Tag Archive | preparing

Don’t Look Back

The Look Ahead

Your greatest work comes from your blending with the whole
Of who you are. It’s constantly forward looking.
You’re a teacher. The burgeoning message within
Needs an outlet. Let clarification begin
To free you. You will benefit from unhooking
From the past and the darkness it’s placed on your soul.

Don’t Look Back at the heartache, guilt, desperation,
And unworthiness. It won’t do you any good
To stay focused there. Put your attention instead
On what’s coming. Recover by looking ahead
To the possible future. It’s well understood
That you’re responsible for your own creation.

All day every day, you want to find resonance
With the vibrational version of who you are.
Satisfaction comes from having an intention
Come to life, and it’s not beyond comprehension
That by your own creating you’ve made it thus far.
You can transform any negative circumstance.

You want to be so tuned that you’re ready to hear
The message, even if it goes contrary to
What you thought you wanted to hear. Be receptive
To the guidance within you. Be willing to live
Free of past interference. Prepare for a new
Way of seeing. The future is your new frontier.