Archive | May 2023


Creative Readiness

Intuition is a sensing of the spirit.
It’s the ability to understand or know
Something instantly based on one’s feelings rather
Than the facts. It’s often described as an inner
Voice or a gut feeling. It is not like a flow
But a flash. Naturally it’s a benefit.

Intuition is an instinctual process
That gains clarity and accuracy the more
One advances spiritually. A knowing
Without knowing, it is the true spirit showing
What’s best for oneself. It is a warning before
Acting in such a way that will cause one distress.

It’s when you know instinctively that something you
Are doing is right or wrong, or when you feel that
Someone is lying to you, or that something just
Isn’t right. It’s a feeling you can learn to trust.
It’s beyond thinking in a logical format.
It’s directly connected to all that is true.

Intuition is a faculty of the mind
But beyond mental processes. You just know it.
Realizations are effortless and freeing.
Intuition is a core part of your being.
It’s a gift out of nowhere for your benefit.
With the spiritual it remains intertwined.


Eternal Being

Spirit is the animating power within
All living creatures. It is one’s vital essence.
One’s spirit is entirely nonphysical
It is made solely of energy, and it shall
Never cease to exist. One can experience
One’s own spirit, but how does the novice begin?

The spirit is the witnessing inner presence
Who observes yet remains silent. This personal
Stream of consciousness is beyond the ego mind,
And this mind beyond ego is easy to find
Through an experience that is transcendental.
One’s belief that it is makes a big difference.

The spirit, soul, or essence is a resident
Of the body and perceives its reality
Through the physical senses which often deny
The nonphysical dimension. One must apply
Spiritual techniques to get progressively
Better at reconnecting by conscious intent.

Perception veils the unseen and nonphysical
Dimension of reality. The spirit blends
And identifies with form which is limited
To the ego’s assessments, yet one can instead
Be aware of what the purest spirit intends.
Know that what spirit wants is more beneficial.


Brain Activity

So, the intellect is the ego’s faculty
Of reasoning and objective understanding.
It is the power of the mind by which one knows,
Comprehends, and assimilates. One may suppose
That it is helpful in consciousness expanding,
And it can be if looked at spiritually.

It is the refinement and sophistication
Of the conceptual dualistic thinking
Mind that can be easily manipulated
To make any position adversely fated
To the consciousness not having a true linking
To reality due to justification.

The intellectual aspect of the ego
Tends to be prideful. It sees itself as the peak
Of all earth’s evolution. It claims credit for
All actions and achievements. It knows nothing more
Than its level of consciousness, and it will seek
Recognition for all that it happens to know.

Beyond the dualistic intellectual
Thinking mind lies the realm of conscious awareness.
Spiritual teachings must be comprehended
And accepted to be fully integrated.
Resistance from the ego becomes a lot less
In the wake of a spiritual rationale.


Prayerful Setting

Spirituality is the state, quality,
Or fact of being spiritual. It is a
Broad concept with room for many perspectives, but
Generally it includes a deep sense of what
Could be called one’s connection to all. One could say
That it’s something that comes about naturally.

It’s a sense of connection to something bigger
Than oneself, and it involves a search for meaning
In one’s life. It’s experienced by everyone
Whether we’re aware of it or not. There are none
Who are not subject to spirit intervening
At times in their life just as one might well prefer.

We are all spiritual beings having a
Human experience. To awaken is to
Become more consciously aware that this is so.
Personal attention is in wanting to know
The answers to the questions that have much to do
With one’s purpose. One can be fulfilled in this way.

“What’s the purpose of life? What happens when we die?
What is life? Who am I? Why do people exist?”

These are prime curiosities for the novice.
Meditation and prayer bring genuine bliss.
Spirituality is on what we subsist.
It has the full ability to sanctify.


Spatial Inspiration

Insight is the ability to have a clear,
Deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of some
Complicated problem or tough situation.
It is closely related to intuition.
The all-knowing universe is where it comes from.
It comes usually when the heart is sincere.

It’s a capability of the mind beyond
The intellect. It’s a penetrating mental
Vision or discernment of seeing into or
Apprehending the true nature of a thing. For
Those who are seeking wisdom, the transcendental
Nature of insight will get spirit to respond.

Insight becomes more clear and sophisticated
With advancing levels of consciousness. Insight
Can be used to determine how truthful someone
Is being. One can ascertain disposition,
Mood, and motive. It comes as a special delight
When the mind beyond ego is activated.

Solutions via insight have been proven to
Be more accurate than non-insight solutions.
Mindfulness meditation can facilitate
The refinement of insight. One can calibrate
To the level of everyday resolutions
Of issues. Every new problem is a breakthrough.


Semi Deep Thought

Thinking is the process of using one’s mind to
Consider or to reason regarding something.
It’s an autonomous function of the ego,
And it thinks thoughts of happiness or of sorrow
According to beliefs and social programming.
The mind is dualistic in its point of view.

The mind processes its concepts with the notion
Of a subject an object. Thoughts are constructive
When they’re focused and conscious, but usually,
The mind is bombarded pretty much endlessly
With extraneous content. In order to live
With some balance requires specific devotion.

The ego mind loves to judge, consider, presume,
Regard, ponder, and ruminate. The delusion
Of the thinking process stems from one’s believing
That one is one’s ego, but this is deceiving
The true self and can lead to utter confusion.
Thoughts can be of enlightenment or utter doom.

Thinking is seen as the main tool of survival.
Thoughts are seen as precious, personal, and unique.
Realize that the ego mind is in denial
That there are other tools that are much more worthwhile.
Change your mind to the focus of that which you seek,
Which is to celebrate a true self revival.


