Tag Archive | transmission

Navigate The Splitting Prism

Handling The Coming Change

Everything in the universe operates on
Resonance of energy, and the transmission
Is from the higher mind. The body receives it
Like an antenna. It hesitates not one bit
To turn it into passion for getting things done.
The conclusion that it’s a good thing is foregone.

Energetic transmissions from the higher mind
Occur often throughout our entire time here.
Each of us is a prism that changes white light
Into visible spectra and novel insight.
When one becomes excited the vision is clear.
Creativity, love, and passion one will find.

Physical action is needed to seal the deal.
It completes the circuit, and the actions you take
Are aligned with the reality you prefer
Instead of wishing and hoping things will occur.
Your translation of pure light can never be fake
But the action is needed to make the dream real.

This is how you Navigate The Splitting Prism.
By acting on your passion you will become whole.
Everyday you move closer to what is ideal
But along the way you have the option to feel
The wonderfulness of life deep down in your soul
Where the purest of everything you need comes from.

Fairy Rings

Circular Beingness

The term ‘organism’ must be loosely defined.
When science studies nature it cannot include
The convergence of creatures that already do
Exist as sovereign beings. It must exclude too
Any mention of spirit. It is rather crude
In its fettered approach. In some ways it is blind.

What has come down through time are the legends that tell
Of the nature spirits and the elementals
Who, attracted by ‘fairy rings,’ meet to partake
Of the shifting of energies for the earth’s sake.
They take advantage of ethereal canals –
The mycelial networks that in the earth dwell.

There’s some truth to the stories. Beings that exist
Outside of our perception sometimes can be sensed
By some people when they are receptive and clear.
If one wants them to show up they just might appear
But society’s values are strongly against
Believing is such nonsense. Much wisdom is missed.

Nature is a vast network of information.
Many interconnections are made constantly.
Mushroom rings form the lenses that focus the light
Of total understanding for beings of sight
Into other dimensions there happen to be.
One cannot know the whole tale of how things are run.

The Conundrum

Engaging The Illusion

A finite number of finite universes
Is a thing one can ponder without much headache.
Would then a finite number of infinite ones
Stretch the mind even further because there are tons
Of delightful conclusions anyone can make?
One becomes enthralled by what the mind disperses.

Infinite numbers of finite universes
Can be thought of as thoughts of the others subside.
Then there are infinite numbers, as one would guess,
Of infinite universes one can address.
By the time one is finished one may be cross eyed
But it can be good exercise if someone says.

So, who says that the thinking of such thoughts can be
Beneficial? It matters not where it comes from.
You do not seek an answer. Simply contemplate.
Practicing this a while, you may open the gate
To unknown understanding. Just speculate some.
Thinking outside the box will indeed set you free.

And you’ll find that there’s no box – only a façade
Intertwined in enigma. Those realities
That exist despite our ignorance can be known.
After time you will realize how much you’ve grown.
There exists only your consciousness to appease.
Do not fear that you are thinking the thoughts of God.


…And The Word Is Made Spirit

Wise ones reveal their secrets to students intent
On achieving enlightenment. Knowledge received
Is a solid foundation upon which is built
A new world more awake and where less blood is spilt.
Those who seed the ideas of insight conceived
Have been long at experiencing our assent.

The illusion of descent is so hard to shake.
Yet there are proven techniques to help us along.
They involve a new mindset with heart open wide
To the peace that is possible if we decide
As a human community that all belong
And are equal in essence. So much is at stake.

‘When the pupil is ready, the Master appears.’
Many are the disguises that wisdom can take.
There’s uncanny assurance that light has occurred.
One magnificent sign is that spirit is stirred.
Life becomes a lot clearer and much less opaque.
Students who are not ready remain in their fears.

What matters is the Mastery – not the Master.
The art in the revealing is subtle yet strong.
The process is Transmission of beingness to
Those in search of solutions. Great is the breakthrough
That the soul will encounter in time not too long.
Is this not quite the way anyone would prefer?