With a flesh and blood ego, personality,
And a growing collection of hopes and desires.
It is that self which struggles and easily tires.
In its quest for its being who it needs to be
It will frequently lose track and feel overrun.

The only difference between the two is that
My true self doesn’t look back. It looks straight ahead.
It’s the forwardmost version of me here and now.
Anything that I want is mine if I allow
Myself to be directed by spirit instead
Of the sad sack who suffers and has it down pat.

There’s no need for defense or justification.
My comparisons cripple and have no meaning
But contrast is a good thing. Without it no growth
Would occur in the one self yet surely not both.
I must go with the one which is forward leaning
Where my issues are weaker and I have more fun.

It’s All Lined Up And Ready

Life's Treasures Await

There’s no end to how good it can get. Don’t deny
All the wellbeing offered by the universe.
We’re all in this together. Some point not the way
That is best for their being, while others display
Confidence that all goes well. Good will they disperse
To the human collective. But can we know why?

To be so where I am is a strong tendency –
A bad habit I have trouble letting go of.
I feel I must do something about what is wrong.
If I call it a crisis, it will not be long
Before I lose all faith in guidance from above.
I speak with some reluctance, but passionately.

If I can see the door as open a wee bit,
And then change my direction to what feels better,
I will see good start happening rather quickly.
It can become the evidence that my eyes see.
There’s no reason why I’ve not the life I prefer.
All the universe is here for our benefit.

I have nothing to prove. I can’t do life alone
To the point where I’m cut off from provident grace.
It comes through other people and flows to and from
Every creature on earth. Yet it’s withheld by some
Who are fearful of lack so that greed they embrace.
Things can always get better when this trick is known.


An Evasive Illusion

I control not my thoughts nor the ways that I feel.
In a real sense I am them. To give up control
Is to have it completely. If I were to try
To gain absolute power by force I apply,
It will only disturb things, which isn’t my goal.
I must trust what the universe has to reveal.

Like a good friend this universe can be to me.
Trusting it like a person who knows me quite well,
I can give up the struggle of lying awake
Fretting over control of things. What A Headache!
But the friend who’s much bigger can banish the spell
 If my faith in this kind one is of high degree.

Universes are bodies. Cells know who they are
And have things delegated at every level.
If I can but allow them to do their damned work,
Then perhaps they would think that I’m not such a jerk
Having tried to control them. I’ve put them through hell.
My relationship with them is not up to par.

That which flows to all things and does nourish them all –
Both the left and the right and all manner between –
Lords not over creation nor seeks any claim
Of merit for accomplishments. All is the same
To the friend universal who surely has seen
Every bit of creation. I am not so small.

The Fierce Defender

A Hero of Force

Things amazing happen when you focus your mind
On your goal. Much too smart and too capable, you
Can’t remain on the sidelines while doing nothing
When someone needs your help. Into action you’ll spring
As a ready defender. Everything you do
Is with force and intensity yet not maligned.

Your individuality you value most.
Concentration and wit are the tools that you use
As you’re mastering your innate abilities.
Though you can be invisible, everyone sees
Quite a striking young lady with progressive views.
In the missions assigned you, you’re fully engrossed.

You take responsibility for your powers
Given you for your purpose. Inherently strong,
Like a normal teenager, you manage your stress
In ways one would expect… nothing more; nothing less.
The added assignment of rectifying wrong
You accept with the honor that goodness confers.

You were shy, uncertain, and withdrawn at the start.
Upon getting a pep talk from mom, you became
Evidently more confident. And as you grow
Into ultimate brilliance, it’s good that we know
That, although you’re created, clearly you proclaim
Emergence of the feminine, youthful and smart.