Tag Archive | physical

Manifest In Record Time?

Immediate Harvest

If time is of importance then let it be known
That right now is eternal. It always will be
The right time for you to manifest anything.
You are now able to tap into your wellspring
Of abundance. Your fortune is now completely
Ready. All of the dreams that you’ve planted have grown.

The main part of you is in spirit, but the part
That is here in your body deciphers contrast.
In this time space reality your physical
perspective is unique. Law of Attraction shall
Help you sort through the contrast. What you have amassed
Includes everything that is dearest to your heart.

Be forward feeling rather than current looking.
You will bridge the gap between you and your desire
Faster by paying attention to how you feel.
Your current situation is not the ideal,
But you can find something that sets your heart on fire
In this moment. It is a natural blessing.

You will find that there’s no difference between what
You’ve asked for and what has manifested. Quickly
Bring about a good feeling. There is leverage
In alignment. The more that you choose to engage
In maintaining contentment, the more you will see
Good things happen. This method is surely clear cut.

Allow Infinite Abundance

Let The Magic Happen

How can I find a way to be comfortable
Spending money on myself? It is traumatic.
I want things, but I feel paralyzed to allow
Myself to have them. It would be nice to know how
To spend lavishly and to remain ecstatic.
How do I become wealthy, serene, and stable?

It’s one hell of an issue. It’s probably mine
Along with many others’. I bear to make do
With the basics, when it’s luxury and beauty
That I want in my life. Am I destined to be
Ever wanting the freedom to live what is true
To my wishes? Is my circumstance by design?

Many of us have been taught shortage consciousness
By people who we lived with who had influence
In our upbringing, so there is never enough.
Waste not, want not. We must save for when times get tough.
This mindset in itself is of heavy expense.
It leaves no room for the pursuit of happiness.

There is not a finite amount of abundance.
It expands in direct proportion to our dreams.
I can justify it with hard work if I may,
But my appreciation is all I need pay.
I am worthy regardless of how it all seems.
There is no limit to what my soul can finance.

Let Go And Trust

Relinquish The Fear

A man was with his mother when she transitioned
To nonphysical. It was ‘anticlimactic’
As he put it. There was a sense of impatience.
He fell victim to his self-created suspense.
Should the death of someone ever be ‘fantastic?’
Digging deeper into this case cannot be shunned.

She made her transition peacefully and calmly.
Her spirit was waiting for the perfect moment
To let go of this world. She has now reemerged
Into that which is nameless. Her spirit was urged
And she followed without issue. Gladly she went.
The next logical step was the one come to be.

Yodeling down the canyon was not what he saw
Nor the kind of excitement that would scare someone.
The question that needs answered is how does he make
The best of it. The answer is to come awake
To the fact that she’s not dead. Illusion is spun
From beliefs that are fettered in fiction and flaw.

He created the drama that did not take place
As expected. Her spirit was more in control
Of the whole situation. His acknowledgement
Of his not letting go and trusting the event
Proceeds as it is meant to has rendered him whole.
His connection with her he’ll now fully embrace.

Connect To Fast Energy

Hook Up To Lightning Fast Power

It is normal to evaluate our progress
Through the physics of this world. We want to compare
What we have with others’. We try to overcome
Gravity, inertia, speed, and our momentum.
Practicing meditation or consummate prayer
Guarantees us some indication of success.

Meditation means focusing on stopping thought.
When we do so, resistance must also subside.
This allows our vibration to rise to a state
Where we are more able to connect and create
With the fast energy that is freely supplied
And that will help us to attain that which is sought.

There’s much power in this. Most folks are competing
With others, trying to edge one another out.
This madness is mundaneness and disrespectful
To ourselves as a species. To resist the pull
Of the negative aspects of our fear and doubt
Is the challenge that only keeps on repeating.

Our impatience is justified, yet we rarely
Are connected so that time works in our favor.
We may slog around trying to move things along
Until we are exhausted knowing it was wrong.
Rendezvous with the moment and learn to savor
What’s available to you. It’s fast energy.

Navigate The Splitting Prism

Handling The Coming Change

Everything in the universe operates on
Resonance of energy, and the transmission
Is from the higher mind. The body receives it
Like an antenna. It hesitates not one bit
To turn it into passion for getting things done.
The conclusion that it’s a good thing is foregone.

Energetic transmissions from the higher mind
Occur often throughout our entire time here.
Each of us is a prism that changes white light
Into visible spectra and novel insight.
When one becomes excited the vision is clear.
Creativity, love, and passion one will find.