Expression Of Faith

True humility is a nonjudgmental state
Free from pride, arrogance, vanity, and the need
To be right. Dictionaries define it as low
Self-regard and unworthiness, yet one should know
That form self-deprecation a person is freed
By humility. It’s a most virtuous trait.

Recognition of the limits of the ego
Thinking mind and its inability to know
And to truly experience reality
Will lead one to a genuine humility.
It’s needed in order for the spirit to grow
In the light of acceptance and of letting go.

Through humility and the ever-present choice
Of peace out of love, one can relinquish even
The most cherished of negatives such as hatred,
Spitefulness, and revenge, and replace them instead
With the peace of compassion. One can enter then
A place where one is hearing their own still small voice.

It’s one of the foundations of devotional
Spiritual life. It’s of open mindedness
To the current opportunity to advance
And to know that we all share the same circumstance.
One’s humility is spiritual progress.
One can find it to be something that’s natural.

Grace And Meaning

Carefree Living

The ultimate source of all life and existence
Is what grace is. It’s an essential quality
Of the being called God. Beyond all forms and names,
Grace and God are synonymous, yet our word games
Are confusing at best. What grace happens to be
Is the way to salvation at no one’s expense.

Grace is the unmerited divine assistance
Given to humans for their purification.
To all those seeking truth it is given freely.
It’s the omnipotent gift of love and mercy.
Often times the soul requires regeneration.
It becomes available in this circumstance.

At the heart of faith is the truth that humankind
Is a divine creation not separate from
God, but lost and confused. Ensnared in the grip of
The ego, we become reacquainted with love
Through divine grace. Everyone is in need of some
On occasion because that’s the way we’re designed.

It’s the source of our guidance, of inspiration,
Commitment, dedication, and perseverance.
God is everywhere, meaning grace is everywhere.
It’s the strength that is necessary to take care
Of the issues of egos. It isn’t by chance
That your own salvation has already begun.


Worlds Of Ideas

Discernment is the ability to assess
Correctly, to see the reality of a
Given situation, to distinguish between
Right and wrong, given our spiritual hygiene,
And to recognize what role our words and deeds play
In social interactions and our happiness.

One can know the essential from the optional,
The primary from the secondary, the real
From the unreal, and absolute darkness from light
Through discernment. Closely related to insight,
Discernment is recognizing what’s most ideal
In the moment. It clarifies one’s rationale.

Discernment is protection form being deceived
Spiritually. It is freedom form bondage.
It serves as a catalyst to spiritual
Development. It can become a natural
Way of being. It is but one’s choice to engage
The power of discernment in all that’s perceived.

Examine everything carefully. Hold fast to
That which is good and let go of all that is not.
Take time in making decisions. Pray for guidance.
Be focused on the truth in any circumstance.
How you go about your living matters a lot.
Stay spiritually focused in all you do.


Supreme Balance

Divinity is the quality or nature
Of being divine, holy, and sacred. It’s the
Very consciousness of the one true source of all
Life and all of existence. The one that we call
Supreme and eternal is also almighty.
Irrelevant is the use of nomenclature.

All of existence is a divine creation
And unfoldment of the infinite power and
Radiance of God. All that God has created
Is of God. This cannot be more clearly stated.
Our main challenge while we’re here is to understand
That between God and us there’s no separation.

Everything is a manifestation of God
And everything is a divine creation or
Expression at its core. The human ego veils
And obscures this reality through false details
Of a dualistic nature. It won’t go for
What is true. It will try to maintain the façade.

The truth of our divinity needs to be brought
To the light of our awareness. Meditation,
Letting go, prayer, devotion, and study are ways
To perceive God in others. In these ways we praise
In the most meaningful way. One’s liberation
From the ego is by many wise people taught.


The Wheel Of Life

It’s an Eastern term that has no direct single
Word translation. It’s a complex set of meaning
And interpretation. To the extent that it
Can be defined, some human behaviors will fit
The description of dharma. It is a cleaning
Of the space where dirty vibrations comingle.

It’s the essential nature of reality
And the teachings and practices that enable
Realization of that essential nature.
Dharma is at the heart of the legislature
That orders the whole universe. It’s a label,
Nonetheless, it’s helpful to a conscious degree.

There’s a right and a true way for each person to
Act in order to best serve themself and others.
Dharma is closely associated with the
Noble concepts of selfless service and duty.
It’s the right way of living and often refers
To the path that is for one the truest of true.

Following your dharma means that you’re pursuing
The calling that is truest for you. Anything
That upholds or sustains the positive order
Is of dharma. The life that one would most prefer
Is one that is spiritually fulfilling.
It’s the one source of abundance and wellbeing.


Lower Self Awareness

It’s a remnant of humanity’s animal
Nature. The human ego is the thinking mind.
Dualistic in nature, it is a complex
Mental construct. Self-centered, it only respects
What promotes its survival. It can be unkind
To others in the process of being social.

The ego attaches itself to a label
Or to many to reinforce its survival
And its dominance as one’s source of existence.
It is always on the offense or the defense.
It’s too impatient to wait for the arrival
Of intangible guidance. It’s just not able.

The ego is a person’s ordinary state
Of consciousness. It’s naturally self-centered.
All humans operate based upon their ego’s
Level of consciousness. We can learn much from those
Who’ve transcended the ego. Its quest is absurd
And unhealthy. Only illness does it create.

Mental constructs are programmed by society
And past karma. The core of the ego is pride
And narcissism. It’s extremely tenacious
And clever. It cherishes what is audacious.
In the light of enlightenment it cannot hide.
We improve, but we can’t ever be ego free.