Tag Archive | joy

Human Experience Comes From Within

Consciousness Is An Inside Experience

Your experience comes only from within you…
Be it pleasant or unpleasant… joy or upset.
What is happening from within must go your way.
Practicing consciousness methodology may
Gear you to more enjoyment. Through struggle and sweat,
You achieve nothing worthwhile in all that you do.

This world will never happen in nearly the way
That you would have it happen. One hundred percent
Satisfaction is futile. The odds are less than
About half that you’ll live life the best that you can.
It is to your advantage that you be content
With the ways of the world. It is all just a play.

But what goes on inside you is so different
In that you can control it to a large degree.
It takes practice of focus to get really good.
Mysteries of the universe are understood
In the peace within presence. The quest is To Be.
Then what follows will lead to ultimate content.

 What is outside, you can’t let control your inside.
Foolishly, people do so to their detriment.
The seat of your experience is within you,
But if you are not sitting there, there’s work to do.
The choice is between living a life of torment
Or of your life’s fulfillment. Which will you decide?

Listen Carefully

...And Doors Will Open

Who you really are is other than the person
Who has ears yet hears not the subtle inner voice.
It is calling you forward, but if you won’t go
Every step on your path will be fettered with woe.
At the drop of a negative thought, you’ve the choice
To reach for what feels better. Life can be made fun.

The only bondage there is is your holding back
From that which gently calls you. From there, excuses
Range widely for not going the way of your heart.
But don’t act in distress just to get a kickstart
To more fuss and confusion. One who refuses
The divine invitation is one sorry sack.

Get your ass in alignment with our earth mother
And be freed from the buildup of much resistance.
Then work on the part of you who has not a name
Yet who knows what you want most and how you may claim
All that you’ve wanted of material substance.
Making changes while happy is what you’d prefer.

Building up the momentum of your getting there…
To that place that you’re reaching, become more aware
Of the good things about your life. And in this way
Your journey will be joyful each and every day.
No reason on God’s green earth is there to despair.
All you need do is listen and take proper care.

The Recipe

The Way Of Good Living

All good things that are sought, created, and received
Are contained in The Recipe for wellbeing.
The basis of all life is freedom, and our quest
Is to seek out and find new joy and feel our best.
The command to get happy is worth obeying.
It’s the one best solution for all ills conceived.

How do I find my lover, or land that big job…
Or live happily ever after? Get Happy!
To get what I want, I have to get happy first,

Then all things that I’ve dreamed of are fully disbursed.
Staring down what I hate looking at too closely
Leads to failure, and self-confidence does it rob.

I can’t look at things that make me unhappy, then
Try to make myself joyful. That doesn’t work well.
Looking in the direction of what I prefer
Is the best way to get momentum to occur.
In a world of abundance my spirit must dwell.
I do not have to fix what I see as broken.

Practicing feeling wonderful narrows the gap
Between me and my wishes. They all can come true.
Anything I can do to distract myself from
The apparent dilemma can help overcome
The resistance I harbor. My fortune is due.
Universal forces I am willing to tap.

Your Dominant Mantra

The Vibration Unique In The Universe

Happily Ever After is how life unfolds.
Watch for and expect the next opportunity…
Then the next, and the next… And be fully aware
That your place in the universe is something rare.
Let Your Dominant Mantra allow you to be
Intertwined with creation and all that it holds.

Happily Ever After is how you’re to live.
You need not to accomplish, or even set goals
Because what you are reaching for through your success
Is the symbol eternal of true joyfulness
In connecting with who you are. All of our souls
Have the power to receive and also to give.

 You were not meant to struggle nor wallow in pain.
Disconnected from yourself, you cannot allow
The goodness that the universe offers freely
To all that which it’s made of. There’s no need to be
Serious about living. You need not know how
Only that you are worthy of maximum gain.

By not sweating the small stuff, which is of all things,
You will tune your awareness toward who you are.
At your core, you are pure love, and this consciousness
For yourself and your circumstance gives you access
To your life of fulfillment, which never is far.
Be open to the bounty your universe brings.

I Am

Unlike Any Other

Welcome magic and wonder, true brilliance, and grace.
Welcome joy, satisfaction, all pleasure, and strength.
May the essence of beauty and presence of form
Be the way of existence and surely the norm.
Excellence be the blessing throughout the wavelength
Of the spectrum of Being in this time and space.

What I seek I have already. What I must know,
I can understand. All I wish I could, I can.
Who I want to be, I am. What I seek, I own.
I comply with the knowing that I’m not alone
And have never be so since before life began.
I accept love and give all that I have also.