Physical action is needed to seal the deal.
It completes the circuit, and the actions you take
Are aligned with the reality you prefer
Instead of wishing and hoping things will occur.
Your translation of pure light can never be fake
But the action is needed to make the dream real.

This is how you Navigate The Splitting Prism.
By acting on your passion you will become whole.
Everyday you move closer to what is ideal
But along the way you have the option to feel
The wonderfulness of life deep down in your soul
Where the purest of everything you need comes from.

Using Visualizations

Conjuring Your Dream

Visualizations are an excellent tool
For manifesting the things that you most prefer.
You create a symbol that will best represent
The outcome most ideal. Every detail is meant
To arouse your emotions, and as they occur
You will become elated. This is very cool.

If you have a good picture of it in your mind –
The thing or the condition you want to happen –
It is easy then to get super excited.
Your dream ship will be traveling full speed ahead.
You can get to that good place again and again.
This is how you become with your desire aligned.

Now, once you have reached that state, what you need to do
Is to utterly, completely drop the picture
And just be open to what your higher mind knows
Is the perfect match. Positive energy flows
Where it’s needed. The symbol was just to procure
The passion necessary to stimulate you.

The mind that is physical can only conjure
An extremely limited image of what’s best
For itself and for you. You do not know a thing.
Know that your higher mind can ultimately bring
Something much more fulfilling than what you expressed
As your ultimate vision. It isn’t secure.

What Happens After Death?

Is There Another Side?

There’s so much that is unknown about existence.
We are here but a brief while in this consciousness
That we know as daily living reality.
We know that our physical eyes aren’t meant to see
All there is to be seen. We do not have access
To the state we all came from. It makes little sense.

We who are called survivors are steeped in mourning
For the one who’s now missing from this dimension.
We have lost all connection for all that we know.
There is no way that we can express our sorrow
At its deepest. The only thing that can be done
Is to get back into the business of living.

The one who has departed does experience
Something absolutely wonderful compared to
What is here and what we feel and what they did feel.
The release from the heaviness they see as real.
It’s a dream they’ve awoken from. Their broader view
Is what we living miss here. It still makes no sense.

But from there they experience a life review
Where they feel everything they’ve done to everyone.
Once that’s finished they’re welcomed into a new world
Where all of their potential is freely unfurled.
We survivors see this not as a solution.
It remains a most difficult time to go through.

Attend To Your Passion

Engage Your Heart's Desire

Many multi-dimensional realities
Can be known in the same way your inner being
Can perceive all extensions that are part of it.
Accepting higher frequencies, we benefit
From acting on our passion. It’s truly freeing
To delve into your treasured psychic mysteries.

The language of our physical reality
Is physical action. It is not about words.
Your excitement about something will bring you more
That will lead you to what you are passionate for.
Ideas and insights inundate like the birds
But the language of your soul is pure energy.

Your soul communicates with you only this way.
The body translates energy into passion.
Act On It! You are answering the higher mind
In the affirmative. Once that you are aligned
With your purpose you can get a lot of things done
More efficiently. You attain more with each day.

If you are not acting on your passion you will
Not receive any clues or opportunities.
Pay attention to what your passion is about.
All that keeps you from acting is lingering doubt
That you’ll prosper. Life can be an absolute breeze.
You have only your most cherished dream to fulfill.

Sharpen Your Mind

The Power Of The Brain

There’s a huge difference between confidence and
Clarity. You may feel that you can do something
But you lack proper focus and act randomly.
Confidence – a poor substitute for clarity –
Is not nearly enough that progress it will bring.
There is always room for consciousness to expand.

Crossing a busy highway is life compared to.
Vehicles are moving at a very fast pace.
If your vision is foggy you’re taking a chance.
You could say some Hail Mary’s in this circumstance
But you may get run over. Your ultimate grace
Is in seeing where you’re going and what to do.

The spine is not just a physical organ. It
Is a serious communications network.
Such a complex assemblage requires proper care.
Your perceptions and emotions are processed there
Where negative vibrations are destined to lurk.
There is something you can do for your benefit.

A natural upsurge of energy is gained
By your putting your feet together and squatting.
This will strengthen the back muscles and activate
The lumbar region of the spine. Keep the back straight.
This simple exercise brings instant wellbeing.
Clarity of brain function can thus be maintained.

A Message For These Times

Guidance Through Turbulent Momentum

Many roads lead to nowhere as the momentum
Of the fluid uncertainty bathes the weakness
In the soul of humanity. How could one not
Notice and respond to it. Somehow we are caught
In a sea of confusion, hatred, and distress.
Do we need to be fearful of what is to come?

