Archive | August 2023

A Tale Of Two Wolves

Color Burst Wolves

In my heart there are two wolves. They live together
But in conflict. One wolf is loving, generous,
Truthful, peaceful, and compassionate. The other
Is fearful and deceitful. It is, as it were,
Quite the opposite, and what we’re here to discuss
Is which one wins as the issues of life occur.

Which wolf gets more attention? Which one do I feed?
If it’s the loving wolf does it mean I deny
The mean wolf or get rid of it? That would only
Cause a long drawn out battle and hostility
Would be seen in my attitude. So this is why
It’s much better to not do what I have no need.

What I can do is calmly give my attention
To the angry wolf and let go of believing
That it has anything of value to offer.
If I can do that then what will have to occur
Is a long lasting peace. What I’d be achieving
Is a balance way beyond my comprehension.

Restful or chaotic, enjoyable or not…
Experiences may come and go but I can
Get accustomed to mindfulness. It can help me
To take care of my loving wolf and finally
Be relieved of the mean wolf’s malevolent plan.
That I keep my wolves separate matters a lot.


Look Of Elegance

It’s an honor to be considered one of class.
Out of eight billion people not everyone can
Be entitled and be granted immunity
From what everyone else has to go through. To be
Of a group that considers itself better than
All the others is to have one’s head up one’s ass.

What does privilege look like? The things people wear,
What they drive, where they live, how much money they make,
And a number of other things are outward signs
Of abundance. But what actually defines
Privilege is the absolute freedom to take
Full advantage of life with the utmost of care.

If a class of students is each given a ball
Then they’re told to throw the ball into a basket
At the front of the room, those who’d say it’s unfair
Are the ones at the back. Those up front, not aware
Of their essential privilege, have no regret
For the circumstance they’re in. They fret not at all.

You’re alive. Take notice of the things around you
That uplift you. You are in a class of your own
Understanding. You have the power to achieve
Anything that you want if you truly believe
In yourself. About you there is much to be known.
Be aware of your privilege in all you do.



If you fear the unknown you fear that part of you
That knows nothing which means that you are the unknown.
Knowledge can make your life easier in some ways
But it also can complicate most of your days
On the planet. The more you know, the more you’re prone
To believe that you really do not have a clue.

But one thing that you do know is that your desire
Overwhelms you. It’s like breathing in energy
That creates worlds. You live to have your dreams come true.
You know that all the universe will support you
In whatever you’re focused on, so you can be
Confident that the things you want you will acquire.

With desire you can choose one of two directions.
You can go with obsession or passion. If you
Go with obsession it leads to self-destruction.
But with passion a wonderful quest has begun.
Inspiration and insights from out of the blue
Enter your life because of your good connections.

When you were a young child you knew nothing about
Who you were. Your mind was absolutely empty.
It was okay then and it can be so today.
You need not know who you are. It gets in the way
Of your God given purpose which is just To Be.
Back when you were a child you knew this without doubt.

What Really Heals?

Colorful Aligning

There’s a kind of mysterious healing of the
Cords between and among us that soothes our fears and
Terrors and actually lets us become seen
And perhaps known. So what healing really does mean
Is projecting wellbeing. One takes full command
Of the gift of positive healing energy.

Connection to the world and a kind of freedom
In the quest for the healing we’re invited to.
On the one hand there are tools to quiet the mind
And to open the heart. On the other we find
Tools for dealing with trauma. They both have to do
With compassion. It’s where much of healing comes from.

Mindfulness, compassion, and awareness can be
Used to help release conflict with ourselves and the
World around us. What Really Heals is connection
With the ill person. They become our reflection
Of wellbeing and pure positive energy.
We can feel where they’re coming from most honestly.

Different ways there are for us to recognize
The patterns that we hold that create suffering.
They’re at our avail. Understanding and insight
On your part still may not make everything alright
But it will put you in touch with what’s happening
In their world and to see everything through their eyes.

