Tag Archive | tarmac

Money Story

Open Money Book

Other people have stories of wealth and success.
Why can’t I? If there’s so much of it to be had
Then there should be enough that I can claim my share.
It’s not helpful to think that the money’s not there
For my taking. My spirit shall be my comrade
As I deal with a life that’s an absolute mess.

“Tell a better feeling story,” is what I hear
From my spirit. Its voice is as clear as a bell.
But if I change my story can I change my life
From one characterized by extreme mental strife
Self-inflicted to one where I’m doing quite well?
I must overcome my most irrational fear.

What I have lined up for me is well on its way.
It’s a foregone conclusion. I just need to speak
In the present tense because it’s already done.
I feel worthiness, trust, and appreciation.
Only thoughts that feel good are the ones that I seek.
In a high state of consciousness I want to stay.

Something that causes my expectation to shift
Is belief in my worthiness. I’m more aware
Of the value in little things and the big things
Are easy to accomplish. My happiness brings
Good things to me and there’s lots of goodness to share.
Happiness, it turns out, is a wonderful gift.