Tag Archive | incrementally

Overcoming Depression

Out Of Sorts

Between pretty damned miserable and just plain
Devastated all of the time you seem to be.
Your stuck in a range on the emotional scale
Where only sick thinking is allowed to prevail.
A solution to your issue you cannot see
And your thinking about it brings on a migraine.

It’s a negative feedback loop. You get depressed.
You stop seeing your friends. You start to isolate
Then you get more depressed and you isolate more.
It becomes hard from this position to reach for
Better feeling thoughts. It becomes hard to create
Anything but confusion when you’re not your best.

You can check in with yourself every now and then
To find out where you’re sitting emotionally.
From feeling suicidal to feeling okay
Notice every emotion you feel through the day
Then the causes of your depression you may see.
Do believe that you can feel quite normal again.

You’ll notice that when you feel your life’s worth living
You’re with a certain person or group of people
Or it may be you’re doing something you adore.
Once you discover what it is then do it more.
Focus on ways to make your life more meaningful.
Concentrate only on things that are life-giving.

Living Masterpiece

Personal Expression

Your Vortex of Creation is your masterpiece.
You’re the artist, the musician, and the actor
In a world class performance while live and on stage
With other entertainers who love to engage
In expressive activity. What could be more
Satisfying a form of energy release?

If you don’t have enough money what do you do
To maintain your existence? You need to pay rent
And keep food on the table. Don’t think about it.
Negative emotion will not help you one bit.
Instead of freaking out your time is better spent
Focusing on what brings absolute joy to you.

Your Vortex knows what you want. You’ve been putting there
Incrementally all that you’ve been asking for.
You can access what’s in there by staying happy
Even though it feels like there’s no reason to be.
That’s why you need to focus on what you adore.
Give your Point of Attraction your utmost of care.

Keep your undivided attention on the thing
That consumes and enthralls you. If you wrote a book
That’s not selling then write another one because
The first one wasn’t done according to the laws
Of the universe. You can transform your outlook
To one which is not you with your ass in a sling.

Don’t Think Too Much


It’s because you’ve practiced micromanaging things
That you fear that you’ll squash the manifestation.
You’ve practiced controlling conditions. You don’t yet
Trust the universe to yield what’s best. You can’t let
Life occur on its own. You may feel frustration
Over the universe’s perceived offerings.

There’s a difference between your believing you
Have to figure it all out and make it happen
And understanding that everything is aligned
Perfectly. In your thinking you just have to find
Ways around your resistance. Your outlook will then
Be more positive. You’ll have a fresh point of view.

Your work is to allow it to be realized
By you not to make it happen. The difference
Between going after it and recognizing
It when it comes is huge and it means everything
To your point of attraction. Is this making sense?
The art of allowing is what is exercised.

Just accept that good things are happening to you
All the time. Be aware of them and be thankful
And expectant of wellbeing and abundance.
Life has absolutely nothing to do with chance.
Let the powerful provident universe pull
You in the right direction – the one that’s most true.

Don’t Keep Asking

Hard At Prayer

“Does my work need a price tag in order for me
To stay super excited about what I do?
I’m okay, but I still need to make a living.
The job market can be truly unforgiving.
I’m in need of a wholesome financial breakthrough.
If I pray long enough, will it then come to be?”

“I’m an artist. I love creating poetry
Out of thin air, guided only by my insight,
But only a few people are interested.
Should this matter to me? Should I forge on ahead
And be happy and broke? That just doesn’t seem right.
Can I count on the universe to hear my plea?”

Your life has caused you to ask specifically,
And the universe is tending to those details.
It’s up to you to get in the mode to receive
What you’ve put there. The only thing you need achieve
Is alignment. Let your desire be what prevails.
Things will manifest for you eventually.

You don’t have to keep asking. The universe knows
Already where you’re coming from. What you create
Of your life is a masterpiece when you are free
Of the angst in the process, and to the degree
Of your focus on happiness, you need not wait
A long time for fulfillment as your writing flows.

If You’re Ready, It’s Already Happened

Prepared To Celebrate

Things that you’ve been wanting will be realities
When a major shift in your vibration takes place.
Your Vortex of Creation is something quite real.
It’s made up of happy emotions that you feel
Throughout life. It’s your true Source of infinite grace.
It’s a state you can enter with relative ease.

Where you stand is what you think and how you’re feeling
In the moment. It transmits an energy field
That is either aligned with the Source that is you
Or is not. In that case then the best thing to do
Is to chill until your inner Source has revealed
Itself to you. A time out can be most healing.

The contents of your Vortex include everything
That you have ever dreamed of. How do you prepare
For receiving what’s in there if you’re not ready?
You must let go of your negative tendency
To get up on your soap box and falsely declare
That the thing you want greatly is not happening.

Just accept that what you want vibrationally
Is already available. You can see how
Your deliberate focus on feeling your best
Is a key factor in all that you manifest.
If it’s happened already, you’ve learned to allow
The contents of your Vortex to flow easily.