Archive | July 2023

A Co-Rampage

Sound Off

At this moment, where all of my power is, I
Have a knowing. Wellbeing continually
Is available to me. It’s been underway
For a long time. I feel more with each brand new day
Confident that goodness is the majority
Of existence, though contrast I cannot deny.

The momentum that I’ve planned and practiced is now
Paying off, and I live for that feeling of trust
In the universe and in the essence divine
Which tells me that my life and the world are just fine.
If I don’t have that feeling I need to adjust
My vibration. I’m glad that by now I know how.

It’s not urgent that I always stay out ahead
Of every situation. If I slip away
From that sense of wellbeing I can easily
Get right back to it. I do it naturally.
There’s no reason that in a bad mood I should stay
When I can reach a state of happiness instead.

The blending of myself with the best part of me
Is delicious, and nothing else will ever do.
There’s no regression. I can’t go back to the way
That I was. In that place of alignment I’ll stay.
I must release the old to embrace what is new.
From the chains of my troubled self I’ve broken free.

The Power Of Your Intentions

Color Bright

As you’re looking at contrast and moving toward
Your desires manifesting, enjoy the journey.
Notice how this piece fits in and then the next piece.
Do whatever you can to ensure the release
Of resistance and know that you can truly be
Confident that by the universe you’re adored.

You’ve decided to be deliberate about
Your creating. You’ve learned to do it consciously
Rather than by default where you’re just reacting
To your life. You’re concerned with what you’re attracting
Into your life experience. You want to be
Clear of negative intention and crippling doubt.

You’ve been segment intending, appreciating,
And daydreaming. You’ve learned how to get out ahead
Of the next situation by being prepared.
Beforehand your intentions are fully declared
To yourself and to others. You cannot be led
Off your path. You’re aware of what you’re creating.

When you start making the correlation between
What you intended and what is manifesting,
There’s extreme satisfaction. The universe will
Cater to you to where you can savor the thrill
Of receiving all that you have been requesting.
Live a life that’s exciting but also serene.

Expectation And Co-Creation

Otherworldly Adventure

Interactions with people in my life are such
That they have expectations of my behavior.
The reverse is true also. This co-creation
Isn’t always a good thing. Some harm may be done
To one’s feelings of worthiness. I can’t be sure
If my placating people matters all that much.

So, I’m trained into acting the way that I do
By the people around me. I can’t hope to change
That momentum of habit, but I can don the
Perspective of my inner being who can see
My path of least resistance. I do find it strange
How the mind works. Everyday I learn something new.

I can get into that place of neutrality
By some method like meditation. Then I can
Tune to the expectation of God almighty
Who sees all things about my life differently
Than I ever could. So it’s my ultimate plan
To become the evolved one who I’m meant to be.

If I don’t have a good encounter with someone
Then I’ve not tuned myself to my inner being
Beforehand. I give no one the credit for my
Misalignment. I don’t have to ask myself why
I behaved in a certain way, and it’s freeing
To the spirit to celebrate the work I’ve done.

Time To Listen

Trying To Hear

The question I’ve been asking I’ve been asking for
Such a long time. I keep asking but the answer
Isn’t coming. Is there something I’m doing wrong?
The intention I have when I’m asking is strong
Still, receiving information doesn’t occur.
Are there some other avenues I could explore?

Yes. There are some. But the thing you must understand
Is that you’re a radar that transmits and receives
Which means you can’t do both at the same time. You must
Be quiet to receive and be willing to trust
That answers are forthcoming. Be one who believes
In this truth and the world will be at your command.

Listen up. There’s a message coming to you from
Deep within you. Make quiet your mind and you’ll hear
What you need for the moment. Need you listen to
The world’s chaos and its negative point of view?
Just get quiet. The message becomes loud and clear.
You have only your noisy mind to overcome.

Find relief from the chatter through meditation
Or something nonresistant yet satisfying.
While you’re not trying and when you least expect it
You’ll receive something that is to your benefit.
You can get the most out of life by applying
Some patience while awaiting manifestation.


