Archive | March 2024

Earning Versus Attracting


Most of us believe that we have to do something
In order to justify money coming in.
We think that suffering and hard work is the key
To accumulating huge amounts of money.
We believe that only lucky people can win
At the game of life. It’s rather fascinating.

We who think about dollars approach it more from
The lack of them rather than just allowing them
To flow in and out as if we were breathing air.
There’s so much air that we couldn’t possibly care
That so many are breathing. We’d never condemn
Anyone for the taker of air they’ve become.

Think about the ten dollars in your wallet now.
Is it too little or enough? What can you do
With ten dollars? Answer these questions truthfully.
You can think negatively or positively.
Be delighted about all the dollars that you
Have already. This way more of them you allow.

Always you get what you give your attention to.
If you give it to lack of money then you’ll get
Only more lack of money but if you give it
To your feeling good you’ll train yourself to permit
Money coming. Your mind is your biggest asset.
Think of reasons to feel good is all you need do.

Your Only Work

Huge Wish

Figure out how to enjoy the fresh breath of air
That a new desire gives you. Your work is to be
Receptive to the constant flow of abundance
And you can do this under any circumstance.
Get connected to universal energy.
It’s available to you from out of nowhere.

Resist the temptation to face reality
Just for a little while. Lean in the direction
Of optimism rather than pessimism.
Of the light of God you’re a most worthy prism.
The universe is of absolute perfection.
You feel that when you’re living your life happily.

The only thing that keeps you from moving to where
You want to be is talking about where you are.
Talk about where you’re going – not where you are now
And have been for a long time. Forget about how
Things are going because they’re exceedingly far
From where you want to be. Of yourself take good care.

Letting go of ‘what is’ is a tough thing to do
Because it’s so much in your face but it’s not good
To make ‘what is’ a strong habit. Talk more about
What’s becoming but only if you have no doubt
That it’s coming. Your resistance is understood
By the most expanded and evolved part of you.

Be A Match To Your Desire

Reaching Outward

Sometimes you’re not in the proper mode to receive
Because of what you’re giving your attention to.
When you hold a thought, it becomes a vibration
That the universe process. Your elation
In the moment can bring many blessings to you.
Happiness is the state that you want to achieve.

People are in the habit of observing things
And then responding to them emotionally.
This behavior is natural but be aware
That you choose how you feel. Give how you feel the care
It deserves by not observing reality
Quite so much if only disappointment it brings.

It’s not easy to be standing in the middle
Of something that you don’t want and have the feeling
Of what you do want, but it’s the work you must do.
You’ve asked for it and it’s being lined up for you.
Focus only on things that you find appealing.
You may get very close to solving life’s riddle.

Find one thing about your life that’s going quite well.
Focus on it and use it as your excuse to
Get yourself in the receptive mode and to stay
Elevated. Don’t let ‘what is’ get in the way
Of the wonderful things that are earmarked for you.
Tell the story that your spirit wants you to tell.

In The Money

Raw Currency

We’ve been trained to believe that hard work is the key
To success in any endeavor. We’ve been told
That our struggle is virtuous so we believe
That it’s necessary in order to achieve
Any good life can offer. We’ve been undersold
By a mindset with which our true selves can’t agree.

Irritated by those who have lots of money,
Those who don’t demonize them yet at the same time
They would like to be like them. There’s a tug of war
Going on in their minds because what they abhor
They want badly and this is a huge psychic crime.
Negative emotion simply isn’t funny.

The truth is that you can attract what you desire
By your focusing on it and staying aligned
With you highest vibration which means get happy.
Practice it until it comes on naturally.
To yourself and to all those rich bastards be kind.
Nothing but a little patience does it require.

Consider abundance as a dominant gene
Because it’s overwhelming. If you can let go
Of the mental resistance and take it easy
It will all come together. Indeed you will be
In a situation where the money will flow.
You’re most powerful when your vibration is clean.

