Tag Archive | opposing

May Your Dreams Find You Easily

Pink Journey

You’re the creator of your own reality
Therefore you’re an attractor. Whatever occurs
In your life is because of the way that you feel
In each moment. You want your dreams to become real.
Contemplate only on the things your heart prefers.
You know how to tune yourself vibrationally.

Are you getting what you want? If you answer ‘no’
Or ‘sometimes’ then what you are experiencing
Is a pattern – a history of doubt and lack.
Difficult it becomes to get on the right track.
The way you think about your life means everything.
Feeling your best you know is the right way to go.

Doing things out of habit and unconsciously,
You may get yourself focused on unwanted things.
Getting with your friends and talking about the news
And of other upsetting things means that you choose
The illusion of impending doom. Nothing brings
You right out of alignment than this way to be.

Make the things that you want able to find you more
Easily. Carve out more deliberate pathways.
What influence are you under? It is your own
Inner guidance unto which everything is known
About what makes your heart sing. May all of your days
Satisfy you with all of the things you adore.

It’s Not The Other Person

Mutual Accusation

We are all co-creators with Source Energy
And among one another. It feels easier
To create something that doesn’t have anything
To do with another person. Understanding
That you have control over all that will occur
In your life, you’re prepared to live life happily.

You decide to become a vibrational match
Then that experience or object comes to you.
That feels cleaner and easier because you feel
Not another opposing you. The most ideal
Situation is when you create something new
When alone while with all distractions you detach.

There’s never another person opposing you.
It’s always a piece of you that isn’t aligned
With your true self. You can’t assign attributes to
Other people then use them to block your own view
Of the path least resistant and true peace of mind.
Everything happens in response to what you do.

You have much control over what you reflect back
From a circumstance. It’s up to you to decide
To stay focused on what you want. Don’t give away
Your power to an argument. It’s best to stay
Clear of it absolutely. You can’t be denied
What you want when you keep your vibration on track.

Give It No Thought And It Will Come

Making Sense of the Obvious

It can be a head scratcher. This life of contrast
Is a bear to be dealt with continually.
But as necessity comes before invention,
One must go through the process of comprehension
Of life’s black and white nature before there can be
Natural transformation into the fantast.

Contrast is meant to cause us to want for better,
And as soon as the wanting is felt in the soul,
It is felt by the universe and becomes real.
Even though you can’t see it right now, you can feel
Every bit of the goodness. That must be the goal –
Not the how, who, or what. Don’t be a go getter.

It is hard to accept a thing’s reality
If it is a vibration that you cannot touch.
But you must do exactly this in order to
Set yourself up to get the thing that is due you.
You can learn not to beat yourself up so damned much
Over things not controllable. Just let them be.

You could say you want something. Then think not of it.
It would still come to manifest into being.
Only one thing keeps you from achieving your goals.
Your opposing thoughts will shoot you dreams full of holes.
You must evolve the feeling before the seeing
Becomes real in your life. To yourself do commit.