Archive | April 2024

Your Vibrational Currency

Cradle Of Abundance

Step back from those manifestations of money
That cause you some discomfort. How well you perform
And the worth of your talent have little to do
With your true value – the energy within you.
You have it within you to break free from the norm
Placed on you by our unconscious society.

Don’t just keep looking at it, talking about it,
Measuring it, complaining, and asking for more
From the government or elsewhere. Take no action
Unless you can get from it some satisfaction.
Take a good look at your life and be thankful for
Everything you can think of. You will benefit.

The world is awash in money. Are you not bowled
Over by how much some people accumulate?
Don’t call them lucky bastards if you want to be
One of them. What you need to do is get happy
And look for all kinds of things to appreciate
Then in short order blessings begin to unfold.

You have to be happy without money to be
Receptive to its coming. You’ve got to cash in
Your vibrational chips by appreciating
Everything about your life thereby creating
A strong point of attraction. It comes from within.
Happiness is your measure of prosperity.

The Story Of Abundance

Raining Cash

I can tell a new story if the one I tell
Isn’t truly uplifting. I’m energized by
Telling one that’s exciting about abundance.
I’ll speak of it whenever I’m given the chance
Or I’ll just simply take it. I’ll talk about why
Having lots of money would do me very well.

It’s fun to imagine huge amounts of money
Flowing to me. I understand that with practice
I’ll control my vibration so that I’ll receive
What I want. I know that it’s easy to achieve
An alignment that’s close to the state of pure bliss.
Money then is connected to this energy.

Like the air that I breathe money goes in and out.
My desire draws it in and my ease of thought lets
It flow out – in and out – and always easily.
This is part of my rich never ending story.
Currently I have very limited assets
But I will become wealthy. I have not a doubt.

I’m aware of the absolute correlation
Between what I think and feel about money and
What is happening in my life experience.
I love knowing that I receive strong evidence
That of my point of attraction I have command.
Nothing can interfere with my expectation.

Have Fun With It Or Let It Go

Fun Living

What happens when Source Energy flows to something
Through you? It expands. It becomes interesting.
It gathers more cooperative components.
Momentum then increases. As a consequence
Nothing but fun and whatever makes your heart sing
Happens for you. You know what happiness can bring.

That’s just what happens when you focus intently
In each moment on how you feel knowing that you
Have the freedom to feel any way that you choose.
You think only thoughts that will uplift and amuse
Your adventurous spirit. You know what is true
To your heart which is that you should live happily.

If you’re not having a good time with it then it’s
Evoking effort from you and your energy
Is depleted which prevents you from having fun
Yet Source Energy flows freely to everyone.
In alignment with this energy you must be
In order to receive some of its benefits.

Have Fun With It Or Let It Go. Sometimes it’s best
To shift your attention to something completely
Different from what you’re doing and where you are.
Your state of alignment is never very far
From achieving and it can be done easily.
You’re magnificent when your best self is expressed.

Under The Influence

Pure Joy

So I woke up this morning and said, “What a day!”
I was filled with excitement about what’s to come
As I hang around people who think much like me.
What’s my goal? I’ve not figured that out exactly
But I do know that I want absolute freedom
To allow everything to turn out just my way.

There are things I’ve been wanting for quite a while now.
Some of them have already been manifested
And I’m satisfied that the rest are on their way.
In alignment for long periods I can stay
And I usually get what I’ve requested
From the universe. I’ve trained myself to allow.

Everyone is Under The Influence of one
Kind of thing or another in any moment.
If I’m under, “I want it but it costs too much”
Then my point of attraction is way out of touch
With what I want. There’s no way I can circumvent
The duality of my current vibration.

I must change it to, “I want it and it will come.”
When I’m Under The Influence of my desire
Then by law it is certain to happen for me.
I know that I create my own reality.
Blessings come when a good vibration I acquire.
I do well as I’m constantly beating this drum.

Facing Contrast


How can I think good feeling thoughts when I’m in pain?
If there isn’t an answer then what can I do
To relieve myself of this intense agony?
Is there any hope of my ever breaking free
Of this thing I seem to be putting myself through?
Normalcy of existence I need to regain.

I have to separate the emotion from what
Is being manifested within my body.
If I can postpone my feeling utter despair
For a brief moment I can get to a place where
I can whittle the pain away gradually.
I need something to catapult me from my rut.

I can understand that the manifestation
Of how I feel I can control right here and now.
I can change how I feel no matter how I feel.
I do not have to make of the pain an ordeal.
Anything I can get through if I can allow
The wellbeing to flood my imagination.

I can’t let ‘what is’ be the reason why I feel
The way I do. The reason must be because I
Intended to feel this way. I get to decide
In each moment to feel fine or dissatisfied.
Now I don’t have to keep on asking myself why
I must suffer that which is not the ideal.