…Not if it’s just a snapshot of how things appear
At this moment in history. The injustice
Cannot go away prior to feeling relief
From all thoughts that have grown to a rigid belief.
Those that do not feel helpful I need to dismiss.
I create my own existential atmosphere.

This journey is more fun than it is not, so I
Can keep reaching for better. To get out ahead
Of whatever is happening is to pre-pave
How my next moments unfold and how I’ll behave
No matter what the circumstance. Life I can tread
From a place of alignment where I need not try.

Constant knee jerk responding to talk in the news
Is the way to keep focused on how things are now.
At a turning point we are, and whichever way
It can turn is my pleasure, which means I will stay
In the state of receiving. The love I allow
Keeps me free of the turmoil. Thus I cannot lose.

Avoid Disease Forever

Attitudinal Protection

Sometime when you were little you may have been told
That your aunt died of cancer… your grandmother too.
If you were told that it runs in the family
And that you will die from it, it’s easy to see
How you can make it happen. All that can ail you
Does it because your mind has been thoroughly sold.

When you focus on something you don’t want, you are
Blocking energy flow that provides wellbeing
To your body most naturally. It is true
That illness is simply lack of wellness. This clue
Is forgotten by many who end up seeing
Sickness as part of nature – a notion bizarre.

With our words we’ve become such communicators.
We believe that speech passes good information
But we don’t need to identify with the lack
Of a thing that is normal. It’s like talking smack
When the word illness is used. It gets not much done
To facilitate healing and effective cures.

We’ve been trained to believe that objectivity
Is intelligent. This notion needs to be changed.
We create what’s not wanted by giving it names
And solutions that come with extravagant claims.
Some of them are produced by the truly deranged.
We each have guidance systems to keep us healthy.

Good Intentions Can Go Bad

In Lieu of the Left Hand

If you’re interested in the wellbeing of
Those around you, the first and foremost thing to do
Is to give yourself value. Otherwise you will
Be a problem instead, despite all your fine skill.
If you are aiming to be a solution to
Someone’s issues, it must be done out of self-love.

Make sure you’re not the problem a long time before
You attempt to give service. It makes common sense
That if your hands are dirty then you shouldn’t touch
The person of another. That would garner much
In the way of resentment. Indeed the offense
Is sufficiently grave as to bring about war.

Good intentions have screwed things up to the degree
That we’re in many crises. People do mean well
But they are themselves messed up in so many ways
That whatever they do causes undue malaise.
Those who have good intentions create utter hell
If they lack what is needed to most clearly see.

Right now we’re in a mess ecologically
And our growth is skyrocketing clear out of sight.
We can’t govern ourselves without civil unrest.
So like everything, good intentions are the best
When one knows the difference between wrong and right.
Don’t extend the right hand that people cannot see.

Miracles And Healing

Spiritual Rejuvination

Some psychics of the distant past gave remedies
To address any illness within the body.
Some people could cure others of things on the spot.
Nowadays there’d be trouble were they to be caught
Practicing medicine with no kind of degree
That allows what they’re doing with true expertise.

These things we would call miracles, for like magic,
They bypass all the physical and get right to
What the cause of the problem is very quickly
And there’s no explanation for how this could be.
Those of science and medicine don’t have a clue
As to how there can be such a cure for the sick.

But then there are some teachers who don’t heal at all
In a way that is instant, direct, and profound.
They are teachers of wellbeing through alignment.
This method preferred by some can often prevent
Illness from manifesting. It’s the all-around
Way to keep in the best shape. The effort is small.

Advances in technology mostly come through
Insights from the nonphysical. As we evolve
There’s much to our advantage. The variety
Of choices made available is totally
In accordance with our growth. The problems we solve
Are through infinite blessings. So much we can do.

Manifest Anything

Personal Magic

A button, a bowel movement, or one hundred grand
Can be manifested with the same attention.
Focusing in the right way keeps one in the mood
To attract what is wanted. Nothing is pursued.
All that comes is a matter of one’s intention
To receive the wellbeing by its open hand.

Jesus went to a village outside Galilee.
He was met by ten men with a dreaded disease.
They begged Jesus, “Take pity,” and he did just that
They believed he could cure them in their habitat
At a distance and not to varying degrees.
They had faith that they would be healed quite completely.

He told them, “Go and let the priests examine you.”
On their way they were cured just as they had believed.

One returned to give thanks to Jesus and he said,
“It’s your faith that has healed you.” Indeed we are led
Past the bounds of reality. What is perceived
By the Christ within oneself shall then become true.

