Tag Archive | moral clarity

The Whole Health Plan

Political Care

We need to enter the twenty first century
When it comes to our health care. We treat the disease
And its symptoms instead of getting to the cause
Of the illness. The system is riddled with flaws.
We’ve a sickness care system designed to appease
The big companies. It’s not the way it should be.

The Whole Health Plan you may hear about in a while
From a woman who’s running for president now.
It’s to do with more resources that are given
To prevention. Our health care ought to be driven
By the goal of wellbeing. The question is how
To get sick Americans to change their lifestyle.

It’s about increasing the opportunities
For good health. We must look at the carcinogens
In our food and contaminants in our water.
Protections that had passed have been put to slaughter.
This all looks very ominous seen through the lens
Of righteous observation. It puts none at ease.

Why McDonald’s can’t make the same French fry in France
That it does in America is because they,
Among many other countries, do not allow
Certain toxins in their food. The time is right now
To bring back regulation. We can in this way
Change much for the better our health care circumstance.

We must recognize that the corruption of our
Values has made us sicker. To incentivize
The health system may be the only solution.
Who would not at all be for the distribution
Of wellbeing? It comes as a pleasant surprise
To see leadership with the will to empower.