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May Your Journey Be Blessed

Joyful Path

Surrender the beliefs that do not allow you
To evolve into the person you want to be.
Surrender the resistance to your worthiness
And the things in your life that are causing you stress.
You are meant to be here expanding happily.
May there be success in everything that you do.

Surrender what is keeping your burning desire
From becoming a part of your reality.
Life has caused you to ask. Your desire is valid
Which means you are the only one who can forbid
Its fulfillment. Surrender and get yourself free
Of the struggle. No effort does your peace require.

Allowing is another word to use instead
Of surrendering. It does not involve torture.
You’re allowing receptiveness to clarity
And wellbeing. Through your truth you easily see
That your journey through life will be safe and secure.
Thank yourself for allowing the good times ahead.

The first manifestation is an emotion
In the creative process. If it feels okay
Then prolong it but if not then focus elsewhere.
Thoughts become things so of your thoughts you must take care.
Be aware of what uplifts you throughout your day.
To your spiritual growth give much devotion.

Link With Previous Lives

Connection To Eternity

Soul agreements are made outside of time and space.
Often they are forgotten in this dimension.
Distracted by this day to day reality,
Living can be a challenge. While blind we can’t see
What it is we had written. Whatever is done
Without guidance may result in harm and disgrace.

Connections from the present we make to the past.
We believe they’re essential for drawing upon
Information from past lives to help with the theme
That was chosen for this one. Within the daydream
Are subconscious reflections, and from them are drawn
Insights from the vast pool that the soul has amassed.

Linear is our thinking. We can’t go beyond
Our imperfect perceptions of experience.
Time and space are illusory. All that occurs
Does so all at once. We are at best amateurs
When it comes to experience. Don’t take offense.
It is futile to look at the truth and despond.

Simultaneous is the nature of being.
Connections that we make and break are dynamic,
Ever changing, and subtle. The changes we make
To past lives and this present one are for the sake
Of them all that they all may become fantastic.
Knowledge of how it all works is truly freeing.