A Message To The World

Earth Rising

All this talk about aliens… What does it all mean?
Many UFO sightings have been reported
In the past few months. Why is this now happening
On the planet? Conspiracies are a big thing
To the ones who need answers amid distorted
Incomplete information. It’s rather obscene.

Some say they’re now among us. Someone you may know
May have had contact with one, or maybe we are
Foreigners to this planet and they are the ones
Who are taking it back. They probably have tons
Of ways of doing that, yet they haven’t so far.
If they were ready, they’d have done it long ago.

What Is Truth? It’s something considered to be real
And there’s such a huge deficit of it today.
If we have enough courage to face the truth in
Our lives, we will meet our fears and we will begin
To live righteously. The message they would convey
To the world is to honor truth as an ideal.

It’s easy to believe in gurus, teachers, and
Our elected officials. If we analyze
What we consider truth, we may find out that it
Isn’t truth and it can’t be to our benefit
To believe it. Our loving alien would advise
Giving up on whatever you can’t understand.

Who You Really Are

A Big Question

Do you know Who You Really Are? You’re a machine
With a spirit created by God. You’re the light
That shines through you. Both essences are intertwined
In a way that whatever comes into your mind
Will become manifested. You don’t have to fight
For the process to work and results to be seen.

In this world there are no victims, villains, or those
Who cast shadows upon you. That’s an illusion
Of the ego. There’s no one doing things to you.
It makes sense to take the logical point of view.
You choose what you’ve created and all that you’ve done
You own up to. You can know what your spirit knows.

When you can say, “I did this,” you find the power
To change things for the better. And in so doing
Tremendous satisfaction is what you will feel.
All in good timing the universe will reveal
Exactly the best path you should be pursuing.
Be open to having wonderful things occur.

Seek then to create change not because something’s wrong
But because it no longer makes an accurate
Statement of who you are now. As soon as today
You can change your life circumstance in a big way.
Go ahead with the life you were meant to create.
Get accustomed to living your life like a song.

More Powerful Than Millions

Showing Strength

I feel blessed. I feel eager and ready for more
Of what life has to offer. Right now I’m tuned in,
Aligned with, and turned on to who I truly am.
I don’t follow any complicated program.
I’ve absolved myself of the original sin
Of unworthiness. Pleasure is worth going for.

I feel strong and intuitive. There’s not one thing
I can’t handle. I feel flexible in a way
That gives me proper balance. I feel really good.
What I want to happen for me is understood
By the provident universe. I want to stay
In this state where such good feelings are happening.

Now, what’s happened is that I’ve calibrated my
Vibration to a higher place where I can feel
Resonance with the words. So the very next day…
And the next, and the next, I’m out of my own way.
I stay focused on what in life is most ideal
To my purpose. Spiritual laws here apply.

When you write down your words you feel the resonance
And the power of them lighting up in your soul.
You hook up with your inner being in this way.
It will help you to put your best self on display.
May the awesome dynamic power you control
Be the force for improving your now circumstance.

Morning Rampage

Off To A Fresh Start

Shortage consciousness is very painful, and I’m
Glad to have given it up. So now I’m in the
Mode of replenishing. There’s a stream flowing to
Me of ideas to help me carve out a new
Piece of cake. I can eat it and still have plenty
For the future. I would say that it’s about time.

I know that this resourceful universe will yield
To me all that I will allow. Ideas lead
To manifestations. As I tap into that
It’s as if I have fallen into a huge vat
Of abundance wherein my consciousness is freed
Of resistance and where my true self is revealed.

It’s uncanny how the universe is guiding
Me to the resources, abundance, and blessings
That are for me – that I an others put into
My vortex of creation. My dream has come true
Of learning how to easily manifest things.
I adore what the universe is providing.

I can deprive myself of my vortex and all
The abundance, good timing, wisdom, clarity,
And wellbeing by my choosing not to be well.
But today I have a brand new story to tell.
Let the angels in heaven have their way with me.
I can handle the big stuff as well as the small.