Feel Better Anyway

Reluctant Acceptance

In and of itself, contrast conceptually
Is a good thing although it may not seem so when
It feels like constant struggle while getting nowhere.
Often times it puts you in a state of despair.
Things change into the same things all over again.
Is there any hope of your ever getting free?

Contrast is fantastic. Life is like a buffet
Where there are many kinds of things from which to choose
So you could simply call contrast variety.
The thing that makes it bad is your choosing poorly.
As life happens just take it as really good news
And believe that things are always going your way.

Contrast lets you make choices. You get to decide
How to feel in each moment. You can choose to feel
Good about it whatever it happens to be.
You can experience your contrast happily
By deciding that it’s not that big of a deal.
How you feel you can use as your ultimate guide.

Things get better when you feel better. It’s a fact
So decide to feel better. It’s the only way
To get through what you’re going through confidently.
You evolve to the point where you’re able to see
Only positive aspects regarding your day.
With your higher self always be in good contact.

It’s A Winner!

Lucky Sign

Those who buy lottery tickets usually
Do so out of boredom, hope, or desperation.
When you’re in this vibration things can’t possibly
Work out for you yet most people don’t seem to see
That their winning is through identification
Only with pleasant feelings and good harmony.

Can you meditate and manifest the winning
Lottery numbers? You cannot get there from there.
It’s like saying that you want everything right now.
It’s much better for you if you learn to allow
It to come gradually. Take time to prepare
Your Vortex of Creation and get it spinning.

You must know how you’re feeling so that you can tell
If you’re headed upstream or downstream. If you feel
Not your best you can find a better feeling thought.
You attract best when your beliefs and wants are brought
Into perfect alignment. Your Vortex is real.
You can always count on your life working out well.

If you feel overtaken with euphoria
As you put down your money then most probably
You will be a big winner. You don’t really need
The ticket when the true self within you is freed.
In a state of elation is where you must be.
Feeling your best is always a good idea.

Don’t Go After It – It Will Come

Bon Voyage

As I go through my days wonderful little things
Happen all the time. I’ll be walking in the woods
And I’ll have a thought, “Wouldn’t it be nice to see
Others like me who just want to live happily,”

And it happens. This must mean that I have the goods
On my point of attraction and all that it brings.

How thoughts turn into things is by conscious intent.
When a thought occurs to me where does it come from?
Does it come from my inner being or does it
Come from elsewhere? I know that I cannot permit
Any negative thinking to gain momentum.
I prefer not to live in abject self-torment.

That my path is unfolding right under my feet
I know so absolutely that I rendezvous
Only with people, places, and things that agree
Exactly with what I want. I’m happy to be
In alignment with that part of me which is true.
I march only to the co-creative drumbeat.

I don’t need to make things happen nor do I need
To assert myself through my determination
To grab hold of reality. I can believe
In my powerful ability to receive
Special insights and all kinds of information.
My path appears before me. I need but proceed.

Talk About What You Want

Verbal Bubbles

Talk only about what you want – not what you don’t.
That’s a given but many people fall into
The self-undoing habit of talking about
What they don’t want. Be more conscious of what comes out
Of your mouth about what you want. It’s up to you
To speak loudly your passion because others won’t.

They’re all lined up. It’s all about many engines
On the track pulling in opposite directions.
You get nowhere and you’re wasting your energy.
Speak only of the way that you want things to be.
Let it resonate throughout the mind’s reflections.
See the world and your life through a positive lens.

You will never ever really be satisfied
With something less than what you want so let it be
What you want then line up with it. Watch what happens
When you do so. The most evolved part of you spends
All its time helping you to live more happily.
You can look upon it as your happiness guide.

You’ve released enough resistance. Let your desire
Gain momentum. Give undivided attention
To your purpose and how you feel along the way.
Be aware that there’s power in all that you say
To the universe. Not beyond comprehension
Is the notion that anything you can acquire.