Triple Treasure

What has happened to me that I now realize
All the sins I’ve committed? Perhaps it’s old age
Telling me that my time draws closer by the day.
Do I have enough time left to properly pay
My way out of existence? Of late I engage
In self-evaluation before my demise.

Words don’t teach. Life experience is the only
Way to know life. I’ve learned that I know not a thing
About living except that my own life has been
Cataclysmic. There are those who would shout, “Amen!”
To my honest admission. On slim hope I cling
That a way out of this dilemma there must be.

And there is a way. All that I’ve done in the past
Is the past. I can’t change it. So I have to choose
To look forward where there’s at least a chance that I
May turn into an innocent kindhearted guy.
That’s a bit of a stretch, but I’ve nothing to lose
In believing that I was never an outcast.

Then what was I? A bastard? A son of a bitch?
Or maybe just a troubled soul with some issues?
What matters now is that now is most important.
Dragging the past into it is something I can’t
Let myself keep on doing. Myself I abuse
When I do that. Besides, it will not make me rich.

Viewing Others’ Contrast

Moment Of Despair

I can deal with my own contrast but watching those
Who experience trauma much greater than mine
Takes me deep into darkness where I don’t belong.
I feel that my feeling what they’re feeling is wrong.
It would be an atrocity if I felt fine
When I see people living among the shadows.

I’m not in tune with my inner being. That’s why
I can’t feel true compassion in a selfish way
Which means getting in touch with their inner being.
Theirs and mine have a different way of seeing
What looks much like disaster. I’m willing to pay
More attention to what my spirit won’t deny.

The assumption is that contrast is a bad thing.
But does everyone feel the same thing when they see
It around them? Does everyone feel the same way
About contrast? What does my spirit have to say
About it? Am I allowing myself to be
Of some help through the vibration I’m offering?

Contrast is beneficial. It helps us to grow
Into master creators. Each burning desire
Born of contrast serves everyone in the long run.
One can know that true enlightenment has begun
When one sees contrast as something life must require
For expansion. We must learn to go with the flow.

Delightful Daydreaming

Delicious Moment

I do lots of daydreaming. I remember when
As a child I enjoyed it perhaps more than now.
There was no one to boss me around and no one
Making any demands on me. It was sheer fun
Just to let my mind wander. Without knowing how
I could stay much more in alignment way back then.

I remember that feeling I had when I played
Among thick lilac bushes as I would pretend
To have fashioned my own vortex of creation.
Within it I would find complete fascination.
There was nothing complex for me to comprehend.
Through that innocent stage of life I had it made.

I could do as I felt in my sanctuary
In the back yard. I felt that I was in control
Of my universe. It didn’t matter to me
Whether anyone outside of my world could see
As I saw. I was not striving to reach a goal.
The only rule that I had was to be happy.

That’s powerful creation. By setting aside
Time for myself, I’m doing my best to maintain
My alignment. Much freedom I have to take care
Of the things that most matter. I’m now more aware
Of how much in the way of true joy I can gain
From my daydreaming when it’s righteously applied.

Whose Thoughts Are These?

Troubling Question

Every thought that has ever been thought still exists.
Thoughts Are Things and each one has its own vibration.
So am I the thinker of my thoughts or do I
Just receive them? Do I catch them as they go by?
One would think that one’s thoughts are of one’s creation.
It’s the way in which the fragile ego insists.

We’re transmitting and receiving mechanisms.
Sometimes we are transmitting and sometimes we are
Receiving, yet we can do both at the same time.
It is possible to reach a truly sublime
State of being. We don’t have to search long and far
For enlightenment as human organisms.

When we’re acknowledging, noticing, comparing,
And discussing with others is when we transmit,
But receiving is best done when we’re in a state
Of receiving, where we can best appreciate
What comes to us. It’s of tremendous benefit
To be about what you’re receiving most caring.

