Tag Archive | big picture

The Perfection Of Who You Are

Happy Heart

Learn to accept The Perfection Of Who You Are.
Your society tells you that you’re imperfect.
Don’t believe it! Believe what your spirit tells you.
That you have to redeem yourself just isn’t true.
For your own spiritual health you must reject
Any notion that from perfection you are far.

Embrace the contrast that produces expansion.
Love yourself the way your inner being loves you.
Look at the bigger picture and find resonance
With who you truly are. Give your spirit the chance
To uplift you in everything you choose to do.
Learn to feel love and compassion for everyone.

When you stand in your place of understanding how
The cooperative components coalesce
Around you that’s when you know that you have control
Of your manifestations as you become whole
With their coming to being. You find happiness
When the wellbeing present you learn to allow.

Accept that the process is one of perfection.
Do your best to make dominant the larger part
Of yourself who knows everything you need to know.
Release enough resistance that off you will go
With your life of which you’ve made into a fine art.
Be aware of your spiritual connection.

Remember Why You Started

Incremental Growth

At the intersection of what is and what can
Be, our stories are written. It’s where decisions
Are made and where lives are ultimately defined.
What is possible is constantly on the mind
Of the person whose most extravagant visions
Are their driving force. There is a definite plan.

There may be growth in comfort. There’s little upside
Or downside. It’s just simply the easier way,
But it may yield regret because one cannot know
What one could have achieved had they chose to follow
Their true spirit. It’s too much of a price to pay
For some of us. Within delusion we may hide.

 There may be comfort in growth. The difficulty
Causes one to get stronger with eyes fixated
On the goal. One becomes well accustomed to pain
And transforms it. No effort is ever in vain,
And there’s tremendous pride in what’s been created.
The dream chaser can deal with the uncertainty.

Can you see the big picture when the sky appears
To be falling down around you? When you’re in pain,
It becomes very easy to forget why you
Started out. Don’t give up on what you’re here to do.
If you really want to, it’s not hard to maintain
Your alignment in all negative atmospheres.

Anarchy In Future Society?

Humanity's Worst Fate

The way things are is not worth our talking about
Because what is is past tense. The future is where
We look to for expansion for better or worse.
We experience discord because we’re diverse.
Governmental solutions are handled with care
That some people are satisfied beyond all doubt.

What may come to evolve in not too many years
Is a system of living where autonomy
Is respected completely. The need for police
And for governing bodies in essence will cease.
People won’t pay taxes, and everything is free.
We’ll have finally banished our resident fears.

This seems rather fantastic and hard to believe
But it’s not optimism. It’s simple logic.
Anarchy one might think would result in this way
Of no system of governance. Social decay
Would descend upon it like a nasty old trick.
Anyone who considers this is quite naïve.

Each of us is a puzzle piece shaped perfectly
We fit into the right spot automatically.
When each true shape is tended to all will fit well
And the whole picture will look as clear as a bell.
There is so much potential in living hate free.
How much longer will it take for all eyes to see?