Tag Archive | knowing

The Game Of Satisfaction

The Game Of Happy Living

As I’m having a good time and things go my way,
I delight in the process and manifest more
In the way of fulfillment. I may go along
Until some ‘what if’ happens and something goes wrong
When I’m faced with an issue that I can’t ignore
Then I must find the best way to feel more ok.

History and old habits have nothing to do
With the new ever presence that this moment holds.
My thoughts are where I left them last, and there they stay
And become a trip hazard some God awful day.
Do I have any say in how my life unfolds?
Getting rid of the old stuff makes room for what’s new.

I can stop the self-sabotage. I’ll think about
The issue in a way that feels better by far
Than the dwelling upon it. ‘What if’s’ can be good.
A game can be made of life that is understood
To leave me in contentment. The way that things are
Shall evolve as they should. I have nary a doubt.

So, I do keep a journal; this one and one more
With a line down the center and separate sides.
On the satisfied half go all happy events.
On the other, the troubled heart and its contents.
Putting them in a new place, I’m making great strides
In my human development – none like before.

These Exact Words

Words Of Enlightenment

There’s a message from heaven inscribed on a scroll
In the soul of each person. It needs to be read
Silently and in private. It must be well known.
There are no excuses for why I haven’t grown
To my fullest potential and why I am led
Down the path of confusion? My Life Can Be Whole.

If it came as a person, this message from high,
He or she would be telling me that I am great
And that I am accomplished more so than I know.
It may seem at the moment there’s nothing to show
For the good that I’ve gathered. I’m here to create
A most blessed experience before I die.

Our vibrational credentials are powerful.
With them, we can do magic, and it’s expected
That we practice ‘til perfect the feeling of bliss.
We belong nowhere near an imagined abyss.
All in heaven insist that this message be spread
As a gentle reminder to cut through the bull.

“If it is so bad, then make it better somehow.”
This reply back to heaven is not quite the one
That will garner attention. “If I am so good,
Then bring wonderful things.”
This is well understood

By the provident forces who do get things done.
Knowing this, the allowing is up to me now.

It Is All Happening Now

Eternal Beingness

Something feels great big gobs of relief in knowing
That the only occurrence is spontaneous.
Things just happen as they should or shouldn’t without
Consciousness being present. And yet there’s no doubt
Things continue to function as many discuss
Ways that they can control them because that’s their thing.

Some things get in the way of my thinking clearly.
Knowing full well that that is an oxymoron,
Still I try to break through the illusion of me.
Thoughts and feelings are much of what I seem to be.
Cloudiness leads to conclusions falsely foregone.
Reset I must my consciousness to better see.

Everything is a “happening.” This is groovy!
Time warps are but ideas, but breathing is real
Just as retinal rods and cones processing light.
Fortunately no one trusts me to get that right.
In respectful observance I touch the ideal.
Knowing there’s no observer I’m there completely.

So, there’s no self to speak of. It’s all happening.
All of now is eternal and is everywhere.
Breathing in and out happens as wind moves the clouds
Whether fate shows its favor to protesting crowds.
Nothing is more important than being aware
That distinction exists not. I am everything.

Not All That Obvious

Calm Beyond The Storm

Restlessness and impatience is damp in the air.
Condensation transparent on one side is seen.
Yet the temperatures, far enough in degree,
Are the reason that people are able to see
And to mark with a message. The surface between
Atmospheres opposite and abreast is our prayer.

I’m fed up with authority. I’ve seen enough.
Its deceit and corruption decay from within
While without proper sense of the people it serves.
Justice now has no meaning. Its structure deserves
Absolute demolition. Perhaps we’ll begin
A new era with folks who are more up to snuff.

 But that’s only my message. I know there are those
Who believe these are good times… or end times. To them
I would offer concurrence. Mankind is insane.
If I posed opposition not much would I gain.
I’ll propel how I feel in the form of my phlegm
Down the drain with ammonia. I long for repose.

What is felt is a nightmare. Not able to see
Through the darkness, I can but to know there is light.
Once I saw it and knew that it wasn’t a dream
Nor a government robbed by an evil regime.
It is Not All That Obvious what’s wrong from right.
All I want is a safe place where I can be me.