Tag Archive | moment

Control Every Manifestation

The Ease of Creation

Take command of the weather as no one has done.
Atmospheric conditions and all that takes place
In your world of reality you do control.
You have just what it takes to achieve any goal,
And you know that you’re worthy of God’s loving grace.
You have healthy relationships with everyone.

That dream job you’ve been wanting or that fancy car
Or the ultimate lover you know you create.
These are manifestations. Indeed this is true,
But how you’re feeling in this moment is one too.
How you feel in the wanting of what you await
Is the time for discovery of who you are.

Looking long term way into the distant future
You have not enough power or the clarity
To provide enough answers to all you may ask.
You don’t need to know too much. Your primary task
Is to tune your vibration so that you will be
In receptive mode – always serene and secure.

Be present in this moment. Be fully aware
Of the manifestation that’s happening now.
It is the most significant one that occurs.
And the truest you that this world greatly prefers
Is alive and available. So do allow
The magnificent present to honor your care.

Day Of Judgement?

Deepest Self-Assessment

If someone is deplorable does he or she
Get the same love from God that anyone else would?
To the mind locked in dogma it shouldn’t be asked
For the fear that this same hateful God will then cast
One’s dark soul into Hades. It’s well understood
That we worship a God who’s as strange as can be.

There’s judgement and there’s justice. They are not the same,
And neither will suffice for the settling scores
And providing the closure that so many crave.
Acts of God are not like the ways humans behave.
What happens here on earth not a good God ignores.
Like a house pet, we want to give our God a name.

Whenever I’m feeling negative emotion
It means I have a point of view that doesn’t match
What the God within me thinks about the same thing.
Is the notion of my judgement supposed to bring
On an act of submission? No wrath I’ll attach
To a God whose love is as wide as the ocean.

People get what they ask for. Things do balance out
As the God who created all sees all take place.
Never ending, unfolding perfection is God.
That I am that way also cannot be so odd
That I don’t have full access to God’s loving grace.
No longer am I troubled by lingering doubt.

Ask Differently

From The Best Vantage Point

If you do feel like asking, it’s all well and good
That you do from a vantage point of strong belief
That your asking is answered. You have to resist
The temptation to doubt it. Excuses exist
That you need not hold onto. They act as a thief
In the darkness it brings you in your humanhood.

Do not ask from a feeling of desperation.
That indeed has to pass before work can be done
On securing a neutral enough vibration
So that there’s less resistance. Then work has begun
You must always remember that you are the one
Who gets to decide how your own program will run.

Whenever you ask, the universe does expand.
Whether or not you follow is all up to you.
Tugs of war take place when you ask and you don’t go
Which causes disappointment. You cut off the flow
Of the grace that is due you. So do follow through
With what’s already answered by forces most grand.

When you ask from a space where you don’t feel uptight
Then there is no resistance to get in the way.
Feeling exhilaration and passion for that
Which is your heart’s desire, you will rarely be flat
In your asking vibration. This is how folks pray.
You’ve the power to conjure things in sheer delight.

The Most Difficult Thing To Explain


Who was I in my past life? Who am I right now?
How long will it take to attain liberation?
These questions all have answers, but who wants to know
Is the one most important if I want to grow.
It all comes back to myself because I’m the one
Who provides the right answer without knowing how.

Yoga teaches that breathing is how I find out
Who I am at my core. Simply I’ll meditate
On the question intently until there’s a clue,
But indeed the most difficult thing I could do
Is explain me to anyone else or placate
Others with my performance while fettered in doubt.

Is the root of the matter to get something done?
Doing things cause problems more often than not.
It’s amazingly simple to just be at ease
With this moment eternal. There’s no one to please
But the self who deserves it much more than a lot.
There’s no doubt in my mind that this life can be fun.

Death and suffering cannot be problems I face.
They’re merely consequences that living creates.
Yet the worst kind of suffering is when I think
That there is a way out, but I’m just not in sync.
That I Am in this moment further demonstrates
My existence is solid and worthy of grace.

Heaven Is Right Here

Behold The Perfection Apparent

This earth can’t be like heaven. So much has gone wrong.
The human infestation is reaching its peak
As they make the globe warmer before they die out
Due to incompetence and spiritual drought.
This perversion of heaven is wildly oblique.
Heaven should be a place where all do get along.

What if it were true that this is the leading edge
Of all consciousness – where spirit meets physical.
Culminating and manifesting through us all
Is the source of all being. That we should stand tall
Is the message they offer to the rational
And to those who are not. Be it their solemn pledge.

This would be quite the bummer for those who are not
Good at sifting and sorting selectively so
So the negative patterns practiced over years
Are the fuel that will feed their most challenging fears.
But for all others, this is a fine place to grow.
That’s why spirits like to incarnate here a lot.

Reaching for the hereafter while we are still here
Is not why we have come here. We came to engage
With this wave of creation with source energy
Ever conscious and present with us totally.
We’re right now on this time space reality stage
And it helps quite a bit to avoid the austere.

Allow The Nonphysical

Let Spirit Assist

Not alone are you in this and never have been.
There are those who, in spirit, are working with you.
Grandparents and their parents, teachers, and healers,
And all whom we call God among many masters
Are conscious and supportive of all that you do.
Their guidance is beneficial time and again.

You are not being tested here but supported
And you’re not being challenged but inspired to
Be the fullness of who you are which includes those
Who you love and who love you. Let spirit expose
Secrets to your fulfillment in all that you do.
Take delight in your knowing, then forging ahead.

Reveling in your moment are all who you know
And the infinite unknown whom you’ll never meet.
In this moment are you letting clarity come?
Or are you sabotaging it because of some
Little thing that upset you? It’s best that you treat
Yourself as loved and cherished. Let good tidings flow.

Listen to what is offered from beings who were
Where you are now in this time space reality.
Beloved, worthy, and blessed we are to them all.
Interest they have in what you do large or small.
Eagerness, grace, and power come ultimately.
Isn’t this the kind of life that you would prefer?

The Art Of Allowing

...Versus the Science of Hoping

Simple signals made complex among consciousness
Introduce much resistance in what is perceived.
If I’m more aware of everything that I see
And less concerned about what others think of me
I will stay in allowing mode and be less peeved.
Other people’s perceptions are the cause of stress.

I have source flowing to me and through me always.
Everyone who has ever lived sees through my eyes
When I’m in full alignment with all who I am.
I can follow a self-designed worthy program
From the infinite consciousness of those made wise
By their now point of vantage. I offer much praise.

What I’m reaching for is that outside part of me.
There’s a whole lot of consciousness at my avail.
But if I’m tuning myself to their frequency
I become them in essence momentarily.
The convergence of clarity on a large scale
Is a thing worth my knowing if I am To Be.

I’ll allow myself to feel the fullness of who
I am truly. Conditions are best to discard.
They disrupt the vibration that I would achieve.
There’s no value in guessing what others believe.
When my vision gets cloudy, then life can get hard.
I’ve enough to feel worthy without much to do.