Tag Archive | helping

Time To Act

The Meek

The ‘acceptable burn’ – a firefighting concept –
Means that after a certain point if the fire’s not
Getting any worse it’s best to just let it burn.
Once destruction has happened the only concern
Is for safety and cleanup. There’s not a blind spot
In our rendering service. At that we’re adept.

Too many ‘acceptable burns’ happening at
The same time and far too close to one another
Causes a huge conflagration and changes the
Calculus from this point forward. What we now see
On the planet – our grossly mistreated mother –
Are the signs that we have some issues to combat.

To find that place within ourselves where we can see
All that’s happening and still find some peace of mind
Is to mitigate boredom and complacency
Yet we must take a look at our humanity.
Only then will a better solution we find.
This isn’t something that we don’t know already.

This is about owning what we know and doing
Something about what we know. Now it’s Time To Act.
The political establishment that made it
So bad can’t be expected to fix it. Unfit
Are they to make a more favorable impact.
We know that positive change is worth pursuing.

A Message Just For You

Your Personal Calling

We who watch you as you live have this much to say.
You must soothe your resistance to find true relief
From your troubles and sorrows, and when you do so
Then your point of attraction is likely to grow
Ever stronger. Your times of discord will be brief.
We take notice of how you live throughout your day.

We see when you have shifted and take full delight
Because we see your future begin to take place
In the eternal now that you sometimes can’t see,
And we celebrate greatly what has come to be.
There is so much potential in the human race.
We would love you to focus on what has gone right.

You cannot get it wrong because It’s never done.
All eternity you have for reaching your peace.
All your power is now. What takes place around you
You attract by attention. The thing you can do
Is to concentrate only on things that increase
Your magnetic awareness and wellness begun.

You create your tomorrows by how you feel now.
Tomorrow never comes. When it does, it’s today.
Feeling bad only makes tomorrow even worse.
There’s no need to delve into that which is perverse.
Practice feeling good now so that you don’t fall prey
To your negative thinking. Rejoice and allow.