Tag Archive | allowing

Allowing Simplified

The Engine Of Manifestation

If you’re more aware of what you are perceiving
And less so of how others are perceiving you,
You can stay in the art of allowing always.
You did not really come here to spend all your days
Understanding perceptions of others. It’s true
That it adds some resistance to all your grieving.

I have consciousness flowing to me and through me.
Everyone who has ever lived has their own view.
They’re looking at this moment not as I see it
But from spirit – a vantage point that defies wit.
Allowing is made simple. All I have to do
Is to stay in the receptive mode constantly.

That part outside yourself that you’re trying to reach
You will find is inside you. If you are tuning
Yourself to the frequency of it you will find
That you are it. It’s vital that you never mind
Anything that does not support what you’re doing.
You are all of the pieces and emulate each.

Consciousness of pure intellect and of feeling
Is that which can assist me right here and right now.
Do not let conditions that I cannot control
Rob the life force within me and cripple my soul.
With some practice I can train myself to allow
Loving grace which makes life so much more appealing.

You Do Not Need A Job

Employment, Freedom, And The Web Of Self-Worth

Do you like working for the money that you get?
Indeed, do you like money and how well it flows
Into your life experience? Is the feeling
One of bliss in knowing you’re fully deserving?
Can you just allow all that its blessing bestows?
Or must you justify it due to your mindset?

Is the justifying that you’re doing your way
Of allowing? Can you feel that there’s enough room
To play with? You can shift your perspective so that
You can be more allowing. You’ll get that down pat.
Then less justification you’ll need to assume.
Feeling good about money enlivens your day.

There are those who work hard and don’t have a whole lot.
There are others who work little and are wealthy.
The latter are the ones who have figured it out.
It is not about action. They know beyond doubt.
It’s about your vibration and being healthy.
If you want change to happen, do give it a shot.

The real work that you do is about energy…
About habits and attitudes and feeling good.
It’s telling the new story the way it should be…
Just as you want it to play out and exactly
As is by divine forces it is understood.
Thoughts of recession cannot be reality.

Surrender And Everything Comes

The Natural Release of Effort

When an army surrenders there’s torture involved
So the word has some issues. There needs to be trust
That the thing one surrenders to is of value
In securing fulfillment. One can live anew
In releasing resistance. One need but adjust
To improved circumstances and problems resolved.

Negative connotations now pushed to the side,
There are good things that good people surrender to.
Anything that does not support my heart’s desire
I can let go of gladly. The peace I admire
And the freedom of not having so much to do.
I release my resistance and give up false pride.

I cannot stop desiring. I can’t surrender
Wanting things that I want. I will always want more.
But I do give up beliefs that keep me held back
Like my incessant struggle and feelings of lack
And my trying too hard to keep up a good score.
I relax and allow what life has to offer.

But there is a much better word. That is, Allow.
It’s a much clearer meaning. It puts everything
In proper perspective. The manifestation
That comes first is emotional. I am the one
Who allows infinite intelligence to bring
All the guidance that I need for right here and now.

Healing Through Alignment

Natural Wellbeing

How does my belief system or my alignment
Affect cells of my body? And can it reverse
Or eradicate a diagnosis given
To me by the good doctor? I’m ever driven
By my mindset and attitude. They are a curse
If I can’t clean them up through my conscious intent.

Everything is about alignment. All illness
Is about resistance, but this path may be least
Resistive in the long run. Within all contrast
Is the clarity needed for joy unsurpassed.
Flow of energy through the body is decreased
By some form of resistance. Typically it’s stress.

Illness is about energy moving faster
Than my body allows it. It is resistance
To the wealth of wellbeing that is natural.
It’s made worse by my having a sick rationale
About living in general. This circumstance
Can make of my life one colossal disaster.

If I summon the energy, I must make sure
That I’m fit to receive it. I need to relax
And release the resistance by keeping ahead
Of such manifestations of consummate dread.
My health is something I can’t let fall through the cracks.
I know that my alignment is the perfect cure.


