Tag Archive | exponentially

You Don’t Really Need A Job

Happy Teamwork

Do you like working for your money? If you do
Then you’re fortunate. Do you like money flowing
Into your life? Do you need to justify it
Coming to you? Can you find extreme benefit
In just thinking about it? You’re inner knowing
Tells you of all the wellbeing coming to you.

Is your justifying your way of allowing?
Can you feel that with this there’s enough room to play?
Your goal is to allow more and justify less.
Your attracting of wealth is a feeling process.
You could shift your perspective and get into a
Frame of mind that’s more abundantly endowing.

There are those who work really hard at what they do
But they don’t have much money and then there are those
Who don’t work much at all yet they have the money.
Don’t try to figure out how on earth this could be.
Those who have it clearly don’t have thoughts that oppose
What they want. Is this clarity helpful to you?

Do you think that it’s wrong for someone to have a
Lot of money? Do you believe that it’s finite?
Or do you believe that it’s always increasing
And that you can get some of it by releasing
Your resistance? Do you now know what’s wrong from right?
Let this interrogation do all that it may.