Archive | September 2023

Give And Receive Positive Karma

Connecting To Spirit

There are negative people in my life. So how
Can I stay positive? I can’t push them away
Because they consist of my friends and family.
I don’t want them to hold any grudge against me.
At the same time I know that myself I betray
If mistreatment from other people I allow.

If there are negative people in your life, you
Are attracting them. Don’t look at them. Look instead
At the energy you’re creating to attract
Them into your experience. You are in fact
In need of some adjustment. Make sure that you’re led
By your most evolved self in everything you do.

Sometimes you have to divorce your negative friends,
Family members, and anyone who thinks you
Are someone who accepts abuse naturally.
Tell the straight up. The only way you will get free
Of their influence is to hold fast to what’s true
And to what your innermost being recommends.

How can you serve and be the most loving person
You can be? How does your love affect people’s lives?
Change your thought and the negative energy will
Dissipate and the people that were such a pill
Will adjust as the most evolved part of you strives
For some balance and spiritual perfection.

Where Is Mister Right?

Heartfelt Illusion

“You complete me.” It’s sweet. It can make the girls cry
When they hear it especially on the big screen.
People mean it when they say it. But is it true?
Is it possible for everything about you
To be part of someone else? The world, if it’s seen
Through rose colored glasses, will not be your ally.

You may have had a relationship with someone
Who’s abusive so red flags go up everywhere
There are men. Look at that to see what’s going on
With your feelings from which conclusions can be drawn
In order to provide yourself the best of care
In your searching for a romantic solution.

Don’t be in denial about previous pain
That you suffered. You must feel it then let it go
Because it’s served its mission. Don’t drag it into
The future. You’ll repeat the ordeal if you do.
Once the pain is transcended the healed heart will grow
In experience. You’ll have a whole lot to gain.

Don’t look for the ‘right’ person. Instead look for who
In yourself you would love to be. Make yourself the
Right person for yourself then the right person will
Be attracted to you but he may not fulfill
Your dream in every detail. But at least you’ll be
With the person who is most attracted to you.

Get Your Power Back

Right On

All the painful emotions like fear, vengefulness,
Anger, jealousy, and depression can rob you
Of your power. To external circumstances
It is wasted so very slim are the chances
Of having some left to do the things you want to.
You’ve tried to hide your feelings with little success.

You’ve come to know that when your personality
Is aligned with your soul’s purpose you then become
Authentically Empowered. This bottom line
Definition is provocative by design.
It’s a clue to where Authentic Power comes from.
Fully empowered is the way you want to be.

But most people don’t know what their soul wants so they
Let external circumstances and their mindset
Take control of them. The answer lies within you.
Your conscience lets you know which path for you is true.
You can meditate in order for you to get
Better insight to clear most of your doubt away.

Obstacles to aligning yourself with your soul
Are identified by noticing how you feel
In each moment. Be mindful of what your soul needs
To best serve you. You can be someone who succeeds
In connecting with your soul. Your life becomes real
As yourself becomes well integrated and whole.

Your Soul’s Greatest Potential

World Of Wonder

Everyone’s got gifts to give. We each are unique
In what we have to offer. Your sense of meaning
Is your inner compass which means that when you feel
Meaning in your life you can then live it with zeal.
Your potential is greatest when you are leaning
In your soul’s direction. It’s alignment you seek.

As meaning empties from your life you’re moving in
The opposite direction. Everything goes wrong
In your life. You start creating destructively
But with Authentic Power you’re able to be
More in touch with your meaning. You’re where you belong
When you absolve yourself of all your fear-based sin.

When you feel negative emotion be aware
That you can simply feel it and not react to
The cause of the injustice. While feeling the pain
You can act in love. This may sound weak and insane
But with practice you’ll find that good will come to you
In that you’ll be around those whose feelings you share.

You’re unique. You have gifts to give. What keeps you from
Giving them? It is fear. Don’t let others tell you
That you can’t do something. They’re not coming from love
But from fear. It’s not possible to get rid of
The ill feeling instantly but what you can do
Is observe and not contribute to the outcome.

Authentic Power

Deflation Of Self

The change is happening. We don’t have to make it
Happen. It’s an expansion of our perception
Beyond the limitations of the five senses.
We know now that our actions have consequences
And that we can tune ourselves for the reception
Of nonphysical knowledge for our benefit.

We’re becoming aware of ourselves as more than
Bodies and minds. We have another sensory
System of which our intuition is a part
As well as the warm feelings that come from the heart.
Feeling that you’re living your life meaningfully
Is a clue that your doing everything you can.

We’ve used external power to manipulate
And control things but that doesn’t work anymore.
It’s now counterproductive. Authentic Power
Is accessed from within. One could ask, “Just how were
We able to make it this far, and what’s in store?”.

A future of harmony we’re here to create.

The highest part of yourself that you can reach for
Is your soul so align your personality
With your soul’s mission. Then you will experience
Your Authentic Power. Your new life you’ll commence
With excitement and passion. You want to be free
Of your false sense of power so you can do more.

