
The Inner Critic And Social Comparison

The Self-Examiner

You can undermine yourself with what can be called
Critical truths about yourself that are based on
Feelings of inferiority, but any
Fair minded jury would reject this completely.
Even your own worst enemy can’t come upon
What you can. You’ve an internal critic installed.

Feeling inferior comes from your measuring
Yourself against someone else or just everyone.
It is a false conception. We each are unique.
At least in some areas all persons are weak.
All are good at some things, and without exception
Each of us has to this earth a whole lot to bring.

Many people believe they’re so inferior
That they simply can’t live with themselves. It’s a shame
That they must be superior at any cost.
Haphazard are the gains, and much of them is lost
While attempting to play in such a lethal game.
They are trapped and controlled by the way they keep score.

Inferiority and its weak counterpart,
Superiority, are both of the same coin.
Counterfeit are their essence. They are illusions.
Recognizing your own worth and how the world runs,
You will come up with solutions straight from the groin
To get your inner critic aligned with your heart.

Become Happy

Joy Is In The Mind

It is said that the average person loses
Their attention many times in just one minute.
Cumbersome are the thought patterns of people who
Fail to concentrate adequately. What they do
Is done with some anxiety mixed into it.
The heart may guide the way, but the mind refuses.

Researchers have done studies with monks who know how
To focus their attention. Their experience
Is substantial. Brain scans on them revealed a lot
Of frontal lobe activity when these monks thought
Of things like compassion and love that is intense.
They are also well trained in living in the now.

A control group of folk considered average
Were given the same brain scans. The shocking result
Indicated no activity in the brain.
With this bit of knowledge there is something to gain.
To acquire the monk’s brain is not that difficult.
There are practices in which we all can engage.

Thinking of unconditional love, compassion,
Or divinity, when they are focused upon
On a regular basis, will make one feel good.
Pay attention to life. It’s better understood
When the causes of fear, hate, and doubt are all gone
Thinking with emotion helps to get the job done.

Discipline Your Thinking

Doctor The Brain

If I am what I think about then I’d better
Be extremely careful of what I think about.
So, every conversation I have with others
I should have only if it completely concurs
With my soul’s prime directive. I have not a doubt
That I’m not here to be a toxic begetter.

What is missing in my life is not worth telling
Everyone that I know about. I will attract
Only more evidence that things are not okay.
Universal forces support all that I say
No matter what the vibration is. This is fact.
I know that positive talk is more compelling.

I can only act upon my own thoughts, but I
Can think whatever thoughts I choose. It then follows
That what I intend to create is primary.
World news, gossip, and idle chatter are for me
Detrimental even if I’m holding my nose.
My thoughts must keep me on a perpetual high.

I don’t have to fill my head with violent things
Or issues of concern in the world. They tell me
That the world is a terrible place. It Is Not!
To be quite well informed is to suffer a lot
The trials and tribulations of society.
I am grateful for my positive offerings.

The Ego

The Ego is nothing other than the focus
Of one’s conscious attention. It’s like a radar
On a ship. It behaves like a troubleshooter.
If there’s anything ‘out there’ changes will occur
In the ego’s behavioral patterns which are
A completely and woefully weak part of us.

Don’t identify with your radar because you
Will be in a state of constant anxiety.
You’re the whole organism. When you realize
That you are then the ego is not a disguise
But an asset of value in this raging sea.
Each radar is designed to give its point of view.

The body is a miracle of harmony.
Systems function together to keep life afloat.
Yet corpuscles have creatures at battle always.
This must happen. It is how the whole body stays
In balance. The war supports the health of the boat.
A magnificent work is the human body.

What is discord at one level of your being
At a much higher level is perfect order.
Energy is behind physical existence.
Between them there’s a dance of powerful suspense
Your ego is no more than a tape recorder.
Don’t let it put untruth into what you’re seeing.

What Is Consciousness?

Definition Of Being

Existence, as is known, is one unbroken thing.
All That Is contains everything that can be known
And unknown. There is another version of it.
That knows not itself at all. It has not a bit
Of consciousness. The feeling of being alone
Is all that this region of existence can bring.

What exactly is consciousness? It’s awareness
Of oneself by knowing what is not of the same
Awareness that oneself is or has. Existence
Contains all that there is. It needs no self-defense.
Consciousness is awareness by another name
Whether or not it has the desire to express.

All That Is creates within itself otherness.
It’s aware of itself through all that it creates.
It’s a kind of reflective energy pattern.
Consciousness means that one is able to discern
Individual selfhood and how it relates
To the otherness. It’s an eternal process.

