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The Law Of Resonance

Inner Contact

It’s been said that the Law of Attraction does not
Imply that the universe will bring you what you
Focus on. What’s been said is that what you attract
Is who you are. This notion turns out to be fact.
All the meditation and focus wheels you do
Help you to manifest so you do them a lot.

Who your are, then, must be accurately defined
In terms of what you want. Be absolutely clear
About it. Don’t let anything get in the way
Of your centering process. It’s easy to stay
In alignment when to your intent you adhere.
Keep thoughts of negativity out of your mind.

It’s not about your dominant thought. It’s about
Your dominant identity. Be more aware
Of who you are. Become the thing that you desire.
Only your state of resonance does it require
And it can become something you’re willing to share
With the world. You’ll want to give it a huge shout out.

Keep on visualizing. The universe gives
You who you are. Don’t try to bend reality.
Just keep focusing on it until you become
One with it. You get a lot of leverage from
Your determination to live life happily.
You want to live the way that your higher self lives.