The Only Emotion

To feel better than I do right now is for me
A continuing process, I’m right on the brink
Of appreciation. In the vicinity
Of hopefulness constantly is where I’m to be.
No concern have I for what others often think
Of themselves and of life itself unconsciously.

May I be an optimistic leaning person,
Making the best of things as they are and always
Looking for the best thoughts and feelings as they come?
Such a positive outlook may be hard for some.
One begins with a heartfelt admission of praise
For this fabulous universe where all is one.

I love knowing that people are feeling better
And imagining what this world can manifest.
The prosperity that humankind has amassed
And the way the economy remains steadfast
Despite many world crises means that we are blessed
And each of us wants to be a love begetter.

The wellbeing of this planet says all is well.
I love being the best way that I can express
What I love about living this life that is mine.
From a distant perspective everything is fine.
I love knowing that this state you too may access.
There’s no other one worthy from what I can tell.

This Repetitive Statement

Keep Reminding Yourself

Galaxies made of words poets are thankful for.
Grains of sand can be shaped into castles most grand
That succumb to erosion by nature or fate.
But they do have much power in that they create
In the minds of most people what all understand
As a means to share consciousness and to keep score.

Let’s say that you’ve a list of unfulfilled desires.
One good way to approach this is also easy.
Say, “I want to have fun on my way to that thing.”
It puts things in perspective. Indeed it will bring
What you want most assuredly as you will see
In your manifestations and all that transpires.

“I just want to have fun on my way to that job
Or that huge sum of money… “ whatever it be.
Having fun on the way there is well justified
Then fulfillment of wishes cannot be denied.
To watch something I want manifesting for me
Is a feeling that no one on this earth can rob.

It matters not if steps you take are big or small.
It just matters that you’re having fun on the way.
There’s no gap between where you are and want to be.
You can feel where you want to be most vividly
Should you slip into sadness through part of my day
It is fun to discover and not take the fall.

The Art Of Allowing

...Versus the Science of Hoping

Simple signals made complex among consciousness
Introduce much resistance in what is perceived.
If I’m more aware of everything that I see
And less concerned about what others think of me
I will stay in allowing mode and be less peeved.
Other people’s perceptions are the cause of stress.

I have source flowing to me and through me always.
Everyone who has ever lived sees through my eyes
When I’m in full alignment with all who I am.
I can follow a self-designed worthy program
From the infinite consciousness of those made wise
By their now point of vantage. I offer much praise.

What I’m reaching for is that outside part of me.
There’s a whole lot of consciousness at my avail.
But if I’m tuning myself to their frequency
I become them in essence momentarily.
The convergence of clarity on a large scale
Is a thing worth my knowing if I am To Be.

I’ll allow myself to feel the fullness of who
I am truly. Conditions are best to discard.
They disrupt the vibration that I would achieve.
There’s no value in guessing what others believe.
When my vision gets cloudy, then life can get hard.
I’ve enough to feel worthy without much to do.

Be Easy

...Get Happy

What goes on in a real world is ripe to be feared.
Civil War has been raging cold since Reagan’s reign.
Fair elections endangered along with the laws
Of a once free democracy gives no one pause
But the people right in there who must be insane.
Contrast is no illusion. It’s hardly revered.

But I’m here for the contrast. Isn’t everyone?
That’s how I know precisely ways things ought to be.
I’ll keep myself deliberately in a state
On my path of enlightenment absent the weight
Of a gravity timestamp. I’ll make history
In the ways that are playful, exotic, and fun.

Through sublime insignificance I play the role
Of the avid observer with passion to tell
What e’er may be of focus. A unique witness,
I need not hold resistance, for that causes stress.
I can test life with small things and watch them turn well
And then tell all about it. That makes me feel whole.

Improvement comes with practice at being easy.
It can only get better if I up the game
With attention to bigger amid the contrast
That exists to excite me. The angst is bypassed.
My uniqueness I dare to proclaim without shame.
I can make a big deal out of coming to be.