Letting Go Of Struggle

Impossible Effort

Transformation doesn’t come through struggle. So why
Are people so addicted to crawling their way
To success? Transformation comes through awareness.
You stifle your awareness when you are obsessed
With your nose to the grindstone throughout every day.
Things will get more difficult the harder you try.

When you struggle your field of awareness will get
Narrower. As you let go of struggling your field
Of awareness will widen. That’s why you can be
At the beach on a warm sunny day peacefully
Taking in your surroundings, then all is revealed
Of the nature of spirit and there’s no regret.

Now, suppose there’s a friend of yours who happens by.
You get into an argument lasting a while.
During that time, you won’t hear the sound of the waves
Or the wildlife, because now the moment enslaves
Your awareness. You’re struggling in typical style
All because you and someone can’t see eye to eye.

When you lay back again on the beach and return
To your leisure, you will relax naturally
Without trying. You’ll feel the warm sun on your face
And the cool breeze. You’ll know that you’re in the right place
For alignment. Let go of struggle completely
Through a method that’s simple and easy to learn.

Satisfy Your Dreams


Your body is responding primarily to
The content of your thoughts, and right here and right now,
It is benefiting from your positive view
Of your life. Let the fresh air invigorate you.
Let the fullness of each breath begin to allow
Your adventurous spirit to dream something new.

Your life is supposed to feel good to you, and you
Are meant to feel happiness in your life. You are
Meant to satisfy your dreams. Breathe in; then breathe out
All the mental clutter and the feelings of doubt
From the day before. What you’ve accomplished thus far
Is alignment. Breathing is all you have to do.

Physical wellbeing is flowing to you now.
Breathe in all your abundance. Breathe out negative
Belief structures. Your are doing extremely well.
By the way that you’re feeling you surely can tell
That your body’s responding. The more that you give
It attention, the more wellness you will allow.

Relax and enjoy the unfolding. Be aware
Of what’s happening to you and appreciate
What is now. Be most eager about what’s to come.
There’s no doubt that you’ll get immense benefit from
Breathing your way into a more positive state
Of being. About how you’re feeling you must care.

Let All Your Money In

Wealth Satisfaction

How much treasure is there lined up for you today?
Does it have anything to do with how you feel
About life and abundance? How much of your dream
Are you letting come true? How does everything seem
To be going? Are you living your life with zeal?
How much wealth and wellbeing is coming your way?

If you can feel hopeful about it being there
Instead of disappointed that it hasn’t come
As of yet, then you’ll find yourself moving toward
Your desires. You know that you don’t have to work hard
For the money. You know where abundance comes from,
And about how you’re feeling you know you must care.

It’s not a matter of winning the lottery
Or getting an inheritance. It’s not about
Landing a great job or finding education
That may increase your value. You don’t have to run
The rat race and remain in perpetual doubt
Of ever getting to the place you want to be.

It’s about letting in what you have already
Put into your own vibrational bank account.
You can change your life story. The universe knows
Not the difference between what’s real and what goes
On in your mind. You have an enormous amount
In vibrational escrow. Let it come to be.

Say It Out Loud

Good News To Tell

No matter where you’re standing, if it doesn’t please
You then just remind yourself that it isn’t done.
Then take the easy emotional journey and
Show yourself that you’re able to take full command
Of this moment called Now. You can tell everyone
How you can handle contrast with relative ease.

Now is your point of attraction. Now is where all
Of your power is. Here you are and everything
Is actualizing all around you right Now.
Speak your mind to the universe but then allow
It to answer you. Know that your asking will bring
All the good things – the big ones as well as the small.

So your future experience you’re attracting
At this moment. Responding to your vibration,
The universe gathers cooperative
Components that are like it. Be willing to give
More attention to your vibration. You’ve begun
A crusade of magnificent benefacting.

Over time, what you give out is what you get back.
Imagine the resources that you allow to
Line up when you take the time to feel good right Now.
Be receptive and let the universe endow
You with blessings which Now perhaps are overdue.
Now is worth all the trouble of keeping on track.