A Perfect Relationship

Happy Together

What does a lover feel like? How do you feel when
You’re in love? You might say it feels pretty damned good.
It feels like a homecoming and security.
Your heart skips a beat and it does so happily.
Believe that things work out exactly as they should.
You’ve been in love before and your there once again.

Love feels like being appreciated. It feels
Like wellbeing. It feels like a natural high.
Think about how love feels often then you’ll achieve
An attractive vibration so that you’ll receive
Clues and insights. It helps if you focus on why
You desire it. Accept what your true heart reveals.

Be patient. We are all works of art in progress.
When you finally meet someone set boundaries
Right up front and most clearly but in a nice way.
Do communicate nicely but do not betray
Any part of your true self in order to please
The other. Have respect for your own beingness.

You must know when to speak and when to keep quiet –
When to stand up strong and when to give up control
And speak only when words are better than silence.
When you are in love the whole universe makes sense.
Creating with another is good for the soul.
Get prepared for the blessing that hasn’t come yet.

Let Your Path Find You

Into The Sunset Together

There’s an error. The system cannot find the path
Specified. File explorer has crashed once again.
It searches endlessly yet it never gets there.
It’s a dumb machine anyway. Why would it care
Where my stuff is stored? I might be satisfied when
I discover a way of expressing my wrath.

How do I find my path? There has to be some way
To find it without having to go through a lot
Of searching most haphazardly and wasting time.
The way computers treat people should be a crime.
I can say that I’ve given it all that I’ve got.
There’s no reason for me to wallow in dismay.

I know that my vibration must be wobble free
Meaning without resistance. I need to highlight
Within me what’s important. I like the freedom
And the fun. I like the great ideas that come
With alignment and I like receiving insight
From the most extended and evolved part of me.

I like being of value. My path cannot be
Motivated. I must be exhilarated
Into action. My path isn’t for me to find.
It finds me. I just have to make sure I’m aligned
With my purpose then my path will be created.
It’ll be something that I’ll be able to see.

Just Find One Simple Thing

Joyful Moment

Of the many things happening in your life now
Just Find One Simple Thing to be happy about.
This will do wonders. Isn’t it interesting
How you can keep your vibration on the upswing
And create without figuring anything out?
You attract anything you want when you know how.

You can find optimism no matter what seems
To be happening elsewhere. The best you can do
For the world situation is leave it alone.
Keep your consciousness free of the bloody war zone.
Stay connected with the most evolved part of you.
Optimism will help you to fulfill your dreams.

Feel appreciation about something and give
It your undivided attention. Everything
In your life will improve automatically.
All you have to do is live your life happily.
Find something that without a doubt makes your heart sing.
Consider that this might be a good way to live.

It’s supposed to work out for you. It no big deal.
Just chill out. You’re where you are. Your stream is moving
Toward what you want and you came here for the ride
Of a lifetime. The universe is on your side.
If you want your life to continue improving
Then pay much more attention to the way you feel.

…Like The Air That You Breathe

Happy With Cash

You can think about money as if it were air.
When you inhale and exhale your body receives
All the oxygen it needs and gets rid of waste.
The cells of your body are rarely ever faced
With the lack of what they need. The one who believes
In abundance will find it indeed everywhere.

You can be a vibrational match to what’s in
Your Vortex of Creation by just feeling good.
When the thoughts that you’re thinking bring you much delight
Everything about your life will turn out alright.
As the laws of the universe are understood
Life becomes an exciting game that you can win.

Flashback to when you had a good conversation
With someone about something. The moment you shared
You can use as your reason for feeling good now.
Thinking little thoughts like these helps you to allow
Abundance and wellbeing. Get yourself prepared
For a life filled with wonder and fascination.

Believe that there’s something bigger going on here.
Universal forces keep everything aligned.
Hook up with your good feeling thoughts and you will be
At the center of a pleasant reality.
Take advantage of any good thought you can find.
Keep your focus only upon what you hold dear.