Be Easy About Life

The Purity Of Simplicity

Wishing life would get easy gets old too damned fast
For the spirit within me to keep a straight face
While pretending to see it as many highways.
Up and down, then around things, they’re often a maize
In the menacing mindscape. Is there saving grace?
Or is there no escape from the life of contrast?

“I wish I were a willow…” is no wizard’s way
To finagle a safe wiggling out of this mess
That I’d something to do with. To be but a tree
In a blanket of sunlight with no way to see
All the world it reveals is to be without stress,
Gravity notwithstanding nor how it may sway.

Rather, I am the substance of all I desire –
All the passion and focus I feed to the dream
Of becoming who I really am at my core.
Am I worthy of good things? I couldn’t be more!
My uniqueness is one with the energy stream
From which life flows. Struggle my life doesn’t require.

All There Is provides meaning to focus offered.
Holding little resistance, oneself will allow
Only good things to happen. The contrast I feel
Is the pearl in the oyster that life will reveal.
All I need do is kick back and let life endow
Me with joy and wellbeing. My Spirit Be Heard!

Allow The Wellbeing

Release, Then Breathe In...

It comes down to allowing, but just what is that?
When one speaks of surrender, what enter my mind
Are such scenes where one army makes use of torture.
The most negative aspects are balanced, I’m sure,
By the myriad episodes that are more kind
And can happen almost at the drop of a hat.

To what must I surrender? What must I allow
That is both consciously and patiently waiting
To enter and fulfill me? Can I trust that it
Is a safe thing to let in? The fear, I’ll admit,
Is not justified, and it is aggravating
That I know what to do, yet I’m hung up on how.

Getting rid of resistance to my own desire
Increases my vibration. My trying too hard
With much effort and struggle cannot get things done.
Only when one exhausts oneself, something’s begun
To take place in one’s character. No longer barred
From the fruits of the spirit, one is lifted higher.

Things that work in the process we all know so well –
Turning thoughts into things – involves just a few things:
Energy, alignment, and clarity of thought.
When my purpose has passion, I’m no longer caught
In a quandary that only my feeding brings.
Worthiness is a system wherein we all dwell.

With A Slight Shift In Focus

Independent Direction

Little things I can manifest often enough.
Not much effort is needed. They come easily.
But the bigger things I want are more difficult
To bring into existence. My efforts result
In things taking a long time to happen for me.
Is there some way I’m thinking that’s making this tough?

There is no difference between big things and small.
They can both be created with little effort
And as fast as is wanted. It’s expectation
That is often at issue for most everyone.
Little things we believe strongly, but we fall short
When it comes to the larger things that may enthrall.

One can train to expect things to happen quickly
Through a shifting of focus towards one’s desire.
I’m observing where I am, so here I will be
Until I choose to look at something completely
Different from what is now. It then must inspire
And accelerate timing most absolutely.

It depends on me only how long it will take
To clean up my vibration and focus much more
On the life that I’m living without all the stress.
Above anything else, I must trust the process.
Resolute expectation of what is in store
Is the one shift in focus that’s my lucky break.

Screw What Others Think!

Ignore The Useless Chatter

People’s mouths are their assholes too often it seems.
Body parts we all have, and they’re all much the same.
Certain parts of the psyche that do the most harm
Are also the very ones that are used to charm
The way through life as if it were just a fun game.
Differences among psyches span all extremes.

How does life get much better? Need I poll the crowd
And record all my findings, then make a report
To the obsessive compulsive self in some need
Of notice from outside itself? This can but lead
To a life loud and looney. I sell myself short
By the buying of likes. How can I then feel proud?

Prostitution made social, perception is clear
Of the ways human nature perceives and responds
To the slightest vibrations. Making others wrong…
Or myself is of no use. I’m where I belong.
It is natural, yet I must learn to form bonds
That retain their significance year after year.

All the ones who accept and support me are those
Who are of a like feather. They mirror the bird
Rising up from the ashes of foolish mistakes.
My opponents are, for me, a source of headaches.
I shall take no one’s temperature, as preferred,
But my own through a process I need not disclose.