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Presence Or Absence

Ordered Progression

You cannot continue to focus upon the
Absence of something that you want and let it in.
Its presence and its absence are two different
Frequencies. You must find a way to be content
With the absence then manifestations begin
Happening for you just the way it ought to be.

You may think that you must face this reality
Of the presence of absence so you focus there.
If you do though you continue to hold what you
Want away from you. One simple thing you can do
Is commit to keeping yourself only aware
Of the presence that certainly will come to be.

What is not present is absent but on its way
Of becoming a reality and for now
You must focus your attention on what’s to come –
Not on what is occurring now. Get away from
Any negative thinking. It will not allow
What you want. In a positive mood you must stay.

You can’t see it yet. You don’t know how, when, or where
It will happen but you trust that things are always
Working out for you. If you can be satisfied
With the absence then the presence can’t be denied.
Give the universe its rightful chance to amaze
And delight you in ways that you cannot compare.