We’re never the thinker of a great thought, instead
There’s a collective consciousness we all access.
Does the radio ask itself if it’s singing
All those songs that it’s playing? We end up bringing
How we feel to the forefront of our consciousness.
By the radio broadcast station we are led.

Applying Segment Intending


Pick a subject. Let’s do some segment intending.
It’s a way to prepare for the moment ahead.
Shift some energy on things that matter to you.
There are no exercises that you have to do.
Your intending can be done while you’re still in bed.
In a way it is similar to pretending.

Say the subject is money. You’re in a good mood
Already, and you’re sitting alone at the park.
Your next segment may be just appreciating
The abundant surroundings. Indeed everything
In the park is of value. From there you embark
On a rampage expressing sincere gratitude.

You then visit a café where people you know
Are relaxing and engaged in conversation.
Since you’ve tweaked your vibration beforehand, you are
In a state of alignment. You feel like the star
In a fabulous movie of your creation.
You are close to what’s at the end of the rainbow.

Take every opportunity you can to see
What you want to see. By your identifying
What you want you’re activating it within you.
Moment by moment you can create your own view
Of your world – one which is much more satisfying.
In a world of your own creation you can be.



Up and down like a roller coaster is my mood.
At the moment I’m mortified by an event
That occurred a few weeks ago. I can’t let go
Of the injury I caused to myself. I know
That I’m solely responsible. My discontent
Arises from the fact that my vision is skewed.

I’m adept at Self-Sabotage or so it seems
At the moment. Why am I so damned sensitive
To the feelings of others regarding what I
Failed to do even though I gave it my best try?
It’s a thing unbecoming that I have to live
In this trap of my own emotional extremes.

I can’t talk myself out of anger, depression,
Or discord. I can look for positive aspects
In the drama I created unconsciously.
At this point, my aim is to be totally free
Of the issue and all of its harmful effects.
Misery is a cheap form of self-expression.

I can soften it up a bit by saying that
I don’t mean sabotage. It’s more like not being
More deliberate. The contrast is important
To the universe. There’s no reason that I can’t
Be influenced by that which is most agreeing
With my spirit. There’s much more that I can look at.

Enjoying It

Joy Of Being

Bombs are bursting in air. I don’t need to know who
They explode for nor why indeed they do exist
In the first place. I’m not that good at history.
I’m detached from the troubles of humanity.
Much practice it has taken for me to resist
The temptation to nurture the negative view.

I enjoy life. I’m not always in a good mood
But I know enough now not to let myself get
Too far out of alignment. Right now I feel fine.
I feel as if I am causing the sun to shine.
To the world I feel that I’m a major asset
Thus my faith in humanity can be renewed.

I’ll use this moment in the most productive way
By staying elevated. I can do that by
Savoring the good feeling. It doesn’t require
A whole lot, but I must have a burning desire
To stay there so that I don’t even have to try
To be happy. It isn’t a high price to pay.

Life does not have to be all that complicated.
I know how to get happy and how to stay there
For a good while. There are many forms of success
But its truest measure is how much happiness
I can have and give others and how much I care
For the life up until now that I’ve created.

Society’s Laws And Rules

Legal Institution

Laws and rules are a good thing most generally.
Agreements are made to do things a certain way
That is most beneficial to all those involved
But we’re nowhere near having all our problems solved.
Even though they keep us from utter disarray
Lots of them are outdated or wrong completely.

The path of least resistance would be to obey
All the laws and rules anyway. Life insurance,
For example, is something that society
Finds important. It activates uncertainty
In the psyche which complicates the procurance
Of wellbeing, so in a state of fear we stay.

Once fear is activated a predicament
Is created. How to remain law abiding
Is important. Vibrational integrity,
However, is more so, and the more you can be
In alignment, the more you’ll be coinciding
With behavior expected in any event.

The path of least resistance is also the one
Most open to allowing true justice to come
On the heels of alignment and empowerment.
On the way, you remain in the ever present.
You’re the only one who is keeping yourself from
What you want. Within you is the sole solution.