Your Vibration

Energy Profile

Electricity and magnetism are real.
They’re invisible forces yet we know that they
Do exist in the same way your own vibration
Emanates from you. Though it’s of your creation,
It’s intangible, and this is all just to say
That reality has to do with how you feel.

What you think, how you feel, and therefore what occurs
In your life is always a vibrational match.
If you’re beating the drum of something not wanted
You’re marching toward something that will have daunted
Your own sense of wellbeing. It’s better to latch
Onto that which your truest self strongly prefers.

Now if the drum you’re beating is one that feels good
Then you’re marching toward something that will surprise
And delight you every step along your journey.
Doesn’t it make good sense to live life happily?
Your whole life becomes better when you realize
How to tweak Your Vibration as everyone should.

First believe that you transmit a signal always
And that it tells the universe and the world how
To treat you. Then believe that you have access to
The higher, wiser, and more evolved part of you.
It guides you in the ever present here and now
And it remains with you throughout all of your days.

Becoming Invincible

Bright Day Ahead

So much has come before you. The world has been here
Long before your arrival preparing for you.
You’re Source energy in a physical body
And your purpose is to live your life happily.
All That Is thanks you for your willingness to chew
On the contrast in this physical atmosphere.

All That Is is what Source is and you are the same
Energy that creates worlds. You’re selfish enough
To want to feel good always. You’re fully aware
Of what feels otherwise and you stay clear of there.
You’re prepared for whenever the going gets tough
Because to you this wonderful life is a game.

You have no idea of how worthy you are
So at times you expect choices to be bigger
And harder to make, find, apply, and to achieve.
In such cases you must try your best to believe
That you’re worthy of better. Don’t let it trigger
A downward momentum because you’ve come too far.

All That Is benefits from all that you go through
On your journey but do it for yourself also.
As you do you’ll feel less vulnerability.
You will feel more invincible naturally.
There is no stopping you due to what you now know.
Take advantage of what has been laid out for you.

Your Vibrational Reality

Happy Daydream

Sometimes people worry that becoming aligned
With your higher self means giving up all the things
That are physical – that it’s an airy fairy
Existence and it’s too far from reality
To be of any value. From this notion springs
Myriad excuses of the negative kind.

You don’t have to give up one for the other here.
The worlds of the nonphysical and physical
Are interconnected in miraculous ways.
Only good things can happen to the one who stays
In communication with what’s spiritual.
Keep yourself in an elevated atmosphere.

You create Your Vibrational Reality
By your sifting through contrast. All that you put there
In your ever growing vortex of creation
Is of worthiness beyond imagination.
It’s nonphysical so do your utmost to care
More about it than your having it come to be.

Make the nonphysical your top priority.
When you do blessings will come from out of nowhere.
Everywhere you’ll find things working out well for you.
You’ll have greater success in whatever you do
And it’s all because you took the time to prepare
Your vibration by finding ways to be happy.

A Spotlight On Wellbeing

Mystical Sky

Many times I’ve asked questions about one thing or
Another and the answer I usually
Get is, “That’s not your work.” So should I continue
To keep asking? That would be a dumb thing to do.
I’ve managed to ask the right questions finally.
What’s my purpose? What did I enter this life for?

Direct answers I get when I ask in this way.
I believe what I’m getting and where it comes from.
I need not ask how I can fix a broken world
Nor do I need to have my consciousness be knurled
For the grasp of the threat of disaster to come.
That which answers does not want to hear of dismay.

Just what is my work? It isn’t a guessing game.
How, where, what, when, and who, I need not get into.
I ask why I came into this reality.
It’s not to shine a spotlight on humanity
But on love and wellbeing because it is true
That we’re all made of spirit which means we’re the same.

My work’s to shine a spotlight on the wellbeing
Of the planet in whatever way that I can…
To practice what’s wanted with profound attention
That it happens. Nothing’s beyond comprehension
When the spread of wellbeing is part of my plan.
I endorse any positive way of seeing.

Presence Or Absence

Ordered Progression

You cannot continue to focus upon the
Absence of something that you want and let it in.
Its presence and its absence are two different
Frequencies. You must find a way to be content
With the absence then manifestations begin
Happening for you just the way it ought to be.

You may think that you must face this reality
Of the presence of absence so you focus there.
If you do though you continue to hold what you
Want away from you. One simple thing you can do
Is commit to keeping yourself only aware
Of the presence that certainly will come to be.

What is not present is absent but on its way
Of becoming a reality and for now
You must focus your attention on what’s to come –
Not on what is occurring now. Get away from
Any negative thinking. It will not allow
What you want. In a positive mood you must stay.

You can’t see it yet. You don’t know how, when, or where
It will happen but you trust that things are always
Working out for you. If you can be satisfied
With the absence then the presence can’t be denied.
Give the universe its rightful chance to amaze
And delight you in ways that you cannot compare.