Everything reflects consciousness. It is the way
That all of creation can become self-aware.
 Every creature is seeing through the eyes of God.
The mechanics of it all is nothing slipshod.
Infinite are the points of view one can compare
To oneself. All existence evolves as it may.

Self-Esteem And Oneself

Darkness Of Spirit

Am I confident in who I am or am I
Struggling seeing worth as it pertains to me?
This affects how I think and feel and how I act.
I feel there’s nothing left in this world to distract
Me from myself and everyone. All that I see
Is sorrow sorely strangled. I’ve no alibi.

If I could say I’m sorry to those I have harmed
I might feel a lot better, though this won’t occur.
My darkness has a thickness outside of pitch-black.
Along with many other things, courage I lack
And a clue as to what to do. I would prefer
That the cross hairs of circumstance are not alarmed.

Guilt encrusted avoidance and isolation
Are to my full advantage. Passively I wait
For something bad to happen. I figure I’m due
For the next indiscriminate turn of the screw
All the time. Where the hell is there time to create?
If I keep feeling this way, indeed I’ll have none.

I need positive feedback to somehow negate
Negative reinforcement that reverberates
Through my entire being. Perceived worthlessness
Will undo me in due time. I made a big mess
Of my life. I’m in fear of what karma awaits.
I’m aware of but reject the hell I create.

Soul Trap

Caged Consciousness

Through the contrast that happens here, it is easy
To be thoroughly obsessed with horrible scenes,
And what complicates things is the creative mind
That comes up with stories of the scariest kind.
Contact with what is unknown by any known means
Can be vague and fallacious to a high degree.

There are no negative beings with the power
To influence a person to do something wrong.
They’re contained in their own world and can do no harm.
If you’re having bad luck there’s no need for alarm.
There’s a practical reason, and it won’t be long
Before you’ve figured it out… far less than an hour.

We create our reality through our actions
Which are driven by our beliefs, and our systems
Of logic produce evidence that we perceive.
This will reinforce what we already believe.
There’s nothing in the real world that either condemns
Or administers sorrow for we wicked ones.

So, a trap is something that only works when you
Don’t know that it’s there. That’s how you fall into it.
The real trap is the story you are being told.
If you do not believe it you can’t be controlled.
You can use logic for maximum benefit
To dispel horror stories that some people spew.

Of Two Minds

The Twin Within

I don’t have to actively create my desires
If I merely focus on following the flow.
Fulfillment of my needs will always manifest
If they are relevant to my being my best.
The current of creation is one that I know
Contains all the things that my existence requires.

In my current of creation there is knowledge
Beyond what my physical mind can comprehend
But the higher mind is what the current contains
While the ego mind thinks it knows all and complains
About guidance it’s given. How can I suspend
It’s behavior? I fell like I’m on the knife’s edge.

Making things happen is a form of resistance
To the current, therefore I must go with the flow
And let my life unfold for me naturally.
Let the perfect machine of synchronicity
Do its good work by stopping thinking that I know
Anything because I don’t. I’m taking a chance.

I’ve no clue whatsoever. This matter is fact.
The beginning of wisdom is knowing that I
Do not know, but the higher mind knows everything.
It knows what needs to happen, and by listening
To its guidance. I have no choice but to comply
With my higher mind for a positive impact.

Change Your Life

The Most Fundamental Decision

Disconnect from your busy world. Shut off your phone.
Power down your computer. Turn off the TV.
Sit your body down for a while, and close your eyes.
This is done regularly by people most wise.
Take a break from the routine so that you can be
Properly replenished. You must spend time alone.

Take some deep breaths and center yourself in right now.
Put you attention into the present moment.
You will have more energy with which to create.
After doing this little bit you will feel great.
When the mind wanders, as it will, do not lament.
Just return to the now. By now, you should know how.

Ask yourself, “Can I be defined by a vision
Of the future instead of perverse memories?
What do I want in my life?”
Answer truthfully.

Your are changing brain patterns most assuredly.
Decide on which emotions you would gladly seize
For your life moving forward into the long run.

Rehearse in your mind who you are going to be
When you open your eyes after meditation
Or when first waking up. What choices will you make?
You will be better focused while you are awake.
More efficiently you will be getting things done.
Keep this up and your life will change noticeably.


Biography of Being

Ever since my childhood I’ve been too much unlike
Other people. I’ve never perceived things the way
They are seen by most others. I do not complain.
For the first time in my life I know I’m insane
But there still is an enormous price I must pay
For the harm that I cause while my mind is on strike.

