Tag Archive | emotional pain

Things Will Go Your Way

Pleasure Ready

There’s a universe that exists parallel to
This one made up of matter and slow energy.
It’s a nonphysical world of feeling and thought.
It’s as real as can be but sometimes folks get caught
In the mind trap of thinking that reality
Can only be of substance. This just isn’t true.

Think of love. When you feel love how do you define
It in terms of physical manifestation?
It cannot be done. Pure love is intangible.
You can feel it, however. Your heart can be full
Of intense feelings of immense adoration.
Without form they precisely depict the divine.

The nonphysical universe celebrates you
On your journey so be completely satisfied
With not having what you want right now. You can be
Happy even though it’s not a reality
You can see and touch. Nothing to you is denied
When how you’re feeling you pay close attention to.

Align with the vibration of what you desire.
Build the emotional bridge from where you are now
To where you want to be. Pay attention to the
Universe’s attention to you constantly.
With your conscious intent you begin to allow
All the universe to provide what you require.

The Saddest Lines

The Story Unending

I could write some sad lines with this sorry assed life,
And it don’t take too damned much to jerk myself off.
In some ways it’s a blessing perfecting the fool
So that love has a purpose to earn ridicule
From the sensible masses. The dog whistle cough
Is a thickness I cut through with my psychic knife.

In her heart she defeats me, and I know not why
In the midst of eternity now should occur.
 Incremental dissolving of love not cared for
And forever unspoken I cannot ignore.
How I long for the sweetness of things as they were
Is the reason I can’t go for a second try.

Some unknown evil spirit has occupied me.
What has taken my feelings infiltrates the void
Where my heart felt at home once. The unwanted guest
Is the hermit made harlot at one with my nest.
Will I get myself back without being destroyed?
Time I have plenty of. I shall just wait and see.

I can write through the darkness as if it were light.
Make believe is an artform the whore understands.
Illusion may expel her or turn her into
A benevolent entity. These lines are few
And the last to be offered. Survival demands
That I learn, then move on with improvement in sight.