Strong belief and thanksgiving embody the cure
For the ills that befall us. He who shows the way
To a much better circumstance lives within all
Who have some spark of loving grace however small.
Giving up resistance is a small price to pay.
We can all perform miracles if we are pure.

Christ Consciousness

Brotherly Love

This dark night of the soul that we’ve been going through
Has to do with the ending of relationship
With the old paradigm and the building of new
Stronger ties with a more inclusive point of view.
The wise one realizes the need to equip
Oneself with all the guidance one is able to.

This stand we take within ourselves so that we can
Have discernment to know who the imposters are.
We shall learn of deceivers and specific ways
They had planned to take over. Democracy stays
For the moment. Things had never gotten this far
Away from what is civil since it all began.

Without having that relationship and finding
That Christ Consciousness connection, then it’s easy
To get lost in everything that is going on.
What has never existed is completely gone.
Blatancy is the bullet that happens to be
The preferred methodology. It is blinding.

All the flashing of hate bulbs illuminates all
That’s been keep in the closet to only peek through
To a colored reality which is more bright
Than the creatures that make up the sick ultra-right.
These are times of enlightenment for the ones who
Can maintain their Christ nature and not take the fall.

Just A Vibration Away

Tuining Into Ultimate Peace

Do believe in vibration because it is real.
The first cause of existence is pure frequency
Of original consciousness. Then all else comes.
Time and space define how well the universe hums.
If it weren’t for vibration then nothing could be.
You can detect its presence by the way you feel.

Within every vibration exists the vortex.
It’s a state of emotions of true happiness.
All that you’ve become and every dream and desire
Your vortex consists of. Although it does require
That you are in alignment. Then you can access
What you’ve put there. The process is not that complex.

It could take many years for your dreams to come true
If you are diligent about poking around
In the current condition. How you feel right now
Has to be positive before you can allow
What you want to occur. Infinitely profound
Is the law of vibration in all that we do.

All your imagination, if focused upon
Things that don’t excite you and in fact bring you down,
Will yield manifestations from feelings of lack.
It is much to your advantage if you keep track
Of how you feel each moment. Do wear not a frown.
The resistance that you feel can up and begone.


The Dream Refracted

There’s something I hallucinated as a child.
It could not have been real. It’s effect upon me
Was to change my perception of life at that time.
That I told no one of it perhaps is a crime.
Was it imagination or reality?
I would like for the issue to be reconciled.

It’s a manifestation. This much I am told
By the guidance within me who knows more than I.
Everything that is physical is much the same
As the dream. It’s a more exaggerated game
In the wake state, and this is the main reason why
That there is so much ‘realness’ to all we behold.

More of my physical senses come into play
While I am wide awake and aware of so much.
The hallucination is a most vivid dream
Labored in its lucidity so that things seem
Absolutely coherent. This realm is of such
Contingent ambiguity throughout each day.

There’s no reality outside what I perceive.
It is all about perspective and nothing more.
I can manifest in the dream state just as I
Can do so while awake. So there’s no reason why
I can’t create a dream that I come to adore.
Consciousness of the two worlds remains a tight weave.

Heaven Is Right Here

Behold The Perfection Apparent

This earth can’t be like heaven. So much has gone wrong.
The human infestation is reaching its peak
As they make the globe warmer before they die out
Due to incompetence and spiritual drought.
This perversion of heaven is wildly oblique.
Heaven should be a place where all do get along.

What if it were true that this is the leading edge
Of all consciousness – where spirit meets physical.
Culminating and manifesting through us all
Is the source of all being. That we should stand tall
Is the message they offer to the rational
And to those who are not. Be it their solemn pledge.

This would be quite the bummer for those who are not
Good at sifting and sorting selectively so
So the negative patterns practiced over years
Are the fuel that will feed their most challenging fears.
But for all others, this is a fine place to grow.
That’s why spirits like to incarnate here a lot.

Reaching for the hereafter while we are still here
Is not why we have come here. We came to engage
With this wave of creation with source energy
Ever conscious and present with us totally.
We’re right now on this time space reality stage
And it helps quite a bit to avoid the austere.

Is There One Inner Being?

The Unity Of All Consciousness

Consciousness is eternal. With no beginning,
It continues forever. What else can it do
But create an immensity to comprehend
Yet cannot until all know enough to transcend
Origins of pure purpose. We are the ones who,
With these physical bodies, deserve honoring.

One may muse, “Is there only one spirit assigned
To a physical body, or are there a few
Who take turns and account for our various moods?”

Consciousness is an essence that rightly includes
Particles of existence creating what’s new.
Overwhelming this all is for the human mind.