I cannot get excited about the same things
That would turn on most anyone else without fail.
I’m not sad for the same reasons that others are.
I’ve not felt the same happiness. It’s very far
From that felt by most others in oddest detail.
A victim I have been through my false beginnings.

Everything that I loved I loved all quite alone.
Back when I was a little one loved and cared for
I uncovered for better or worse mysteries
Of existence that nary another one sees.
I know that I am here to experience more
Than the average seeker. My strange life has shown.

From the natural places this earth shows to me
Come the questions and answers that are of essence
To the best of my knowing that all is okay.
This world I am a part of. The part that I play
May seem small but in essence it’s rather immense.
All that I must do now is be happy to be.

The World That Is

Times Of Change Are Eternal

The world is not as out of whack as it’s perceived
By the human inhabitant. There’s just a bit
Of negative emotion that has momentum.
One does not need a theory on where it comes from.
The challenge is in our finding some benefit
In its happening wherein some growth is achieved.

Life should feel better to me. I should get what I
Really want without question. I should not suffer.
Things should unfold before me. Power I should feel
That I can make good use of. This world is ideal
As its contrast seeks balance. I do not concur
With all that takes place here. This I cannot deny.

People have lost their sense of worthiness because
Of the distorted story that’s been told to them
About who they are and what they came here to do.
At the point of awakening to what is true,
We have ways we can deal with the psychic mayhem
And it feels good for some to return to what was.

At this time those who are looking at last will find.
Revelations and answers to questions are due
About human behaviors. There’s no one right way
Of living. There are many – too many to say.
We’ve the chance of an eon to try something new.
We must once and for all leave the old world behind.

Leaving A Fear Based Reality

Releasing The Fear

The Collective Unconscious all people create.
It contains memories of which we’re not aware…
Also archetypes. It is a vast database
That has the history of the whole human race.
We all have access to it, and through it we share
Basic understandings that are without debate.

Archetypes are symbols we know instinctively.
‘The Mother’ is a perfect example of one.
Everyone, no matter how different they are,
Will respond in the same way (which isn’t bizarre)
To a mothering figure. There’s a connection
Among oneself and others most naturally.

Always cultures of domination are fear based.
Those who dominate believe they have no power
To create their reality. So they become
The despicable tyrants whose actions come from
A deep need to be noticed. The will to devour
Is of self-centered righteousness and is misplaced.

To deny that you’re in denial reinforces
Negative belief systems. Then you will project
Onto others what in yourself you truly hate.
Understand that we are not the victims of fate.
Knowledge of what is dealt with may serve to protect
One from the depletion of psychic resources.

Influenced By The Future You

From The Self Yet Becoming

A version of your future self does now exist.
In your mind’s eye, imagine how that one would be
Doing things differently and take careful note.
This idea may seem to some rather remote
But if you are open to being completely
In alignment this exercise can’t be dismissed.

Watch this self of the future and imagine how
It would feel about everything you’re doing now.
Imagine if that self is doing the same things
In the same way it’s done them. This pondering brings
On a flood of insight if you will but allow
The connection to happen. Do make it your vow.

More aligned with your passion your future self is.
Try to mimic in every way how it behaves.
It would be more the way you would want it to be.
Watch the differences and you will clearly see
All that it is that you’re doing that only enslaves
And propels you into over analysis.

Mirroring the behaviors of the future you
Pulls you in the direction of how things could be.
Rather than your remembering ways of the past
Which will anchor you to your prevailing contrast,
Information and images come easily
To help you on your journey in all that you do.

Frequency Of Freedom

Periodic Release

Freedom is of a spectrum of satisfaction.
It’s a positive feeling most generally.
It feels good to wake up in the morning refreshed
And it is most uplifting to not be enmeshed
In the drama of yesterday. Freedom To Be
Is in essence its most proper definition.

I am free to breathe deeply my fill of fresh air
And to think as I wish as clearly as can be.
Freedom feels like I’m floating in elegant space.
I can choose how receptive to infinite grace
I will be in the moment. Freedom is for me
Firm alignment with the good of which I’m aware.

With the energies that create worlds I’m in tune.
The freedom of connection is what I so choose.
Incrementally all the things that I’ve asked for
Are available to me. I need not do more
Than to be receptive. There’s no paying of dues.
To the one who thinks otherwise I am immune.

Freedom is the allowance to let everyone
Be as they choose to be without contradiction
To my own sense of who I am. It’s my pleasure
To be free to explore undiscovered treasure
In the depths of my being, and as this is done
I shall maintain my frequency by having fun.