Archive | November 2023

What You Really Want

Spiritual Abandon

What you really want can come right now or within
A few minutes or certainly with a day.
With your mind you can focus on feeling your best.
When you do so your life feels not like a contest
But an adventure where things always go your way.
A new life of wellbeing you now can begin.

Everything that you want is because you think you
Will feel better by having it but you can feel
Better right now and when you do things will turn out
For the better. Try it if you have any doubt
About what the kind universe wants to reveal
To your consciousness. You can accept this as true.

Stop nitpicking over how the happiness comes.
Just accept that you can find it right here and now.
What does not come to you instantaneously
Will become part of your life if you let it be
A fulfilling adventure. You want to allow
Yourself to march to the beat of positive drums.

Just find some touchstone that always feels good to you
When you think about it. Use it as your excuse
To feel good in this moment. Don’t try to figure
It all out. Focus on what you want to endure.
You have nothing to do but kick back and let loose
With your loving all that is delightful and new.

Attract A Life Partner


If you continue to practice the vibration
Of, “That’s not it… That’s not it…” then it’s difficult
For what is it to enter your experience.
It can’t get through the smokescreen of your thinking hence
Your success isn’t likely to be the result
Because you’re in too needy a situation.

You don’t need the condition – the person who you
Want to shower your love upon. Think more about
The companionship rather than the companion.
Don’t demand from the universe that special one.
It knows well what you want. You’re the one who has doubt.
Think about what the power of your love can do.

Think of the un-condition – the way that you feel
About love. The emotion is all that you need
To put you in a place of extreme contentment.
Under that un-condition nothing can prevent
Your dream from manifesting and it may exceed
What you think would be perfect. Your love is for real.

Your partner is real also. The universe knows
Where you both are and how to bring you together.
Feel the love of belonging and it won’t be long
Before you will find someone who’s singing your song.
Keep your heart happy and as light as a feather.
That is when all kinds of loving energy flows.

Moving On From The Past

Boring Moment

“With my past I’m unhappy. I deeply regret
Things that I’ve done to others. I’m disconnected
From my true self. The gap between me and what I
Mostly want keeps expanding. I cannot deny
That perhaps I deserve being disrespected.
I’m a fool to incur such emotional debt.”

Anytime you feel strong negative emotion
And it’s chronic it means that your thinking is wrong.
If you can learn your lessons and feel true remorse
You can get past it and get your life back on course.
Take your mind off of what you did. Sing a new song.
To your now moment you must give full devotion.

You can’t do much about the mess you left behind.
You just have to let it go and accept that you
Did it all then move on. Your point of attraction
Is enhanced. Don’t pay penance for what you have done
In the past. To the present your heart must be true.
Find the best feeling thoughts to recover your mind.

A new mindset is needed. You’re moving toward
Something better – not away from something not right.
What prevents you from experiencing wholeness
Is your focus on ‘what is.’ It causes you stress.
Pay attention only to what brings you delight.
Any thought contrary to it must be ignored.

Let The Universe Deal With It

Creation Consciousness

If you’re not quite vibrationally ready for
Something coming it’s not going to because you’ve
Let the universe know what you want already
But you cannot allow yourself to let it be.
Energy for creating you can’t get to move.
About cause and effect you could learn a bit more.

For a little while just be satisfied with the
Idea of it. In your dreaming take pleasure.
Think about it. As it increases momentum
More ideas from the universe to you come.
Your magnificent dream you must learn to treasure.
It’s the first step in letting the dream come to be.

You may feel some impatience. Too much attention
On what’s not happening is where all that comes from
So the idea you’re not taking pleasure in.
You’re trying to fix what doesn’t feel good within
With the idea. Surely your dream cannot come
To fruition despite you strongest intention.

When the impatience is gone then the ideas
Will begin to flow. Talk yourself into a state
Of excitement about what you know is to come.
You will benefit hugely by beating the drum
Of what’s coming. Above all else appreciate.
You will never return to the way that it was.

On The Threshold Of Manifestation

Autumn Stillness

“My life is really very good. I know that I
Have a huge vibrational escrow down the road.
I’m enjoying my journey and if I never
Reach the end then it means life goes on forever.
I’m thankful for the good things that to me have flowed
Yet I’m not fulfilled. There must be a reason why.”

There’s some contradiction in your thinking process.
What you want isn’t out there teasing you into
A much better life. What you want is out there and
It is real. It’s most helpful if you understand
Well how thought precedes form. The creating you do
Should always be from a place of pure happiness.

Don’t give up reaching for the manifestation.
You’re not being encouraged to just think happy
Thoughts so that you’ll be content in the absence of
What you want. Do pursue all the things that you love
But do it knowing that it shall all come to be.
There must be no doubt lurking in your vibration.

You must want unabashedly. Feel justified
In your wanting and having it and be assured
In its coming. This kind of determination
Will crystalize your magnificent creation.
So in fact your fulfillment is safe and secured
By the universe which is always on your side.

Freedom, Growth, And Joy

Street Happy

Into this life experience each of us comes
With a triad of intentions. They are freedom,
Growth, and joy, and they are intended equally.
To reach for satisfaction you’re perfectly free
And in doing so all kinds of blessings will come
Showering down upon you in infinite sums.

Expansion or growth happens as you’re reaching for
Satisfaction. The contrast of life causes you
To ask for something better. That is expansion.
You can grow while you’re having a whole lot of fun
In fact joy is required to get the other two
Activated. Your energy tends to be more.