Much confusion arises from our point of view
In that we think our beings are dead or alive.
But we are always spirit. Sometimes we take form
And are then part of both worlds. This is quite the norm.
From the standpoint of consciousness one can derive
And inclusive philosophy helpful and new.

We see ourselves as separate clumps of being.
We must pigeonhole and catalog what we see
And express using words or some kind of action.
It is through our senses we get anything done.
We are one single consciousness trying To Be.
If one looks at things this way it’s awfully freeing.


Sweetest Spices Of Life

I can create realities, each different
Than the other, and I don’t need anybody
Else to kindly agree with me. That’s up to me.
Satisfied I am mostly with all that I see.
Life has caused me to tell it just how it should be
In the way that it keeps me just shy of content.

Life, I know, hears what I say and feels what I feel,
Having had my acquaintance for so long by now.
Yet the question is always, Where am I in all
That I’ve asked since I’ve been here?
It hasn’t been small.

All that I need some help with is how to allow
Earth’s bounty to consume me in ways that are real.

All that I want I do not have, and it’s okay.
In the purest vibrational form they exist.
This day has been a good day. I learned a bit more
How to look at life not as a hard karmic chore
But a marvelous mission where souls may enlist.
Tomorrow I’ll do better than I did today.

Tonight’s rest is forthcoming. As I drift to sleep
I’ll attract nothing thought wise. This shell I vacate
To let forces of nature do as they are meant.
There’s no reason why I can’t be much more content
Than I was for today and maintain such a state.
I’ll start off on a good foot. My wholeness I’ll keep.

Be Invincible

Dare To Live

It’s supposed to feel good here on this ball of rock.
In this time-space dimension we’re here to create
From our heartfelt desires a spectacular place.
The contrasting reality we can but trace
To the negative aspects that speak of our fate.
One who stands out does so with the response of shock.

Physical are our bodies. We may interact
In a world with the same building blocks as the stars.
But we’re truly spirit in physical bodies.
Through the process of forking, we’re able to please
Ourselves at any moment. And each one is ours
For choosing to feel better. Life is not abstract.

 It’s vital to be selfish amid the contrast
That is sifted and sorted through by everyone.
Spirit loves that we do this and helps us along.
As long as we are happy nothing can go wrong.
Life will not be ‘mysterious’ when having fun,
And when practiced enough, the good feeling will last.

There’s no price to be paid for the treasure you’ve stored
In your dreams over decades. All you have to do
Is to be in alignment, then magic happens.
Life can be made wonderful when seen through the lens
Of the enlightened spirit – the one inside you.
Be Invincible! Life is your finest reward.

Sure Signs

Proofs Of Providence

When does life happen for me? This question I pray
To whatever will hear it and give an answer
That I can perceive readily and understand.
Humbled by present circumstance, I can’t demand
That the provident forces do as I prefer.
My addiction to Sure Signs consumes me this day.

But I know that in good time the good life will come.
That I can conjure up enough passion in me
Is a manifestation that I can’t ignore.
Can I be satisfied with my not getting more
Than a wonderful feeling and be completely
In the state of receiving? This is hard for some.

When the words come right to me with relative ease
And the things that I write about start to make sense
To that self who is needy, it is a sure sign
That the things that I’m asking for soon will be mine.
But to savor the feeling of blissful suspense
Is to be still in lack mode. Not much will I seize.

My words are of importance, but only so far
As they give inspiration, if only to me.
I feel that I’m quite worthy to still be alive.
Though I’ve made some mistakes, I’m expected to thrive.
Validation I need not in order to be
In the state of acceptance of things as they are.

The Myth Of Milk And Honey

Not All That Glitters Is Gold

Stores filled with people clamoring for the best deal
As each fake Friday blackens throughout the seasons…
I must know which is symbol form that which is real.
I can only know that by the way that I feel –
Like a child in a candy world. Many reasons
I can conjure but none that the truth may reveal.

Differences exist between wealth and money.
One is purely a symbol; the other, concrete.
Confusion between these two is the cause of pain,
Suffering, and such issues that drive folks insane.
I’m a sad ‘weak in trading.’ I am in defeat
If I can’t see myself through the illusory.

Oddly complex abstractions, ideologies,
And inscrutable systems confound consciousness.
Physical is reality – the earth and trees,
And the waters and creatures partaking the breeze.
I do not believe I can be anything less
Than the earth that produced me for none to appease.

All the hills are dark shadows. Forever they flow
From one form to another. Indeed nothing stands.
God’s green earth is diaphanous. It disappears
Like the music of ages along with all fears.
My true wealth is a measure of how life expands
Through this one made of value who this world can know.