Tag Archive | resonated

Start Allowing

In The Black

Everyone is a manifester. There are those
Who work hard to make things happen. They’re determined,
Strong, decided, and focused. In crisis they shine
They can turn a catastrophe into a fine
Situation. Rarely are they ever chagrined
By adversity. They conquer what they oppose.

You can feel the seemingly subtle important
Difference between making things happen and just
Aligning with the version of what you really
Want to happen. You can focus positively
On the issue. From there it’s a matter of trust.
Don’t believe anyone who tells you that you can’t.

People do well in crisis because the crisis
Makes them focus and focus is a dynamic
And formidable force. The distinction between
Focusing from alignment where success is seen
And focusing from aggravation is a trick
Of perception. Which way leads to freedom and bliss?

Is there an easier way to go about it?
Is there a more consistent, inspired, and aligned
Way to do it? Just let your stream take you to where
You really want to go. All that you want is there.
Start Allowing and leave all the hard work behind.
From your attention to yourself you benefit.