Tag Archive | components

Don’t Think Too Much


It’s because you’ve practiced micromanaging things
That you fear that you’ll squash the manifestation.
You’ve practiced controlling conditions. You don’t yet
Trust the universe to yield what’s best. You can’t let
Life occur on its own. You may feel frustration
Over the universe’s perceived offerings.

There’s a difference between your believing you
Have to figure it all out and make it happen
And understanding that everything is aligned
Perfectly. In your thinking you just have to find
Ways around your resistance. Your outlook will then
Be more positive. You’ll have a fresh point of view.

Your work is to allow it to be realized
By you not to make it happen. The difference
Between going after it and recognizing
It when it comes is huge and it means everything
To your point of attraction. Is this making sense?
The art of allowing is what is exercised.

Just accept that good things are happening to you
All the time. Be aware of them and be thankful
And expectant of wellbeing and abundance.
Life has absolutely nothing to do with chance.
Let the powerful provident universe pull
You in the right direction – the one that’s most true.

Write It Down And It Will Happen

Put Your Dreams Down On Paper

Is it possible that if you write something down,
Being not too specific, that things will happen
That will match what you wrote down with vivid detail?
Your dream boat, as it’s written, is soon to set sail.
This particular form of magic happens when
Nothing enters the story that will make you frown.

There’s a wonderful story I would like to share.
After reading the book, ‘Ask And It Is Given,’
And doing the processes, one young lady got
A call from a temp agency, she got a shot
At a gig filing papers. This was an amen
And a wonderful answer to her written prayer.

A famous movie star she was doing work for
She was a big fan of his and worked gleefully.
She was also quite a film buff so she enjoyed
Filing movie clips. She was happily employed.
A ‘real job’ he then offered her. Nothing could be
More exciting. Her attitude opened the door.

She is now head of his charity foundation.
She gives out tons of money and has lots of fun
With the interesting people in her domain.
Although she is fulfilled there is much more to gain.
Can this tale be of benefit to anyone?
Whether it can or not, I’ll consider this done.