Tag Archive | psyche

It May Stretch Your Skull

Mind Bending Transformation

There may come a point where your will is exhausted.
Too much information about anything brings
With it massive confusion. The energy drain
On the psyche may lead to becoming insane.
It’s as if this whole universe made up of things
Is a rat’s nest imagined by the hateful dead.

Have you tried everything to make something work out
But it won’t? Do you want to achieve perfection
At your art? Of itself something has to happen.
Inspiration or grace it’s called. It occurs when
Your ego is focused in the right direction.
Otherwise you continue to wallow in doubt.

Integration means that the two aspects of you –
The conscious and unconscious – the ego and the
Power the natural organism commands
Become one in intent. Consciousness then expands.
Clarity of your purpose can come instantly
As you do the things that you are guided to do.

How to let it all happen as you let the sun
Give off heat is the issue. There always will be
Contradiction between you and you, but the way
To better understanding the forces at play
Is to let go of negative thought completely.
To some problems there may not be a solution.

What Did You Forget?

Trust Your Memory

You can bug people beautifully by asking,
“What Did You Forget?” They may suspect that they must
Remember something important. They may not be
Receptive to considering it carefully.
To a new way of thinking one could well adjust.
Be a part of a wholesome reawakening.

What’s the most obvious thing one must remember
In each waking moment? What’s the most forgotten
Truth that causes confusion within the psyche?
Who on earth can answer these questions correctly?
There is no disadvantage in knowing not when
Someone will leave in your soul a glowing ember.

Someone says that he’s Tim Jones, another, Joe Blow.
These are lies that are fed to us when we are young.
Remember back before you were programmed to be
A person and a product of society.
Now into a world of illusion you are flung.
Be more receptive to what you already know.

Simply the fabric and structure of existence
Itself you are. There is a big conspiracy
To ignore who you really are deep down inside.
The false ego must be constantly gratified
By the faulty structures that allow it to be.
We become exhausted living under pretense.

What Did I Forget?

The Essentials of Mental Functioning

By nature not forgetful, as one would prefer,
A clear minded existence – one rich and fulfilled
Is the daily experience. So on this day
I remember the thinking that gets in the way
Of my best understanding. Alive and self-willed,
I’ve control over everything that must occur.

I was told who I am and was given a name
To be used as a handle. I am a game piece
On the boardwalk of being, but is this all true?
I identify not with the essence I knew
As an infant arriving, but now I release
All the past acts committed that have caused me shame.

Letting go of the old thoughts makes room for the new.
Selves maintain the conspiracy that they create.
Self-imposed purgatory, psychotic and vile,
I can get rid of also. My spirit, meanwhile,
Never loses its memory yet still feels great.
There is limited time to do what I must do.

…And that is to remember what self has forgot.
Way deep down inside I’m the fabric and structure
Of existence itself. We are all undefined,
But the name that we give ourselves is humankind.
What indeed but self-knowledge can make life more pure?
All I need is the truth in whatever is sought.

It May Stretch Your Skull

A Profound Mental Challenge

Problems should have solutions and questions; answers.
In a world most ideal that would be much the case.
But this world is imperfect. Among all its flaws
Is the notion that everything is run by laws.
Yet answers and solutions often come by grace.
As they manifest they become mood enhancers.

You’ve tried everything you know to get something done
But it just will not happen. You’re at a brick wall.
There’s a point where your will becomes too exhausted.
The confounding issue is too much for your head.
You may cry passionately, “To hell with it all.”
That’s the point where some enlightenment has begun.

There are two aspects of self. One is the ego
And its conscious and subtle unconscious power
The other is the natural organism
Of the psyche. In this world we need both of them.
When they’re well integrated the self will flower.
Giving up may be needed in order to grow.

It comes by inspiration, grace, or charity.
Integration of psyche and ego gives one
A colossal advantage in getting through life
Rather than balancing on the edge of a knife.
You can be the master of how your life is run
And it may stretch your skull just a little To Be.

Before Sleeping

Bedtime Routine

I can incubate good or bad things while I sleep.
Getting up on the wrong side of bed results from
Waking up to the harshness of an alarm clock
After dreams of unpleasantness cut short by shock
Back into hard reality. Nasty moods come
From nocturnal nurturance of crap that I keep.

Sleeping not well not only does harm to the mind.
Over time it can also affect the body.
So, it is most important that I be aware
Of some things I can do so that I best prepare
For a night of excitement and true fantasy.
To wake up feeling joyful I am so inclined.

Men perform the three ‘s’ functions when they arise.
Likewise, before it’s bedtime, a wholesome routine
Must include my not eating three hours… perhaps four…
So the digestive system can aptly restore
Itself to proper balance. It keeps the pipes clean.
To demand that they work night shift ain’t too damned wise!

Since I am mostly water, at night I should drink
Just enough that the body can do what it needs…
And a long lukewarm shower relieves certain stress
As it flushes the crud and the day’s toxic mess.
Neither mind nor the body, my true self succeeds
By observing wellbeing evolve in the pink.