Satisfied with the potential of things getting
Better, you energize your point of attraction.
That’s enough for you. Just feeling good is okay
Because you know that good things are coming your way.
It all happens because of your satisfaction.
You are free to feel your best in any setting.

Why do you think you want whatever it may be?
It’s because you think you will feel better but you
Can feel better in the present. You’ve already
What you want though it exists vibrationally.
Tapping into you true self is all you need do.
You intended to live your life here happily.

Shut Up And Trust!


“I’m in a very difficult situation.
Let me try to explain it so you’ll understand
Clearly what I’ve been going through.”
Please don’t do that

Because nobody gives the behind of a rat
About your situation. You cannot demand
Others’ attention regarding your creation.

That you want to feel good is a given and you
Can feel just a bit better than you do right now.
You can choose in each moment a better feeling
Way of thinking. Instead of constantly dealing
With the issue forget about it and allow
And effective distraction to change your world view.

You have got to find something else to feel about
For a while until you do it naturally
Without thinking. Reacting to what’s happening
In the moment only frustration will it bring.
Forces are helping you throughout eternity
To get through life. You’re the only one who has doubt.

All the things that don’t feel good to you will never
Peter out as long as you give them attention.
They’ll keep saying, “Here’s where you left me. We know you
Don’t like it, so here’s more. What are you going to
Do about it?”
That’s why you don’t want to mention

Your issues. It’s always a foolish endeavor.

Deliberate Segment Intending

Time Adjusting

Like a pinball I feel that I get bounced around
Quite a bit through life. I don’t seem to have control
Over much. I have too many things going on.
The enthusiasm I once had is now gone.
If this game isn’t won what becomes of my soul?
Within each day no time of contentment is found.

I would love to understand this ever present
Law of Attraction field of response more clearly.
What I’ve been told is that I can Segment Intend
Purposefully but I don’t fully comprehend
How to do it. Is something the matter with me?
Please someone help me out of this predicament.

Most people when they wake up they wander into
Their day having responses to what’s going on
Around them and as the day gathers momentum
It takes them places they’d rather stay away from.
Segment Intending is what folks depend upon
To make their days fulfilling and fun to get through.

You can start having experiences where you
Understand why you’re having them because you did
It deliberately. Your point of attraction
Is maintained and you’ll find immense satisfaction
And in practice it is a fine way to get rid
Of resistance. You can have your wishes come true.

The Art Of Right Thinking

Bright Brain

When the vibration of a thought gains momentum
It gets bigger and its power is amplified.
Think about a thought that you already believe
Then a magnetic vibration you will achieve.
There’s nothing in the universe that you’re denied.
It is where most creations of genius come from.

Be a thinker. It’s what you do best after all
But use your thought to feel your way into a state
Of alignment with who you know yourself to be.
Thoughts that feel good are the ones that will set you free
Of the struggle that life has caused you to create.
There are many good feelings that you can recall.

Decide whether your tuning to the solution
Or the problem. If you care about how you feel
And if you want the good momentum to increase
Give yourself a break. The resistance you release
Puts you in a position that is most ideal.
The thought process is part of the evolution.

All that effort that you’ve been offering from a
Place of trying to make something right is the cause
Of increasing resistance. Try to relax more.
As you do then the things that you love and adore
Will flood into your life. When you apply the laws
Of the universe then only good comes your way.

Big Things Will Move Fast

Rocket Of Desire

She had not been as happy as she was at first
At her work. It was okay when she started out
But it came to be something that she would despise.
In frustration she figured it wouldn’t be wise
To continue with her work. She knew beyond doubt
That the life she was living had to be her worst.

So back into the job market she went searching
For something more fulfilling. On job interviews
She went often. It wasn’t going very well.
By her vibration the interviewers could tell
That she wasn’t complete. She gave off subtle clues
Of her negative baggage. It was besmirching.

She then tried working on being okay with her
Current job and everyone in it even though
She was angry with most of them. She decided
That by her better spirit she would be guided
And when she went on the very next interview
She felt light and delighted with things as they were.

She had fun at the interview. She was aligned
With her true spirit. She harbored no resentment.
Halfway through it she knew it would be quite a breeze.
She was offered the job. She was able to seize
Her vibrational power by being content
In the moment and having a clear state of mind.

Use Your Power Effectively

Hands Holding Light

When you stood before Jesus dripping your illness
He saw not your unhealthy state. He saw only
Your wellness. He knew it in a powerful way.
So much so that the illness you had couldn’t stay.
Anyone within his gaze was able to be
Positively affected. He was a success.

Then he said, “Go forth. Tell no one,” because he knew
That they would talk to others who would talk them out
Of their wellness and put them back right where they were.
With what you know they can’t find a way to concur.
There is no place in healing for lingering doubt.
How you respond to your healing is up to you.

Jesus was not the only one who healed but he
Did it often. When you’re calibrated to your
Inner being, there’s no resistance within you
Then all kinds of phenomenal things you can do.
The stronger your belief in their wellness the more
Successful at their transformation you will be.

Why do you want to do it? Is it because you
Truly want others to be contented and whole?
Or do you want to do it to satisfy your
Selfish needs? Ponder this so that you can be sure
That your motive is in line with that of your soul.
Your belief is the myth of your healing made true.