I am seed. I am tree; the flower and the bee.
Fire and wind I am both. I am mother and child.
I am mighty and loud, yet I silently tread
Lightly upon this earth. The goodwill that is spread
Is of nature. I am reason, and I am wild.
I’m the buyer and seller who oft’ disagree.

I am ease and great power; the bridge and tower.
I am sand and the beach. I am student; I teach.
Modest and monumental, I’m brave yet gentle.
I’m all that exists and I’m coincidental.
I am many and few; I am every and each
Of God’s essence within you as life does occur.

An Equation Reversal?

A Completly New Concept

If I work hard and do well, my life will be great.
Isn’t this how one should think to truly succeed?
It’s been programmed into me – this meager mindset.
It has done nothing for me but cause me regret
That I ever existed. My soul is not freed
From the force of earth’s gravity and fickle fate.

Many schemes there are out there for ‘working from home.’
Menacing is the landscape as treachery reigns.
It’s a wild, wild west story repeated daily.
Many people get discouraged ultimately
By the infinite cost of it wrecking their brains.
One becomes a part of an evasive syndrome.

If reversed, the equation seems not to make sense.
It’s my habit to seek pleasure outside of me.
Yet, I’m told that’s ass backwards by those who would know.
Happiness from within me I must get to grow
Before things on the outside are made to agree.
Benefits of this way of thinking are immense.

Being blissful is very important to me.
That I like to record things is sure evidence.
Who is fearful of suffering is part of me.
Operating in survival mode, I can’t be
Open to the solution that makes the best sense.
I shall function much better as all this I see.

Joyful Always?

The Magnificent Spirit

The left nut I would give and the gold kitchen sink
To find joy in the moment that lasts all day long.
I hear say there are those who are Joyful Always.
Fettered folk who fall needy should offer them praise.
I shall not show my jealousy. That would be wrong.
Sneaking up on some joy I at all doth bethink.

I have felt awfully happy even while in pain.
The problem is sustaining it more than a while.
Wellbeing means exuberance. Life energy
Flows without interference thus most easily.
How to get there and stay there could fit my profile
If I got rid of thinking that drives me insane.

Depression means life energy has reached a low
Through the cycles recursive of tapes that are played
From the cage of the closed mind. The only way out
Is to know my mortality without a doubt.
In this way I’m reminded of my true crusade.
Pettiness has no path on the way I should go.

 I create what I’m doing in every detail.
Karma means it’s my action. The questions for me
Are: How joyful am I? And how much do I give
Out to others? This is a most wise way to live
For this brief earthly sojourn. I can choose to be
Cognizant of my time here. That way I can’t fail.

Optimism And Buoyancy

Light On One’s Feet

Nothing can put me down. I be flying so high
Anyone who would catch me would be up here too
So they’d soon lose the interest and fly along.
At this wonderful altitude nothing is wrong.
I see overall patterns at this upper view.
This I would recommend. Why not give it a try?

I get special attention as I play the part
As my own one and only abundant with pride.
Luck is always a friend who I’m willing to trust.
Sometimes blues can defeat me. To go on I must!
On the whole, there’s a bundle of joy deep inside
Where the innermost selfhood connects to the heart.

Optimism And Buoyancy are but a clue
And a crisp observation of high energy.
How does one get excited simply for its sake?
Any way that one has to, just so it ain’t fake.
We’re not just human doings; we came here To Be.
Always feel the excitement and look for what’s new.

Inner growth and expansiveness are my defense
Against would be attackers. I know not of harm.
I am safe in this village where all must belong.
When divided, we’re weak; when united, we’re strong.
All it takes is a miracle of an alarm
To awaken the artist to high moral sense.

Fun Filled Flavors Of Time


It’s a good life! The moral revealed at the end
Of the old classic movie is reemphasized
In the smile in a short while, or falling in love
With the wonder of Being. The sunshine above
Wraps me warm with its freshness. To it I am prized.
What dessert made in heaven would I recommend?

 It’s a romp through a funhouse of utter delight.
Every sight that beholds me, and I it, reveals
Everything that is wonderful. Does nature rhyme
With all that I’ve become and in such little time?
I am confident that I don’t need training wheels.
From my viewpoint, I see that my future is bright.

Time tastes funny to me, and sometimes it is sweet.
I have not lived life long enough to harbor doubt
That the goodness in this world is bigger than bad.
Nothing much about my life can make me feel sad.
I atone on my own with no ego to tout.
My digesting is joyful, and life is a treat.