Tag Archive | stoke

Avoid Disease Forever

Attitudinal Protection

Sometime when you were little you may have been told
That your aunt died of cancer… your grandmother too.
If you were told that it runs in the family
And that you will die from it, it’s easy to see
How you can make it happen. All that can ail you
Does it because your mind has been thoroughly sold.

When you focus on something you don’t want, you are
Blocking energy flow that provides wellbeing
To your body most naturally. It is true
That illness is simply lack of wellness. This clue
Is forgotten by many who end up seeing
Sickness as part of nature – a notion bizarre.

With our words we’ve become such communicators.
We believe that speech passes good information
But we don’t need to identify with the lack
Of a thing that is normal. It’s like talking smack
When the word illness is used. It gets not much done
To facilitate healing and effective cures.

We’ve been trained to believe that objectivity
Is intelligent. This notion needs to be changed.
We create what’s not wanted by giving it names
And solutions that come with extravagant claims.
Some of them are produced by the truly deranged.
We each have guidance systems to keep us healthy.