Why I Get Irritated About The Small Things


Everyone has their pet peeves. I have compassion
For someone who is crabby. They may have issues
With the family. What I cannot tolerate
Is some person’s noise when I want to concentrate.
Rude behavior by others I cannot excuse.
Understanding of some people’s acts I have none.

The ones whose phones ring at the movie theater…
The unconscious snot suckers and all their gross sounds…
Those who interrupt always when I want to speak…
An escape from humanity is what I seek.
May I have this wish granted to me on the grounds
That I’m not really a deranged people hater?

I just want relief from being irritated.
I know that it’s much deeper than getting upset
Over little things. It’s way out of proportion
And indeed some soul searching will need to be done
To find out why I feel people are such a threat
To my peace. Can my angst be eliminated?

When I judge someone that impulse comes from deeper
In the psyche. My biggest fear is that I’ve no
Control over people so I subconsciously
Find fault with them. This disconnected part of me
Prevents the more enlightened part of me to grow.
Relief comes when I become my own peacekeeper.

Authentic Empowerment

Color Fist

Who are you? What do you want to do with who you
Truly are? You’re a treasure. Do not be afraid
Of your power to create your reality.
You have limited time here. Who you’re meant to be
You must be without shyness. Don’t let your dream fade
Into nothingness. Do what you’ve been born to do.

We live in a fame culture. Fame is the basis
For your being known in the world because people
Wouldn’t hear you unless you came with some swagger.
You do not want to be considered a lagger
In pursuit of your purpose so just be grateful
Having found in the desert your own oasis.

Ask the questions in life that really matter to
Get people thinking about what really matters
In their lives. You can tell if you’re on the right track
By internal knowing and external feedback.
Don’t listen to the busy mind as it chatters
Constantly. Give it something important to do.

You have access to Authentic Empowerment.
Everyone has a purpose. Yours is to figure
Out what yours is. Align your personality
With your soul’s purpose. You’ll create powerfully.
No one can touch you because your essence is pure.
You can do anything through your conscious intent.

What Will Happen When We Die?

Upon Death

The soul is the essential nature of us all.
It’s the deeper mind. It’s the part of us that goes
On existing after the physical body
Is no longer a part of it. Naturally
We become able to know what our spirit knows
And what our spirit knows can’t be considered small.

God exists in each one of us. Every atom
And subatomic particle of everything
Is a part of God’s consciousness. We are distilled
From that essence. As such, our dreams can be fulfilled.
God’s nature is way beyond our understanding.
It is where everything in existence comes from.

The highest energy that we can imagine
Doesn’t come close to describing God. We have no
Words or concepts to do the job adequately.
Yet we’ve learned to experience divinity
Through spiritual practice. We are here to grow.
There’s no time like this moment for us to begin.

When we die we don’t die. It’s a misconception.
Yes, the body dies but the soul is eternal.
It will be on the other side then it will come
Back to earth. Remember that all being comes from
That which we know as spirit. We are supernal.
When we end this adventure another’s begun.

Fulfill Your Purpose

Feeling Grand

“How do you keep yourself so balanced?,” they’ll ask you.
You can tell them it’s because the path you’ve taken
To uplift and enlighten is spiritual.
Your connection to spirit is a natural
Source of guidance. You use it to reawaken
Your passion and interest in everything new.

You’re not really living a full life unless you
Are connected to the spirit of who you are.
So it’s not difficult for you. It’s a delight.
What you do you do well. Everything is alright.
From the way that you had been you’ve come very far.
You have strength to say this is what you want to do.

And it’s all that you want to do. You’ve been doing
This work for such a long time so you’re ready now
To receive confirmation of things going well.
By how you feel each moment you’re able to tell
If you’re in the proper vibration to allow
Good to happen. It’s a state that’s worth pursuing.

It’s because you’re doing what gives your life meaning
That you have found serenity and contentment.
Look at where you are now. Accept you life and then
Change what needs to be changed. You have true power when
Your life’s purpose you’re living. Your conscious intent
Is effective when it’s positively leaning.

One Day It Will Be Over

Final Platform

I wish I didn’t take life so seriously.
It has gotten me nowhere but sick and confused.
I wish I had lived more and had given more to
Family. I wish I had a healthier view
Of my life. Were it not real I would be amused.
If I died tomorrow who then would bury me?

I wish I hadn’t given up on my dream so
Easily. One day life will flash before my eyes.
To make sure it’s worth watching becomes my life’s goal.
Had my purpose been aligned with that of my soul
Then I’d have been empowered, I now realize.
I wish I’d given my soul the freedom to grow.

Did my life mean anything to this world? Was I
Love by others? Did I love? And does it matter?
When I’m on my death bed I will not be concerned
About money, status, or degrees that I’ve earned.
All the hopes, dreams, and wishes of life will shatter.
What can I do to serve this world before I die?

I can make my life matter. It isn’t empty
Of the passion I once had. I still have wonder
For this whole life experience. I cannot take
It for granted and by becoming more awake
To my purpose I shall not be cast asunder
By the frightened and limited aspects of me.